Jim Rockwell's REI Journal

Jim Rockwell's REI Journal

Hi everyone. Recently received Dean's books "Be A Real Estate Millionaire" and "Profit From Real Estate Right Now". I plan to start reading them today.

This website, and creating these journals is a great idea. I've never participated in any type of online forum before. Forcing myself to constantly update a public journal might be just the thing I need. It will put positive pressure on me to take at least small steps each day to realize my dreams. I plan to update this journal after every inch of progress I make, almost to the point where I become annoying. ( Let me know when I reach that threshold ).

Good luck everybody!



Welcome to the team Jim...you are in the right place.

I will look forward to reading your successes as you push forward. Know that the hurdles that you overcome will give guidance and inspiration to others.


Thank you for the welcome. I really appreciate it. I think I'm going to feel right at home here.

Let's try this again

Okay. . . So. . . I had planned to write very actively in this journal, then I disappeared, for almost a year. It's been so long that my hair is now a lot grayer than my photo. Right now I'm reading "Your Town Your Real Estate Profits". Very informative and inspiring. Really looking forward to tomorrow night's teleseminar with Greg Murphy.

We are Family! The Pointer Sista's

Hey Jim,
Welcome! I'm the DG singing diva.....keep the journal going, I'll be reading.

Somebody's watching you, Somebody's Watching You! Sly and The Family Stone

Peace and Blessings,


“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light not our darkness that frightens us. Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small doesn’t serve the world. There’s nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us.”

- Nelson Mandela


Thanks so much for the welcome. I plan to write in this journal daily, to force myself to make progress daily.

Still reading

Still reading "Your Town Your Real Estate Profits". Only up to p. 140. I want to get through reading, so I can get on to planning, then doing.

Currently I am a property owner. I own one 30-unit apartment building with all 1-bedroom units. The building is in a low-income area and very management-intensive. My efforts to renovate this building and keep it fully rented has been exhausting, and has also put me deep in debt.

I also own a duplex. One side of it is completely renovated and I have a great tenant who has been there over 5 years. I live in the unrenovated side, because I don't have the funds to renovate it right now. Unrenovated is a nice way of saying it's a hovel. At least I am living very cheaply, with my tenant's rent payment paying most of the mortgaqe.

Temporarily living in a hovel didn't bother me that much, until I reconnected with a high school girlfriend on Facebook, and she insisted on coming to Omaha to visit me for a week. I told her that I would love to have her visit, but under one condition. She could not stay at my place. I had to put her up in a hotel. I told her the truth about living in the middle of a rehab project. I wonder if she suspects that I'm hiding a wife and kids?

It was really great seeing her. We became very close that week. We do have one unresolved issue. I have 2 hyper, misbehaving beagles that I walk 3 times a day. When I mentioned this, I believe her exact words were, "Animals belong in the forest." Oh well . . . Maybe I should look for a woman who loves real estate investing and loves dogs.


Hello & welcome back to the DG family Smiling It's good that your tenant is paying most of the rent and you can live very affordably on the other side. Smart thought about finding someone who loves REI & dogs Smiling I wish you great success in REI and look forward to following your journal.

SPR Property Solutions, LLC

Dogs and REI

Hi Jim,

Glad to see you start up your journal again. I am new to REI, but have high hopes. I don't get discouraged about your home, beagles and your lady friend. You will find a lot of company here, those that love dogs and REI, and even though everyone here seems intangible at times, I believe eventually there will be opportunities to meet people face to face. I guess I'm telling myself this just as much as I'm tell you, but just keep focusing on the target, and like you said in your first log, take one step at a time to accomplish your goal. Have a great day and keep moving forward!


Finished reading "Your Town Your Real Estate Profits"

Finally finished reading Dean's latest book. It took me 8 days, which is a lot longer than I had intended. Enjoyed the book. Greatly relieved to see that there will be ways to make money, despite lack of money and very serious credit problems.

Right now I'm starting to read "Profit From Real Estate Right Now". I need to finish reading this in much less than 8 days. The sooner I finish, the sooner I can start my life as a successful real estate investor!

Finished reading "Profit From Real Estate Right Now"

Another great book. I'm tempted to reread Dean's books, but I'm not going to do that right now. I have a tendency to read and read and read but never do. Need to break that habit right here and now.

At the moment I'm in the middle of a few problems that I can't completely ignore. I will spend about half my time dealing with them, and the other half getting this real estate investing business going. Increasing my income with real estate is probably the most important step I can take to eliminate these problems.

Another tendency I have is to plan and plan and plan and never do. I will start organizing my thoughts, and writing down some plans. However, I can't sit here for days and weeks trying to mold the perfect plan while not taking any other actions to successfully complete my first deal. It's time to leave my comfort zone and make something happen.

Early thoughts

I forgot to thank Lea and Amy for reading this journal, and offering comments and words of encouragement. Thanks.

After all this reading and thinking, I've decided that I first want to try to do assignments. I would love to be able to build a list of cash buyers. So far I have not had a lot of luck finding cash buyers in Omaha. I won't stop looking, but it's possible I won't find many. If that's the case, I'll just need to adjust my strategies.

I've noticed that some other states have many cash buyers. I'm tempted to build a cash buyers list for the area my dad lives in, north of Tampa. I would really get excited if I could assign a contract on a property in Florida, from Nebraska. That would mean I could live one place while making money from another place. What that really means is, I could live anywhere! I could even be in different places at different times, and it wouldn't matter. I could still make money. That's an exciting thought. Being able to work this business wherever I want would make me feel FREE.

I will definitely be leaning on the Success Academy coaches.

Spending real time on this website. Incredible resource!

I read the Website Rules. Good thing I did. Probably would've accidentally violated a couple of the rules.

I then read through all of the FAQs threads. Took me all of last night and part of today. What a wealth of information. So impressed with the successful investors and coaches who are willing to patiently answer the flood of questions from people who are just getting started.

This website is an incredible resource! I really want to thank Dean and whoever else has envisioned, created and maintained this site. And a special thanks to Dean for making it FREE!

Starting for a 3rd time

It seems like I get all psyched up to do this real estate investing thing, but just don't get myself to take any action. I must FORCE myself to spend time on this every day. Also, I must force myself to write in this journal every day, to chronicle my progress, no matter how insignificant. I need to gather some momentum.

Many months ago I signed up for the Real Estate Success Academy. I'm sure they would be incredibly helpful, but I have not used them! Feeling kind of miserable about that. I'm going to call them tomorrow, and get all the help I can from them, with the time I have remaining. Very little chance of getting 5 deals done. However, if their help enables me to get moving on this new adventure, and helps me to break through and complete my first deal, that would be a huge success.

I signed up for the Set For Life System. There was another system I was going to compare and contrast it to, but decided not to. I want to use the system that is connected to Dean Graziosi, period.

On Friday I received the 'Get the Edge 10 DVD set'. I went on a DVD-watching marathon. Finished watching them on Saturday. Skipped a whole night's sleep and watched the sun come up while I watched these DVDs. At least my insomnia is good for something.

I have started going through the training videos of the SFL system. I have a bad habit of studying something over and over, without ever getting around to implementing. I'm going to try to break that habit here. Even before I understand 90 % of this system, I intend to start finding buyers and sellers. I am going to start entering them into the system. I MUST get this business started!

Hey Jim, Welcome!

Happy to see a new DG family member. This will definately help every step of the way. cant wait to see how you progress. and again, welcome


Thanks Daniel. I appreciate the welcome, and the encouragement. This time around, I have GOT to make this happen. No more excuses.

Current crisis

Currently I own rental property: a 30-unit apartment building and a duplex. I have been doing a poor job of managing my apartment building. I have been too slow to evict when tenants don't pay the rent. I have been too slow getting vacant apartments renovated and rerented. I have not raised the rents at all, and have rents that are well below market. All of this has caused me to lose a lot of money. I need to treat this like a real business. I can turn this around, but I'll need to work relentlessly to increase the NOI of this building.

At the same time, this can't be the only thing I work on. I also MUST build a thriving real estate investing business. After a lifetime of having great credit, my credit has recently collapsed. Also, have no cash on hand. It's likely that I will first focus on quick-flip strategies, like assignment of contracts. I need chunks of cash, in $2,000, $3,000, $5,000 increments. If a bigger payday comes, that would be great too.

So, despite how critical it is for me to immerse myself in my rentals business, it's equally critical that I spend at least as much time in my investment business.

I've decide to work on each business in alternating 4-hour blocks of time. That's what I did today. I worked 4 hours on my rentals, then came home and worked 4 hours on this business. Didn't shorten the tasks list in either area very much, but I did start making real progress. It feels like there is some momentum that is starting to build. I want to keep alternating like this, relentlessly.

When money does start to come in from flips, I will be delegating a lot of the work at the apartment building. I want that to happen ASAP. Today I called and met with a woman who used to do a great job for me cleaning and painting apartments. I'm going to give her a little bit of work this week, just to get me in the habit of delegating work.

Initial plans

Trying to determine the things I want to do first. I know that I have to at least start with some general planning, to get a general direction in which to go.

I only have a limited time left where I'll be able get help from the Success Academy, so I know I really need to call them soon. I'm going to prepare a little for that call, to make it as productive as possible. I know I need help in determining a strategy to use to close my first deal ASAP. I want to complete at least one deal before my coaching expires.

I need to watch all the videos in the Set For Life system. Then, I need to start using it. There may some initial struggles learning how to use the system. It's great to see that some students on DG.com are creating forums discussing how to use the system. That will be of great help to me.

I will be reviewing all Dean Graziosi materials I have, including his books, the Edge event DVDs, his Probate course, the modules on the Success Academy website, etc. I need to be careful though, not to fall back into my habit of studying and studying and studying, but never implementing.

I also plan to spend an inordinate amount of time on DG.com. I want to network with a lot of people on the site. I plan to read the journals of some of the most successful students. I am particularly interested in reading the journals of Carol Stinson, Matt Larson, and Lorina Krisack. Again, I will need to remind myself not to spend all my time reading. I need to get out there and start doing.

Most important to me is to keep posting entries in this journal. If I know I need to post an entry almost every day, I'll make sure to complete tasks so I can report on actually making progress. I don't want to have to report each day that I've done next to nothing.

I need to change a bad habit that is limiting my progress

I am a person who has always been good at setting goals and making plans. I also tend to put real time into my work, and I tend to plow through tasks. And yet, I am still slipping into a ditch in all areas of my life. My finances, health, social life, etc., are all poor. There could be a number of reasons for this, but I believe there is one main reason. As Tony Robbins would put it, I major in minor things.

When I look at my very long tasks list, I tend to do the tasks I 'feel' like doing first. I do the tasks I really like, or the tasks that are quick and easy. I fool myself into believing that, because I am completing many tasks, I am making progress. I live way inside my comfort zone. This is the way I've always been. If I can break this habit, I believe my life will finally turn around. I will have break-through success.

In the Edge 10 Mastermind DVD, Dean Graziosi described how he picks his most urgent tasks for the day, and lists them on the left side of his yellow pad. Then, he makes sure the few tasks that are most important get done. I'm rewatching that portion of the DVD right now, to make sure I understand exactly what he does. Obviously, using this strategy has given him incredible results.

Set For Life: Classroom videos

My Mom and stepfather visited me in Omaha last weekend. Loved having them here, but now I need to focus on real estate investing.

The past couple of nights I have been watching all the SFL classroom videos. There is a lot to learn.

Tuesday night's training call was great. That call gave me more motivation, and a sense of direction. I'm going to follow a lot of Matt Larson's advice from finding a realtor who understands investors, to building a buyers list.

My first use of the SFL system will likely be adding potential buyers into the system, then contacting them to find out what kind of properties they are searching for.

Another new start

Well, I did it again. Said I was going to start this real estate investing business in earnest 9 months ago, but I didn't.

My circumstances have changed. I've let go of my apartment building. The bad news is that I badly damaged my credit in the process. Didn't really have a choice. The good news is that I am freed from all the work and hassles that those buildings were creating for me. Without having to work on them, I have no excuse for why I can't start the type of real estate investing business I've wanted to start for years.

Also, without those properties, I no longer feel that I have to stay rooted to one place. I feel that I am free to explore different areas. The past 20 years I've been in Omaha, Nebraska. Right now I am visiting my Dad in Laurel Springs, New Jersey. The 3 areas I am most interested in currently are southern New Jersey, Florida, and Omaha, Nebraska.

I have some goal-setting, planning, and market research to do. My initial thoughts are to work on assignment of contracts in the south Jersey / Philadelphia area.

Getting started

Not off to a very quick start. At least started putting some time in today.

I started applying some of the things I'm learning in an online motivational program. I have got to change my persistent thoughts and daily habits, or I will never break through the things that have been stopping me.

I have been evaluating which software I want to use to run my real estate wholesaling business. Picked one of them.

Spent the last hour reading "As a Man Thinketh". An excellent book about how you control your destiny by controlling your thoughts. I need to keep the TV off and constantly feed my mind with inspiring and educational reading.

Starting again

Today I started reading Dean's book "30 Days to Real Estate Cash". Instead of coming up with a complicated plan to make money, I think I'm going to simply trust in everything this book is telling me to do. I am going to create a simple plan, and a tasks list that is based only on this book. Maybe then I won't feel overwhelmed with all my options, to the point where I don't do anything at all. I can at least try everything, see how it's going, and make adjustments from there.

On the bottom of p. 22 it says to start making at least one post a day on deangraziosi.com. So, here it is. My first post in quite a while. I will continue to make posts as I progress through the book, and actually do the things it directs me to do.

Right now I am in a very dark place financially. I have absolutely no money at all. I know it will take at least a little bit of money to implement this plan. I will simply need to find a way to come up with it.

I do have naysayers in my life. I won't be telling them a lot about what I will be attempting to do here, at least not in the beginning. I really appreciate this website, and the opportunity be with like-minded people. Really looking forward to communicating with many of you.

My 7 Levels Deep

Continuing to read Dean's '30 Days' book. Just completed one of the exercises in the first chapter. The '7 Levels Deep' exercise. I'm a little confused about exactly how to do this exercise. Not even sure if I did it right. I think if I review it daily, it will motivate me to keep moving forward toward my goals. So, in that sense, it is right. This is what I came up with:


My 7 Levels Deep:

What do I want? Financial Independence.

Why is financial independence important to me?
I'm tired of all the embarrassment, stress, and problems that come from being broke. Tired of living such a limited life.

Why is it important to relieve this stress?
It has damaged my health, taken the joy out of my life, eroded my confidence.

Why are your health, joy, confidence important?
I need all of them to have the high level of energy needed to accomplish my dreams.

Why is that important?
Because I wasn't meant to live a life where I am insecure, alone, miserable. My life should be happy, and it is my destiny to be very successful.

Why is it important to be happy and successful?
Because I want a life. A life where I am able to live well.
Want to travel, meet people, have an actual social life, help people.

What will really make you feel like you are happy and successful?
Feeling like I control my destiny. Not controlled by others.
In a word: Freedom!

Why is Freedom so important?
Want to do whatever I want, when I want, however I want.
Want the time and freedom to figure out what my ultimate destiny is.
Want the time and freedom to pursue even my wildest dreams, like writing a novel.
Want unlimited time to spend with friends and family.
Want time to search for what is truly important: a woman to love, a relationship with God.


I'm back

Back again after a long absence. I am now living in Clearwater, Florida. This is my first winter living in a warm climate, which feels great! I am excited about the real estate investing possibilities here.

Joined Insider Elite last week. I've been very active on that site. Doing my daily check-ins, which motivates me to get things done every day, so that I have something to check in about. I've been networking with members, chatting with a couple of them. Looking at some of the deals other members have posted. Watching a lot of the Daily Wisdoms, and some of the past webinars.

Just finished reading "30 Days to Real Estate Fast Cash". I adjusted my "Real Estate Wholesaling Plans". I am going to start making money through wholesaling.

It's likely that I'll start by mostly doing exactly what the 30 Days book tells me to do. If I focus on that I shouldn't feel too overwhelmed. Not expecting to reach my goal in 30 days, but I do expect to keep moving forward.

Wishing everyone great success!

On the edge of taking action

I watched Gena's Insider Elite chat event last night. So many members chatting that it was a little hard to keep up with. Very informative though.

I reviewed Dean's products and prices. Flat broke right now so I'm going to have to make do for now. I am interested in a lot of what he has to offer, especially Matt Larson's Super Wholesaling program.

I watched another 20 Daily Wisdoms so far today. I tend to watch them when I am eating, instead of watching TV.

I reviewed my 7 Levels Deep. I hadn't looked at them in quite some time. Still very relevant. I need to keep my Whys in front of me, as motivation.

Last night I surfed for a CRM. I chose one that has a 30-day free trial.

Usually what I do when I start using new software is to spend a lot of time learning every little thing about it. I need to break that habit. I need to get going on my business. I need to be finding cash buyers and motivated sellers. Then, I can be putting them into the system and learning the software as I go. No more time for dilly-dallying.

I just googled for the definition of dilly-dallying:
'Verb: To mess around or waste time. Typically used by the very elderly.'
I am not THAT old! lol

It just occurred to me that I was dilly-dallying when I broke my train of thought and went to look up the definition of dilly-dallying.

I'm going to start rereading Dean's "30 Days" book. This time, it won't be just to write notes or create a tasks list. I intend to read and do the steps as I go. It's time for me to stop studying and planning and become a doer. I feel like I'm right on the edge of making a huge change in my life if I can just get myself into the 'doing' stage!

Got a great fortune-cookie fortune today. "Look forward to great fortune and a new lease on life!" Great timing on that one.

Back again

Today I made the decision to sign up for Matt's "4 Weeks to Freedom" program. I really can't afford this right now. But, the way I look at it, I really can't afford not to do it. Thanks to Dean for giving me the option to pay in 6 installments.

I am eagerly anticipating Matt's first live training session on Thursday, August 14th. To get primed for the class I am going to start reading "30 Days to Real Estate Cash" tonight.

Reading marathon

Today I read the "30 Days to Real Estate Cash" ebook cover to cover. A little bleary-eyed right now.

I'm going to take a little break, then read the chapters in the online "Wholesaling 101" course. I want to make sure to complete this before Matt Larson's "4 Weeks to Freedom" Master Classes start on Thursday.

I am really excited about the upcoming Master Classes. I can't keep vowing to start my real estate wholesaling business, then stop before I even get started. This time I really need to make it happen.

Done studying

Okay, so today I read the 30 Days book and Wholesaling 101. My brain is full and my eyes are tired. That's enough for one day.

I think there were other things I was supposed to do today. Oh well . . . I'll catch up on those things tomorrow. Then, Matt's class on Thursday! Really looking forward to that.

Looking forward

Today I did a lot of surfing, comparing CRMs. I want one that does everything I need to run a real estate wholesaling business. Chose one, but haven't gotten it yet. I'll probably sign up for it right after Matt's first Master Class training session.

I just finished watching all of the "4 Weeks to Freedom" training videos, and reviewed the related documents.

Man O Man am I excited about Matt's first week of Master Class Training, which starts tomorrow night!


What is that? I am super excited too I am with you. I too have had delayed true success & am ready to break the habit. See you at the training!



Go faster do more! GFDM!

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