Run Don't Walk To Your Deals !! Sad Ending :(

Run Don't Walk To Your Deals !! Sad Ending :(

Thought I would share this about 1 of my Latest FSBO Deals I was working on:
Had a Couple call from my Moving Bandit sign
"We Buy Houses" & My Number,We Put on the Rear window of my Car.Which is generating some good leads already:)
I met them at the house, talked with them about their situation & of coarse did my inspection.House needs about $15-20k rehab ( Mold in sub space under house, Termites,Dry rotting etc.By the way her 3 other sisters who are the beneficiaries of the Trust assigned to the property/Trust want to just let the bank take it!
Their(Adopted) mom did a reverse mortg. on property for approx $200k,(ARV Approx $285k conservatively)& also Recently moved out 2-3 months ago & was now living in a care facility ( Shhh Bank does not know yet)
I set up a time & met with mom at care facility,Discussed her situation with her & how I could possibly help, Had her sign an auth to release info from Bank,Immediately sent it over to Bank For Pay-off Bal. My Plan was to After getting this From Bank to set up a time to meet with her again to present my offer.
The Sad Thing was Before I could Meet with her again She Passed Away:(
Time frame was only 2-2 1/2 weeks at Best,
Long story short, I Should have Presented my offer & contract for signature Before well..Ya Know Sad
Going to try & Make Contact with beneficiaries to let them know I can still Help them,
So Remember" We Must Run ,Not Walk To Our Deals, Because Some things Are Out of our Control & Anything Can Happen, And as well, Life Is truly Too Short, Our Lord is definitely in Control of This.
Sorry for the Novel,
Darren from calif


sorry to hear...

I've read from a rei author that you don't procrastinate when you find a good deal; usually the reason being someone else may take it; I guess we never think that the seller may not be around long enough to sign the contract... may she rest in peace...

thanks for sharing Darren Eye-wink



“And will you succeed? Yes indeed, yes indeed! Ninety-eight and three-quarters percent guaranteed!” ― Dr. Seuss

"I believe in angels, the kind that heaven sends; I am surrounded by angels, but I call them friends" - Unknown

My journal:

Never hesitate on opportunity

Its sad to hear the seller died, but that goes to show you always be prepared and not push what can be done today to tomorrow. There for tomorrow is not promised.


Reynold Orozco

RUN dont Walk

You Have to act FAST!! I mean FAST!!

ANSWER phone...when you cant, CALL back ASAP...

OR ELSE, somebody else WILL and maybe YOU could/Would/SHOULD have.

REMEMBER to be there to HELP these ppl.


Mike Free tools

Hey Darren

This is the reason I advised to get the Authorization to release info asap. Such a sad thing. We just never know... The current probate you and I are working looks like it's going as planned. Hopefully we should have this wrapped up in the next 2 weeks. RUN to your deals. You are right. Great advise!


To get something you've NEVER HAD
DO something you've NEVER DONE.

Good Lesson

Great Advise for any investor. Sorry to hear your buyer passed away, and you missed out on the deal. Thank you for sharing your story. It is a good reminder for all of us to get that contract/offer out when you know you have a deal. Procrastination is often the difference between making it big, and staying where you are.

Heart felt

You know, I have DG 30 days to Real Estate Cash, had it for awhile now just picked it up again. This is the 5th time picking it up and putting it down. It is so true how we will let the negativity of a Spouse, family member and friends determine or future, we tend to listen to non-successful than successful people. I was reading your post it sadden me, My Grandparents had 6 children 1 boy and 5 girls to make a long story short they all passed at a young age including my grandmother. 1 of spouse abuse, my grandmother and the other 4 daughters passed away of breast cancer and 1 uncle of a heart attack the age range was 22,48,34,34,49,60 and 35. Life is to short an procrastination is a negative in anybody's life I realized its a sin that's My Opinion. They taught me in their on way to be a leader but as life went on I picked up every negative part of life any one would throw at me. I realized I only could blame self for all that I have not accomplish, its time to make life happen. I have a responsibility the past has happened its time to let go. Your post made me realize my difficulties. I want put this 30 Days to Real Estate Cash down the 6th time. Thank You....

Never delay what should be done today

This is a great reminder to us all to keep moving, and not just moving but…fast.
Moving fast is the key to being successful in investing. It’s getting your offer to the seller as soon as you determine that this property is a go. Don’t get caught up in analysis of the property, negativity of others or self doubt. Run your numbers- fast. Get in touch with your realtor- fast. Make that offer- fast. Then move onto your next deal.

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