You know my life is horrible. I live with my parents and I always put 110% to every job I have. where does it get me. no where. Im living like a bum in my room waisting my life away not caring about anything because nothing is going on. Im wathching this show called top gear and they are testing 3 $500 cars and making fun of them. And you know what. thats my life. thats what I take seriously and work my but off to achieve. I have a job and hold my money until I know im not gonna get fired them fix my car and buy the registration and insurance to drive to work or find another job. $500 dollars is serious to me but in reality everyone thinks thats a joke. Breaks my heart that in order to bring happieness to my life I have spend 4 bucks on 4 16 oz beers to drink and get rid of my problem.
I dont want to live like this anymore and i will do anyhthing at all to be a better person. please if there anyone out there that can help me out and lives near me or no please. I know that in life you only care about yourself and everyone else is no game but im begging you please someone help me I cant live like this anymore, i dont have a life and im tired of it. I keep this website as my home page to remind me to get better but nothing ever does.
Right now im stuck with estimate repairs on houses and i have no one at all to help me with it. my life sucks, 26 getting older and nothing to show for it. please i know people should only look out for each other but if someone can help me please I will owe you. I dont care if I dont make zip i just want to learn how to do it so i can say that in my pathetic life i was good at something.
P.S. im sorry from the bottom of my heart that I needed to get drunk just to ask for help. im just scared because idk where im gonna be at 27.
beer tastes like crap i hate it
Sounds like you're having a rough night. Where are you stuck? Are you doing the RBBP? Where have you started? What is making you stuck on the estimate on repairs for a house? I'm new to this deal, but I'm pretty savvy when it comes to any business. I will help if I can get more info. -Susan
You need to find a Handyman to help you with your repair numbers
... try following the forum posts for Dean's book, Totally Fulfilled --- this one, for example >>> There's a lot of positive food for thought being shared there.
I know it's difficult when you feel like you can never get ahead, but that's when you especially need to remember to count your blessings (roof over your head, a car, family, jobs, sunshine, fresh water, good health, whatever), rather than focusing on what you don't want and attracting more of that. I'm 56, broke, in debt, working to keep a junk car on the road, taking care of elderly mother, after previous partner committed suicide when he found out he had Huntington's, etc. --- but life is good if you let it be. It's all relative; try to keep some perspective and a sense of humor. Help someone else who's less fortunate than you, and smile even if you don't feel like it at first, and then watch things start changing.
(BTW, former partner's older brother was diagnosed at the same time. Instead of blowing himself up, he took it as a challenge --- decided to spend more time w/ family, change his diet, start running, participate in an experimental drug program for the disease to help others. Last I heard, he was stabilized and improving, and enjoying time with a new grandson.)
If you want to do RE, try to find a job helping someone who's doing anything related, property management, repairs, remodeling, whatever would fit your skills. You'll make new friends and give yourself time to learn on and off the job.
Jennifer E
I don't live near you, but if you're interested, we can form some type of buddy system and help keep each other accountable in our REI goals.
Get the houses you're interested under contract or ask the owners if you can bring someone by to check for repair estimates and then find a contractor online that offers free estimates to come and check out the house for you. He or she will tell you how much repairs for that particular house will cost.
If you want to change your life, you have to do something different. I completely understand where you're coming from. But you have to ask yourself how badly you want this. Once you know the answer to that, you'll know if you're truly doing everything you possibly can to achieve your goals.
Good luck! Let me know if you're interested in what I suggested
I'm sure you're going to do great in RE and complete numerous deals. You just have to work at it and believe in yourself and your abilities.
In Christ alone, I place my trust.
Anyone that's been around here for any period of time has at least got a glimpse of my heart. I know that everyone that has the desire CAN make this work, but some for whatever reasons don't.
Since you posted and asked for help, I'll put my .02 in. First STOP! Stop focusing on the problems and start focusing on solutions. If rehab is what you feel is your hangup. Squash it. If your wholesaling and have local landlord buyers, when you get a property that what you feel is a cosmetic (knock ugly off) rehab, more times than not if you are dealing with local guys they are going to go by the property anyway. Unless it's a heavier pickup, it's not going to exceed $10k. Literally I have closed deals with calling a buyer FROM the property after locking it up. Presenting the FMV, the sales price and needs only cosmetic. Gave him the address he drove by the next day and took it. (These are old school guys and want me to just call)
I'm a single mom and how I fix crap at my house when it doesn't work is bang on til it does or throw it out and buy a new one. lol I knew nothing. Starting out, I did have contractors and handymen meet me at properties. I walked through with them. Asking them questions. They gave me estimates. I walk through making list of repairs then would go on Lowes or Home Depot sites and price materials. I had several contractors tell me when asked how they quote a job and they would said usually you can guage whatever your material cost are just double it. To include materials and labor. How simple is that.
Second, Jennifer posted above which was where I was going also. I don't care if you have to borrow the money from you mom or cut your neighbors grass for a few buck. Order "Totally Fulfilled" ($19.95) then go to your local BookaMillion and buy "Think and Grow Rich" ($7.95). If you truly can not find a way to get the $30 and if you WILL read them both, PM me an address and I'll order it and have them sent to you.
NOTHING will change in your life until YOU do. I understand you are in a valley, but you don't have to stay there. Make the decision you are SICK of it and then DO something to change it. No matter how bad it is you can never stop fighting. You can always get out of your hole if you quit digging and start climbing.
Oscar I don't know you but you are here, you are part of the DG family. As crazy as that sounds it reminds me of the code military or law enforcement have. WE are family, we are all here striving to change our lives, creating a better future. But WE have to take captive our minds.
ANYONE of the seasoned investors on here (or really just anyone for that matter I believe) will DO anything to help anyone. But you have to know, no one's going to give it to you. You have to be willing to help yourself. Everyone here had gone through crap, delt wil crap and still deal with it everyday. The shift is when you quit focusing on the problem and focus on the solution.
I do hope that this message is conveyed with the passion intended. Because any other was not the intent. Because you are here you are family and no man left behind.
I will pray for you.
God bless,
Hey man,
My heart goes out to you.
Do this: Before you go to bed tonight, decide on two totally small things you can do tomorrow that would start you on the direction of your goals of becoming a legit real estate investor.
I mean, totally small and doable.
Maybe it's bookmarking two forum threads. Maybe it's bookmarking one thread and then throwing out the skunk beer. Maybe it's putting two dollars away to save toward one of Dean's books. Maybe it's getting a FREE library card so you can check out one of Dean's books. Hell, maybe it's Google-ing where the closest library is so that you can get a library card. But do it. Make sure you do it.
Every day, add two really doable things that will continue you on the path toward getting your first deal done.. Do this every day. And reward yourself for doing it..... but not with a beer.
Post your progress. We'll help you keep going and we'll help you set bigger goals and keep you accountable as you progress.
Your friend,
Stop feeling sorry for yourself, and as Keb, says, stop wasting your money on Beer!!! buy one of DG's book with that money instead!
Start a journal here, and write one thing you do for your rei every day! Have a goal-where do you want to be? That will be your motivation to do it!
Sell your TV and use that money to buy yellow signs (18"x24") and black markers to make some bandit signs! go out and put up 25 signs at busy intersections where cars will slow down and will be able to read them.
Wishing you great success,
“And will you succeed? Yes indeed, yes indeed! Ninety-eight and three-quarters percent guaranteed!” ― Dr. Seuss
"I believe in angels, the kind that heaven sends; I am surrounded by angels, but I call them friends" - Unknown
My journal:
thank you guys for your support. I dont really drink maybe once every two weeks but I over did it that day and all the feelings I had locked inside came bursting out. Right now trying to get my life back together between getting injured at work and other doctor stuff. After that Im going to call back the cash buyers I had lined up before and see if they are still intrested in recieving properties.
if you want to change your life, you need to be taking action every day! stop wasting time-you will never get it back!
You need to start calling your buyers today! you need to look for properties today! you need to find a realtor today!
Write down your goals today!
Take action today!!!
Wishing you success,
“And will you succeed? Yes indeed, yes indeed! Ninety-eight and three-quarters percent guaranteed!” ― Dr. Seuss
"I believe in angels, the kind that heaven sends; I am surrounded by angels, but I call them friends" - Unknown
My journal:
Just glad you made it through the night; you were not sounding good, and it has been a major Full Moon for everyone.
We all have our stories and our challenges. If someone did hand it to you on a silver platter, whatever IT is, chances are you wouldn't know how to handle it, like all the folks who win the lottery and end up worse off.
Think about your journey; focus on the baby steps; enjoy your progess bit by bit. You'll have the pride of accomplishment along with the rewards.
Best Wishes,
Jennifer E.
Hey Oscar!!!
OK...I rarely ever offer unsolicited opinions regarding issues such as yours; however, since you might wanna check out:
"Hoʻopo nopono" (Google it)
It's Hawaiian with roots in Polynesian Culture I think...just one of man's many ways of "cleansing" and becoming "Clear." Not cultish nor does it conflict with one's spiritual or religious's a tool.
I ran across it years ago while travelling in that part of the world and have seen first hand the effects it has on alot of people.
You're young and If I was you, I'd put Real Estate on the back burner for a few weeks and either check out
"Ho' opo nopono," a similar program or heck even Tony Robbins...he's got all kinds of free stuff online to help one with their priorities. Once your head is clearer and refreshed...things will flow better for you.
Ron and Ingrid
"I'm discovering the best way to predict our future is to create it!"
Life is rough. I know how you feel. I just have one question. You don't even have to reply. Who is your hope?
Say no to the good and YES to the BEST!
I understand what you are going through Oscar because Im going through the same thing. Pkus a I have baby on the way. God is testing us and its up too you and me to turn this test into a testimony. I find myself sometimes drinking to ease the pains of life. Lets make a change NOW. Pm me so we can talk more and help each other out. Lets become partners!
Wow, what inspiration all you DG'ers have provided.
Let these folks be your sponsors! Follow their footsteps.
Pray for others and God will help you
Best wishes,
"; not greedy for money....but eager to serve"
1 Peter 5:2
I have been coaching for over ten years. I have seen people from every walk of life, and every economic situation try to learn how to invest. One thing that oftentimes happens is that the people with a decent job, good income, and stability, lack the motivation to really make a change. They are too comfortable. They don't have the motivation t really do what it takes to succeed with investing in real estate.
You, on the other hand, have seemingly hit rock bottom. Sometimes that's the point you need to be at to sit down and force yourself to make a change. You realy don't have ANYTHING to lose, so go at it full force and get involved. You will be surprised at how fast the information will stick, and although it won't happen overnight, I can guarantee that if you stay involved a little every day, you will meet people with deals, peopl with money, and all of the professionals in between to help you get the deal done. Get out and start making some changes and get involved!
see? everyone here is giving you advice and feelin' for you! you should be on this site every day, reading rei threads and learning...
Read DG's book 'Totally Fulfilled' (Jen already said that too-it is an awesome book!)... then come back to this site and start taking action!
wishing you success,
“And will you succeed? Yes indeed, yes indeed! Ninety-eight and three-quarters percent guaranteed!” ― Dr. Seuss
"I believe in angels, the kind that heaven sends; I am surrounded by angels, but I call them friends" - Unknown
My journal:
I would like to know how to do wholesaling step by step. I have no money or job. Have not worked since getting out of the hospital in 2008. I have been praying for something I can do that is relatively easy to make the money I desire to help my family and others. The best I can do right now is take advantage of the free stuff on this site until the cash comes in to get the books or the programs. I generally surround myself with positive people, but I will not talk about this to anyone. As the saying goes, I can show you better than I can tell you. If someone would not mind helping me get through the first deal or two it would be greatly appreciated.
kubankhaos, u will do just fine. You have to believe in yourself and make it happen. My prayers are with you as you move toward success. Two steps back only means five steps forward.
"I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength"
Philippians 4:13
Lets start by getting a good nights sleep. You may need to train your body to get good sleep at night. I think if you eat right and stay hydrated with water and then do the best you can in a day to be able to live with yourself, then you should be tired and ready for sleep. Try for a minimum of 7 hours each night. Next when you wake up just realize that this new day is a gift. It offers endless opportunities so seize the day. You will have to look for those opportunities but they are there. If you are walking down a street lined with tall buildings and you know that when you get to the corner you will go to your left. For the moment you can not see around that corner so you do not know what will be there. So next you make that turn and find good things.
Next item is to write down your goals. I suggest a 5" x 7" spiral notebook to keep track and add any notes or thoughts you may have. I do this and I make lists. Things I want - things I need - places I want to go - people I want to see etc., etc., etc. I just believe that all of this helps to clear your mind and clarify your plan and needs. List your action items and list the tools and skill you have and how you can apply them.
Trust me when I say it will all work out. Somehow some way it will. You see I have my own obstacles and difficulties but I will be damned - I will not give up and I will not quit. I need about $3,000.00 a loan that I will pay extra to use the money just to keep going. I am telling myself just do a deal. So, I understand your frustration. We all have issues and they are not the same just like every real estate deal is different. Yet they are deals. I really hope this helps and gives you a different way to look at the problem. For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son that whosoever believeth in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life. Oh how I love that scripture. Scripture also tells us it is God's plan for us to live life abundantly. We must help ourselves and we must believe - have hope and faith.
Take care of yourself please. Gods speed to you.
I cant tell how great it feels it come to this site and read what you guys have posted. Its so much great motivation and positive energy that comes from you guys. I want that positive also and to get rid of all this negative. I think Im just so worried about everything at the same time I dont take baby steps. I see that now. So little by little im going to try and piece all this together and come out better.
Good for you, Oscar.
I just recently ran across this thread and bookmarked it:
Positive thoughts plus positive action suggestions!
Jennifer E
Don't get me started on where to even begin on the stuff I've been dealt! I won't even go into it, it would take too long!! Anyway, I have both of those books that Jen posted about ^ ^ up there, on audio and ebook. If you want, I'll email them both to you!! Does anyone know how to get these huge filed books across the intertubes??
Just let me know and they will be off! Hurry up!!! 
"Persistence Pays, Procrastination Delays!" - smurfy
"I can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens me." - Philippians 4:13
"He will keep in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on thee" Isaiah 26:3
"Those who wait on the LORD Shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint." Isaiah 40:31
View my journal here:
Hi Oscar,
I've spent most of my adult life being negative in one way or another, even though I've had plenty to at least be grateful for if not to appreciate fully. So I get it! The thing is, though, being negative is just a habit, and it can be changed. I've been broke and I've been earning a lot of money, and neither changed my attitude much. I had to make the choice to change it. I've gotten a lot of help from these guys: .
One of the things they suggest that is helpful is to write a list every day of positive things that happened to you. It can be something as small as "I found a penny on the street, woohoo, I'm a money magnet!" Or it can be something big like a loved one healing from a serious illness. Find a few things every day, and it will help you become more positive.
Another thing I would suggest that I got from Peak Potentials (hope it's OK to mention them) is to start savings accounts for things like financial freedom, contingencies, and fun. Even if you can only put in a dollar a week, making the choice to save something each week can help you attract more money.
It's all about your energy and vibration, my friend. So when you come here and read these posts and they uplift you, that's the time to ACT! Use it as a stepping-off point to help you stay in a more positive frame of mind. Decide for yourself that being happy is the most important thing, and make that effort regardless of what's going on in your life. It's not easy to ignore circumstance, but there's always something to be grateful or happy for. Good luck, Oscar, I'm pulling for you just as everyone here is! You have friends here
Much love to you,
Wow, it was as if you were speaking to me! I have struggled with depression all my life, therefore my attitude had been negative for most of it. BUT: I swear, since finding Dean on the tv last year during one of my late night ritual insomniac episodes, I have had more hope than I can ever remember having. I don't think he even realizes how MUCH he has helped so many people! I haven't even done a deal yet, and I still have as much enthusiasm for REI that I had a year ago. It's only a matter of time and all my efforts will snowball. It's already happening!
Anyway, to get back on the subject, I totally agree with the attitude changing. I've done it, and it really works. I simply purpose in my mind to focus on the positive things in my life, and actively block out the negative. It takes a little work, but it does work miracles. I have even used this to block out the bad people in my life. I just make an active attempt at thinking about something else. Anyway, I'm rambling now. I'll shup.
Oh, one last word. One of my favorite bible passages is: "He will keep in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on thee." Ok I'm done!
"Persistence Pays, Procrastination Delays!" - smurfy
"I can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens me." - Philippians 4:13
"He will keep in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on thee" Isaiah 26:3
"Those who wait on the LORD Shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint." Isaiah 40:31
View my journal here: