Don't Buy Into Bank Forclosure Auctions

Don't Buy Into Bank Forclosure Auctions

Be very careful not to get swept away at auctions. Most bids that are won are usually rejected and sent back to the auction block. You might think that great deals are being made, but the devil is in the details. Banks are behind this sinister way of selling properties. You see, all those properties at auctions are bank owned (REO). Banks place a minimum reserve amount on each property, usually no more than 10-15% off FMV, and that's only because it's probably in need of major repairs. When the winning bid is presented to them they can reject it without impunity because it did not meet their reserve amount. The unsuspecting bidder thinks he won and goes home with a wide smile, only to get a call the next day informing them of the rejection. The naive observer starts to salivate at all the great deals and wants in on the action.

By the way, those who actual buy at auctions, well they pay almost what the FMV on the property is. They do not get deals. Banks say yes only to the ones that meet their reserve. No reason for banks to give away things that they will lose money on.

We always hear that banks are not in the property management business, but think about, banks are also not in the money losing business either. They employ the best and brightest MBAs to make them money, not give it away at some loud-mouth-carnaval-style auction.

Auctions are nothing more than hype!



I've had the same experience....never a good one.


Auctions can be a great place to pick up properties. Yes, don't fall for hype (which can sometimes take place) but you CAN find deals, especially when banks lower the beginning bids in towns where there aren't a lot of participants. Also, auctions are an AWESOME pace to find cash buyers to add to your buyers list.



"Obstacles can slow you down, but they can only stop you with your permission." Dean Graziosi (BARM pg 101)

"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11

For a little about me, welcome to the site, and a few tips for new DG family members, click on this link:


I would like to see people on this forum who can prove me wrong in this market. I have yet to hear one success story coming in from So Cal.

We're being told that this strategy can work anywhere and in any town. Action is louder than me the proof before you accuse.

Chad Merrihew

I think I mentioned him in a PM. You can read his CA success story in the new book, "Your Town, Your Real Estate Profits".
(and I did change my post. that was a little harsh. Smiling )
Almost tempted to come out there and prove it to myself. I'm gonna have to talk to my WA investor. I know he's been doing some investing this year in CA.

Well, I hope you can prove yourself wrong, SoCal. Now that would be a great story. Smiling

With all sincerity,



"Obstacles can slow you down, but they can only stop you with your permission." Dean Graziosi (BARM pg 101)

"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11

For a little about me, welcome to the site, and a few tips for new DG family members, click on this link:


I have no reason to doubt your abilities. You have internet and fax, I'm sure you can help me out. Find me the deals and we'll make this a win/win all the time.

I'm a cash buyer without nonsense. You find them I'll buy them.

:) I'll see what I can find

But if all else fails, you're welcome to pick up some great cash-flow props here in WI. Eye-wink

Have a great night SoCal.



"Obstacles can slow you down, but they can only stop you with your permission." Dean Graziosi (BARM pg 101)

"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11

For a little about me, welcome to the site, and a few tips for new DG family members, click on this link:

You perplex me SoCal

Why are you always challenging others to do the work and find the success where you have failed.

It would seem to me that if you have had bad dealings at auctions or the banks you wold take a step or two back and revise your strategies. Other have had success at it - as I have and Rina as well - but it was thru hard work - lots of it and perserverance.

You keep using the term win/win.... so what are YOU bringing to the table. It seems to me and I may be wrong but you want to rep the benfits but have thrown in the towel on the work. So you find you a bird dogger and they bring you deals then YOU fail to close them - does that then make it their fault.

Will you next post be about hoe BIRDDOGGERS ARE NO GOOD!

You have to stop the madness and accept the responsibility.

I have said this to you before and I am saying it again. Learn you market...revise the strategy and WORK HARDER!

and by the way. I do Trustee Auctions on a regular basis and I leave 8 out of 10 times with exactlywhat I went to get. A GOOD DEAL!


TWITTER - anitarny / FACEBOOK - anitarny


re: Success Stories

SoCalREI wrote:
I would like to see people on this forum who can prove me wrong in this market. I have yet to hear one success story coming in from So Cal.

We're being told that this strategy can work anywhere and in any town. Action is louder than me the proof before you accuse.

How many would you like.

CALIFORNIA is MY MARKET! So you best believe I know it, I work it, I buy it!


TWITTER - anitarny / FACEBOOK - anitarny



I'm not challenging anyone. When I say win/win I mean win/win. Most wholesalers and bird dogs always complain that they can't find qualified buyers. Well I'm offering them a chance to work with a ready and willing CASH buyer. What else can I offer?

By the way, YES it is a win/win situation. These wholesalers are in the business of making money for their hard work and I appreciate that very much. I think there should be more people on this forum like me asking for their help. What fun is it if the wholesaler has to first find the seller and then go look for buyers.That is double the work! I am offering myself as their buyer without effort.

Bank Foreclosure Auctions - Be Aware of Absolute Auctions

An auction in which the subject property is sold to the highest bidder regardless of the amount of the winning bid. There is no Reserve Price.
Example: Although Amos was disappointed by the amount bid for his house, he had no choice but to sell since the property was sold in an absolute auction.


Attract Private Investors to fund your deals so you can do more deals while using Other People's Money (OPM). For more info go to:

John <>< Future DG & DL REI Billionaire


Tax lein & other private auctions do operate that way. However, bank REO auctions do not follow that rule. They place a undisclosed reserve and if it is not met they just reject the final offer. They again put the property back on the auction block. Sometimes you see the same house being auctioned off again at the end of the same day.


Hello, I'm a new investor in So Cal and I've Been coming across deals that are fixers. If you would like to be on my buyers list I have a few questions for you.
1)how much in repair can you handle?
2)on minor fixers(cosmetic, ect.) what is the minimum amount of equity needed?
3)How often do you buy?
4)Any specific property criteria?


Gregory B Palmer

REO Auctions online, any experience on this?

I am looking into an REO auction this week. I did notice that the terms they use seem odd. This is online and only online bidding. Most of the houses have a No Minimum, which their definition of is, it can be rejected if it doesn't meet the reserve amount. Some of the houses are only at $2-6 thousand. One of the nicer ones starting bid is $25,000. They claim they are all rented for the exact same amount of $500 plus utilities, which seems odd. I am interested in bidding on them, supposedly no money is charged for anything unless purchased.

Anyone have any experience doing this type of auction? The company is Wellson Group.


You don't start learning until after you know it all!

Bank Foreclosure Auctions


You better listen to the Ladies, They know what their talking about.
When I go to the court house I always get the property I went there for.Because I check the list, pick a house and see what the banks Judgements for, then I see what the property is worth.I like to leave $45-50,000. over purchase price to cover expenses. When the bank Rep comes in I ask what is the bank's up to price, just incase there has been any changes.I am in upstate NY, But it should be the same anywhere.

Jim Kendrick
Rochester, N.Y.

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