Discharge of Agreement to Purchase Statement

Discharge of Agreement to Purchase Statement

Attached is a Discharge of Agreement to Purchase Statement that anyone can feel free to download and use. It is very similar to DG's with a slight twist.


Jason King

P.S. I wish success and an amazing journey to all.


File Attachments
img036.jpg (386 KB)


Thanks for sharing this with us.


This train, Dreams will not be thwarted
This train, Faith will be rewarded
Big wheel roll through fields where sunlight streams
Meet me in the Land Of Hope And Dreams

Bruce Springsteen


Thanks for the file attachments and hope to hear some of your sucess stories soon. Good luck !

Warm regards,

Paul T. La Moy

Much Appreciated

I was looking for this. Thank you.

Learning About Contracts

I was told that to start investing in real estate with no money or no job, look at contracts. I'm trying to build up some money to join the success academy. I just got the books and I'm reading it. I'm taking my time in reading every point because I want to learn from it not just read it as if it was a school assignment. I'm still a little confused about contracts and I'm sure its all in the website, but I'm still trying to learn about the page. Does anyone have an suggesstions or can you tell me where in the website I can find the information I'm looking for????


Thanks for the information. That is what is so great about the DG website, we can learn and share information with each other to make us all better investors. Good luck on all your future deals. Believe and Achieve! Smiling - Joe


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Joe Jurek CPA

The L/H column of the DG

The L/H column of the DG home page in Student Resources click forms and docs, or use the search window.
That should point you in the right direction.

Jason King

Learning About Contracts

I believe the investment technique you are referring to is called assignment of contract. In short you are finding the property, evaluating and negotiating a contract. Once you have the property under contract you are going to assign or sell your rights as a buyer to another investor buyer. You are assigning all the rights and obligations of the contract to another investor and for your efforts you receive a consideration fee. This could net you several thousand dollars.

If you are considering assignment of contract you should start building a buyers list. With a buyers list you will know what types of properties, price ranges, areas you have a demand for. You will also know what their profit margin is as well. They will direct your search. Try to find re clubs in your area. Clubs are a great networking tool. You will feel much more confident getting out there and doing deals if you have a ready made buyers pool to pull from.


If you would like the chance to work with me or one of my fellow real estate investor coaches and our advanced training programs, give us a call anytime to see if Dean's Real Estate Success Academy and our customized curriculum is a fit for you. Call us at 1-877-219-1474 ext. 125

so this contract is used

so this contract is used when using the IEE strategy right? and the assignment of contract is used when using the "Assignment" strategy correct?



This is the link to the Discharge of Agreement PDF file

Thank YOU

Hey thanks for the lead on the discharge agreement papers, everyone has been looking for these contracts/ Wish the best

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