30 Days to Make It Happen!

30 Days to Make It Happen!


I'm starting at the beginning again. I really need to do this.... I'm looking at my life and seeing, if I don't invest in my future I will continue to get the same results.

I love my job.... But, I want more, much more! I don't want to struggle & just survive (paycheck to paycheck).

So, I'm dedicating & committing myself to RE investing. I know for a FACT this is the vehicle to live the life I want to live.

So far I have done the following:

I read the book 30 days to Real Estate Cash, contacted realtors & Hedge fund, ran ghost ads, called for rent ads, looked up property addresses that sold in last 90 days, have business cards, wrote postcards to sellers (have to mail), attended RE seminar, researched REIA clubs.

I will commit to post here on a consistent basis...


Ms. Monique
Charlotte, NC

~thoughts become things along with taking action~

{*when Life, Fear, Excuses get in the way- it's about showing up and doing it anyway!}

Showing up


Just an update on some things that I did today (Friday 7/12):

>Setup a CRM database- on Zoho.com ( just following what it said in book)
>look up Owners addresses for Cash deals that sold.
>returned phone call

I was feeling a little unmotivated today. But, it's about showing up & taking some steps towards my business.

I was able to get a lot accomplish today:)



Ms. Monique
Charlotte, NC

~thoughts become things along with taking action~

{*when Life, Fear, Excuses get in the way- it's about showing up and doing it anyway!}

Greet Job

Great book!! Good Job

Great job

Thank you! Really appreciate


Ms. Monique
Charlotte, NC

~thoughts become things along with taking action~

{*when Life, Fear, Excuses get in the way- it's about showing up and doing it anyway!}

Working it out


Today is the last day of the month. I've been busy, although not consistently with my business.

Since I've last posted, here are some things I've been working on:

>new potential buyer
>posting Ads online
>researching Cash Owners address for NC & SC
>had realtor send me more listings
>had realtor send me comps
>replying to emails for buyers list
> contact hedge fund guy for more info on picking up properties from auctions
> viewed one property

I need to hold myself accountable to take action everyday.


Ms. Monique
Charlotte, NC

~thoughts become things along with taking action~

{*when Life, Fear, Excuses get in the way- it's about showing up and doing it anyway!}

keep on trucking

keep pushing forward your journal inspires me to get going.

Keep on trucking

Thank you!

Please start, just one step at a time... I'm here if you need me, we can help each other.


Ms. Monique
Charlotte, NC

~thoughts become things along with taking action~

{*when Life, Fear, Excuses get in the way- it's about showing up and doing it anyway!}

Getting Started

Ms. Monique, you are certainly right!

It is all about getting started. I am just starting the "30 Days", book and I was disparing because I could not get a realtor to do as I asked without 20 questions, and even then they did not give me what I clearly and consisely asked for. I have been throught 9 agents and 2 very good hopefuls and have still came up flat.

(I swear it is like dating!!) Smiling

Today, I accidentally misread a sign on an office door and thought it was a realtor school!!! I thought surely they would be able to give me the directions to instruct an agent of my choice on how to query specific data through the MLS. Only it wasn't a school, it was a brokers office. And since I was working on my own house and had only stopped for pizza at the local parlor, I was hardly fit to be in a proffessional environment. After being ignored for close to 8 mins I was getting up to leave when an agent came up front.

I explained why I was there and got the "LOOK"! The agent that I spoke to told me that she had been an agent for more than 10 years and NO ONE had ever asked for that specific a query!???

MY heart dropped to my stomach!

She said, she would look into it. We exchanged information and I went about my day!
I hope to hear something positive! If not, I have made up my mind to go to one or two agent offices everyday next week until I find someone who can give me what I ask for and not take 4 days to get back to me without the goods!

Looking up on Atlanta SNK

Ms. Monique?I think you are

Ms. Monique?

I think you are a little bit ahead of me in your research, but I found your post to be inspiring.

I AM just as determined that by the end of August, if not before I will have made at least one assignment. I JUST want to do it one time correctly! And then the sky is my personal limit. It would be good to talk to someone along the way and bolster each other up? What do you think?

No pressure, I am doing this regardless! Smiling


Your actions are inspiring Monique. I have to make sure I keep in contact with you. Thanks again for the RE agent lead. You will be in my prayers.

Very Inspiring!

Yes!! You're journals are very inspiring! Keep up the work. I enjoy reading all of them. Hope I can do the same.

I can relate. Keep going!

Hello! I was happy to come across your journal. It is great to encounter others at the same stage. I'm a newbie on day 16. My daily journal is updated in my blog entries.

Thank you for the post. Keep going. You can do it!


The sky is not the limit; there are no limits. There is no box.

Great info

Learning is to better oneself and youse are doing this .

Taking Action

Hey All,

Here's what I've been up too since I last posted. Been busy taking Action. I met with a realtor in viewed some properties and took my contractor with me.

>viewed 5 properties
>posting Ads online for potential buyers
>replying to emails
> sent email of property to buyer, took buyer to property to see exterior. (Normally, shouldn't do this until I have it locked under contract, but since it was a friend I did show it)
>buyer wanted me to make an offer. I contacted realtor to submit offer & she came back and said it was under contract.
> requested realtor to send me more listings
> emailed buyer (friend) some listings to review
> researched transactional funding companies

I will submit 25 offers this month!


Ms. Monique
Charlotte, NC

~thoughts become things along with taking action~

{*when Life, Fear, Excuses get in the way- it's about showing up and doing it anyway!}

Getting Started- snkcap


The book 30 days to Real Estate Cash is like my bible:). I just follow what it saids to do. I have good results with Keller Williams & Remax. I'm a realtor for KW in NY. But, since I moved to Charlotte I have not obtained my RE Lic, because I think it would be a distraction for me focusing on being an Investor. I think you should save your gas and just called and request the receptionist to refer someone to you. The key is to sound confident. Also, don't feel bad about the way you were dress. Most investors wear jeans & a tee shirt. Remember, they're out looking at ugly houses and getting dirty:).

You're right if they take 4 days to get back to you, move on to the next.

You're doing great!

(I'm sure you done this, but here's what to say for those that don't know.)

Just start off with pg. 35. " 'My name is -------' I'm an investor. And, I want to speak with an agent that works with real estate investors. Is there anybody available?

Then when you speak to a realtor go to pg 36 & 37
"My name is --------- I'm an investor. My strategy is to buy, fix, and sell a property , and I want to turn a $20-$25k profit. I'm looking to be in & out of this deal quick.

Pg 38
"What zip codes are the hot areas?
"Where are investors making money?
"What price range of house are the hottest selling right now?

Pg 39-41 criteria
Pls email me 6-8 listing that are starter homes that listed as vacant, as-is, and had price reduction.

Get their email address & Email them your contact info. Also, your criteria again.


Ms. Monique
Charlotte, NC

~thoughts become things along with taking action~

{*when Life, Fear, Excuses get in the way- it's about showing up and doing it anyway!}

Motivating- DNDRE


Thank you! You inspire me to do better just by commenting & sending me a PM.

I can't wait to do some deals together in NY:). Lets close on a property by end of September together, are you up for it? Smiling

If you haven't yet, reach out to the agent by end of week. At least to introduce yourself.

I truly appreciate!


Ms. Monique
Charlotte, NC

~thoughts become things along with taking action~

{*when Life, Fear, Excuses get in the way- it's about showing up and doing it anyway!}

Very Inspiring-Bambinobaby

Hi Bambinobaby!

Thank you very much! It's so good to see ppl showing an interest in what I'm doing.

I'm interest in your progress as well. Let me know what you're up too.

Thanks a million!

PS- I Love the name Bambinobaby


Ms. Monique
Charlotte, NC

~thoughts become things along with taking action~

{*when Life, Fear, Excuses get in the way- it's about showing up and doing it anyway!}

I can relate. Keep going! - OhanaD


Thank you! Yes, I'm new like the zillion time:) It's was stop and go with me, because I let fear and life get in the way. The important thing is to keep on going, even if you stop along the way. Change happens one step at a time...

For me the important thing was to look at my life & and see there wasn't much change from where I was last year. If I want to make a difference in my life I have to be committed and relentless!

So just keep on going....no matter what!


Ms. Monique
Charlotte, NC

~thoughts become things along with taking action~

{*when Life, Fear, Excuses get in the way- it's about showing up and doing it anyway!}

Great Info-Kenneth Bell

Hi Kenneth,

Thank you! I hope I'm able to help to someone. You're absolutely right, when you learn you do better yourself and you gain confidence with each new accomplishment.


Ms. Monique
Charlotte, NC

~thoughts become things along with taking action~

{*when Life, Fear, Excuses get in the way- it's about showing up and doing it anyway!}


I love your energy on here Ms. Monique! I think you are doing a great job at getting started! I too am new to this. I have been researching for about a month now going on two! I am currently working on "getting my feet wet" ...So it's nice to see I'm not alone! I would love to network with all of you so we can all learn together! So, I'll try to start posting my daily things starting monday...as this is the day I should be starting to post my ads!

Take care all and stay blessed!

~Gen Smiling

ps: Ms. Monique- I noticed that you were trying to give your contact info. to someone on here...just wanted to let you know that you may want to post your personal info. through the PM's, because everyone can see your info on the blogs and forums. Just thought you should know! Eye-wink


~Blessed beyond measure and enjoying life to its fullest!~

Hi everyone

Just saying hi. I met with a RE Agent today who asked me what my investors were looking for....
I said:

3 br. 2 bath starter home with a price reduction, as is, vacant, short sale or foreclosure. Looking to get in n out of the deal quickly and make. Nice profit.

What should I do next time.?

You are brilliant

Thanks for that Ms. Monique. You are making it happen, I can see it. Congratulations on being proactive.

Keep it up!

Wishing you every success.


The sky is not the limit; there are no limits. There is no box.

Stay with it

Ms Monique,

wow what an inspiration. It is never a bad idea to start again. Just remember to keep track of what your doing and log what is bringing you results.Looks like your already doing that here Smiling You are on it Smiling I cant wait to read your next entry.

with gratitude,



When you say thank you, you are telling the world that you want more. Say thank you every day! It will bring joy, and it will bring so much more.


Wow, MsMonique

Fantastic energy and motivation. Keep going. Your posts are spot on and inspirational to others including me. I'm looking forward to your next posts. Obviously your comfort zone is becoming stretched and wobbly and squishy. Rock on.

With gratitude,


Any Updates?

Ms. Monique - great journal! Any updates?




Hello Monique.

Hope this message finds you doing well. My name is Nate I am out here Chillaxin in sunny California and engulfing myself in this RE game Smiling. As a strong believer in "Everything happens for a reason" I think your casual stroll into that office was intuition, There isn't a more powerful guidance than a woman's intuition Smiling. I think you found your agents office already. It's sort of like choosing a nail/hair salon you don't know them at first but, you keep going back and instructing them until they understand just what you need the way you need it. The RE office you happened upon keep at them, actually the same goes for all of them (none conforming for them is not an option) You show up enough and you will evoke change. Hmmmmm!

GO, Monique!! Motivated, Dedicated, OOO rah!

DGer for life Smiling


The only thing achieved without effort is: "NOTHING"

Your posts are detailed

I like the details in your posts and I would like to do the same in my journal too.

> I will purchase the "30 Days... and follow it like you are doing.

> Wish you all the luck in your pursuit for REI success.



Wish Everybody a great success in their Real Estate Business

Time is flying!


Time is flying it's already November! Sorry I've been away so long and haven't given any updates on my progress. Well to be truthfully honest, I got really discourage. And kinda stayed away. I continue to post ghost ads & even looked at some properties. The reason I became discourage was due to a realtor I was working with. She took me to see properties & then when I sent her my offers she felt she couldn't present them due to it was too low. She said she gave the listing agent my contact info. Which I never heard from. I was really disappointed because she knew I'm a realtor as well (in NY) & she told me she was an investor. So I was surprise with the outcome.

I started to doubt myself & questioning if I can really do this business. I know I let the ball drop & could have been more aggressive with contacting the LA. But, I know it was the fear of doing the unknown and when you start doing something that's foreign to you any little thing can turn you around if you let it. Truth be told the reason I became a realtor was because I wanted to be an investor. And, I realize that again when I talk to my mentor who reminded me of all the things I accomplished when the obstacles were so challenging.

The wake up call for me was when I recently went back and looked at 4 properties that I wanted to put under contract. To my surprise they were already sold. I must say it brought tears to my eyes because I didn't take Action!

To be honest I feel totally embarrassed by not following through with closing a deal yet. And, really didn't want to post anything on this site. But, I want to let you know if you've play this stop and go game like I have. Please don't give up, just pick yourself up again and do this! I know that this is the vehicle that's going to make me financially free, so I won't stop trying!

My mentor told me my problem is I want to know all the answers & over analyze everything. He said the only way I'm going to know is through experience. So, he challenge me to go out there and made a fool out of myself if that's what it's going to take to get the experience. So, I took him up on the challenge!

Get ready to hear some funny stories, that hopefully we all can learn from:). I'm going to do whatever it takes to close my first deal!

Have a great weekend!


Ms. Monique
Charlotte, NC

~thoughts become things along with taking action~

{*when Life, Fear, Excuses get in the way- it's about showing up and doing it anyway!}

Contacting Sellers


Hope you all had a chance to watch Dean yesterday. Wow! Was he talking to me??? I really think he was;). But, it goes to show you how we all go through the same things & have the same inner fears. I don't want to give it away what he was talking about, so pls watch the replay and take notes. I've looked over my notes several times already.

Also, wanted to let you know what I did for my business today:

>Researched on google various sites to find Sellers. I wrote down various websites to see if it's actually owners.
>Emailed approx 20 Sellers stating " I'm interested in buying your house. Please contact me via email or cell."
>Replied to buyers from ghost ads.

I'm eager to find and put a property under contract. I have buyers and I always reply to them "unfortunately, that property is no longer available, etc. I really want to be able to market to my buyers a real property. And, of course the ultimate is to closed the deal.

Here's to jumping out of the plane, and growing wings on the way down! ~something Dean said yesterday:)

Ms. Monique


Ms. Monique
Charlotte, NC

~thoughts become things along with taking action~

{*when Life, Fear, Excuses get in the way- it's about showing up and doing it anyway!}

Happy Friday!

Hi All,

TGIF! I must say this has been a very productive week for me. Taking the little steps brings us that much closer to our goals. When I watch webinars or read books, I take notes. This week I've been looking over my notes and my post on this site. I must tell you I feel inspire and got a feeling in my gut that this is my time. Its time for me to stop making excuses and letting my fears get to me. When I look over my goals and intentions from the past few years, I wrote this is the year I will succeed and be a successful REI closer. And, guess what that didn't happen in 2010, 2011, 2012 I realize I have to stop- stopping me!

As Matt Lawson stated "Make this your Business & start showing up!"

Here's what I did for my business:

>Emailed approx 16 Sellers- I received 5 calls
(out of those calls there was- 1 Contractor with several properties, 2 Wholesalers, & 2 Owners)
>Replied to buyers emails

I have to take a look at a multi unit complex & one Single family house.

Have a good weekend!

Ms. Monique


Ms. Monique
Charlotte, NC

~thoughts become things along with taking action~

{*when Life, Fear, Excuses get in the way- it's about showing up and doing it anyway!}

R U still out there?

Ms Monique R U still out there? 6hjxcSNKCAP

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