Finding private money

Finding private money

What is the best ways to find private money? Any ideas, I am not sure I have the right idea about finding private money. Is it when you ask relatives, friends, or what?

__________________ website FREE SOFTWARE FOR WHOLESALERS, REHABBERS AND AGENTS! Present professional looking deals to buyers and lenders as well as run your numbers and get the ROI.

If you

have any friends or family that have an old 401K or money to lend, start there. Basically, tell everyone you know what you are doing and that you have opportunities available. has a lot of information on how to find private money. Be careful not to violate any SEC rules, but don't let that intimidate you; its not that hard to avoid violating them. Smiling

Private Money??

I would like for Dean to do a conference call or some other kind of training on this subject! Private Money ihas soo many restrictions and you don't want to place and ad or ask someone for mo ey and then you get a phone call from the SEC or sone ither law enforcement! I really feel that this subject should be talked about a lot and shown the right way of advertising.

Looking for more info also

I second the idea for a conference call. I can find private lenders at the courthouse but it takes way too much time. There must be a more efficient way. I also don't know all the rules about how to contact strangers for money and be 100% certain I am safe from the SEC.

On my second mailing I got a call from one of the investor's attorneys telling me I better not send my letter again because it was in violation. He was nice about it but got me worried.


The only place success comes before work is in the dictionary


I would also start with Family for Private Lending activities. if you have someone with money sitting on CDs, regular savings, IRAs, solo 401Ks (not from companies), you have found people who could lend for real estate.


Tom and Jeri

Private Money Exchange

A great source for private money is Private Money Exchange. Multiple private money lenders to provide funding. Check out the available information by filling out the form in the top right of the following page:

Check the area for "...information about borrowing money." Private Money Exchange will provide the information that you will need to follow to find private money funding for your deal through their vast pool of private lenders.

Be sure to check it out and good luck!



Eric O'Neill
EON Real Estate Investments, LLC

Independent Commercial Financing Specialist

DG Financing

Hi, I am a newbie and I am totally confused about having to find FINANCING for the deals I find.
I attended the seminar on April 10th in Danbury CT and one of the MAIN SELLING POINTS that the speaker used was, and I quote (You find the deal, Lock it up and we fund it for 2% and a $495. fee) If that is true then why is everyone looking for financing from banks and friends and private money etc. Can someone PLEASE help me understand, is there Money from DG to buy the properties or not? If yes then why go elsewhere for money.

I'm a PM Lender

I have cash right now for your deals if u need it... send me a PM about it.



Everyone Can Make A Difference!

DG Financing

What i have found from going to many of these seminars is that if you have the cash or are prefinanced you have a better chance of getting the deal because you can close faster. If you try to get financed or funded after you lock up the deal it takes much longer.


" Not Having a goal is more feared than not reaching one"

Christa Niven


please check your original post on this question as they have answered it well in that thread. It seems to be transactional funding and need a back to back closing. Tammy

__________________ website FREE SOFTWARE FOR WHOLESALERS, REHABBERS AND AGENTS! Present professional looking deals to buyers and lenders as well as run your numbers and get the ROI.

REI clubs

If you are not already attending local REI club meetings, you should. That's a great place to find lenders.



"; not greedy for money....but eager to serve"
1 Peter 5:2

Private Money

Thanks Eric. Sounds like something we should all check out!


Thank you, being new to this I posted it two times.

Private Money

I do believe that private money will allow you to do more deals and close quickly,If DG funding is available that's a better option than private money but we'll have to do a back to back closing. This would work if the end buyer does not change their mind at the final hour!



private money

tried PM ing you but it says you don't take PM's

There is...

There is a place on here where it will give you a list of contacts for private lenders somewhere here on the site... For i remember getting a list and some contacts that way to people that no longer lend... so it may be out of date.. but its on this site somewhere? ... Ill try searching for it again...



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Something to check into

Google installment loans and you will come up with a lot of places that loan money out. Interest rates are high but you have a longer time to repay if needed. Whether you need it for em or down payment this may help. As for the loan amount it depends on who loans you the money and for how long you need it.

Hope this helps,


private money made esay

Hi Everyone,

To all who are going to read this thread and to people who have already posted to this thread, there is a easy way to find the private lender you want. Please pass this information onto everyone you talk to that needs hard money or private lenders. Here is the hard money site that will allow you to find the right lender for you. Go to and watch the introductory video and read the site to get a better understanding on how it works, and if you want to use it then choose the type of account you want, put in the promo code: success95 this gives all DG members a cheaper rate. If you have questions about anything on there go ahead and contact them directly to get all your questions answered. This will be a big help in getting funding for your deals.

This site helped me find lenders who will not charge me any money upfront, give me money based on my deal/property, give me purchase and rehab money, I make no payments while house is getting fixed and charges me points on the back end and split my profits with them. What this means is a money partner who wants to do deals with me. THIS IS FANTASTIC!

Hope this helps, happy investing.


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