Most of the people on the Cashflow Club of Facebook already know this by now, but I wanted to share this, to give others hope that it can be done! This experience wasn't easy & we only made $500 in profit, but we got a $3,000 education for free & are looking to do the next deal.
Some of you will think, "only $500... why?". My rei partner & I didn't run the numbers good enough the 1st time & by the time our offer on this hud deal was accepted, it was too late to change it. Hud will not bend any rules, nor negotiate. You only get one first & final shot at an offer, unless something drastically happens to the home while it's under contract.
We had a couple lookie-loos of the buyers list, but only one wanted it. It was a 2Bdr., 2Ba. 1,280 sqft. nightmare in Lexington, KY., but it finally closed on Monday this week. We had it under contract for $72,879, not including $1,000 em, worth $125k. So, technically around $71,879 to bring to closing. The buyer only wanted to pay $73k and would return the em. By the time we had to extend the contract a minimum of 15 days to close because of Hud ($375 expense), closing fees, taxes, etc., we shared 1/2 the em that came back as profit. Had we used a title company, it would been less profit. For this deal, we had to use a simultaneous closing. Hud doesn't allow wholesale transactions (and/or assigns).
One thing for sure is at least we know one of the
buyers there will perform. What are we focusing on now? FSBO leads, because they seem easier to control & don't require a ton of em.
What can I share with you from this experience? RUN your numbers & Double-Check everything. Don't let this scare you from doing hud properties. Realize everyone will be watching these properties & know there is fierce competition out there. But, also know that you CAN do a deal, if you want to change your life bad enough.
Congrats to you and Chase!
The first deal is always the hardest! That's what everyone always says and I believe that it is true. It is the first of many to come because you guys have shown that you are here for the long haul!
You guys are awesome!
"You're never too old to be what you were meant to be!"
"Shining Like a Star & Dancing on Sunshine"
"Shoot for the moon! Even if you fall short, you'll still land among the stars!"
A couple years ago, until now, I always talked about doing this or that or dreamed real estate. Now that it happened, I can back it up. It wasn't until the last few months or more I got in gear & wanted to make the score board. I don't remember how any of you encouraged me, gave advice, answered questions I had, or been through my journey along the way. Through it all, I appreciate everything, and the friendships I gained, esp. partnering with Chase in his area. Thanks, Karen!
Can I add, we ordered bandit signs but never used 'em in this 1st deal in his area. After this deal, I ordered some for my area in Arizona. I don't think I've ever used bandit signs. I put up a couple cheap cardboard signs here in the past, but they didn't last because of the weather & the fact someone tore 'em down. Lol... But, let's hope they bring in good leads this time around.
The first deal is always the hardest! That's what everyone always says and I believe that it is true. It is the first of many to come because you guys have shown that you are here for the long haul!
You guys are awesome!
Thanks for sharing and your right about the experience and now you've got the first one behind you! Congrats! website FREE SOFTWARE FOR WHOLESALERS, REHABBERS AND AGENTS! Present professional looking deals to buyers and lenders as well as run your numbers and get the ROI.
What can I say? It was a group effort.
Congrats to you and Chase! so happy for you getting your first wholesale deal... what a feeling, huh?! This feeling will get you motivated to keep moving forward, faster, better!!!
Enjoy the moment!! ok, now go find the next one!
“And will you succeed? Yes indeed, yes indeed! Ninety-eight and three-quarters percent guaranteed!” ― Dr. Seuss
"I believe in angels, the kind that heaven sends; I am surrounded by angels, but I call them friends" - Unknown
My journal:
1st one is the hardest....NEXT
Mike Free tools
Hello. My name is Adam. I am so excited to hear you accomplished your first wholesale deal. Your deal gives me so much confidence to move forward and not give up. I have attended Dean's 3-Day Workshop and now wondering how to get the funding from Dean. I am very new to all this, but extremely excited to make my first deal. A little help please.
Adam Segura
I'm not too familiar with all the workshop classes Dean has out there, as I read the books Dean has & applied what he taught us to do. I've never signed up for the academy, or the the Elite member club or any other club of Deans. This was all part Cold Turkey, no $ to join clubs & a desire to change my life.
YOU can do this!
I like many of you have been hanging around this Dean Graziosi website, dreaming , about Real Estate, and spending alot of time over analyzing properties I have never made any offers on. Now I have a few properties I would like to pick up as buy and holds. What I think would make great rental properties.
I don't have any cash buyers,as of yet, nor do I have any operating capitol to get started with. But am feeling very very confident about making it happen. I don't know yet, I just know I'm ready.
I am still stumbling on that first deal that has yet to come but am feeling more more and more confident about somehow making these deals work. Any pointers from anybody out there would be greatly appreciated on how to get started.
Zillow has changed their site around, and I am not able to look up the property I-D number. Now where do I go to get that information ? Any ideas ?
Do you mean you're trying to find the parcel number for the property? If you punch in the address in the local county tax assessor or township pva or where you can find info about the tax records for the property, you can find whatever info you need.
It's easy to over-analyze, but whatever help you need or whatever is stumping you, we can help you out.
I don't have any cash buyers,as of yet, nor do I have any operating capitol to get started with. But am feeling very very confident about making it happen. I don't know yet, I just know I'm ready.
I am still stumbling on that first deal that has yet to come but am feeling more more and more confident about somehow making these deals work. Any pointers from anybody out there would be greatly appreciated on how to get started.
Zillow has changed their site around, and I am not able to look up the property I-D number. Now where do I go to get that information ? Any ideas ?
Woo hoo!! And many many more to come. Keep up the Momentum,,!!
Signing Out,
I have finally made up my mind to take control of my own Mind and Destiny. I am confident with the Faith in My Higher Power, I will Achieve what I Believe., In His Mighty Name, AMEN!
It's not always easy to keep up the momentum after a 1st deal. I've ordered 50 bandit signs to put out soon in my local area which I've never done before. I want to do a fsbo deal just to say I did one.
The 50 blank yellow bandit signs came in via Fedex today, but the driver left the box at the ofc. in the apt. complex, so I have to get it on my lunch hour tomorrow. Other than that, I might've found a potential buyer to call off a yellow "fancy" bandit sign that popped up in the last couple days for where I live. I have a buyer's list in Boise, Id. with no deals done there, a handful of buyers and then some + 1 completed deal in Kentucky, and untouched area where I live. So, I'm excited!
My advice is simple: NEVER give up & NEVER surrender!
Signing Out,
No bandit signs were put out here yet, because I'm trying to reach an re agent I was talking to back in March who does re in Scottsdale. If I don't hear from him this next week, I'm finding another agent. He's got an investing background, which is great. I need a cash sold list here, so I can build my buyers list.
We haven't had any luck finding fsbo deals that will work yet in KY, but we just sent in an offer to our agent there for a good mls listing he told us about just after we closed this deal. It doesn't have a garage, but it's a good size home in a good location. We'll know more next week what happens with the offer. We're ready to make some real $ this time around, for sure.
I appreciate your posting and congratulations. My partner and I signed up last year, but let life get in the way and now we are really putting things in gear. We are just a few steps behind you and I can't wait to be posting our success like you did. You may have only earned $500 like you said, but you earned so much more in experience from the deal. Many learn experiences by losing money so that is a great situation to be in making profit from your deal. I'm glad you shared what you did about the HUD deal obstacles. I will log that into our notebook too.
Ryan E. Deyette
Which Cashflow Club on FB. I searched but I couldn't find it. Any help?
I called a local real estate agent last Friday to get her going on my residential cash sold list and a new mls filter, and ended up finding out she was an associate broker with Re/Max. Well, I got the cash sold list for the last 3 months, and it keeps growing every few business days! It started out at 612 for my county & she didn't think all of 'em would show up. Now, it's up to 640+! Mind you, not all the listings have a different mailing address for the tax bill. It tells me whether or not they are owner occupied & if they have the same mailing address as the house or if it's different all in the same listing on top of the previous mortgage info, price history, etc. Does it mean I'll mail everyone? No. At least 50% or more are non-owner occupied. If you think I have access to this many here, wait until I pull a list from the Phoenix area! Haha...
I had her send me a filter for active homes on the mls, too. I told her I was interested in multi-family & got that list. I haven't heard from her since last Friday. If she can't respond to 1 replied email or 1 voice msg., I may have to find another agent who isn't super busy & has time with an investor. To me, it doesn't matter if they are a broker, associate broker or not. I just happened to run into a phone call with a buyer agent as an associate broker. It doesn't look good, if you treat potential clients this way. Time is precious & I don't know about you, but I can't waste it.
Since all my time, energy and funds were spent on the 1st deal, I ran out of earnest money. As soon as I get a few buyers on my list, I'll put out these bandit signs & hope some good off-the-grid fsbo deals come in, since they're easier to control & better on your wallet. Unless, there are other clever ways to come up with or work around the mls earnest money requirement that I don't know about yet?
You won't know if real estate investing will or won't work for you. You're right, Ryan. Sometimes you win some, & sometimes you loose some. They say it's better you learn from your experience, than anything. It depends how you handle throwbacks & accomplishments life brings you.
The time is NOW to get involved, though. GET your butt off the fence, GET out there, & GET GOING! Easier said than done? Yes. Do-able? Yes. It'll be the most hardest thing you'll ever do, but it'll be worth it.
Ryan E. Deyette
Thank You man for posting this. A lot of people can use it. Happy 4th My Brother.
Darrell Ford
Lifetouch Properties LLC
"Failure equals my death, I Shall not Fail."
Keep up the deal findings we all need to be positive.
Do not let no one stop you from knowing more knowledge and initiative.
Congrats! You did it! as Dori in Nemo said "Keep swimming, swimming..."
Two real estate duplex transactions are now opening. Now the ball is rolling.LOL
Congrats are definitely in order! We are going to follow your wise words and work towards success. Keep it up!
You took action, made a profit and gained Millions in experience!
Congrats and on to the next!
Start Where You Are! Use What You Have! Do What You Can!
Never let failure dominate you. Never let the mistates of your past Lord over you.
Go Confidently in the Direction of Your Dreams. Live the Life You Have Imagined.
- Henry David Thoreau
Website that get's results:
Very good. It takes determination to hang in there. You have courage. Now it should be a piece of cake
. Good luck and future success
To get something you've NEVER HAD
DO something you've NEVER DONE.
A few days after it closed, I did't think about what the buyer's offer was going to be. His absolute MAO was around the same price, if not a few hundred more that what our MAO was to hud. If I would've realized & offered 10-15% less to hud in the 1st place, we would've made a bigger profit. What happened was the investor who had it under contract wholesaled the wholesale to his end buyer, eventhough he had cash to close himself. So, going forward, I am gonna run with it. He's still encouraging & telling us to keep going. The best part about it, we made a name for ourselves over there. It brought Chase recognition the more he goes to the investor meetings there & made some heads turn.
Thanks, everyone!