It's November 18th 2009, and this is the start to my journal. I don't even have Dean's book yet, but quickly learned by reading an "about me" from someone else in this group that starting a journal is a great way to make progress. So here I am! It's actually pretty funny....I'm so excited to get started on reading Dean's book that when I saw the UPS truck pull into my street a few hours ago, I ran for the door only to be left disappointed that he didn't stop at my house. I kinda felt like a poor little kid who might wake up on Christmas morning asking why Santa didn't leave any presents. WOW! I havn't felt this way in a long time. Now what's up with that? The last time I felt this anxious was about 12 years ago when I brought my two girls to Walt Disney World for the very 1st time. How long will it take for that book to arrive? I ordered it on Sunday. Now I wish I paid for those expediting fee's. I've only got six years before I want to retire. LET's GO ALREADY!!!
Sometimes it is said that good things are worth waiting for but we can all relate and feel your anxiety over waiting for Dean's book to arrive. We have all been there as we peek out the window everytime we see an UPS truck and wonder if today will be the day. I can't begin to tell you how Dean's books and programs with the principles, tips, techniques and strategies that he shares can change your life. After your receive the book, try to keep the same passion and desire you have today, and you will succeed. Remember each day is a new adventure and if your have the commitment and desire, Dean provides all the information you will need for success in real estate.
Congratulations for starting your journal. Your journal is a great idea to hold you accountable, track your progress and share some of your new found knowledge and experience with other DG Members. Each day can be a new day to learn a little more information and move you closer to your goals. Good luck with real estate investing and with all your future deals. Believe and Achieve!
- Joe
YOU TUBE CHANNEL - Follow me on my You Tube Channel at Joe Jurek Real Estate Investing Adventures
TWITTER - Follow me on Twitter at Joe Jurek CPA
Joe Jurek CPA
Thanks for your encouragement!!! I look forward to the prospect of what life will bring and how far I will go. As the old saying can only eat an elephant one bite at a time.
It's November 20th and I Still haven't received Dean's book as of yet, but yesterday started to become familiar with a local market in Multi-family forclosure opportunities and took a good look at investments in Orlando FL. I've been thinking that I could pick up a vacation condo/townhome and rent it out as much as possible and keep it for myself for vacation for a couple weeks a year. I am anxious to learn if it makes sense with Dean before doing anything. I also have read many other journals within this network and am impressed by many of them. I also printed out the "FAST START FORM" and filled it out with what I believe are truthful answers and have posted it behind my desk in anticipation of a phone call in a few days to discuss it.
One more thing I did today was to read and watch video of all the nice Birthday wishes for Dean. I don't know him yet...but based on all the comments I can see that this man is extreemely wealthy in every area of his life. Now that commands RESPECT! A Happy Birthday to you Dean!
I had to laugh because I do understand about waiting for your book to arrive. When we ordered the edge I had all I could do to stop myself from standing in the driveway waiving and saying 'hey wait you forgot something!' as the UPS driver drove by
I'm interested in hearing what you discover about vacation rentals.
I wish you much success in REI.
SPR Property Solutions, LLC
It's November 23rd and I finally received Dean's book package. I started to read "Be a real estate Millionaire" last night at about 8:30 and have used every extra available minute reading sense that time. I've read 176 pages and am at Chapter 14 "How to Buy Realestate with no money down". Even though I have some experience with the purchase of 3 homes in my life time and know about some of the things he talks about to this point in the book, it has been a great way to re-familiarize myself with terms in the realestate market, get mentaly pre-paired and set some goals. Beyond that, knowing how to analize today's market through his local and national technique is something very new to me and which I found very interesting. My short term goal is to get done reading this book by tomorrow and be finished reading his second book by no later than the end of this week. I should have plenty of time to accomplish this task with the Thankgiving holiday coming up. ON a separate note:
Compared to others who have started with nothing, I feel very fortunate right now to be in the position I am! I have great credit, some cash on hand if needed, and I have a steady source of income. I'm feeling way ahead of the game right now, but I don't take my blessings for granted.
Yahoo!!!! I finished reading Dean's "BE A REAL ESTATE MILLIONAIRE" book and am pretty excited! Don't know if I did it in record time..but I started on it Sunday night and just finished reading it at 2:30 on Tuesday afternoon. Took my time and made sure I read every word. I know that it's impossible to retain everything the 1st time around but its great to know that I can always use it as reference when needed as I move along. I have already set some goals. I guess I'll move on to pre-paring statements and developing my estate foundation as described between pages 268-273. Definately some very powerful information going on between the covers! The book left me strongly feeling that opportunities to make large sums of money are countlessly everywhere around me and that all I have to do is apply the right technique for the right situation in any market. What a beautiful thing! I must make it happen!
I picked up the latest book "profit from realestate RIGHT NOW" shortly after finishing the 1st book and figured I would just read a couple of pages. Now I can't put it down...but I have to right now to attend a family gathering for pictures. I quickly found myself in page 42 and can't wait to come back home to read from that point on. What stories!!!What testimonies!!! What action!!!
I'm pumped to learn how to make progress in today's market. I may even half to finish this book tonight. As long as I can keep my eyes open and still comprehend what I'm reading....I'm going for it all tonight. So far...Amazing writing to keep you into it all. I must leave early from this family gathering. There is no time to waste.
OK, Now I'm feeling tired and can't keep my eyes open. I have to get some sleep now. I'll wake up by 7:00 a.m. and start to read Dean's book while having my coffee in the kithen. I'm going to put the negative newspaper aside in the morning. I made it to page 74 (Chapter 4) and chose not to skip anything in the book but to continue all the way through from front to back. Goodnight!
Thanksgiving came and wen't and so did my wife's family members. Had a great day feasting, visiting and giving thanks! Now I'm back to finish reading Dean's second book. I'm on page 85... "Matt's first no money down deal". Can't wait to finish this book up so I can get started on setting up shop to make deals.
Good luck DAVE!,it really gets your heart pumping when you read deans books and envision yourself being successful using those strategies.
just keep working at it and never give up.
good luck
Just read through your journal. You had me chuckling out loud you reminded me so much of myself! LOL
) to make it happen.
Congratulations on finally getting your books, and WOW!, congrats on the reading and still fitting in all the family stuff that's so important. I am excited to see what the future holds for your REI. NO doubt, you are going to leap right out of the starting gate! And you have the belief and determination (and patience
God bless,
"Obstacles can slow you down, but they can only stop you with your permission." Dean Graziosi (BARM pg 101)
"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11
For a little about me, welcome to the site, and a few tips for new DG family members, click on this link:
It's November 27th, Just got done reading Dean's second book "PROFIT FROM REAL ESTATE RIGHT NOW" and WOW! Lots to do and no time to waste!! OK now...Let see... now where should I start again? Oh ya...that's right!...I took some handy notes while I was reading along the way. I wanted to read the entire two books before starting anything. I think I'll write down a list of tasks and check them off as I complete them. I go with the basic tasks.
1. Register for Wednesday nights on Dean's web-site. Done 11/28/09
2. Find a success partner.
3. Develop an LLC Company for liability and tax purposses.
4. Go to and fill out success form. Done 11/19/09
5. Pre-pare a networth spreadsheet. Done 12/02/09
6. Get pre-qualified for a loan. Done 12/09/09
7. Set long term goals. Done 11/26/09
8. Set short term goals. Done 11/26/09
9. Find a good mortgage broker to work with me. Done 11/28/09
10. Find a good realestate agent to work with me. Done 12/01/09
11. Locate a reputable appraiser.
12. Locate a reputable home inspector.
13. Locate a reputable CPA accountant. Done 11/26/09
14. Locate a reputable home insurance agent.
15. Locate a reputable realestate attorney.
16. Locate a reputable and reasonable handyman or handymen.
17. Setup and post advertizement strategies.
18. Setup and post voice mail messages.
19. Locate resourceful websites, and create a folder in favorites.Done 11/27/09
20. Load Propnet software and intergrate with 4closurealert. Done 12/09/09
21. Order business cards. Done 12/08/09
Once I get these things accomplished move on to the next set of tasks.
You are ON FIRE! I love it! I started out the same as you. Got BARM and read it cover to cover (think i got you beat in reading time haha) Man, I cant wait to see where you are a short time from now
You have the desire, drive, determination, passion and most importantly - you are TAKING ACTION!!!
I'm so excited for you and I can tell you that as you grow and complete deals that excitement just continues to grow as well! Dig into the forums on this site too - the amount of information is unending. Keep up the good work and look forward to following your journey
my story:
If you have never been to Cape Cod, MA to visit any of the 6 national sea shore yourself a favor and GO to reward yourself for that big deal your going to make soon. My favorite beach is called "Marconi National Seashore". Under ideal weather conditions the waves are huge from the open Atlantic Ocean, the sand dunes are steeply tall, and the beaches are end-less-ly long. It's pretty amazing how surfer dude's come out of the wood-work when a NorthEastern storm comes barreling down upon the coastline of New England. Surfers are generally well suited and pre-pared for all weather conditions. I'm just one of many spectators who stands at the edge of the water watching in amazement as they come face to face with the force of mother nature. I'm also one of those guys who calls these surfers crazy, nuts and insane in their attempt to conquer those massive crashes of water. I've wittnessed many surfers who have failed because they lacked the right conditioning and techniques needed to break through the craching points. Still there are those few who don't waiver, those who never give up, and who never give in. There are also those who enjoy the pain and suffering caused by the force of each crashing wave they endure and consider it a real challenge to beat the odds for the reward of calling the day a success.
I was thinking how similar those surfers attempts are to my prospect for success in real estate. You see...I too have many waves to conquer now. I need to be well conditioned and suited for the waves I must face. What I really need to do is read, take notes, pre-pare myself mentally and obtain knowledge about the real estate world. The second wave is a bit harder, but still nothing I can't handle. I'll set myself up with a proven system and begin the process of establishing relationships with those agents who can find me the right deal. Now I'm ready for the next wave, I call this one "my first closing". Now that I've made it past "my first closing", I have a sense that it wasn't so bad and that nothing can stop me now. I now know not to try to crash over these waves but to simply propel and drive myself right through each and into the next like they don't even exist. I've now even learned to wear a wet suit supplied by the academy. I'm looking back now to the shore line from where I started and to my surprise, I'm wishing that I could share the technique's I've learned to break through. I now want them to see what I see, to feel what I feel, to pick and choose what I now can. I've done it and I'm proud, confident and at peace.
I now realize that I'm the one in control of my own destiny. I'm the one who can pick and choose what is best for my family. This is my dream come true.
Today I looked through the Newspaper and identified all the aucions coming up this next week in my town and one other town next to ours. I wen't to each address look at each property from the outside to see if I would be interested in any of them. There was one out of 3 that has the potential to look further.
I would like just to go this auction on the 7th of December just to see what happens. Also: I have been surfing many sites to get familiar with today's market through listings in my surrounding area so I can determine quickly if I think I've found a possible good deal.
what I realy wanted to do today was surf the 4closuresalert site but every time I try to sign up it tells me that there's an error. Not to happy about that. I tried calling Dean's site for support but they apparently don't work on Sunday's. I'm very surprised sense Sunday is a very big day for people who have to work during the week. Also...I tried signing up for my Free Web-site but again it told me that I need to call and when I did I found that they were closed. VERY SURPRISED BY THE LACK OF SUPPORT ON SUNDAY's. What's up with that Dean??????
Hey there Dave,
You may have run into same thing I did. It didnt work until I used new user and then I was up and running. Hope this helps.
I hope you all are having as much fun as I am and good luck!
Have a great day!
Today...I don't feel like I accomplished a whole lot. I did talk with a couple of people from this company and got sticker shocked at personal coaching costs...but considering it anyway. If anyone can let me know how they feel about it please tell. I'm assuming that the costs are the same for everyone and that they don't base it on the questions you've answered regarding available credit. If anyone can elaborate on that..please do! I also spent some time on the 4closurealert website and because I finaly gained passage today. I'm trying to figure out the different pices of info and how to use them wisely from the site...if anyone wishes to help me...please feel free to respond. Until then...Goodnight!!
Glad you finally got on the website! I go absolutely crazy when my internet is down or things arent working too. As far as coaching, it is a personal decision for each person to make, and only you can know the answer. Looking back, I lost many nights sleep after I joined about the financial committment, but used that to inspire me to definitely take action and get my first deal done. I made the cost of the academy back and then some on it too! For me it was invaluable. But there are many people who are doing great things without joining, and there are those that are waiting to join in the future when they perhaps have a bit more money from bird dogging or assigning. You just have to remember that whatever decisions you make - paying money for books, coaching, websites etc etc is not whats going to make you successful. They can help, no doubt - but you have to be committed to working hard and taking action steps. Knowledge + Action = SUCCESS. If you're determined, committed and driven you can do it!!!
my story:
Hey Dave,
The price isnt so bad when you think about it. Think about it like an investment. Would you spend 3-5k if you knew your investment could potentially make 100k? ABSOLUTELY!!
Also, look at tuition for universities!! ITS CRAZY!!! 20k plus!!!????
With the chance that "maybe" you get a job in today's competitive job market??
And if you pay for it out of your own pocket, you know you are going to use it as much as you can!
Plus, you get the money back after your first five deals. NOT EVEN A COLLEGE UNIVERSITY PROMISES YOU THAT!!!
Wishing you the best,
Shane Weller
There are a million reasons why you CAN'T do something. You need to find the one reason you CAN, and run with that!
I spent alot of time on the phone today talking with a group of professionals from Dean's coaching staff and decided to purchase unlimmitted coaching. My 1st appointment with my designated coach named Drew is for tomorrow at 3:00 p.m. eastern time. I look forward to getting started and working hard to get this done so I can retire at 50 years young.
GREAT FOR YOU DAVE!!! Dang man you got me PUMPED over here. I'm glad you did it man! PURE AWESOMENESS!!!
Its gonna be worth the investment! SHOOT FOR THE STARS MY BROTHER!!!
There are a million reasons why you CAN'T do something. You need to find the one reason you CAN, and run with that!
You've got a great team behind you!
P.S. I like watching those dates fill in on your task list.
"Obstacles can slow you down, but they can only stop you with your permission." Dean Graziosi (BARM pg 101)
"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11
For a little about me, welcome to the site, and a few tips for new DG family members, click on this link:
For the record: I've challenged A-Rod (and he has accepted) to compete with me on who can close his 1st 5 deals first. This isn't about money; this is about drive, motivation, and a sense of accomplishment between a young man who is obviously bright, energetic and full of desire to succeed in the eyes of God Vs. an older man in his mid 40's who's prime has past bye some time ago, but who is also competitive in nature and who wants badly to retire at age 50 or sooner. So thanks A-Rod for accepting my challenge in the personal email I sent you to help keep us both on track. LET THE GAMES BEGIN my friend and I wish you success in "your" realestate world.
Progress for today so far:
1. I've talked with 3 Vice Presidents (of the loan departments) of different banks in my area and have picked their brains on what the market is doing, how they may be able to help me in financing, ect.
2. I've talked with a number of different agents to feel out who I may want to work with based upon some quetions I asked and may have found the one who fits best...but not positive just yet.
3. I sat down and created a personal financial statement to determine my net worth.
4. I had my 1st phone conversation with a coach named Drew Moren at 3:00 and was given my first few lessons to start.
Now I must get to work on starting them.
I wish you great success as well. You're on!
God Bless
"FAITH is being Sure of what we hope for and Certain of what we do not see." -Hebrews 11:1
I've gone through my 1st and second lesson's in buying forclosures and past the 1st quiz. When I took the second quiz that I thought I passed It told me that I didn't. But I was certain that I answered the questions correctly so I went back and review them and found that I thought the system was incorrect and not I called up the coaching staff and they told me that I was correct and that there was a glitch in the systems testing results. I asked for it to be corrected but whom-ever I spoke with told me just to move on with my work and don't worry about it. Soooooo...... that's what I'll do.
I will try and record all of these experiences with the hope that Dean will ultimately see my progress and the troubles I some times that he will be able to correct these things as time goes on for others who may find what I found as a real stumbling block.
Time to move on to my next lesson now. Its only 10:09. What am I going to do....wathch television? I don't think so!!!!
I just got through my 3rd quiz and failed. It's late...(12:33 a.m.)and I am tired. I will try again tomorrow on the lessons of REO's. Good night for now!!!
Sounds like we're definatly on a similar trek. In addition to others, you can count on me to keep you mov'n. Don't hesitate to contact me.
..."Oh that you would bless me and enlarge my border, and that your hand might be with me, and that you would keep me from hurt and harm"
1 Chronicles 4.10
My Success Journal:
1. Took the REO lesson on line and passed quiz with flying colors after failing once late last night.
2. Took the FHA/VA lesson on line and passed the quiz with flying colors.
3. Made 5 copies of all my financial statements the banks require to get a pre-approval letter and sent one of them off with my neighbor who will deliver it tomorrow where she works to the VP of commercial loans. Now I have 4 other packets already pre-pared and will send them off to the banks who are in posession of the REO's I'm going to place offers with. Good tip I learned today was that the banks who are in posession like to see that their own departments have already issued the pre-approval and not someone elses bank.
4. I spoke with one of my coaches today for about a 1/2 hour to brain storm and to make sure that my thought process is heading in the right direction.
He said that I'm doing awsome and that I'm very close to being able to place offers.
5. I also communicated with a couple of people on this site and am in the process of creating a postive atmosphere where folks who are taking this very seriously can interact on a whole new level. The idea is not only to create a competitive atmosphere but also to hold each other accountable by raising each other up when we see that things might be starting to slide.
6. I also started to look at sites where REO are listed and I'm getting familiar with my local market and what's available along with what's the market looks like in the outskirts of Orlando FL where I'm also interested in pursueing investment properties.
That's about it for now.
1. Today I have surfed the web for hours and have tried to find REO's in both my local area and in Celebration area of FL.
2. I also spoke with a realestate agent who is very interested in working with me and I am having lunch with him next Tues.
3. I also spent some time trying to get familiar with the system and how it works.
4. I'm waiting for the software that the academy is sending me and I'm feeling a little bit held up by that. I called to have the shipment expedited, they said they would do there best. They called me with the tracking no. today and once I tracked it I found out that the package was shiped out the slowest way possible and that it would take 8 days or so for it to arrive. 8 days???? What were they thinking? I guess the message to have it expedited never got to the shipping department. Now I'm going to be left waiting like I did for Dean's books to arrive....Oh man...not again! I don't have this kind of time to waste.
Have you completed your Buyers List? For me, that's what's slowing me down. The REI Club meet isn't for another 2 weeks and the other strategies for locating buyers is rather slow and tedius.
I think finding properties is much easier at this point. From Bulk REO's to duplexes, I've found several items worth investing in, but no buyers...yet.
If I may, the feedback we're recieving suggessts our passion is pouring over and will eventually find that success we're looking for. We'll just keep pouring ourselves into our dreams.
..."Oh that you would bless me and enlarge my border, and that your hand might be with me, and that you would keep me from hurt and harm"
1 Chronicles 4.10
My Success Journal: