The Decision To Commit (My 2014 REI Journey)

The Decision To Commit (My 2014 REI Journey)

Hello DG Fam & Happy New Year to all! Today I make the decision to make a commitment to my REI success. I've been on this site for 2yrs, and realize that I've been APART of it, but not INVOLVED. I've heard Dean say that if you treat this like a hobby, then you'll get those type of results. I'll be honest and say that I have not even treated this like a hobby. I have allowed life to suck me back into the ruts that I so desperately want to get out of that I took little if no action at all. And thus, I have not gotten the results that I was looking for. So, this year, I've decided that instead of letting fear run my life, I'm going to get involved and get off the sidelines. And this journal is the 1st step to getting involved and getting off the sidelines. I'm not going to let myself or others hold me back any longer. I have something to prove, not just to myself, but to others that this stuff works. I read so many success stories on here I start to think "Why not me?" So I am determined to make this work for me. I have many comfort zones and fears to conquer. And I will. I am open to any and all feedback. This is my year! I will not be denied!


Going though Dean's 30 Days book

Getting started with Dean's book. I've read it through before, but didn't do it. Taking action this time around.


Congrats for deciding to take action. Just take one step at a time and you will get there. Smiling


College Station, TX
"Declare that you will prosper despite every difficulty that may come your way. Don't just survive; thrive!"
-Joel Osteen

Thanks Teresa

Thanks for the encouraging words Teresa. I will do that.


you absolutely can accomplish doing deals now that you made the decision to DECIDE to take the action and CHANGE your mindset to believe that oh yes "I"- you can do this !! congratulations for transforming your mindset !!!! now get excited and keep taking action !!!go for it !!!!


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One foot in front of the other

I heard a great piece of advice last night from another DG couple: Don't get in your own way! Many of us are guilty of that from time to time. Sounds like you are starting off the New Year on the right foot. If you take one small action a day for 100 days then in 100 days you will have done 100 things!!!

Keep posting - It keeps you accountable!!!


Live STONG & Live with PASSION

Thanks Jay

Thanks Jay. Making the decision to change took me a while, but I got it. I'll keep moving forward by taking action.

Absolutely right

You're absolutely right Kristin. Many days and nights I would make excuses for myself as to why I couldn't do this. But now I realize that it just starts with a taking that first step. Getting rid of the excuses this year. Doing one thing everyday. No matter how big or small. Thanks for the encouragement.

Day 2

Continuing to read days 1-5 of 30 Days to RE cash. Taking action as I go.

Day 3

Didn't get any REI done today. Spent time with the family today. I will do something before the night is over to keep moving forward.

I'm with you

I'm with you. I've played around for awhile but it is time to get serious. Good luck to you. Look forward to seeing your success.


Erika, REI
Brownstone Investment Group
Job 22:21 Submit to God, and you will have peace; then things will go well for you.
Job 22:28 You will succeed in whatever you choose to do, and light will shine on the road ahead of you.
Deut 28:8 The Lord will guarantee a blessing on everything yo do and will fill your storehouses with grain. The Lord you God will bless you in the land he is giving you.

Thanks Erika

Thanks Erika. I really appreciate the encouragement. Keep moving forward and you'll make it too.

good way to start the new year


congrats on taking your rei more seriously, and not treat it like a hobby; it is the hard, consistent work that will help you succeed. Make sure you have your goals written down where you can look at them every day; this will help you stay motivated when you encounter obstacles on your journey.

wishing you great success,



“And will you succeed? Yes indeed, yes indeed! Ninety-eight and three-quarters percent guaranteed!” ― Dr. Seuss

"I believe in angels, the kind that heaven sends; I am surrounded by angels, but I call them friends" - Unknown

My journal:

Thanks Val

Thanks Val. I really appreciate your encouragement. I will make sure to write down my goal and make them visible. One thing I want to do this year is stay committed. Thanks again.

Day 4

Trying not to over think all the great information.

Eating the REI elephant one bite at a time

Good morning DG Fam. Just wanted to share a message to all the newbies, young & old. Those who are just getting started. Or just getting "re-started". You don't have to learn everything all at once. Or do every strategy all at once. I made the mistake of thinking I had to do that. And the only thing it got me was discouraged because it wasn't happening as quickly as I would have liked it to. I got information overload, as Dean puts it. And it made me quit because it made me uncomfortable. So I allowed life to pull me back into the ruts I created. If you're just getting started or re-started(like me), remember to go at your own pace. Eat the REI elephant one bite at a time. Take one strategy and become proficient at it. Make sure you understand what it is and how it works. Most are starting out as Wholesalers. Be sure you understand and know what is all involved and who is involved. Know what should happen at all phases of the game. But don't procrastinate. PULL THE TRIGGER! Don't be like me and over analyze the information. Use what you know and put it into practice. Don't wait on the right conditions, they will never happen. Push past your fear and do it afraid(that's from Carol, not me) Once you do it, you'll gain more confidence to do it over and over again. Lastly, don't reinvent the wheel. If you find something that is getting you the results that you are looking for, don't change it. Keep doing it until it becomes automatic. Then, if you decide you want to change strategies, just go through the same process over again. Dean and his crew have made this easy for us. It's so easy everyone CAN do it. The REI elephant is huge, but it doesn't all have to be eaten in one sitting. Let's make 2014 the best year we've ever had and change the world around us. Happy investing DG Fam. Be Blessed.

Moving Forward

Hello DG Fam. I haven't posted in a while. Just wanted to get back in the swing of things. Life is still trying to get me back into the ruts I created. I have to change some limiting beliefs to limitless beliefs. But I'm still standing and moving forward.

Keep Going Corey

I have started and restarted more than once because it seems that when ever I stay there is something on DG that pulls me bk to help me go forth. I heard Dean teach this morning on getting 40 bandit signs and putting out 20 for sellers and 20 for buyers and man watch and see the action that you generate.
Message me if you would like to hear that teaching.

Let's make it happen this year.


J.W. Springer
But my God shal suply al my needs according to his riches in glory
by Chriat Jesus. Philipians 4:19

Keep at it!

I know where you're at right now. Im also re starting. Keep it up and we can do it!

Broker Agreement for remote investing

Good morning DG fam. Not sure if this topic has been put out here yet or not, so I apologize in advance for the duplication if so. I talked to an investor friendly RE agent for the first time outside of my local market and they are looking to sign a Broker Agreement. What should I do? Any and all advice would be helpful and appreciated. Thanks

Sometimes you just have to encourage yourself

Hello DG Fam
I have to apologize for not keeping myself accountable on this site. There have been some setbacks as far as my commitment level is concerned. Some days, I would be on fire to do real estate. Then other days, I just wouldn't have the energy and thus would not make the effort. Just getting started can take it's toll on those who are not committed & persistent to break through that glass ceiling of discouragement. Which brings me to my point, no matter how much you get beat down by the negativity of real estate "professionals", friends, family, co-workers, or whom ever they may be, you have to encourage yourself. No one knows you better than you. And no one will achieve YOUR dreams but YOU. Not everyone will get the concepts that are presented on this site, IE, or whatever other DG education you are getting, but some will. Jesus only needed 12 to believe in him (one bailed on HIM later). But the others had faith in Him, believed in Him & HIs message and told another person or people. And look what ONE individual did to change the world of those that believed in who He was and the message He wanted to tell. And now he has an army of believers. The same concept applies with Dean. With what he teaches about real estate, not everyone will understand. And definitely not everyone will believe in his methodology. But one thing I know for sure is that he has an army of believers that are on this site and doing well. And I so enjoy getting knowledge and encouragement from those who are on this site. In some way everyone can relate to the ups & downs of doing this business. And some may even get a little jealous or envious with those taking action & doing well on this site (some won't admit to it, but I've been there). I recently read a post by Indiana Joe -Joe Jurek that REALLY inspired me to continue this journey. He basically was saying that you have to do things at your own pace, and not to compare yourself with someone else. But to keep DOING SOMETHING! Do one thing everyday that will keep you moving forward. And sometimes that means you have to encourage yourself. However you have to do it, do it. Pep talks, cds, posts, books, etc. Whatever you have to do just do it. Because who knows, YOU or I could be the next Matt Larson, Carol Stinson, or maybe even Dean Graziosi. Keep your head up.

keep learning here

Way to go corey. keeping a journal seems a great way to see that we are taking actions toward a deal. You are right about encouragement you have to keep yourself going..I,ve been following for a while and I think I'll be starting one soon...


Dan in Seattle..

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