Their is so many new names on here that it is impossible to answer all. But if you really want to succeed. Read and read and read some-more, Talk to other investors that are successful, And then read some more. It took me almost 9 months before i did my first deal. But when I started this i new I wanted to succeed and was willing to do the work. I have done 50 deals in the last 18 months with 0 money, bankruptcy and no JOB. And yes I did join the success acamandy and yes I did use them. I have used almost all of Deans strategies in one form are another just to see if they would work, Ans guess what they do. If i can help let me know. But please put in the time to know what you want to do. This is really easy if you are willing to put in the footwork and learn. A lot easy then a 4 year degree and a lot more profitable.
Hey guys, Just remember one thing, When you are starting out you are going to get a lot of NOS. I know I did. But I look at it like this Every NO I got I was one step closer to a yes. Guess what. Today I am the one that gets to say NO'
for your inspiration to keep us motivated!!!
Still trying to get that first deal done...
“And will you succeed? Yes indeed, yes indeed! Ninety-eight and three-quarters percent guaranteed!” ― Dr. Seuss
"I believe in angels, the kind that heaven sends; I am surrounded by angels, but I call them friends" - Unknown
My journal:
Thanks again for the thumbs up. Anxiety got a better part of me. I have yet to receive my CD/DVD and books, but have been reading forum discussions and listening to the audio list available. I've been trying to get a feel of what is going on in the real estate market near where I live via the local Craigslist. I've noticed an agent posted a comment on the FaceBook wall of a friend of mine regarding handing keys to their first home and sent him a message of wanting to meet and chat with him regarding obtaining income properties. I hope to dig up the contact information of the guy who helped me secure a mortgage loan on my owner occupied condo. Slowly but surely, 1 step at a time until you reach the finish line!
Have a wonderful and prosperous weekend you all,
Be in good health and prosper,
Jose Alviar
4 Seasons Properties NW, LLC
Beaverton, Oregon 97006
Na pono pono mana, I kou Makua e haawelilo kou manao ... LIVE ALOHA!
IT some time takes a while to get your first deal. And if you set down and really take a good look of why you haven't done your first deal. Most of the time it is fear. But on the upside to all of this just keep taking action. You will learn that when taking action fear seems to go away. Good Luck.
Thanks Randy for this post and all the contributions you make to this site.
I wanted to bring back up something you said early on in this post. For those who may have missed it. Randy made the point of always meeting with folks in person rather than just talking over the phone, email, facebook, etc.. I think we all get so used to doing things the long-distance way (even when we don't need to) that we have de-valued the human/emotional element. I know I have had better results when talking with people on the phone than with an email. Likewise better results in person than on the phone.
When you have actually looked that person in the eye, shook their hand, and seen and heard the sincerity in their voice it leaves an imprint on you. Everyone else contacting them electronically only is going to have a very hard time winning them over with better numbers (price, commission, etc.) the way you can with a sincere conversation in which you show interest in them.
I am taking this to heart and applying it as much as possible to my business.
Sorry Randy I know I'm kinda long winded when I'm passionate about something. I don't mean to take over the thread, lol.
Hey maybe sometime we can have THIS talk in person.
"Do something you LOVE and you will never work another day in your life."
"Nothing can ever stop you without your permission."
"So long as you haven't quit, then you haven't lost."
VERY VERY well put!
Face to face used to be a way of life down here in Dixie (as you can imagine). I know that technology is a way of life and has advantages for EVERYONE, but it's the "when we don't have to" that gets my goat. Not only will doing things in person help you "win" people over, but it also lets you know first hand when things won't work out. Almost immediatley, your "gut" takes over and you just know; saving precious time and effort for all involved.
One on one; face to face, whenever possible for me indeed!!
Quitters NEVER win - Winners NEVER quit!
"P.U.S.H. = Persevere Until Something Happens" Dean
“Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.” Thomas A. Edison
Check out my Road to Redemption journal:
Thanks John
What you said about the intuition factor is a great point as well. You so often know when someone doesn't really mean what they say or they won't follow through with a promise, etc..
As far as the lazy factor goes; I have a story that I think demonstrates how bad some people are. Or maybe he was just showing off his new phone, I don't know. One day I'm over at my uncles house and I'm in his neighbors driveway talking to his neighbor while he was engaged in a simultaneous conversation with his girlfriend who's in the house. They were texting each other from about 30-40 feet away. Now we could have gone inside or she could have just hollered out the window or door but I suppose that would have been uncivilized. Mind you on all plans I know of both parties are being charged for each text both ways. I didn't say anything but perhaps I should have as I would have been embarrassed to be caught doing that.
BTW I'm sorry for derailing the topic Randy. I know this is a sidebar conversation.
OK back on track now.
"Do something you LOVE and you will never work another day in your life."
"Nothing can ever stop you without your permission."
"So long as you haven't quit, then you haven't lost."
Hi everyone, my name is Jamar and im a first time RE investor. I been on this site for quiet some time now but never posted because i didnt want to be judged by asking a dumb question that probably is already on the site anyway. I finally got to the point were i mustard up enough confidence to start posting and take action in real estate. Currently, i've made a website which was provided by Dean and im in the process of creating my "A" team. Next i plan on marketing and networking for potential investors and tenant buyers using all the strategies i learned. Finding sellers that meet the criteria of my buyers and matching them up is my next step. Then close on the deal!! Im very excited when i think of all the possibilities that arise from doing RE that i can barely control myself lol. Just as Dean said, my goal after my success is to help others acheive there dreams as well. I just enjoy the feeling you get from helping others that it becomes addicting. All in all i have a positive outlook on life and am very motivated to get things going. My only worry and this is the question i want to ask, do i really need a coach to help me on my journey to success? This is the only thing kind of holding me back from starting. I believe that i can do it on my own, but then there's always a voice in my head asking "what if i cant?" maybe it's because so many of the successful students here on DG have been through the coaching and now i feel that it's manditory for success. I dont know but let me know what you guys think. I would love some positive feedback!
Try not to become a person of success, but rather a person of value.
Knowing is not enough, we must apply. Willing is not enough, we must do.
i am sure when randy gets back on here[he is smashing it with deals and helping others]......... that he will agree.....COACHING will get you where you want to be FASTER than any other means ....BECAUSE as ndean mentioned in his blogs.......if you are in the woods on an island and want to get to the other side....[as in you want to get to your goal as a successful reinvestor] and u know u are steadily getting there but slow.......... and a COACH tells you and SHOWS YOU .. a way straight through the woods with a path the other side then ...WOULD THAT INTEREST YOU ???? depends on how bad and how QUICK you want to get there ????? right.
all i can tell you is that ...a COACH OR MENTOR OR SUCCESS ACADEMY is that path,that shortcut,thatplan to follow,that map,that comforting feeling knowing that what you r doing is right to get you where you want to be !!
good luck my friend and i hope you choose the path that creates the result you so desire for yourself!!
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need to sell ?
Need me to FINANCE a home ?
Here are a few thoughts that I'm sure you've heard before:
there's never a free lunch
it takes money to make money
don't reinvent the wheel
follow in the footsteps of successful people
Success Academy is an investment in yourself. The advisory team members are there to steer you in the right direction. If you are like me and have never trodden the path of re-investing before, to follow in the footsteps of successful people who have gone down this path makes really good sense. You can tackle this business knowing with confidence "You Are Not Alone!"
Be in good health and prosper,
Jose Alviar
4 Seasons Properties NW, LLC
Beaverton, Oregon 97006
Na pono pono mana, I kou Makua e haawelilo kou manao ... LIVE ALOHA!
Thanks guys i really appreciate the advice and motivation you've given me, it really helped me in making my desicion on the path i should take. From now on ill keep in mind that "The quickest way to success is to follow those who have succeeded!!" Thanks again for the help.
Try not to become a person of success, but rather a person of value.
Knowing is not enough, we must apply. Willing is not enough, we must do.
Have been out of the country meeting with other investors. All I can say is I did have a coach and a on-site mentor. And yes today I would do it again no matter what the cost. And yes I could have done it on my own. But their is know way I would be were I am at. setting at the airport trying to get caught up. Sure am glad to be back in the good old USA. One more flight and I will be home. Glad to here from all of you.
I really have to find out where u were this time Randy
I guess I would have like to success academy but i had to make a choice of either that or going to the EDGE. I chose the latter and do not regret it.
That said, get the coaching if you can do it, If you run with the knowledge you can do the 5 deals and get a return check.
best of luck.
never EVER give up!!
But like you said you did make the investment. You was at the edge with a lot of different coaches.
In the world could you last on a long distance flight not being able to puff on a Marlboro. I need to know this answer...Jan
PS. Don't tell me you unhooked the smoke detector in the bathroom!!!!!!
Thanks Randy, everyone needs to see your story. Hope to meet you one day.
Eddie Kilthau
Phoenix, Arizona
I am glad to see that they gave you the heart. I knew you would be a great Trainer.
Looking foreward to meeting you at the Edge in May.
Steve and Veronica
Steve and Veronica's Journal.
This part is not easy, I had to go 24 hours without a cigarette when I went to Canada. I got held up in customs for 8 hours and then got deported' but you know me. I don't except nos. was back in 21 hours and got end. will have to tell you about this one. but I still made it to my one on one. in 30 days .. will be closing on park in olk
Thank you for your encouragement! We finally joined the Success Academy 2 weeks ago. Last year we were at EDGE also. Looking forward to our first deal and getting over the fear. Thanks again.