Their is so many new names on here that it is impossible to answer all. But if you really want to succeed. Read and read and read some-more, Talk to other investors that are successful, And then read some more. It took me almost 9 months before i did my first deal. But when I started this i new I wanted to succeed and was willing to do the work. I have done 50 deals in the last 18 months with 0 money, bankruptcy and no JOB. And yes I did join the success acamandy and yes I did use them. I have used almost all of Deans strategies in one form are another just to see if they would work, Ans guess what they do. If i can help let me know. But please put in the time to know what you want to do. This is really easy if you are willing to put in the footwork and learn. A lot easy then a 4 year degree and a lot more profitable.
Hey, I don't have the books or the school, But I am not letting that stop me from trying I have been searching trying to build a buyers list sending e-mails to any ads I see about buying houses telling them I'm a new investor and asking if they will work with me on my real estate adventure so that I know what I'm looking for in the properties and who I can sell them to. I'm not having much luck just finding personal investors or buyers looking for certain properties. Once I have a good stand point on buyers I plan to start finding the deals. I'm not sure how it will all work out but I know if I stop trying I will intern get nothing. With that being said I'd like to say thank you to the DG family it has been a privilege to learn from you all, And I plan to not stop learning and trying to help others. I am currently doing this alone and would be interested in a partnership or a bird dogging job. Thank you all for your support and advice I hope to share a success story soon about my first deal step by step.
To reach me just leave a pm
I can't say thank you enuf
To everyone who is struggling you need to buy the book Profit From Real Estate Right Now, Read it, then read it again.
This is the only book I have ever read cover to cover and in the last 2 months since I have started with real estate I knew nothing before this book purchase about REI or any type of Investing.
I grew up poor raised by a single mother on welfare never finished high school
dropped out in 7th,8th,9th and then for good in 10th grade.
I have had many odd jobs since then I had a kid at 18 yrs old never took the time to learn anything.
Now im 25 yrs old and just bought the book Profit From Real Estate Right Now,
after reading this book I have a whole new out look on life I have been working at my dead end job for 3 1/2 yrs got promoted and still only make 25 cents over min wage this is part of my motivation of course but im just saying that ANYONE CAN DO THIS IF I CAN,I have only been involved with REI for 2 months and am already showing signs of success.
Please take the time to get the book' You will be surprised at how much it will help you.
It always good to here from you. with you attitude and motivation the sky is the limit.
I cant thank you enough you have helped me take what i've learned from the book and put it into action.
I know I might be rushing things but I figure if I sit back and be afraid I will always be sitting back and afraid.
So I suggest to everyone who is new and as eager and motivated as I am you should Just go for it Dean is right anyone can do this especially with the help of the Dean Grasosi Family .
You are probably right, When a person sets around and does nothing Fear takes over. and from everyone I have talked to when this happens no Action is taken. Its kinda hard to get ahead without action. And you always will here me say this fear and action don't go together. Wish everyone the best of luck this weekend getting your action plan into place.
Well I have got my new one in place. No need waiting, so I am putting into action today. If you got your action plan started today are you working on it let me know. If you are not go look in the mirror and figure out why. No money can be made with fear setting on your shoulder.
Dean had another great blog this morning. If you are struggling to get started really take the time to listen to it. If you take the challenge it will help give you time to get started.
So go in that Lawyers office like you know what your doing...FAKE IT TILL YOU MAKE IT!!!! You will do just fine
AWESOME Carol!! That may be my biggest source of fear right now. I still only know these things conceptually, and I will have to fake it a bit the first few times, but I never like to be misleading. "FAKE IT TIL YOU MAKE IT." I'll keep that one in mind.
Kevin A Goldman
Goldman's Gardens Real Estate, LLC
Wholesale Real Estate Investing
Great Success to Us All!
My Journal:
Why do I deserve this? Because everyone should be able to enjoy their life, not struggle through an existence.
Yes, he had a great blog this week. Love last week's too. For your thread here, it's a pleasure to have yet another source of info from another one of the well-knowns in the DG Fam. I hope I can meet with you one day.
I look forward to picking your brain too, whenever I need
Have agreat rest of the weekend!
Kevin A Goldman
Goldman's Gardens Real Estate, LLC
Wholesale Real Estate Investing
Great Success to Us All!
My Journal:
Why do I deserve this? Because everyone should be able to enjoy their life, not struggle through an existence.
Glad you stopped buy, Hope all is going well for you. I am always here to help if I can.
I put a post on here Sat about staring a action plan. but I haven;t seen any response on the topic. O well at least it help me. I stared a new action plan and have already put it into play. I didn't see any reason to wait' well its Monday and their is still no reason you can;t get one started today, Hope all is doing well.
i got my plan of action in place for today (i started working it yesterday) and started for tomorrow. i am going to work it hard and see what i accomplish. thanks for all the encouragement!
Linda, Army EOD Mom
you can follow my journal at
Fear equals:
I have often heard about the people that have so much fear of confronting others and going out to talk to potential deals. I understand that. What I have realized is the one thing that slows me down is: Fear of doing it all as prescribed and still failing. This will sound crazy to many, but if I don't do it as I have been taught, I can't fail or I won't know if I would fail! The sad part is that by not going after it, that is a bigger failure. That is the struggle inside of me that no one, until now, knew about.
After being in sales and support most of my life, most everyone would think this wouldn't be a problem, but it still is. I have found that once I get out there and get going, I lose that fear or I don't have time to think it.
What do all of you feel on the inside that you don't normally tell anyone? Is it the same for you too?
Keep on Keeping On !!! Expect it, God has already given it to you. You just need to get out there and grab it!
If you want to follow my journal:
Do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God.I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. Isaiah 41:10
Hi randy428 on your first assignment did you need or use a lawyer or realestate agent? Are they nessesary or are the documents on Dean's site for assignments all you need?
Glad to here from you. And like the most of use it seams when we are taking action fear doesn.t set their and consume our lifes.
This is something that i share on a lot. Yes their is always fear to some extent. But then again you know fear stops me from sticking my hand into a fire. And yes fear does make me stop from doing a bad deal. So I guess in reality, Their is good fear and bad fear. I just keep taking action so the bad fear doesn't take over.
No all I used was the title company. But if you feel at ease about the contract you can always talked to and attorney. But I would recommend a real estate attorney.
It sometimes amazes me when you mention taking action-how their is not much response. But then again it shouldn't surprise me. You see the truth is if you don't take action nothing can change. but then people will set around and say this don't work. So if this rubs you the wrong way, Then maybe its time to get that action plan done and into play.
Wow. Still no action plans popping up from all the new ones starting out. I really thought I would here from several on this topic. O well I guess no new ones are ready to succeed today.
I have an opportunity on my first deal and don't know how to proceed, maybe you can help.I too have no job, no credit and no money but have made the plan to assign my first 10 deals. I have a realtor and am building a buyers list. I have a deal where aother wholesaler has a house under contract. The deal is I can get it for 45K, it needs 15 in rehab, and I would assign it to my buyer for 75K (ARV 160K). My problem is, with no money of my own, how can I pay the original wholesalers assignment fee to have the house assigned to me so I can assign it to my buyer withour using my own money? Bird dog fee has been suggested but 15K seems like alot to charge as a bird dog fee, and that is what I would make if I can assign it to may buyer. Any suggestions?
Hello Randy, I'm glad I found this thread. You are a good motivator for taking action.
I ordered Dean's book and even before the book came, I started reading posts on this site and am amazed at the support here. Can't wait to see more.
Steps completed so far:
1. Ordered Dean's book
2. Made a buyers list
Then my book came yesterday - woo hoo! I immediately read the first chapter.
I'm a Realtor in Lancaster County PA and I am going to be a REI. But I need some stepping stones first before I go whole hog. I'm looking to hook up with an investor and be the Realtor on their team. I haven't found one yet. But, I've already taken action to be ready - I put together a buyers list from cash sales completed since April. I also have a couple people I know that I will approach because I know they have funds.
Through my brother, I found out about a house in Philadelphia that the owner "just wants to get rid of". Anyone want to partner and help me get my feet wet?
Next steps:
- Put together a list of REO's, short sale and foreclosure listings
- Read, read, read
Thanks again for the inspiration Randy!
Thanks, Nadine
** Realtor/Investor in Lancaster County, PA
His Hope Enterprises LLC
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I am really glad to see you are taking action. This is the hardest part of getting stated, But when you do this the key to success is in your hands.
I have never done a double assignment like you are talking about. but if i was in your shoes I would go back and tell the first guy you have a buyer and what can we do to make a win win, I have always found honest to be the best practice,
I have 5 good buyers,I have 7 property's that match there criteria.I am a member of the academy and the SFL program but i am scared to death to lock them up under contract for some reason?? Im doing assignment of contract do to bad credit and paying off debts .. Example- total view says there at 100k listed at 65k i figure to offer 55-60 to the seller, my buyers want 30% equity so they should pay 70k right?
There is defiantly room for error and profit right, so why am i so scared any body that has been at this most critical point please tell me i need to just do it i dont know why im so scared maybe because every other thing i ever tried didn't work ? and i want this to work so bad i have heard it from all that have made his work that this is so easy and it seems like it is , witch to me seems to good to be true.
I have been none stop at this for 5 weeks making progress like i should hitting all goals an know Im right there, so why am i backing off and scared .. if you have been in this spot and made it work like i know it should and will please help me to understand and get past this i need this so bad. Right know i need to hear from people that got past this most important part of this great journey
Help Me Understand
Bob & Sandy
robert a sanfilippo
robert a sanfilippo
FEAR WILL LEAVE AS YOU KEEP MOVING FORWARD.But the one thing you need to do is call a Realtor and find out what the true comps are. Find out what has sold in the last 90 days in your area that is comparable to the properties you are looking at. then you can back in the real numbers to see what you need to offer.
Can someone answer this simple question? Has anyone had any sucess in Connecticut?????
work any were you take action and follow a few steps'
Hey Randy And all DGF.
Sorry I didnt post my action plan I have had a plan in place since I started with REI 2 months ago and I have been moving forward ever since right now I am trying to build my buyers list I Know I should have done that before I locked up a property on contract but I was morely seeing if these strategies would actually work and they do. (dean is the best)
But the good thing is the 2 properties I have locked up I was completly honest and they know my exact intentions and where I am coming from.
so they are willing to help me get going with REI.
Also I am meeting with a real estate agent soon that my RE Attorney resquested me to try and work with when I met with him the other day.
now I can see how powerful word of mouth can be.
God Bless DGF.