Kathy J S

All About Kathy J S

Kathy J S's picture
Kathy J Shopa
Duluth MN
About Me: 

Love horses, love the country. Like helping kids with horses. Love searching and investigating properties. Own land and houses in Montana, but want to live and work in MN.

contact on Facebook

Hiking, riding, instructing, horse show judge. grand kids.

Topics I've Participated In

assigning a deal D-HI6309 years 22 weeks ago
HOW TO FIND, FIX and SELL Houses For PROFIT - PART 1 Anitarny369 years 41 weeks ago
BRAIN FARTS Valiant6411 years 40 weeks ago
Online auctions Kathy J S313 years 45 weeks ago
Don't Buy Into Bank Forclosure Auctions SoCalREI1413 years 46 weeks ago

Basic Info

self employed, landlord, and working on Real Estate Investing
Have Child(ren)
Some College

Sites I Visit

Mainly Just This One


thank you!

plinzoain's picture

thank you!

Deals done

Kathy J S's picture

Been busy. Have purchased 3 houses, with my own cash. Have all 3 rented, so am getting a good cash flow for the investment. Am now working on 2 more purchases, and hoping to get the refund deal before Feb with 5 working deals in a year! Should find out today about the other 2 deals and if that works, will keep on going.