The world says that this is not a good time to invest in real estate! They say the real estate market is dead, property values are under water and there is no money to be made in real estate today. The media promotes the market as being the worst real estate market that this country has ever seen. They feature pictures of properties for sale but not selling, they do interviews where people are stating that real estate prices have hit rock bottom and that there is no value in real estate right now. This has caused the majority of America to view real estate investing in today's market as unproductive. The mindset of most Americans is that "somebody would be stupid to jump in and buy now when property values are down".
Sadly, For many of you that are just starting out in real estate investing you are most likely surrounded by people with this mind set. You want to jump in and get started making money in real estate. You have read Dean's books, taken his programs and you know that now is the time to buy, this is the market where money can be made. You are confident that you can do this! You want to jump in and get started but... you are being told to "STOP!" "You can't do it!" "Don't be stupid there is no money in real estate right now". Every where you turn there is no one to support you in your decision to change your financial future right here, right now!
Then, in spite of the what others are saying, you start to move forward in the real estate world. You are ready to take action in spite of everyone else telling you it cannot be done. Suddenly you stop and step back to re-evaluate what they are saying. "Are they right?" Their words begin to echo in your mind and you are questioning your own decision to begin to profit from real estate TODAY! You hear them but your own inner voice that is thrusting you towards financial freedom is getting louder! Then suddenly you do it! You wholesale your first deal, then your second...
The people around you are still saying "You can't do it!" but you know that you can. Now you have haters because your doing it, your making money and they are still living pay check to pay check. Now your beginning to profit from real estate and your haters are not happy. They can't believe that you are diving into a real estate market when every one else is running away. They shake their head, they suck their teeth. "You can't do it!" they keep saying. "It's not possible to profit in today's market!" they say. But your determined to prove them wrong. You keep pushing against the grain and making deals happen. Every word they speak motivates you more. Until suddenly your haters become your motivators!
One day all those people who say "you can't" will motivate you to prove you can! Every person that says " you can't make money in real estate" will motivate you to do more deals to prove them wrong! Allow your haters to be your motivators! Allow them to propel you into financial freedom! Let them push you until you can proudly say....I can, I will, I did!!!
Now is the time to invest in real estate! There will be more millionaires created in today's real estate market than any other time in history. As Dean says... WHY NOT YOU?
Do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God.I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. Isaiah 41:10 FREE wholesaling tips and resources!
To your success,
Carol Stinson
We are so glad we didn't get involved in real estate when it was "popular", we would have lost our butts! Now is the time. Ironically, the very reason your haters tell you not to do it, "because the market is down." is what makes this the perfect, once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to get into real estate! You can't expect the 99% of the population who can not picture success without a job, to understand this.
Use the haters! Let it drive you to prove them wrong! Take action and be one of those millionaires!
Great post Carol! Thank you!
Real estate works...
Thanks Carol, i needed to read this.
I think I will read this every morning before I go to work! I work at my family's business, and they ARE what motivates me every day to make deals. If it is not their idea it's not a good idea. I only have 2 deals under my belt, but I know I will be on fire in 2012! Thanks for the inspiration, I really appreciate your post.
I'm looking high and low right now deal #2 and #3 I have to have them before the stoke of midnite 12-31 it my goal and I want to reach that goal. I must have that goal, then in the new year the goal will be three a month every month to reach the goal of 36 deals in 2012. Carol you do inspire me to be the best I can be, and I will get it done every day I must do something every day to make the my goal complete, Number 1 treat this like a business, and put in the time to get out the marketing (20-40 hours week) you have to let people know what your doing,be it bandit signs yellow letters to expired listings, after the first of year and next deal , with that money I plan to buy a list of pre forclosourer's for mailings and of course adv in shopper, and follow up. Networking is very key to this business also so always be reaching out I talking to somebody everyday about rei, always ask, do you know somebody who has or is selling a property it works also....action+knowledge=Success..$$$$..
.....Just do it....John
"Action and Mistakes" always-outweigh "Analysis Paralysis"
...Just do It"
No better time than here and now. It is no longer about getting your foot wet. It is about jumping in, foot first. God Bless.
"You can never get to the top, if you are not willing to climb. Do not look at the difficulty of the climb, only anticipate the view from the top."
"Can't even walk without you holding my hand." (Song)
"Is anything too hard for the Lord ..." Genesis 19:14
"In all things, wait on the Lord."
"Think not of your own deliverance, but trust in God who will give in abundance."
"When you are down to nothing, God is up to something." Unknown
"Our lives begin to end, the day we become silent about those things that really matters." Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
John you will reach your goal if you believe you can. You must have confidence in yourself before others will have confidence in you. Great goal setting! I am rooting for you!
Do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God.I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. Isaiah 41:10 FREE wholesaling tips and resources!
To your success,
Carol Stinson
Amen to that. I think if you dont have no haters in life, your probably doing something wrong.
Its a world where we're surrounded by them, and the negativity and criticism is inevitable. Some say its their world and we're just living in it. And I say "Ha! Even if it is their world, their words and negativity are NOT going to keep me from living the life of victory that God has in store for me and the success that will come along with it!" Just because the haters believe what they hear or see from the media, doesn't mean its going to impact those that truly want to be successful in Real Estate Investing.
Take me, for example. I started out as a new investor with Dean's book (BAREM) in the very beginning of 2009. I of course, like many others dived right into the book and didn't do much after. About a year later, I finally took action was not only able to get a Real Estate Agent to work with me, but also have access to the MLS. And as many more months rolled on by, I became stagnant and was dealing with stress, fear and other life issues we all deal with. But fast forward to now, and even though I still don't quite have my first deal under my belt, I still know and believe that its coming. I KNOW and believe that I will have blessings, favor and increase along the way. I KNOW everyday when I wake up in the morning, that I'm just one step closer and one day closer to receiving my breakthrough of accomplishing my first deal. So for anyone that's like me in my position or is skeptical about Real Estate Investing and wanting to have financial freedom for the rest of your lives....don't be! Do NOT give up and just have BELIEVE in yourself. Trust Carol, trust me, trust the DG Family, and of course trust Dean...that YOU CAN DO THIS and success will be yours as long as you're consistent and persistent. And like Dean's motto: "Knowledge + Action = Results". Nicely said Carol and thanks for posting this up!
"You are who you are without a doubt...And what you put in is what you see out."
Excellent article, keep up the good work.
Your statement are so true. Thank You
Sadly, For many of you that are just starting out in real estate investing you are most likely surrounded by people with this mind set. You want to jump in and get started making money in real estate. You have read Dean's books, taken his programs and you know that now is the time to buy, this is the market where money can be made. You are confident that you can do this! You want to jump in and get started but... you are being told to "STOP!" "You can't do it!" "Don't be stupid there is no money in real estate right now". Every where you turn there is no one to support you in your decision to change your financial future right here, right now!
Then, in spite of the what others are saying, you start to move forward in the real estate world. You are ready to take action in spite of everyone else telling you it cannot be done. Suddenly you stop and step back to re-evaluate what they are saying. "Are they right?" Their words begin to echo in your mind and you are questioning your own decision to begin to profit from real estate TODAY! You hear them but your own inner voice that is thrusting you towards financial freedom is getting louder! Then suddenly you do it! You wholesale your first deal, then your second...
The people around you are still saying "You can't do it!" but you know that you can. Now you have haters because your doing it, your making money and they are still living pay check to pay check. Now your beginning to profit from real estate and your haters are not happy. They can't believe that you are diving into a real estate market when every one else is running away. They shake their head, they suck their teeth. "You can't do it!" they keep saying. "It's not possible to profit in today's market!" they say. But your determined to prove them wrong. You keep pushing against the grain and making deals happen. Every word they speak motivates you more. Until suddenly your haters become your motivators!
One day all those people who say "you can't" will motivate you to prove you can! Every person that says " you can't make money in real estate" will motivate you to do more deals to prove them wrong! Allow your haters to be your motivators! Allow them to propel you into financial freedom! Let them push you until you can proudly say....I can, I will, I did!!!
Now is the time to invest in real estate! There will be more millionaires created in today's real estate market than any other time in history. As Dean says... WHY NOT YOU?
Real Property 4 You is your source for the best deals on foreclosed properties (REOs) nationwide with daily updates and construction
I Buy and sell residential property in and around the Salem OH 44460 area.
Also if everyone agrees with me and likes what I do than I am doing something wrong! If you do what every one else does you will get the results that everyone else gets... it's when you step out of the ordinary you reach the extraordinary!
Do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God.I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. Isaiah 41:10 FREE wholesaling tips and resources!
To your success,
Carol Stinson
just passing thu doing my latenight homework (its afterwork and 1am in NJ)
dedicated focused! Saw a wonderful quote in a book Im reading "High Beta Rich"- Robert Frank .--
hope this adds a golden nugget to this thread.....
--"the story offers lessons to the mass of Americans who hope to become wealthy without getting caught in the traps of high-beta wealth. The keys to avoiding ruin today are to stick to your business speciality, borrow for your business not your lifestyle, and always value your assets based on long-term price trends rather then short term bubble valutions.Most of all, never, ever sell assets at the bottom of a cycle if you can avoid it"
"take the first step, no more no less, the rest will be revealed"
Thank you so much for this post, Carol. I don't have any haters yet, but I'm working REALLY HARD to get some!! LOL
Like you said though, there are A LOT of negative people saying that it can't be done right now. It's actually been a little shocking to me how negative people are about REI, and I found myself saying to them, "But you don't understand....." I think I've been wasting my breath though, so from now on, I'll just have to SHOW them, instead of TELL them. Then I'll graduate to having haters.
You're one of my heroes by the way, Carol. I hope to one day meet you. God Bless you for everything that you do. <3
I fully realize that no wealth or position can long endure, unless built upon truth and justice; therefore, I will engage in no transaction which does not benefit all whom it affects. ~Napolean Hill
ECCLESIASTES 5:19 As for every man to whom God has given riches and wealth, and given him power to eat of it, to receive his heritage and rejoice in his labor –this is the gift of God.
are the ones stuck in a J O B !!!!
Mike Free tools
I am living in that situation every day. My adult children don't believe that this RE thing will work. I'm jumping in with both feet. My life has to change. Can't do the 830a-430p job anymore with numbness from Carpal Tummel Yahoo, RE!
Most of the threads that I have gone through were over 3 years old.
I too would love to meet you, you are a strong woman and an inspiration to me.
You couldn't have said it any better! I have indeed came across some people that have this mindset, and because I've read some of Dean's books I smile to myself and feel quite confident when I hear the naysayers. It just gives me more incentive to push even more. Thanks Carol for your kind and encouraging words!
Like you said though, there are A LOT of negative people saying that it can't be done right now. It's actually been a little shocking to me how negative people are about REI, and I found myself saying to them, "But you don't understand....." I think I've been wasting my breath though, so from now on, I'll just have to SHOW them, instead of TELL them. Then I'll graduate to having haters.
You're one of my heroes by the way, Carol. I hope to one day meet you. God Bless you for everything that you do. <3
That's "-) Working hard to get haters....we should all be working hard to get haters because without them we are doing it wrong and accomplishing nothing. Haters are evidence of success... that sounds sad but true
Do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God.I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. Isaiah 41:10 FREE wholesaling tips and resources!
To your success,
Carol Stinson
I can, I will, I haven't yet? So what is the problem? Do I deserve to be successful in REI? Hmmmmm This last question looks like a strong indicator of what the problem is. I do not want to allow myself to be the so-called naysayer. I see so many examples and testimonials of those who are a success so I know it works. I do believe and I have faith.
I need all of my DG family to go to the Lord in prayer for me because I am in a bad spot right now and am trying to keep my own home. I have no one to help me but myself and the DG site.
Right now I am going to get back into the books and threads and make more goals and plans.
I need all of my DG family to go to the Lord in prayer for me because I am in a bad spot right now and am trying to keep my own home. I have no one to help me but myself and the DG site.
Right now I am going to get back into the books and threads and make more goals and plans.
I was in that spot myself 3 years ago... "the bad spot". The one thing that Dean has taught me is if you keep doing the things that your doing you will keep getting the results your getting and stay in that "bad spot". If you want a change you are the only one that can make it happen.
You cannot say you believe and have faith while saying you are in a bad spot all in the same breath. Every day tell yourself " I am blessed and highly favored by the Lord". If you have faith you know that you can move mountains so actually your in a GREAT spot! Just believe it's possible!
Do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God.I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. Isaiah 41:10 FREE wholesaling tips and resources!
To your success,
Carol Stinson
Click Here To Buy Deans New Book!!!
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"In order for me to think outside the box, that would require me to acknowledge that the box actually exists. In my world, there is no box."
~Matt Larson~
I am truly blessed and I am made perfectly in HIS image. I do have faith and I know that I have all that I need to make something happen. Yet I seem to be stuck somehow. I have to use my head and move forward. And I still need people to pray for me while I also am praying that God can fix that part of me that is broken inside.
Also if everyone agrees with me and likes what I do than I am doing something wrong! If you do what every one else does you will get the results that everyone else gets... it's when you step out of the ordinary you reach the extraordinary!
"When you step out the ordinary you'll reach extraordinary"! I like that quote.. I'm bout to write that down might need to use it one day
Thankyou very much Carol for another great post.Esteeanna keep
praying and believing and the miracle WILL happen.Remember God
could and would if He was sought,God bless everyone and have a
beautiful Christmas! Silverhound (WHAT BOX?)
Silverhound(WHAT BOX?)
There is nothing more motivating than to put someone in their place and prove them wrong. Whatever your motivation.....get out and take action!
If you would like the chance to work with me or one of my fellow real estate investor coaches and our advanced training programs, give us a call anytime to see if Dean's Real Estate Success Academy and our customized curriculum is a fit for you. Call us at 1-877-219-1474 ext. 125