Is contract assigning is legal in my state?

Is contract assigning is legal in my state?

I have read a lot in here about wholesaling and will probably get started unless I find out its illegal to assign contracts in my state. How do I find this out? Any suggestions?


There are alternatives to Assigning Contracts

New requirements from the state and the federal officials have made assigning contracts, simultaneous closings, quick flips, and dry closings more difficult. Today, these transactions are not illegal per se, but are undergoing much more scrutiny than it has faced in the past. What this means is that many title companies today no longer want to undertake the hassle of state and federal assessments and investigations, which can take quite some time and which may require more work out of the deal than is necessary. For more and more people, the question then is what to do when faced with the opportunity and the problem of simultaneous closings.

Transactional funding

This is exactly where transactional funding comes into play. Essentially, this is a type of service where investors like you are given the opportunity to use a type of loan called the “bridge loan,” that allows you to undertake the simultaneous closings safely and with the backing of money provided by the loan. The barrier of scrutinizing federal and state agents are removed since you are no longer conducting dry transactions or deals where money is transferred from the buyer to you, and from you to the seller. With transactional funding and the bridge loan under it, you are already conducting valid closings that give you the opportunity to make money out of opportunities in the form of simultaneous closings.


If you would like the chance to work with me or one of my fellow real estate investor coaches and our advanced training programs, give us a call anytime to see if Dean's Real Estate Success Academy and our customized curriculum is a fit for you. Call us at 1-877-219-1474 ext. 125

bridge loan

dou you have to be qualified for a bridge loan?

No,you dont need to be

No,you dont need to be qualified for transactional lending. You just need to have the end buyer under contract as well as the property. Ask your lender for a title co that they work with to make it a smoother operation.
good luck

Contract Assignming

Thanks your post Sissy! I had some questions on the contract assignment and you've explained it very well here.

How is the realtor paid when assigning with the 25:1 Formula?

I can't seem to locate this information in the books and would really be interested in hearing how the veterans are doing this.

The scenario:

The realtor has done his/her part in successful negotiations, I lock up the property and decide to assign my interest in it to an end buyer.

How does the realtor get paid?

Do I pay a pre-determined amount of my assignment fee?

What is the best and proper way to compensate the realtor?

Thanks for a great thread and a great site!



Kurt A. Conway, MSHA, President
The Conway Financial Group, LLC
Real Estate Investor






Assigning contracts or double closing

If you ever have a question on the legality of doing a deal, simply format it to some more traditional. If assigning a contract won't work for whatever reason, use a double closing instead. Line up a hard money lender or transactional funding for short term money. Close on the 1st deal with the seller using this resource then the 2nd deal with the buyer and their funding source. You will have to pay for the short term money and probably closing costs but now you can do a deal on any property without restrictions!


If you would like the chance to work with me or one of my fellow real estate investor coaches and our advanced training programs, give us a call anytime to see if Dean's Real Estate Success Academy and our customized curriculum is a fit for you. Call us at 1-877-219-1474 ext. 125



Assignments in South Florida

Hey Guys, have any of you been able to do assignment deals in South Florida. If so, are there any other documents that I would need besides a contract that includes "and or assigns" such as an Assignment of Contract document. I'm ready to take the plunge but I want to have all my ducks in a row. Any help will be greatly appreciated.


My She-Roes!

Hi, Lubertha! I just finished the book featuring you and Sandra's story which resonates a strong personal note for me. What an inspiration you both are! I have struggled with some of the same obstacles that you did and you have given me the kick in the pants that I needed to get up off it and finally follow my dream to invest in real estate and get out of debt! Thank God for your stories and reminding me that with God all things are possible!

Dealing with Banks and using a Assignment of Contract

I am so sorry for asking a question I am sure many already know, how ever I am new to all of this and have been putting off on a great deal I have found due to not knowing the answer to this question. I am guessing due to a comment earlier in this area that. I have no credit that is good & no money, so going the investor rate is the way I am using for now.

My questions are:

That if a property still has money owed to the bank & is listed with a Realitor, I can use a Assignment of Contract to tie it up and turn it over to a investor?

The investor is who pays for the closing cost, fees & taxes?

Looking forward to hearing from people.


Pattison, Yup, you've got it


Yup, you've got it right! What you may find is that the realtor may not want to submit your offer because you're using an assignment of contract. If they're going to be a mule about it, make them submit the offer, but if not, move on to another deal.

Most homes will still have money owed on them; the only circumstance that could "muddy the waters" is if there is more money owed on the house than it is currently worth. Then you'll get into a short sale situation.

Yes, your end buyer in an assignment will pay for the closing costs, etc.

What do you mean by going the "investor rate"? Do you mean assignment of contract?



"He who is mighty has done great things for me...He has...exalted those of humble estate; he has filled the hungry with good things..." Matt. 1:49-53

Assignment Contract & Banks

Thank you so much for clearing that up for me,like I said this is so new to me; but I know I can change mine and my families lives with this.

Best wishes

Calif. assignments

Anyone have up to date experience with assignments in Calif.? REO or others?

Dream Home Properties LLC

Assignment Contracts

I am sure you will realize by my question I have NO experience in real estate at all. I am so confused, I have read and reread chapter 8 many times. My question is:

What DOCUMENT is the "Assignment Contract"

Is it under(Forms & Documents)the "Agreement to Purchase" or
"Agreement to Contract"

or is it under (dean the
"Investor's Disclosure Statement & Seller's Acknowledgement"

I am so glad we have a way to ask question, you feel like you can get the information you need to really do this work. I am hopefully days away from my first deal and I am looking forward to it.

Have a great day

Pattison, It's "Assignment


It's "Assignment of Contract", the one directly below "Agreement to Purchase". All the best!



"He who is mighty has done great things for me...He has...exalted those of humble estate; he has filled the hungry with good things..." Matt. 1:49-53

Here is some legal info on subject

Assignment (law)
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An assignment (Latin cessio) is a term used with similar meanings in the law of contracts and in the law of real estate. In both instances, it encompasses the transfer of rights held by one party—the assignor—to another party—the assignee.[1] The legal nature of the assignment determines some additional rights and liabilities that accompany the act.

Contents [hide]
1 Liabilities
1.1 Continuing liability of assignor
2 Assignment of contract rights
2.1 When assignment will be permitted
2.2 Requirements for an effective assignment
2.2.1 Requirement of a writing
3 Novation
3.1 Revocability
3.2 Breach and defenses
3.3 Successive assignments
3.4 Compare: Delegation
4 Special rules for assignment of certain rights
4.1 Property rights
4.2 Partnership rights
4.3 Intellectual property rights
4.4 Personal injury torts
5 References

[edit] Liabilities
[edit] Continuing liability of assignor
Assignor remains liable unless there is an agreement to the contrary. An agreement must manifest intent to transfer rights, it may not necessarily be in writing, words will do, and the rights assigned must be certain. The effect of a valid assignment is to extinguish privity between the assignor and the obligor and create privity between the obligor and the assignee.

[edit] Assignment of contract rights
Assignment of rights under a contract is the complete transfer of the rights to receive the benefits accruing to one of the parties to that contract. For example, if Party A contracts with Party B to sell Party A's car to Party B for $10, Party A can later assign the benefits of the contract - i.e., the right to be paid $10 - to Party C. In this scenario, Party A is the obligee/assignor, Party B is an obligor, and Party C is the assignee. Such an assignment may be donative (essentially given as a gift), or it may be contractually exchanged for consideration. It is important to note, however, that Party C is not a third party beneficiary, because the contract itself was not made for the purpose of benefitting Party C. However an Assignment only transfers the rights/benefits to a new owner. The obligations remain with the previous owner. Compare Novation.

[edit] When assignment will be permitted
The common law favors the freedom of assignment, so an assignment will generally be permitted unless there is an express prohibition against assignment in the contract. Where assignment is thus permitted, the assignor need not consult the other party to the contract. An assignment cannot have any effect on the duties of the other party to the contract, nor can it reduce the possibility of the other party receiving full performance of the same quality. Certain kinds of performance, therefore, cannot be assigned, because they create a unique relationship between the parties to the contract. For example, if party A contracts to hire an attorney to represent her in a civil case for a fee of $1000, she cannot then assign her contractual right to legal representation to another party. Note however, that party A can assign her right to sue under the same claim she contracted with the attorney to pursue.

[edit] Requirements for an effective assignment
For assignment to be effective, it must occur in the present. No specific language is required to make such an assignment, but the assignor must make some clear statement of intent to assign clearly identified contractual rights to the assignee. A promise to assign in the future has no legal effect. Although this prevents a party from assigning the benefits of a contract that has not yet been made, a court of equity may enforce such an assignment where an established economic relationship between the assignor and the assignee raised an expectation that the assignee would indeed form the appropriate contract in the future.

A contract may contain a non-assignment clause, which prohibits the assignment of specific rights, or of the entire contract, to another. However, such a clause does not necessarily destroy the power of either party to make an assignment. Instead, it merely gives the other party the ability to sue for breach of contract if such an assignment is made. However, an assignment of a contract containing such a clause will be ineffective if the assignee knows of the non-assignment clause, or if the non-assignment clause specifies that "all assignments are void".

Two other techniques to prevent the assignment of contracts are rescission clauses or clauses creating a condition subsequent. The former would give the other party to the contract the power to rescind the contract if an assignment is made; the latter would rescind the contract automatically in such circumstances.

[edit] Requirement of a writing
There are certain situations in which the assignment must be in writing.

1.Assignment of wages
2.Assignment of any interest in real property
3.Assignment of choses of action worth over $5,000
4.Assignment as collateral for a loan or debt
For more information about contractual writing requirements see Statute of frauds.

[edit] Novation
Novation replaces the original party with a new party. For a valid novation, (i) all parties must assent to novation, (ii) there must be a previously valid contract, (iii) the duties provided for in the contract be extinguished immediately, and (iv) a new, enforceable contract need be created.

[edit] Revocability
Assignments made for consideration are irrevocable, meaning that the assignor permanently gives up the legal right to take back the assignment once it has been made. Donative assignments, on the other hand, are generally revocable, either by the assignor giving notice to the assignee, taking performance directly from the obligor, or making a subsequent assignment of the same right to another. There are some exceptions to the revocability of a donative assignment:

1.The assignment can not be revoked if the obligor has already performed
2.The assignment can not be revoked if the assignee has received a token chose (chose being derived from the French word for "thing", as in a chose of action) - a physical object that signifies a right to collect, such as a stock certificate or the passbook to a savings account.
3.The assignment can not be revoked if the assignor has set forth in writing the assignment of a simple chose - a contract right embodied in any form of token.
4.Estoppel can prevent the revocation of a donative assignment if the assignee changed their position in reliance on the assignment.
Finally, the death or declaration of bankruptcy by the assignor will automatically revoke the assignment by operation of law.

[edit] Breach and defenses
A cause of action for breach on the part of the obligor lies with the assignee, who will hold the exclusive right to commence a cause of action for any failure to perform or defective performance. At this stage, because the assignee "stands in the shoes" of the assignor, the obligor can raise any defense to the contract that the obligor could have raised against the assignor. Furthermore, the obligor can raise against the assignee counterclaims and setoffs that the obligor had against the assignor. For example, suppose that A makes a contract to paint B's house in exchange for $500. A then assigns the right to receive the $500 to C, to pay off a debt owed to C. However, A does such a careless job painting the house that B has to pay another painter $400 to correct A's work. If C sues B to collect the debt, B can raise his counterclaim for the expenses caused by the poor paint job, and can reduce the amount owed to C by that $400, leaving only $100 to be collected.

When the assignor makes the assignment, he makes with it an implied warranty that the right to assign was not subject to defenses. If the contract had a provision that made the assignment ineffective, the assignee could sue the assignor for breach of this implied warranty. Similarly, the assignee could also sue under this theory if the assignor wrongfully revoked the assignment.

[edit] Successive assignments
Occasionally, an unscrupulous assignor will assign the exact same rights to multiple parties (usually for some consideration). In that case, the rights of the assignee depend on the revocability of the assignment, and on the timing of the assignments relative to certain other actions.

In a quirk left over from the common law, if the assignment was donative, the last assignee is the true owner of the rights. However, if the assignment was for consideration, the first assignee to actually collect against the assigned contract is the true owner of the rights. Under the modern American rule, now followed in most U.S. jurisdictions, the first assignor with equity (i.e. the first to have paid for the assignment) will have the strongest claim, while remaining assignees may have other remedies. In some countries, the rights of the respective assignees are determined by the old common law rule in Dearle v Hall.

1.Earlier donative assignees for whom the assignment was revocable (because it had not been made irrevocable by any of the means listed above) have no cause of action whatsoever.
2.Earlier donative assignees for whom the assignment was made irrevocable can bring an action for the tort of conversion, because the assignment was technically their property when it was given to a later assignee.
3.Later assignees for consideration have a cause of action for breaches of the implied warranty discussed above.
See interpleader.

[edit] Compare: Delegation
A parallel concept to assignment is delegation, which occurs when one party transfers his duties or liabilities under a contract to another. A delegation and an assignment can be accomplished at the same time, although a non-assignment clause also bars delegation.

[edit] Special rules for assignment of certain rights
[edit] Property rights

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See also: Rule in Dumpor's Case and Privity of estate
Real property rights can be assigned just as any other contractual right. However, special duties and liabilities attach to transfers of the right to possess property. With an assignment, the assignor transfers the complete remainder of the interest to the assignee. The assignor must not retain any sort of reversionary interest in the right to possess. The assignee's interest must abut the interest of the next person to have the right to possession. If any time or interest is reserved by a tenant assignor, than the act is not an assignment, but instead is a sublease.

The liability of the assignee depends upon the contract formed when the assignment takes place. However, in general, the assignee has privity of estate with a lessor. With privity of estate comes the duty on the part of the assignee to perform certain obligations under covenant, e.g. pay rent. Similarly, the lessor retains the obligations to perform on covenants to maintain or repair the land.

If the assignor agrees to continue paying rent to the lessor and subsequently defaults, the lessor can sue both the assignor under the original contract signed with the lessor as well as the assignee because by taking possession of the property interest, the assignee has obliged himself to perform duties under covenant such as the payment of rent.

Unlike a Novation where consent of both the lessor and lesse is required for the third party to assume all obligations and liabilities of the original lessee, an assignment does not always need the consent of all parties. If the contract terms state specifically that the lessor's consent is not needed to assign the contract, then the lesee can assign the contract to whomever the lesee wants to.

Absent language to the contrary, a tenant may assign their rights to an assignee without the landlord's consent. In the majority of jurisdictions, when there is a clause that the landlord may withhold consent to an assignment, the general rule is that the landlord may not withhold consent unreasonably unless there is a provision that states specifically that the Landlord may withhold consent at Landlord's sole discretion.

[edit] Partnership rights
A person can also assign their rights to receive the benefits owed to a partner in a partnership. However, the assignee can not thereby gain any of the assignor's rights with respect to the operation of the partnership. The assignee may not vote on partnership matters, inspect the partnership books, or take possession of partnership property; rather, the assignee can only be given the right to collect distributions of income, unless the remaining partners consent to the assignment of a new general partner with operational, management, and financial interests. If the partnership is dissolved, the assignee can also claim the assignor's share of any distribution accompanying the dissolution.

[edit] Intellectual property rights
See also: transfer (patent)
Ownership of intellectual property, including patents, copyrights, and trademarks, may be assigned, but special conditions attach to the assignment of patents and trademarks. In the United States, assignment of a patent is governed by statute, 35 U.S.C. § 261. Assignment of patent rights most commonly occurs by an "instrument in writing", but can also pass via other operations of law, e.g., via intestate law or foreclosure law. The statute also permits recording an assignment with the United States Patent and Trademark Office, but recording is not required.

With respect to a trademark, the owner of the mark may not transfer ownership of the mark without transferring the goodwill associated with the mark.

Companies sometimes request from employees that they assign all intellectual property they create while under the employment of the company. This is typically done within an Employment Agreement, but is sometimes done through a specific agreement called Proprietary Information and Inventions Agreement (PIIA).

[edit] Personal injury torts
The standard rule is that personal injury tort causes of action are nonassignable as a matter of public policy.[2] These should be distinguished from final settlements or judgments resulting from lawsuits brought on such causes of action, which may be assignable.

[edit] References
1.^ For the assignment of claim:
2.^ Pony v. County of Los Angeles, 433 F.3d 1138 (9th Cir. 2006).
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This is a interesting read on the subject

How To Get Around Non-Assignable Contracts!
By: Stephen Cook

In the beginning...

When I first started investing contracts to purchase REO properties from banks were still assignable. Whenever I wholesaled a property, I signed a simple, one-page Assignment of Contract with my buyer which assigned my buying position in my contract with a bank to my buyer. Effectively, my buyer (the assignee) stepped into my shoes and closed the deal.

As more and more banks were burned by assignees who bought positions in their sales contracts but did not perform, they decided it was time to start to control the selling process and force the original buyer on a contract to purchase the property. Thus, they started inserting a “Non-assignability Clause” in their contracts, which goes something like this:

“This Contract may not be assigned without the written consent of Buyer and Seller. If Buyer and Seller agree in writing to an assignment of this Contract, the original parties to this Contract remain obligated hereunder until settlement.”

Since I was making a living by wholesaling houses, the non-assignability clause was a major thorn in my side. It was preventing me from closing deals, costing me money in the form of additional closing costs resulting from double (a.k.a. simultaneous) closings, and causing all kinds of headaches, often as we were approaching our closing date. Whenever I bought properties from private parties, the non-assignability clause wasn’t an issue, but the majority of properties that I purchased were sold by banks or by HUD, neither of which allowed buyers to assign their contracts.

As I like to keep my life simple and the clause was making my life complicated, I had to find a way around it.

So I resorted to stealing... idea, that is. I took a cue from the commercial real estate industry.

As it so happens, in order to avoid paying the substantial transfer taxes which result from the sale of large, multi-million dollar commercial projects, buyers frequently request that sellers deed their property into an LLC (limited liability company) and then purchase the LLC. Upon discovering this, I figured if this worked for commercial real estate buyers, it could work for my buyers.

I decided that if I purchased my properties within an LLC, I could sell my LLC to my buyer instead of assigning my contract to them.

As far as the sellers were concerned, the buyer (the LLC) on their contract remained the same. For example, I would submit an offer to purchase a property at 345 Harford Rd., making my offer in the name of 345 Harford, LLC. Then I would talk to my wholesale buyers about this property, offering to sell them 345 Harford, LLC as opposed to selling them the property. Their incentive to buy the LLC was the reduced purchase price that I could offer since I would save money on closing costs by avoiding a double closing (one closing from the bank to 345 Harford, LLC and another from 345 Harford, LLC to my buyer). If my buyer agreed to purchase the LLC, which in turn owned the contract to purchase the home, they would arrive at settlement and sign as owner of 345 Harford LLC.

In terms of compensation, I sold an LLC to my buyer for whatever my assignment fee would be, which I could collect in several different ways. If my buyer were paying cash, sometimes they would just cut me a check for my assignment fee. Then I would hand them the LLC documents, sign everything over to them, and our deal was done. In the event the bank seller could not produce clear title, I would need to return the assignment fee to my buyer.

Sometimes my cash buyers would not pay me the assignment fee until settlement. In this case, I directed them to use my title company and would not produce the original LLC documents until we were at settlement and I was assured that I was going to get my check.

On other occasions, my buyer needed to borrow money for the purchase. In these instances, I always directed them to use a private lender who was familiar with my routine, which went as follows. My buyer requested a loan for his purchase price, which included my assignment fee.

For example, my purchase price with the bank might have been $30,000, but my buyer requested a $33,000 loan to cover the $3,000 assignment fee he agreed to pay me. From the $33,000 loan proceeds, $3,000 would remain after settlement which the title company would give to my buyer in the form of a check to the LLC. My buyer would then endorse that check over to me at the settlement table.

Lemme sum up...

To recap, here are the steps in the process:

1.Make offer in the name of an LLC. I often include the property address in the name of the LLC.

2.Once offer is accepted, create the LLC. Check with an attorney and/or your Department of State regarding the procedures and costs for forming an LLC.

3.Assign/sell your membership (ownership) in the LLC to a buyer once you receive your assignment fee. Check with an attorney regarding the documents required to assign/sell an LLC.

4.Collect your assignment fee in the form of cash or a check made out to the LLC and endorsed over to you by your buyer (the new owner of the LLC).

5.Celebrate! Congratulations on a job well done.
Now to some, this process might seem a little involved, but it really is very simple. Once you have done a couple, you will be amazed at how easy it really is.




About the Author: Steve Cook

Since 1998 Steve Cook has flipped hundreds of houses as an active Baltimore-area real estate investor. Steve’s unique specialty is the “flipping homes 1-2 punch”, a proven system of real estate investing that powerfully combines wholesaling and rehabbing houses.

Also the founder of, Steve is dedicated to helping others in this thriving online community succeed through understanding and aggressively applying his time-tested, step-by-step approach to flipping real estate.

Get FREE weekly tips from Steve Cook and other house flipping experts at

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That's a great article, and I know other DGers who have used that technique.
Where there's a will, there is ALWAYS a way. Smiling



"Obstacles can slow you down, but they can only stop you with your permission." Dean Graziosi (BARM pg 101)

"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11

For a little about me, welcome to the site, and a few tips for new DG family members, click on this link:

Assignment of Contract

Thank you so much for all your help. However I do have one more question(for now)HA!HA!

I plan to tie up property with the Assignment of Contract and then turn it over to a investor, do I need to also have the "Investor's Purchase Agreement" which is the Agreement to Purchase?

For what I am doing I only need:
Investor's Disclosure Statement & Seller's Acknowledgement
Lead Paint Disclosure Notice (for houses older than 1978)
Property Disclosure Notice
Discharge of Agreement to Purchase Statement
Assignment of Contract

Assignment Contracts

I am in Michigan and like so many of you trying to get all the info on Assignmet of Contract for my state. Well I found this site that was done by attorneys concerning legal forms for ALL STATES, you might want to check it out for your state; under Real Estate. The reason I went looking was, I just had a meeting with one of the real estate attorneys I called; he was talking about making up all kinds of documents for me to use to be "legal". Of course I don't think he knew anything about Assignments,because he kept saying he'd have to look this and that up. Doing more research on my own and contacting a different attorney. Hope this help someone.

Have a good day

Need Help.

I am very new to all of this. Like hours old. But ready to get started.

Is my first step finding properties from For Sale By Owners? Do I have to visit the property? Or do I just speak to the seller over the phone first? Then I find buyers how? On the internet (craigslist) What other way to find buyers?

Please help me if you can.



Thank you for your time and God bless

from Ohio

I don't think it should be illegal! I think they are trying to make it a monopoly

i agree

Good idea exactly! I think DG talks about having realtors on one's side when doing deals, so that they would handle the legal things when necessary. Its all about doing deals

How do I Assignment A Contract?

I would like to know what my next step is to do a assignment of contract? I have sent out emails to buyers showing my interest. I need to follow up by email with them, but not sure what to put in the email. Is there a template somewhere I can use? Please let me know.



Thank you for your time and God bless

Hello Joe. If you are in the

Hello Joe.
If you are in the process of building your buyers list and are getting responses back thats good.
Basically you want to ask them what area's they are interested in or not in. what kind of homes they are looking for like multi's ,SFR, how many beds /baths, how fast they can close and if they are closing with cash ,HM. Most cash buyers can give POF and can close fast. I also ask what price range they have as well for each different type properties. That is some of the things you can ask them along with contact information. tell them if you have anything in inventory that fits their criteria you will give them a buzz.even if you dont have inventory at this time.
Then get out there and find a great deal that fits their wants and lock it up!!
best of luck



Thanks for your response. I meant to say I sent out a lot of emails to sellers showing my interest in there property. I would like to send them a email template telling them about what I do. Meaning Im a wholesaler. I am building my buyers list now. Please help



Thank you for your time and God bless

thanks everyone

Great information and suggestions

The greatest exercise for the human heart is to
bend down and pick someone up

First Deal!!!

Can someone answer, when I prepare the purchase agreement to present to the seller which amount is included in this agreement the complete price is 142,000, I am going to assign the deal to an investor, this is the price that he will pay, it includes my this what is included on in the purchase agreement?...thanks to anyone who can help

are assignments legal in California

I have just purchased deans books and am being told that it is illegal in assign contracts I have been told this by alot of agents and brokers in California.I am just hoping that they are not sure of what they speak of on the matter.If anyone has had experience in CA. with these techniques please share I would appreciate it thanks.