Their is so many new names on here that it is impossible to answer all. But if you really want to succeed. Read and read and read some-more, Talk to other investors that are successful, And then read some more. It took me almost 9 months before i did my first deal. But when I started this i new I wanted to succeed and was willing to do the work. I have done 50 deals in the last 18 months with 0 money, bankruptcy and no JOB. And yes I did join the success acamandy and yes I did use them. I have used almost all of Deans strategies in one form are another just to see if they would work, Ans guess what they do. If i can help let me know. But please put in the time to know what you want to do. This is really easy if you are willing to put in the footwork and learn. A lot easy then a 4 year degree and a lot more profitable.
In my opinion this is a great move, I know that their is no way I would be were I am at today without them. Just make sure you use them. they are always their for you'
and all u newbies. I had a BK in 1985,laid off in Dec 1986. Bought 3 houses
by March 1987. Most of the time it's the R.E. agents who say you can't buy
with no money down,usually they are afraid of their comm,I remind them that
GI's do it every day. The price and terms are between the buyer and seller,
whatever they agree upon is the deal,not what some agent thinks is right.
What may be illegal for an agent ,may not apply to you. My experience has
been that 15% will help u 85% will hurt u,out of ignorance. You r in the best
place to learn. Randy,Carol,Matt,Dean and this entire site will help you.
Great Info. The banks have just got a little tighter on their lending. You know but that's OK. This is what made me learn a lot of o down strategies. Now this really helps me with the banks today. So as always everything happens for a reason.
If you listen to Matt and Deans conference call he talks about his letter. I don't use a letter. I do everything in person. I have a lot better luck this way.
When someone admits they have a problem are a weakness. Half the battle is won. Now all you have to do is face it and move foward. Taking action will help solve the problem.
Talked to some doubters tonight and tried to convince them that this is all possible to do but I havn't done it yet. I am the one that wants to make a plan and make sure it's legal in Georgia to do assignments. I have a busy job and I need more time to investigate. Does anyone know about Ga.?
Carol Stinson works that area and all of the surrounding areas on a regular basis. It is not illegal; most real estate agents are unaware of the legalities of what we do here, and there are many people who think they know it all, but have no idea what they are talking about, unfortunately. Keep away from the Naysayers, and push can be done, especially in your area, the market is hot over there!
"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me" Phil 4:13
My name is Jon From Troy NY I have a problem when it comes to talking to people I'm not sure what to say I'm new and could really use a mentor and maby a partner I really need this to work but with no help and no money all I have been doing is reading this site I don't have any of the books wish i could get the new one I'm scarred of messing up someone please help
leave me a pm to contact me thanks for posting your inspiring stories
I really don't know how to help you. If you don't have the books. and are not a member of the success academy. I don't even know were to start. If you had the books and read them at least you would have some ideal were you wanted to go. I mean its kinds like building a house. How do you do it without the tools. Hope this helps some.
Go to your local REI group. They can help you on this. I don;t know of any state that you can't do assignments in . Calf is one of the hardest and people are doing it everyday.
We benefit from getting involved in these forums and discussions. One or two small bits of information can be valuable if you are new to the investing world. We bought the DG books about three weeks ago and spend quite a bit of time viewing videos and reading posts on this Web site.
We are also active - went to an auction and have already attended an REI club meeting. That was very helpful, as Rand suggests.
Use the books and the Web site. Get out there and network. Personal contact and partnering with others is crucial.
Alice and Jim
Thank you all, And I have been thinking if I was to get the book or use the school which would you advise? I continue to read and network with anyone I can. I have been registering to many REI sites and networks posted stating I'm looking for a 50/50 partner or a bird dogging job and I hope to turn in some buyers to tell me what I am looking for. I'm still at a little bit of a confusion and fear but I'm just doing what I can now to brighten the future
forever keeping faith even when there is no hope
For me personal I would use the success acamandy. I have the books and am a member of the success acamandy. The success acamandy goes so much deeper and offers a lot more material and plus you have access to the hot line.
you might try the library for Dean's books.
Linda, Army EOD Mom
you can follow my journal at
Fear equals:
Thank you all, I am most grateful to everyone on here for your support and advice. I will be check on payment plans for the academy and hope to start doing deals soon. I have been reading this site like a reading rampage trying to get as much info on what I can and should be doing as possible. I cant wait to start making deals and helping others.
If you do join, the only option you have is to succeed if you do what the coaches say. Just remember don't let fear stand in the way.
like anything else, You must craw before you walk. So take the time to learn something new everyday.
Hello Randy and all DGF.
Sorry I havent been able to bug you with a bunch of questions lately I have just been so busy, but thats a good thing.
Well I just wanted to thank you again for starting this forum this has truly helped me take what I've learned from deans books, gain confidence and put everything into action.
I have yet to close on a deal but am getting closer everyday.
I have created my own office at my home over the last few weeks and I believe this was the best way to start.
I actually have 2 properties locked up right now and this only took about 3 hours work thanks to Dean Grasiosi, Randy,entire DGF, and my new office of course.
I am so glad to see things are coming together for you. Just keep taking action and things will keep getting easy.
OK lets get going, Pick up the book and say I am going to find me a chapter, Not the whole book a chapter. And i am going to study this for a week till I know it by heart. This is taking action. If you are a member of the success academy don't forget to call them if you have questions. This is what they are their for.
does the ,succes academi cost also , becase i really have no money , in would like someone to help me make a plan ,for my first deal ,could i possibly intrest you in helping me for a precent after we fishs the deal
TaRonn white,
:if life seems like a dream wear trying to wake up from
:then the american dream were trying to presue must be reality.
I am not sure what all they have. But I do know they have several options. I am pretty sure they still have a finance plan. You would not hurt to give them a call and find out.
That's great! You locked up two properties??? Where did you find them? This is good stuff to share wih the other newbies so that it will give them an idea of where to look, too! Again, congratulations!!
Sorry I havent been able to bug you with a bunch of questions lately I have just been so busy, but thats a good thing.
Well I just wanted to thank you again for starting this forum this has truly helped me take what I've learned from deans books, gain confidence and put everything into action.
I have yet to close on a deal but am getting closer everyday.
I have created my own office at my home over the last few weeks and I believe this was the best way to start.
I actually have 2 properties locked up right now and this only took about 3 hours work thanks to Dean Grasiosi, Randy,entire DGF, and my new office of course.
"He who is mighty has done great things for me...He has...exalted those of humble estate; he has filled the hungry with good things..." Matt. 1:49-53
The last two were in KC MO. I also have one In North Carolina. I am just always open to good deals. But for anyone starting out look out your back door. their are good deals everywhere if you spend the time to find them, Glad to see you are moving forward.
Hello And God Bless to all DGF.
Well Pandpvinc and all other newbies like myself I actually only put up two flyers in my local area that said (SELL YOUR HOME NOW WE BUY HOUSES IN ANY CONDITION FOR ANY REASON)
then I left my phone number and name at the bottom and the phone started ringing.
And I believe what really helped me get the properties locked up was my ability to talk to people I don't know, ask the right question, push the right buttons and just be completly honest.
I told them I was brand new in terms of REI and told them my game plan
And they actually wanted to help me.
They wanted to help me so much that Jim allowed me to put his home on contract for a year and told me that he would not even consider any other offers on his home.
This could be the deal of a life time his home is only a 2br 1ba but its on a 1/2 acre lot thats also zoned commercial in a prime location right on Interstate 5 and right next to the soon to open California Casino.
I blame all this on the Dean Grasiosi Family thanks for all your help and motivation as well Randy.God Bless this Family with success...
Great job, Everyone very inspiring and educational comments i enjoy readying all the posts filled with hope, desire and true education on the REI world Keep it up
All ways great to here from you. And to see you are sharing your success.
That's great, Roads! Now, find that buyer!
"He who is mighty has done great things for me...He has...exalted those of humble estate; he has filled the hungry with good things..." Matt. 1:49-53
I have wonderful news today I had an appointment with the most successful Real Estate Attorney in my area.
I had alot of questions but not alot of money so at this point I basicly made the appointment last for only 15 mins.(cost me 62.00 dollars) but was the best 62 dollars I have ever spent.
The main question I had for him was if he was intrested in working together,
And he said absolutly,Then I asked him if he was familiar with assignment contracts and if they were legal in California he then requested to see my contracts that I downloaded from this website and said they were absolutly legal and he deals with these contracts all the time.
Keep in mind that when I bought the book "Profit Right Now" almost 2 months ago While I was just getting half way through the book I explained the assignment strategy to my Aunt (in law) Who is and has been a successful Real Estate Agent/Broker/investor she told me that they dont work and that it was illegal in the state of California.
I almost took her advice because of how little knowledge in REI I had but Because of Dean,Randy , and the entire Dean Grasiosi Family I Refused to take her advice and look at me now my Attorney says not only are they legal but that he has 2 other clients in my area that are highly successful with the same strategies.
So like Dean says dont take advice from someone who is not qualified to give it to you.
I could of took my Aunts advice and gave up right then and there, but This Family (DGF) wouldnt allow me to give up So thanks Everyone for helping me realize that "YOU CAN ONLY GO AS FAR AS YOUR WILLING TO GO"
It is like I said early in one of my post. I heard so many nos when i first started out it would make your head spend. But I just never accepted that. I just kelp going to I found my yes. Its easy for people to say no when they don't know.