Captain777's Daily Journal

Captain777's Daily Journal

It is 3AM and I couldn't sleep. I will explain that later. I spent about 2 hours reading Indiana Joe's journal and decided it was time to start mine.
I live in central Florida and the weather has finally turned. It was about 81 today and the humidity has gone down to about 65%. It is like summer in NY where I used to live. I have turned the AC off and opened all the windows. It is wonderful.
Due to an awful situation I have been unemployed since March 4th and I have been trying to build an insurance adjuster business because I have my license that I have had since 2005. I also took a boot camp to learn how to sell cars, but that fell through and I don't think I want to do that anyway. I wasted $294 and 1 week of my time to determine that. Sad
I watched Dean's TV show many times and even wrote down the phone number. I had at least 4 of them. I was so worried that this was another scam and I was afraid to try again. I bought Carlton Sheets course 5 years ago and it left a lot to be desired and there isn't any follow up which I found is one of the keys to Dean's system.
I finally bought Dean's book, the AF and the AFF around September 4th. I received the books etc. about a week later and started reading. I finished in 4 days and started getting my mind geared up for REI again. Four years ago I flipped two houses and then life went quite badly. To keep it short, my wife died from her second bout with breast cancer and about that time I took an IT job with a local furniture company. I didn't purse anything after that until now. Several other awful things have happened too.
It took me about 6 weeks to really get going and over the last two weeks have gotten the freight train moving and now I am EXCITED! Smiling I have searched the entire area around Winter Haven and made my list of prospective opportunities. I contacted the buyers from 4 years ago and also a real estate agent that I knew from back then. Together we have viewed about 30 houses and I have a list of 10 that I want to pursue. I found a house in a development that is a HUD property. 4 years ago it would have sold for close to $300K and today it is on the market for $140K. I got a title company that has worked with investors and does double closings etc.. The president's husband loans extremely short term money and she arranged with him to provide me with a pre-approval letter for $90K. I purchased a money order today for the $1000.00 earnest money required by HUD and submitted my offer for that $90K. Tomorrow morning the real estate agent told me we would hear if they accepted my offer. If they do, I will show the home to my prospective buyer this Friday or over the weekend. I have about 15 days to ensure the home is inspected and 30 days to flip it. My buyer said she was scheduled to close a deal on Monday and wants to buy another house right away. I am really excited about this and I am anxiously looking to get it sold. Smiling
The big downer today is a letter from Wells Fargo that they are starting the process to foreclose on my home. I have been after them to do the HAMP program since the second week in March with little success. I have already retained an attorney to help and I will see him tomorrow. This latest deal if successful will allow me to totally stop this whole issue. Praise God! I believe I am getting by by the skin of my teeth. This is the reason I am doing this at 3AM in the morning.
I have another home that is an REO that is listed at $49900 and I will offer $25K as soon as this first one provides the funds to do that. I have several more to jump on too. I can't go fast enough. I guess I am just impatient.
I have been researching several credit unions for money and for REO's.
I am really inspired from reading Indiana Joe's journal and next I want to read Rina's journal. I bought the Success Academy and I have called numerous times for advice. the coaches are all very upbeat, encouraging and helpful. They have been giving me the guidance and helped keep me on track. I am so thankful for all of those coaches.
I will let yall know what happens tomorrow. If HUD doesn't accept, I am willing to go to $100K. I believe I can flip it for around $135K. That should be about $30K profit.

Just keep on keeping on. You will succeed!


Keep on Keeping On !!! Expect it, God has already given it to you. You just need to get out there and grab it!
If you want to follow my journal:

Do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God.I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. Isaiah 41:10

Sunday 11/22/2009

This day started out of kilter and I had to take my daughter to her orthodontist to fix a loose thing on one tooth. Therefore I had to reschedule my two appointments at the VA in Tampa. I received some very discouraging mail from Wells Fargo so I notified my attorney.

The HUD people have still not returned the contract and I will check on withdrawing from it on Monday. They are supposed to respond within 10 business days of which I was unaware. They usually respond within 72 hours which is what I was working with. I feel like I have wasted too much time on this one and I need to walk away and get going on the rest. I need the good faith money to work with on the others I have lined up waiting.

I found a house Friday evening that has been abandoned and has gone all the way to Foreclosure but it has a $33000 lien on it from the Federal Gov't. I have asked Rina for advice and I am open to any help anyone will offer on this one. I am going to talk to my attorney and the Success Academy on Monday.

Saturday was a day of taking care of the cars and trimming shrubbery etc.. It takes longer because I had to teach my daughter how to wash a car and wax it properly. I tried to pressure wash the house but the high pressure hose broke and I will have to take it to Lowe's this morning.

This afternoon I am going to arrange my calendar for this week. I want to move ahead quickly on the opportunities I have found. I missed two properties and one of them would have been perfect if I had landed it. Oh well, on the the next ones. I am amazed at how many properties are out there. The MLS has about 1700 or so listed in Polk County alone. I intend to continue working toward my goal of 5 or 6 deals by January 1, 2010. I refuse to give up until that date. You never know how things will come together and sometimes so fast it is amazing. "With God all things are possible!"

I am impressed with how the DG community responded to Dean's birthday. I still don't know what day it is. The Pay It Forward idea is really wonderful. Rina is just full of such good ideas. I am praying for Dean's continued success and for his family. Even though I have not met him personally, I feel like I know him. I watched so many of his blogs and his ads on TV. I have no idea how he is able to keep up with this whole organization as well as he does. May God bless Dean and all that he does.

Just a side note. I am inviting everyone to view my post about the Mayonnaise Jar in Misc topics. I think it is worth checking this one out. Let me know what you think please.



Keep on Keeping On !!! Expect it, God has already given it to you. You just need to get out there and grab it!
If you want to follow my journal:

Do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God.I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. Isaiah 41:10


Sorry about the Hud people but like you said there are 1700 properties in Polk County. It will be interesting to hear what you find out about the abnadoned foreclosed property with the government tax lien. There are so many possibilities out there and you are determined to find them Smiling

Dean's birthday was this past Friday. Now I'll go check out your mayo jar post.

SPR Property Solutions, LLC

Back In The Saddle

I took the month of December off to give my daughter a birthday celebration and party and prepare as best I could for Christmas. Right after Christmas I went to the VA for a stress test and the next morning I was down with a bad cold. First one in 5 years. I finally went to the VA and got some antibiotics and now well on my way to health again.

Florida has been really cold and dreary this winter and that hasn't helped my emotions and ambition. Life has been beating me down and I am determined to get going in spite of all that is coming down around my ears. I have ordered Dean's new book and I have been keeping up with everyone's journals (mostly), but I just couldn't post in my journal. I am hoping to contact Rina for some pointers, but I cannot find her address for a PM. I am trying to ensure I have the proper contracts to keep from being exposed if the deals don't transpire. I have missed the last REI meeting in Polk county because of my illness but I intend to get to the one this Thursday. I must get that new buyers list finished. The current one doesn't seem to be useful.

I wish all of the DG members a prosperous New Year and I hope the holidays were good for all. I have been reviewing all available stories of successful members to keep myself up and to glean all the tips I can.

I am having trouble getting to the correct person for two different houses that have since been foreclosed. The county clerk's website still has them listed as the former owners. All the homes seem to be financed with large banks and the asset manager or whomever is not available. I was told to wait until the properties are listed in and they still haven't showed up there. I need to find out how to get to the bank's managers for REO's. I am so frustrated with the difficulty finding the asset managers!

I am going to keep my journal updated daily again. I miss the return posts to my journal from all of my new friends.



Keep on Keeping On !!! Expect it, God has already given it to you. You just need to get out there and grab it!
If you want to follow my journal:

Do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God.I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. Isaiah 41:10

Hi Tim,

I was happy to see your post. Your a good Dad, I know your daughter appreciates that you care so much about her. I'm glad to hear that you are on the mend now.

I wish you the best tracking down the 2 owners of the foreclosed properties, if I had some input that was helpful with this I'd share. Also wish you the best in your search for an asset manager. I'm looking forward to hearing how this progresses and to your future posts.

I hear you about the cold here in FL, BRRR. Of course for the folks up north this is nothing but really, enough already! LOL. My cousin & her husband work for Tropicana and last week's freezes turned a lot of oranges to toast. I heard there was snow in the Orlando area.

SPR Property Solutions, LLC

Some Progress


Thank you for posting back to me. I went to the court house yesterday and purchased 25 pages of properties that will be auctioned off through April 20th. The list is only available in printed form and it only lists the case numbers by date of auction. Polk county holds auctions every day at 9AM. The clerk told me the banks or their lawyers wait until 9:30 in most cases to hold back their property. If the property does go up for auction it starts at $100 and if the banks aren't happy with the outcome they bid and keep the property but only have to pay $100 for it plus $70 each day they present properties for sale. Tracking down the properties from a case number is laborious to say the least. Today their are 57 properties for auction. The clerk told me only a very small percentage will actually be sold. To find the property and the owner requires a visit to the County Clerks Website to find the owner. Then a property search to find the property address to start to determine if it is desirable.

I am going to use this auction process mainly to build my buyer's list. The list I purchased is 25 pages! Today I have an appointment at the VA so I will attend the auction tomorrow morning to see how it transpires with another 57 properties supposedly going on the auction block.

This afternoon I will check out those two properties I am hoping for and write down additional addresses of potential properties and phone numbers from signs so I can build my other lists and make phone calls to the numbers I find on the signs. I am also going to try to find someone to provide the money for those two houses and split the profits. I have a short list of people to approach with this opportunity.

Yesterday my daughter was sick to her stomach so I kept her home for school. Last night she said the problem may have been anxiety about the important test she is taking today. It is to qualify for the International Baccalaureate School in Haines City for 9th grade next year. I took her to school early today for her robotics class and she feels she is prepared for this important test. Please pray for her today.

Lastly, Praise God for the outcome of the Massachusetts election on Tuesday. I have been concerned about the processes occurring in Washington with the Health-care efforts. Now the legislators will have to listen to the citizens and provide something that is acceptable to the people of the USA. They can no longer force this legislation on us regardless of what we want.



Keep on Keeping On !!! Expect it, God has already given it to you. You just need to get out there and grab it!
If you want to follow my journal:

Do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God.I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. Isaiah 41:10

Thank You Richie


I just read your post about your daughter and it was a real blessing to me AGAIN!

I want to thank you again for caring about my daughter and me. I hope you are okay and have a wonderful start for this new year.



Keep on Keeping On !!! Expect it, God has already given it to you. You just need to get out there and grab it!
If you want to follow my journal:

Do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God.I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. Isaiah 41:10

My Realtor

I just thought about the Realtor I have been working with. She just stopped answering my phone calls at the end of November. I think it is because I backed out of the HUD property, but I am not sure. I am surprised that she didn't tell me how she felt. Her actions are rather unprofessional but that only bothered me for a week. I am now looking for another one to work with. Today that is also on my list of things to do.



Keep on Keeping On !!! Expect it, God has already given it to you. You just need to get out there and grab it!
If you want to follow my journal:

Do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God.I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. Isaiah 41:10

Dean's New Book

I received Dean's new book Friday evening and I have read half of it Saturday afternoon. I know I will read this book through several times. I really enjoyed reading about Greg's method to acquire properties without using his own money. I am going to try his method to start bringing in some cash now. I appreciate all the encouragement from the DG family. I called the Success Academy Friday and Jeff Jensen answered. His voice bubbles with enthusiasm. He was a tremendous help.

Friday morning I went to the county courthouse to attend the auction. Polk county holds an auction every day. Friday there were 57 properties listed to be auctioned off. 15 of them weren't auctioned and I am not sure how they were handled. I purchased the list of properties to be auctioned through April and it was 25 pages. The biggest problem is it is a list of case numbers by date. I have to go to the clerks website to get the owners name and then the Appraiser's website to get the address. It is a slow process to get the data needed. It was good learning experience witnessing the bidding and interaction of everyone. I met several investors there and got their names etc.. I have been developing a buyers list and I have about 5 new buyers from the contacts at the auction. I contacted three banks Thursday and got contact info from them. One of them has a property for sale that sounds like it might be a good deal.

The deal I found is a duplex with asking price of $48400 and I called the Realtor and visited the property. One of the units has been really vandalized by the former tenant and will require a lot of rehab. The other unit will require only a cleanup and touch up and new carpet to be rented. Biggest problem is the bank wants 10% earnest money within 48 hours of acceptance. Since I don't have that available, I am hoping to work out the details and obstacles Monday and place an offer. I received the contract that the realtor uses but I am going to use the one from he Success Academy website instead. Jeff Jensen showed me where to get it along with all the escape clauses that I need.

I am so eager to get off the ground as so many others have already done. It is so good to read the successes of so many other DG family members. I want so much to join them with success.



Keep on Keeping On !!! Expect it, God has already given it to you. You just need to get out there and grab it!
If you want to follow my journal:

Do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God.I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. Isaiah 41:10


Congratulations for starting Dean's new book, I believe it is packed with a tremendous amount of information, tips and strategies. Greg has perfected a great sandwich lease option system and that is why Dean has called him the "King of Lease Options". Greg is a great guy as I have had the opportunity to meet him. I also had the pleasure of meeting Jeff Jenson in person on several occasions. He is a great guy and is very passionate about helping others in real estate. Glad to hear you are moving forward with your plan of action. Keep up the good work. Believe and Achieve! Smiling - Joe


YOU TUBE CHANNEL - Follow me on my You Tube Channel at Joe Jurek Real Estate Investing Adventures

TWITTER - Follow me on Twitter at Joe Jurek CPA
Joe Jurek CPA

Thank you Indiana Joe

Thank you very much for the encouragement. You are an inspiration to me. I am amazed at how fast you have risen among the troops at DG. I wish you continued success. As you stated last year, I hope to see you at Gain the Edge 2010.



Keep on Keeping On !!! Expect it, God has already given it to you. You just need to get out there and grab it!
If you want to follow my journal:

Do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God.I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. Isaiah 41:10

Tuesday January 26, 2010

I got started around 6:30AM today. I am still working on organizing my buyer's list from Friday's field trip to the court house auction. I have been working on the duplex to ensure I am using he correct and complete contract. I found a qualified contract for Florida on the FAR/BAR website. Others may find one on there state's FAR/BAR website too. I Goggled for Florida FAR/BAR and found a link to their documents. Then I saved a copy to my computer. It is a PDF with fields marked blue that can be edited to fill in the pertinent information. When finished you print it out and sign it. This makes a professional looking document. The duplex that I have been working on buying was listed improperly and I inquired about this to the Real Estate broker and now the sale is on hold until they correct the error. I am surprised no one else noticed the gross error in the listing. I have faxed the contract to my attorney to review and ensure it is okay. Now I am just waiting on the broker to let me know when the property is back on the market.

I have been working on getting appointments and documents filled out and sent. With all these tasks, it is nearly a full time job. I really miss having a wife and partner to work on all the tasks. I believe I have made at least 15 phone calls today and now have several forms to fill out. I am investigating several company's mobile plans since my contract with ATT has now expired. Since my phones are new, I don't really need new ones yet. I am going to try to leverage this to get a good rate on the services I want. I finalized dental appointments for both my daughter and myself. I am trying to use all the health insurance benefits before canceling.

I have decided to make some more offers on some SS's that I found and I am still trying to find out how to get an opportunity on those two Foreclosures. I think they will be a really good opportunity to make a large profit.

I try to read Indiana Joe's journal frequently because he usually has some new inspiration or valuable advice listed that is sooooo helpful. Sometimes I feel overwhelmed with all the information available through the DG website.


Keep on Keeping On !!! Expect it, God has already given it to you. You just need to get out there and grab it!
If you want to follow my journal:

Do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God.I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. Isaiah 41:10

Friday January 29, 2010

Thursday morning I got up extra early to take my daughter to school for her robotics class. Then immediately set off for Tampa and the VA. I had two appointments to keep. I completed several other tasks there as well. When I got back around 2PM I contacted the RE agent to make an appointment for a house that is a SS. He told me it shouldn't take long to respond to the offer since a previous offer couldn't get financing so the bank's person is ready to go on any new offers immediately. The failed offer was 79K but I am going to offer 29K.

I have been trying to get this business off the ground now for 5 months and haven't closed my first deal. Sometimes I feel overwhelmed and discouraged, but that is when I get back on the DG website and/or listen to an Empowering Conversation and/or dig into one of Dean's books. I have almost finished his latest book too.

I bought the empowering conversations and didn't realize that would also provide Dean's new book. Therefore I evaluated his new show and bought it for half price. Now I have two books. I decided to put it to good use since I had two of them now. It was only $10 and it may be the best thing some of my friends ever experienced. I am going to try to get a good friend to read it to see if it will light his fire.

I am bidding on a REO but I found the address and the property didn't match. I brought this to the RE agent's attention and he checked it out and asked the bank. Now the property has been pulled off the market until the bank gets the error corrected. I don't know how everyone else missed that. I am just a newbie and trying to cover all my bases. If I can get this property I am sure I can wholesale it to one of several buyers. I have been working on expanding my buyer's list because Jeff Jensen (Success Academy) told me it is imperative in the current real estate climate.

Today I have another appointment at the VA for the Agent Orange Registry. Finally this will end all the poking and prodding I have endured over the past 3 months. The Dr is supposed to tell me the outcome of all the tests. Another trip to Tampa takes up at least 3 hours travel time and 1 to 2 hours appointment time because they require arrival 30 minutes ahead of the appointment. When I return I want to view that SS again today if at all possible. The previous offer was 79K but couldn’t get financing so it failed. I am going to offer 29K and I wonder what kind of response I will get. I want to view the property again today because it has been two months since I last looked at it. It has a few problems but nothing really terrible. The RE agent said the bank will respond quickly because an agent has been appointed at the bank for this property because of the previous offer. He said SS’s can take up to a year normally. I am glad this one won’t take that long.

It is difficult keeping up with my daughter because of all the activities she is involved with. Several days each week I take her to school early and pick her up late because she is doing the programing for the robot the class is building. We are selling GS cookies and she is involved with the GS’s and the church youth group almost 3 weekends each month. I have to help get her ready to go for another GS activity this weekend. Between helping her get ready, getting her there and bringing her home again, she keeps me hopping. I am so proud of her. She attends a magnate school and is taking accelerated courses. We keep track of her progress etc. on the school website and I am really proud of her grades. Her lowest grade is 93 and her highest is 99! Yay! I wish I had done half as well as she is doing. She has been invited to attend the International Baccalaureate High School in Haines City next year and we have also applied to the Harrison School of the Arts in Lakeland. Wait and see what happens.

I hope some of this information is worth something to someone else out there. As Indiana Joe always says, "Believe and Achieve!"



Keep on Keeping On !!! Expect it, God has already given it to you. You just need to get out there and grab it!
If you want to follow my journal:

Do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God.I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. Isaiah 41:10

Greetings Tim

Its been a long time since I stopped into your journal, and have been reading quite a while now! Wow - you are such an inspiration. All you've endured, and are still enduring in your day to day life and yet you are working real estate so hard and even finding time to come on here and post! You put me to shame, honestly, and when I feel like whining to myself I'm going to think of you! I am so proud of you and happy for you too reading that your daughter is doing so well in can be sure that your determination and positive attitude is responsible for the wonderful student/person she is! Keep reading the new book and talking to Jeff...his knowledge is priceless and his excitement infectious! I know you will be successful, Tim - sure and steady will get you there and keep you there! Thanks so much for sharing your life and real estate journey here with us!

You make me feel so good!


Thank you for your encouragement. You make me feel so good. I've had a chance to talk to Jeff twice now and each time is precious. I have been keeping track of your expected move to Wisconsin. It sounds exciting except for the winters. I lived in western New York long enough to get my fill of cold and snow. You are young enough that you will probably really enjoy it.



Keep on Keeping On !!! Expect it, God has already given it to you. You just need to get out there and grab it!
If you want to follow my journal:

Do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God.I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. Isaiah 41:10


The feeling is mutual my friend! Believe it or not - the Wisconsin winter is my greatest dread...I was actually hunting for property in Charleston SC and Savannah Ga when she said come on out here! The chance of living near and working with her FAR outweighs any amount of cold and snow for sure! And you are a smooth talker calling me young haha....but I take compliments anywhere I can get them Smiling

Monday February 1,2010

Well my daughter came home Saturday morning. She had been up all night. The GS's went to MOSI and to WFLA channel 8 in Tampa. They watched the preparation of the weather and the presentation and viewed an I-Max show. She was up for 26 hours and went straight to bed when she got home. Oh - by the way; For her sake she made me keenly aware that her highest grade is 100. Sorry!

We cleaned house Saturday after noon then barbecued steaks and prepared fresh broccli and cheese after Sunday School and church. I tried to finish Dean's new book while preparing our Sunday dinner. Then I started digging the ditch to replace the water pipe coming in from the meter. I broke a pipe I didn't know was there and had to repair it. Therefore I couldn't finish the ditch. I finished just in time to take my daughter to Youth Group. It is a good thing that in Florida we only bury pipes 10 or so inches deep, unlike western NY where we bury them 4 feet deep to avoid freezing pipes.

Last Friday I met with the city of Winter Haven and they told me how they are cleaning the lake front for all their property. They are leaving only native plants but removing all other trees and bushes. They destroyed the butterfly garden that memorializes my late wife, so they said they will redo it and take care of it for me since it is on city property. Praise God.

Friday and some of Saturday I worked on ensuring the contract I want to use for getting properties is ready and I am going to fax it to two agents Monday. I just returned from the dentist where we both got our teeth cleaned and now I will work as fast as possible on my investing business. I want to fax those contracts before 2PM. I intend to use this contract with the minor changes for each deal to speed up the process of bidding on properties. I will see how that works.

Got to run.



Keep on Keeping On !!! Expect it, God has already given it to you. You just need to get out there and grab it!
If you want to follow my journal:

Do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God.I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. Isaiah 41:10

May 26, 2010

Well I just recovered from my return from Gain the Edge 2010. I got home around 3AM Tuesday and the first thing I did was give my Molly a big hug and tell her I had gotten home okay. Then I slept all that day. Exhausted! I checked things out around the house and got caught up with all the mail etc. Last night I couldn't sleep thinking of all the things I needed to put on my list and that needed to be done. On the plane I met a Canadian that rents here in Florida frequently and he wants to buy rather than rent. He said his home in Canada was 500K didn't want to spend quite that much for a home here. He wants a new(er) home on the water and a pool. This may be a chance to make a big bang. Here in Winter Haven there are more than 16 lakes and lots of waterfront. Up the street there is a FSBO that has been on the market for 9 months and they had their household sale a couple of weeks ago and now the sign is back up. Opportunity again. Since the Gain the Edge 2010,I can see so many more opportunities and ways to try to get them. I don't know how I am going to survive all the lost sleep now, but as Joe says, Onward and Upward. I had not added to my journal for so long I couldn't find it. I called support and the person there didn't know either. I found that if you click on the headings for any column above, it will sort for that column, first down and next click up. As you can see, I found my journal. With so many journals, it can be difficult to find your own if it is not at the top. So, to find you own or anyone's journal, just click on the column to sort the list for your needs. One column is when created and another is last entry, but any column works. I had looked so long, I thought about starting a new journal, but this saved the day!!! Got to get going. I can't say enough about the wealth of info I brought back with me from the Edge event and I was really so good to meet the others and enjoy visiting and trading encouragements and answers to problems I had encountered over the past months. I met Rina, Laura, Joe and Stacey and on and on. I don't have room to mention all the wonderful people there. I also got help taking a picture next to Dean and I sent it immediately back to Molly. He is a wise man, but kinda small. I told him that and his immediate reply was, "It's because your so big!" On the blogs and TV he looks bigger than life, but I don't know how he packs in so much in every day. He is a tough man to try to keep up with. Thank you Dean. If you blink, he is on to the next person or thing he doing, but always has time for everyone/ all of us.



Keep on Keeping On !!! Expect it, God has already given it to you. You just need to get out there and grab it!
If you want to follow my journal:

Do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God.I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. Isaiah 41:10

Hey Tim, It was nice to meet

Hey Tim, It was nice to meet you, Good luck on your REI endeavers.
That was pretty good getting a potential buyer on the flight home ,keep up the good work.
The thug from NY Eye-wink

Hey Tim

That is awesome that you were networking with the guy on the plane. See, you will never know who is interested in what, if you don't just talk to them. Joe always laughs at me, when we are shopping in the store, for some reason, I have strangers telling me there life history, problems, etc and I am so happy to give them advice or help, etc. But I must say I don't mind, the point is, you just don't know the amazing stories or opportunites until you start talking.

Tim it was great meeting you this weekend. I wish you luck.
Carpe Diem :0)


YOU TUBE CHANNEL - Follow Joe on his You Tube Channel at Joe Jurek Real Estate Investing Adventures


....It was great meeting you in person this past weekend at Dean's Gain the EDGE Event 2010! I enjoyed all our talks and brainstorming about real estate by the campfire poolside after the daily activities. You can do it! Just do a little each day and after a week, month and year you will see all the progress. If I get to Florida this year, I will be sure to give you a call so we can meet up for dinner! Keep up the good work, I know you will make your daughter, Molly, very proud! You have taken action to make a difference in your life and that is so much more than others will do! Actions speak louder than words. Believe and Achieve! Smiling - Joe


YOU TUBE CHANNEL - Follow me on my You Tube Channel at Joe Jurek Real Estate Investing Adventures

TWITTER - Follow me on Twitter at Joe Jurek CPA
Joe Jurek CPA

Hi Tim!

I will repeat all the comments was SO GREAT to meet you in person in Phoenix! What a treat! I wished we had more time to sit and chat...I think next year we should all plan on a few extra days either before or after for just hanging out! I wish you all the best my friend!


Sounds like your off to a great start. Look forward to hearing more from you. Enjoyed meeting you at the edge and wish you all the best in your REI adventure.


Cathy B

Follow my progress at:

June 17, 2010

I am trying to nail down several properties and I am having trouble finding the owners. I need to contact the FSBO up the street from me and I intend to do that today or tomorrow. I appreciate all the encouragement from everyone. I wish I had had more time to visit with the others at the EDGE. It seems there are so many things to get done that I have trouble fitting it all in. I am trying to contact several others on this site and I am awaiting their replies. My main problem is finding the proper contracts for lease option as Randy and Greg are doing. That seems to be my main stumbling point right now. I feel like I am spinning my wheels and working at it without being able to complete anyone of the deals that I am trying to nail down. I am feeling so frustrated right now. I cannot seem to find the owners of the properties or how to make offers on Foreclosures. I guess I need to study Dean's books that I have to now better how to do that. Any help anyone is willing to give would be appreciated. I purchased some bandit signs back in 2004 and I am going to get some of them out this weekend. They are the ones that simply say We Buy Houses Cash, but it sounds like those are not the best after reading and listening to all the videos and being at the EDGE this year. I intend to make up some home made ones this weekend also.

I am encouraged by all the success everyone is having. I hope to join that group of investors very soon.


Keep on Keeping On !!! Expect it, God has already given it to you. You just need to get out there and grab it!
If you want to follow my journal:

Do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God.I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. Isaiah 41:10

Hey Tim

I am so happy to read about all the action you are taking! Pretty exciting about the plane contact, too! There is a wealth of information on lease options in the books, as well as here in the forums. And dont forget you can google it, and find a great wealth of information as well. As far as finding property owners - I'm guessing you have tapped into your county tax assessor site? They are free and information has owners name, taxes, etc. Again, google it. That FSBO sounds like they must be desperate sellers at this point - go for it and knock on the door if you have to! As far as making offers on foreclosures unless you have a direct contact at a bank go through your realtor. Well, glad to see you moving forward and I have all the faith in the world in you Smiling


Thank you for the encouragement. You always give a positive feedback and good recommendations. Thank you again. Today I have scheduled putting up posters, bandit signs and talking to the FSBO. With all of my endeavors over my long lifetime you would think it is a breeze to talk to them, but it still gives me a few butterflies. I guess that is a little like Dean being nervous talking up front at the EDGE. If you are familiar with lease options (no doubt you are) then who owns the property if I lease it and the re-lease it to another party ( the end buyer )?


Keep on Keeping On !!! Expect it, God has already given it to you. You just need to get out there and grab it!
If you want to follow my journal:

Do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God.I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. Isaiah 41:10

Hey Tim

I think its always good to have some butterflies. It keeps you on your toes and at your best! What I know about lease options is from an owner point of view...I own a house that is currently being fixed up. When its done I'm going to lease option it. The tenant will sign a regular lease, and then a seperate option to buy. But I continue to own it until such time as they exercise the option and complete the purchase. So what I think you're asking is if you lease option it from the owner, and then turn around and lease it to someone else for a higher rent, who ultimately owns it. I think thats a 'sandwich lease' and I'm not too sure how they work to be honest. But I do know theres a ton of info on here about them, and in the books. Greg Murphy is the king of them..I'm sure you'll find a ton of info in his journal!
Hope you had a fabulous Fathers Day Smiling


hey pal havent talked to ya since the edge!! was great to shoot the rei breeze with you and sorry i havent touched base with ya.been in the rei trenches since the edge with rei and work! any way i can tell you a little on lease option that i did.First i would negotiate the land contract with the seller such as 1000 down 3oo per mnth with a total sale price of 50,000. then have the contract drawn up qith an attorney.The team u build will help you all the way.Tell the attorney what you want to do such as lease option this property to YOUR END buyer sooooo it would be a sandwich lease cause YOU are in the middle. you would sell for example for 4000 or 5000 down 600 per month and total sale from you to your end buyer for say 65000 for a profit of 3-4000 on the down payment then approx 300 per mnth cash flow and u will make approx 15,000 on the end soooo u make 3 different ways. now i did not explain EVERY SINGLE DETAIL AS YOUR ATTORNEY WILL EXPLAIN IT ALL TO YOU AND WRITE UP THE just need to find aND NEGOTIATE THE DEAL then talk to the attorney about it all or talk to attorney first about a potential deal with fake numbers to get comfortable with it all .believe me when u do one u will learn fast !!
hope that helps any questions dont hesitate to pm me k?
to your success


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Friday June 25, 2010

Well, Wednesday and Thursday I spent all day in Tampa attending the CE classes to fulfill my requirements for my adjuster's license. It seems that there is so much to do and not enough time. I am trying to walk 1 to 2 miles each morning before it gets hot. My calendar is nearly full between Molly's commitments and mine. I want to spend more time on REI than I have been. I have planned to visit my real estate person today to revise the listings he is sending me. At the Edge they suggested looking at expired listings. I am still having trouble locating the owners of the houses I have found. I have also sent PM's to several others on this site and I am awaiting their response, but I know everyone is really busy. I can't seem to work as fast as I am used to and as I have all my life. I guess it comes with the territory. I have to take some time tonight and this weekend to get caught up on several journals on this site. The weather has been very hot and humid lately and my New York body is still not used to it. I carry a towel with me all the time. I wish everyone continued success and results.


Keep on Keeping On !!! Expect it, God has already given it to you. You just need to get out there and grab it!
If you want to follow my journal:

Do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God.I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. Isaiah 41:10

July 1, 2010

I have just spent most of this day so far catching up completely on Chris's journal and sales journals (after appt with doctor). I am going to take a break and rest my eyes. I made my daughter chicken drumettes for lunch. I think she is addicted to hot sauce. I have a lot of bandit signs left over from when I first started REI back in 2004. I am going to post some of them this weekend and then buy some materials to do some hand written signs like Chis and Greg. Also I am determined to place some signs in businesses etc. I print them out on my laser printer and then cut the tabs at the bottom so those that are interested can just pull a tab instead of writing anything down. Got to get this business rolling.


Keep on Keeping On !!! Expect it, God has already given it to you. You just need to get out there and grab it!
If you want to follow my journal:

Do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God.I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. Isaiah 41:10

Hi Tim!

I've been absent for a while - just plain busy - but its all good! So stopping by to say hi, and wish you a happy 4th. Glad to see your still on track and finding the time keep working real estate! Have a great weekend my friend Smiling