REA says wont put in offers on REO

REA says wont put in offers on REO

I went and looked at several REO and thought that I would put in offers of 50% less then what the bank was asking. I wrote up my offers, asking the bank for 100% financing with some extra money for repairs(one doen't even have a kitchen plumbed in and has mold growing in it- the other is a total gut but the property with it is worth it) I also aksed that my first payment be payable in 60 days this will allow for time for fix up and will give me enough time to sink renters into the place I got this idea from Indiana Joe- Thanks by the way and this is what my real estate agent emails me back stating:

"I'm sorry, I understood that you had private financing for your investments. To the best of my knowledge, banks are not willing to provide financing to investors unless there is 20% down, and they do not provide money back for repairs. I would love to be able to help you, but I cannot write these offers as is.


XXXXXXX, Realtor
Licensed in MN and WI"

So now my offers are not being submitted and I am not sure if I should try to fax them directly to Deutche National Bank or the listing agent or what? Please help with any advice.

hillvalley ;0)


Go to the bank

Go straight to the bank and try and contact them yourself, or try and find another realtor that will help you more. You never know what the bank will accept, don't let one realtor shatter your dreams. You can find a way around this.



This train, Dreams will not be thwarted
This train, Faith will be rewarded
Big wheel roll through fields where sunlight streams
Meet me in the Land Of Hope And Dreams

Bruce Springsteen


Sounds like you dont have the right realtor in your team so it's time to look for another one that understands the business that you are trying to do. Some of us have to interview at least 10 before they find the right one. Good luck !

Warm regards,

Paul T. La Moy


You've already been given wonderful; drop that zero & go find yourself a Star agent whose going to do as you say & be agressive! Continue blessings in your REI endeavors.


In the name of Allah, the Beneficent,
the Merciful.
22.He is Allah besides Whom there is no God: The Knower of the unseen and the seen; He is the Beneficent, the Merciful.
23. He is Allah besides Whom there is no God: the King, the Holy, the Author of Peace,the Granter of Security, Guardian over all, the Mighty, the Supreme, the Possessor of greatness. Glory be to Allah from that which they set up (with Him)!
24. He is Allah: the Creator, the Maker, the Fashioner: His are the most beautiful names. Whatever is in the heavens and the earth declares His glory: and He is the Mighty, the Wise.


Congratulations on taking action and being creative with your offer. As others had mentioned try to contact the bank directly and see what they can do for you. The smaller local banks may be a little easier to work with compared to a larger bank. However, try to find out the Asset Manager that might be in charge of the REOs.

Most local small banks want these (Liability) REOs of their books. You can also find another real estate agent and try to find an agent that is knowledgable, eager and works with investors. The more information you gather on banks and agents, the better options you may have as you try to close some deals.

Keep the faith and I give you an A+ for effort. Keep up the good work. The deals are there, just keep on trying because when one gets closed it will make this all worth it. Believe and Achieve! Smiling - Joe


YOU TUBE CHANNEL - Follow me on my You Tube Channel at Joe Jurek Real Estate Investing Adventures

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Joe Jurek CPA

Don't let this one REA get

Don't let this one REA get you down! Keep up the positive and find a new one or contact them directly. Good luck to you!


Success and Nothing Less!


Did I hear the words NEXT! Some will some won't! Your looking for the some wills. Try looking for agents online or in the free homes books availible everwhere you could think of. Look for those that advertise selling foreclosures. They are going to be the ones most familiar with the process. Keep the faith! Continued success........Lubertha



Sounds Like We All Agree

We all seem to have the same thought of your Realtor. I would suggest contacting more Realtors. When questioning the Realtor to find out if they are good enough for you just add the question: "Are willing to try something with me? Are you ok making offers at 50% of asking price while asking the bank to finance real estate?" If they say no that Realtor is probably not for you.

There are people asking for the bank to finance their own REO's and getting it. You never know unless you try.


If you would like the chance to work with me or one of my fellow real estate investor coaches and our advanced training programs, give us a call anytime to see if Dean's Real Estate Success Academy and our customized curriculum is a fit for you. Call us at 1-877-219-1474 ext. 125


Thanks to all those with words of encouragement. I am on my pursuit to find a new realtor. I wrote up an offer and faxed to the bank directly. I know one of the houses has a offer pending inspection. I already looked at the house and I did mention that in the letter to the bank. We will see what happens. I have been hitting a few road blocks but learning a ton. My first deal is well worth as Indiana Joe says above.

Thanks again

Hud homes

My Realator is telling me that HUD owned homes are "very strict" and won't accept offer "and/or assigns" anyone else haveing trouble making offers on HUD homes with this stipulation?

Hud Homes

cubsfanman wrote:
My Realator is telling me that HUD owned homes are "very strict" and won't accept offer "and/or assigns" anyone else haveing trouble making offers on HUD homes with this stipulation?

This is a great question for another thread. That being said just about every bank is having trouble with "and or assigns". There are a few creative ways to work with this but in general banks and the government do not like "and or assigns". To make up for this the most common closing is the double closing. This can be just as if not more effective in closing the transaction and making money. Consider this as an option when working with bank or government properties. This would mean that you would not put the "and or assigns" on the contract. Instead you would just use your own name or the name of your business.


If you would like the chance to work with me or one of my fellow real estate investor coaches and our advanced training programs, give us a call anytime to see if Dean's Real Estate Success Academy and our customized curriculum is a fit for you. Call us at 1-877-219-1474 ext. 125

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