Amy’s Story: the #1 Dean Graziosi Supporter

Amy’s Story: the #1 Dean Graziosi Supporter

In life we face many problems and some are more bearable than others. Each day can have new challenges but we usually find a way to make it through the day. There are some days where some people face a challenge they need to overcome each and every day. How we deal with those challenges may define us as who we are or who we are destined to become.

On a recent visit to the Boston, Massachusetts area, I was mentoring three real estate students. The three days passed quickly with the students very satisfied about the material we covered. It was near the end of the final day when one of the students approached me to speak privately.

Dana, one of the students that I was mentoring, stated that he had come to trust me during our time together. He wanted to share their story on how they came to hear about Dean Graziosi and made the decision to get involved in Dean’s training program.

Several months ago Dana and his wife Marilyn, had met a young woman named Amy, who had been diagnosed with a cancerous brain tumor. As this couple came to know Amy better, they made a commitment to each other. This couple was committed to doing whatever they could to make Amy’s life more comfortable and to assist her in any way they possibly could.

Although Amy’s surgeries were successful in removing all traces of the tumor and cancer, they had left her with several debilitating side effects; confined to a wheel chair, unable to care for herself and her two daughters, and needing to relearn to speak. They offered to spend time with her, run errands for her and see that her two daughters got to school activities.

Over the next several months they began to notice, no matter how frustrated Amy became with her slow progress, she always managed a smile and would communicate as best she could that she would NOT let these troubles break her spirit and positive attitude! Although Dana and his wife arrived at Amy’s home with the intent to raise Amy’s spirits, they always left with the feeling, is was THEIR spirits that been uplifted!

On one visit they found Amy very excited and was having some difficulty communicating what it was she wanted. After several minutes they realized she was asking, “Where is my credit card?” Amy explained she had been watching TV the night before and had happened to see one of Dean’s infomercials. It had stirred her thoughts and excited her that success in real estate was possible. Her friends found the credit card, and at Amy’s insistence, ordered Dean’s latest two books. Everyday Amy would ask, “Where are my books?” Finally the books arrived, and hard as Amy tried, due to the shaking in her hands, she could not read them. She called her friends and convinced them to read her the books.

Dana and Marilyn had never heard of Dean and were not convinced the books would be beneficial to Amy. Amy insisted they read from them to her during each visit. After several weeks her friends began to appreciate the way in which Dean and all of the contributors to the book explained how they each had read, learned and successfully applied Dean’s strategies. They began to feel there was really something to be learned from reading these books. Something they needed to learn!!

Although Amy is not yet able to start her own real estate business, her unstoppable spirit and total belief in what she learned from the books,motivated Dana and Marilyn to start their own Real Estate business using Dean’s materials.

At the conclusion of hearing Amy’s story, I was asked, “do you have an extra hour to spare; I know Amy would love to meet you.” Now I ask you, would YOU not have time to meet such a woman? I said, yes and thanked them for sharing Amy’s inspiring story with me.
On the way to Amy’s home, I was briefed on what to expect, as Amy’s conditions were profound.

I was immediately impressed with Amy’s smile. The sounds she made were translated to me, “hello, how are you doing”. Over the next few minutes, I was witness to the severity of her challenges, and yet, how well she proved with her every action and word, this was an incredibly strong and committed woman.

As we were leaving, I was told by Dana, when Amy was well enough they would see she would have a mentor come and give her the same training they had just received. I was moved to offer that if her friends felt comfortable with my abilities, and asked for me I would consider it a privilege to return and share my knowledge with Amy.

Even as I write this story, I am once more moved to tears. We, who have our health, ability to communicate and walk, still find excuses for why we do not move forward in our quest for success. And yet, this amazing woman, who is so severely challenged, has not a moment of doubt that she WILL get well, and she WILL become successful in Real Estate. Dean continues to inspire, touch and change so many lives and the ripple effect is so evident within this one story.

I relay this true story to you, in the hopes you will also be moved by her courage and spirit, to never again allow yourself to become discouraged and overwhelmed by your daily challenges. Rather you should recall that you once read a story about a simple woman who became a giant through her Persist, ‘til you succeed attitude!!!



Thank you so much for sharing Amy's story. It certainly shows us that our success is truly dependent on our determination and dedication to our goals. It is evident that Amy is as mucha a blessing to Dana and Marilyn. I pray God's grace and peace to Amy and her daughters.


If this doesn't get you motivated, nothing probably will. What a great story.


Amy's Story

Thanks Joe for your comments. I always enjoy your comments and support for all of us you choose to contact. Thanks for a great 3 days.

Amy's Story

Thanks Stacy for your comments. It is such a pleasure to be surrounded by so many caring and supportive people.

Amy's Story

Randy, thanks for your help and encouragement. Amy can and should be an inspiration to everyone who reads her story.

Amy's Story

Thanks, Dave for your comments. Each of us is but a heartbeat away from a life changing event. It is my hope that everyone who reads her story will refocus their efforts for financial freedom and let NOTHING dissuade them!

Amy's Story

Thanks, Linda for your kind comments. Please tell your son that an old Army SSG said I am proud of his service to this wonderful country!

Amy's Story

Jay, thank you for commenting on her story. Please keep me in mind for the cruise you mentioned last year. My wife Linda and I would be very interested. I may have some ideas on how we all could write it off as an educational expense!!!

Amy's Story

Thanks Jake for your comments. I am honored to be surrounded by so many people like yourself.

Amy's Story

Thanks Matt for your kind comments. May your success in Real Estate be only be surpassed by how you answer my question #3!!!!

Amy's Story

Thanks, David for your comments on Amy's story. She is and inspiration to us all. We will never achieve the success we were meant to have until we learn we must "Persist 'til we Succeed!!!"

Amy's Story

Thank you Anthony. With all the GREAT materials available on this site the best things, we as students need to bring, is the right attitude and the commitment to take action!

Amy's Story

Thanks Kay for your inspiring comments. We can achieve so much more if we learn we DO NOT HAVE to do it alone. Only when we humble ourselves to ask for help, can we achieve the level of success for which we were destined.

Amy's Story

Never lose sight or your goals, they inspire us to DO the things necessary to become successful even when we would rather NOT do them.

Amy's Story

Thanks for commenting Shirley. Amy will continue to inspire others who read her story.
P.S. I believe the quote was from Dexter Yeager!

Amy's Story

Annette, Thanks for making your first post. Never lose sight of your goals, let them become the force that drives you to do what you must, so you will achieve all that is within you.

Amy's Story

Great words of encouragement. I hope that all these comments will bolster Amy's resolve to never give up an her dreams. It is now our time to inspire her.

Amy's Story

I had a difficult time writing this story as I could not control my emotions. It has taken me aver a month to complete it. I was suprised to hear Dean announce this new contest. I believe there are no coincidences, and it was the right time for me to meet Amy. She is deserving of all the encouragement and support we can give.

Amy's Story

Thanks Cathy. I continue to be amazed by the people I meet since I became a part of Dean's system. It wasn't until Matt Larson introduced me to Dean's system that my business and motivation to help others found new strength. Thanks to Dean and all of you who post comments that are up lifting to us all!!!


Thanks Mimsey, for your motivating comments. We need to focus our energies on what what we CAN do to move forward. Never let what we have NOT done well in the PAST determine our future. That is why our windshield is so large and our rear view mirror is so small!!

Amy's Story....

Thank you Gregory for sharing this story. YES, daily....we need to thank GOD, for the things that we have AND for the things we do not have <><


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John <>< Future DG & DL REI Billionaire

Wonderful Story

I cant add anything more to the comments that have been made here about Amy, EXCEPT lets get her that first deal and keep her in our prayers. Amy's friends are angels without wings, as are you Greg for bringing this story to our attention.



We seldom get what we want, but we will always get what we expect.

Thanks Greg

What a wonderful story. Tell Amy that her smile will affect more people than she can ever imagine.

Just a thought, I think she'd be thrilled to know she was on if you showed her your post and all the replies.


Mark K. Cool

Life Disclaimer: Past Failures are NOT indicative of Future Results.

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Wow, what an amazing story! We sit around and complain about the smallest things, however when we hear about such touching stories we need to shut our mouths! lol

Thank you so much....

Peace and Blessings,


“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light not our darkness that frightens us. Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small doesn’t serve the world. There’s nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us.”

- Nelson Mandela

Amy's Story

Thanks Sir John for your comments. We do need to be thankful for what we do NOT have, as you stated!

Wonderful Story

Thanks Steve. It is only when we share ourselves with others, that we begin to approach our true potential!

Thanks Greg

Thanks Mark, She will be amazed with all the support and encouragement that has been sent her way.


Sheila, "I met a man who complained about having no shoes, until he met a man who had no feet!" We need to live our lives looking forward to what we will become, and not behind at what it took to get where we are now!

Thank You!

Greg, This is such an amazing story and I've seen how it moved you personally! Thank you for sharing with us all. We all need to dig deep and hang on to the Amy in us. Not let the excuse run our lives.

Thank you again for sharing and keep on sharing with others and I know you've personally given so much to so many people. Looking forward to seeing you soon - at The EDGE forsure.

Go out and break down the walls in front of you to be successful!


Chip & Andrea Weule
AC Investment Group, Inc.

Amy's Story

Thanks, Chip & Andrea for your wonderful comments. See you at the Edge and at a future workshop!!!