i just enrolled this afternoon in the Success Academy. i'm very excited, yet very scared, to put it mildly. this is a big step for me. i tried it twice before with other people and was not pleased at all, but i've done more homework on the Success Academy and i like what i'm hearing and seeing. i've already worked with some really nice people and i truly believe this is the way to go for me. i am starting this journal so i can track my progress and get input from others as i move along in this journey. i posted a question on this site to see what kind of input i would get on enrolling in the Academy and that went very well. it was nice to hear from other students and know how they feel about the program. as i cruise around the website, i can see how everyone is part of a family, the DG family, and i want to be included in that too. i do not have any encouragement from the people around me right now, so i look forward to getting that from my coach and the DG family as i go along. right now i am working on my goals to send to the administrator i talked to. i'm not too bad with the short-term goals, but farther out is a little harder for me. at least i have some ideas floating around in my head on that. can't wait to receive all my "stuff" in the mail and get started. i have already read "Profit from Real Estate Right Now!" and it was great. I'm almost finished with "Your Town Your Real Estate Profits!" both books are excellent and i have gotten more out of them than i have the stuff i spent hundreds and thousands of dollars on. well, i could go on and on, but i better get back to my goals. have a great weekend.
Linda, Army EOD Mom
you can follow my journal at http://www.deangraziosi.com/real-estate-forums/investing-journals/45351/...
Fear equals:
Wow when you have a busy day, you really have a busy day. This site is so addicting I miss it when I can't get on here. You are doing so well, thinking all the time of ways to use your knowledge to help everyone. Look forward to this weeks journals. Tammy
Love and Laughter make the world a better place.
i am really working on getting more done, but my time management skills need some help. i never have that problem with a J.O.B., but i sure do at home. part of it is focusing; i'm easily distracted for some reason. have so much going on. hope you are feeling well.
Linda, Army EOD Mom
you can follow my journal at http://www.deangraziosi.com/real-estate-forums/investing-journals/45351/...
Fear equals:
first of all, i'm wondering how DGers are able to acquire the little medals and so forth. i seem to be stuck on bronze, despite all the posting i do.
i worked on my power team list yesterday and today and finished up a couple lessons. i like to read through everything, despite the interactive lessons. i looked up some ads in courses i have to see what ads to post this week on craigslist. they haven't worked too well for me so far and when i had my meeting last night with a RE club member, i got jealous.
he has 37 people on his buyers list for wholesaling, and they are mostly from his craigslist ad. so, i need to work harder to find what will work for me. i also have on my to-do list to come up with a flyer to put out and see what happens with that. my meeting went well last night. he brought his wife, whom i have never met before. really nice couple. they are just getting started and i was able to give them some suggestions. i bragged about Dean, this website, the coaching and the DG family alot. this morning i'm having to do some research on insurance because my COBRA expires very soon. not my favorite job.
i talked with Daniel from The Tax Club about a business plan and credit coaching. he was nice, but very pushy. i hate that. they just don't seem to get it when you say you just can't do it right now. hopefully i will get some input on the services The Tax Club offers; i posted a new forum topic on it under financing/credit. what they say sounds great and i would love to do it all, but i want to be able to sleep at night too. it's so easy for them to tell me to put it on my credit card. what i finally decided is that i really need to prove to myself first that i really can/will do this. no sense in having all that stuff until you really are doing it, in my opinion. lots more to work on this afternoon. i may have to extend my working hours to accomplish what i want/need to. i never used to be so slow, but this thyroid stuff can really slow a person down. i'm ready to get up to speed again. 
Linda, Army EOD Mom
you can follow my journal at http://www.deangraziosi.com/real-estate-forums/investing-journals/45351/...
Fear equals:
Good work on going through your power team, and hope you have good luck with the insurance company.
The medals: I was reading the real estate forums and searching the site for how to articles for specific information when were we working to get the house. Reading other peoples blogs and listening to past conference calls when one day I looked at my login name and the medals were there. I didn't know what I did but it was neat to see.
Easily Distracted: Your not distracted on the JOB because you know that if you don't meet the demands of the JOB there is a downside(being fired), and your usually away from the home.
But when you work on your Real Estate are you at home? where friends and family can call wanting or needing you for something.
At least it is that way for me. My mom and my sister live a few doors away so they think because my car is in the drive that I am not busy, so they call to chat or my sister drops by to vent, but it all intrupts my thought of what I was doing at the time and I loose my focus. Or I am sitting in the living room thinking there are dishes that need to be done or what am I going to make for dinner, or laundry that needs done. But I can soak a load of dished in the sink and work on a phone call from my list. Or put in a load of laundry and read somemore in my book.
Take a minute when you feel distracted at home and jot down what you were doing and how you got distracted. Do this for a week and it will help you see what is taking away your focus, it may be a person or a task but once you know what it is, it can be addressed.
But if it medication fog, or fatigue I have no answer for that, still working on those tips for myself, sorry.
Love and Laughter make the world a better place.
i love your comment about the medication fog and fatigue. i'm hoping i don't have those "excuses"
much longer. we slept so hard last night we woke up late and were both in a fog. 
Linda, Army EOD Mom
you can follow my journal at http://www.deangraziosi.com/real-estate-forums/investing-journals/45351/...
Fear equals:
well, it's wednesday and the week is half over. i had to go to the unemployment office this morning to find out what is going on. they said i have used up all the state and federal money so i am on my own now. i have to get some money coming in real quick here. i have to set up a meeting with an acquisitions manager for an investing company here; we hope to meet next week. he did email me answers to my questions, which is a huge help. now i need to transfer them to my forms. i also got an email from a seller on an ad i ran for buyers. man, i'm batting 0.
anyway, they sound motivated and i will call them tomorrow. they want to move down south and they don't owe anything on the house. it needs new cabinets and something else, so it sounds like they rehabbed it. i may be someone who has to get a deal first, then find buyers. sometimes i just have to be different.
trying to figure out what to put on my flyers to put out. i still haven't found what i'm looking for. i've been going through Dean's books and i checked out the ads page he has online. awesome ads, but they all had to do with foreclosures and having a recorded message. i need to think how i want to handle it. i do have 2 methods to find cash buyers that i need to work on, but they are time-consuming and i need to settle down and just work on them. i always feel so far behind on everything, so i have a tendency to go for things that take less time. i also need to get on the MLS and look up properties and set up a "bump-out" list for myself. oh, my. can't let myself get overwhelmed with all this. i can't wait until my energy levels are where they should be. i don't see the doctor until May 25th, so i have a while to wait. i decided not to pursue the apartment complex. it just didn't "feel" right for now. the commercial broker did send me interesting information on a mobile home park in another town. that might be a possibility, but since it was set up in 1950, we'll have to see about lots of things you don't mess with dealing with SFR's.
Linda, Army EOD Mom
you can follow my journal at http://www.deangraziosi.com/real-estate-forums/investing-journals/45351/...
Fear equals:
Hey Linda,
You are doing alot. I'm going to have to make sure I stay caught up with your journal. You've been so kind in keeping up with mine.
Seems like everyone strikes gold by being a little "different." i was wondering if the owners of the house you found would consider a lease option? That might give you time to find a renter or a buyer (you probably thought of that already).
Anyway, not to go off on a tangent, but, as for your thyroid concerns, are you interested in natural approaches to healing? There's a guy named Kevin Gianni (www.renegadehealth.com) who has a youtube show called the renegadehealth show that is awesome, and an ebook (I think you can get it free) called High Raw (a raw-food diet). Also Angela Stokes-Monarch (www.RawReform.com) is another good resource. We have to keep up our energy for REI!
I drove past a house on the way to work (small brick rambler) that was undergoing some rehab work. I looked up the tax records, and found that the owner lives about 30 miles away, and has owned the house since 1962. The last purchase price was $19,000. Zillow says it's worth between $197K and $215K. I'm planning to send the owner a postcard or maybe obtaining a phone number to call. Maybe they are getting ready to put it on the market (hence the rehabs) and I can catch it before it goes. I want to make an offer. What kind do you think I should make? Lease option? I'll let you know what happens when I get a hold of the owner.
Humpday...! Thank goodness we made it over the hump!
Blessings to you always,
"Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not. Nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not. Unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not. The world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipitent." --Calvin Coolidge
My Journal: http://www.deangraziosi.com/real-estate-forums/investing-journals/45893/...
i did talk to the owner this morning. nice guy. right now they are fishing for offers, so to speak. they want to move back to Kentucky and the house is not finished. they would consider creative financing, if they need to. he's open-minded. did think about the lease/option because that is what i'm looking at, yet i'm also thinking about an assignment or bird-dog fee.
thanks for the thyroid information. will have to check them out. it has been a long-time struggle.
way to go on the house find. as far as the offer, it has to mesh with your goals and what you want to do with it. what exit strategy do you have in mind for it? also, how much rehab is left for you to do? can't wait to hear what happens when you get ahold of the owner. YAY!
Linda, Army EOD Mom
you can follow my journal at http://www.deangraziosi.com/real-estate-forums/investing-journals/45351/...
Fear equals:
another busy day. i am working on my website and trying to get some things fixed that need it. i have had my own website for a couple years, but i haven't done real well with it. placed a couple more ads this afternoon. i have gotten a couple buyers from my ads that need help with owner financing. i have to wonder if the vote happening today will affect L/O's. i hope not; i see that as an option, not owner financing. we shall see. i talked to the seller that contacted me through an investor ad i placed a couple days ago. they are just now getting ready to sell and fishing for offers. they are willing to consider creative financing. they want to move back to Kentucky and would like to break even. i don't really see that happening. i think they are in way too deep and i'm not sure an investor would pay enough. as for a retail buyer, it might work. i will be looking at some pics he sent and see what i think. he has done the plumbing and electrical himself by reading books. not impossible and my favorite contractor will have to check it out. the main thing for me at this point is that he contacted me through an ad and i actually made myself call him and talk to him. i am getting so brave!
i looked up a bunch of properties on the MLS that we were interested in. most of them are sold and i am working on being able to use that information in my investing business. more on that later. i also contacted the company that runs our MLS to find out if i can run a report that will help my investing. i also did the interactive lesson on what to look for in deals. Chuck sent me questions to ask about the mobile home park the commercial broker sent to me. the broker answered quick and then i forwarded them to Chuck to look over. i all ready have a big list to accomplish tomorrow. i have to say that Dean's way of doing a to-do list seems to be helping. thanks, Dean!
Linda, Army EOD Mom
you can follow my journal at http://www.deangraziosi.com/real-estate-forums/investing-journals/45351/...
Fear equals:
this morning started out a little rough for me. i am having to face some things financially, and i was emotionally attached to the outcome. i really got upset and mad, to put it nicely. then i listened to a recording on overcoming procrastination and it helps with self-sabotage too. i know alot of what he said, but i sure needed to hear it again. i am doing much better now. if you want the link, contact me. my sister finally sold her house today and got a cash offer. she was so upset for over a year that they hadn't sold it, but the timing is so much better for their situation than it would have been before. so many times we get upset and discouraged, but things are working out for our best interests. really hard to see many times. i have had some response for owner financing, but i will only do lease/options. kind of the same thing. i have a pretty thorough questionnaire i send by email and ask them to fill out. it lets me know their situation and if they are really serious. just got one back. this girl is disabled and has 2 kids and she is on the ball. will have to figure out a way to help her. we have a potluck tonight for Chuck's shooting/hunting club, so i am cooking for that. i have a huge list for tomorrow of things to do, if he is out turkey hunting all day. i sure hope he is! just working away! have a great weekend!
Linda, Army EOD Mom
you can follow my journal at http://www.deangraziosi.com/real-estate-forums/investing-journals/45351/...
Fear equals:
Boy do I need help with procrastinating!
Have a great weekend too, Linda. Thanks for the advice.
"Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not. Nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not. Unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not. The world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipitent." --Calvin Coolidge
My Journal: http://www.deangraziosi.com/real-estate-forums/investing-journals/45893/...
it has been rather ugly around here this weekend. yesterday we stayed busy all day and i did have time to myself, but i still didn't accomplish all i wanted to. we went to breakfast, then to look at a house we've been watching for 5 years. the bank has the price so high that i don't think they've even had any offers on it. needs alot of rehab, but that is what we want to do. we need to get in it again and go through what we would do on the inside. we couldn't get a hold of anyone to get in it so we worked from memory and looked at the outside. the rehab costs may be so high that it's not worth it. it is listed at $74,900 (which it wouldn't sell for totally rehabbed) and i have thought many times about offering $10,000 on a consistent basis until we get it, someone else buys it or the bank tells us to bug off.
i worked out in our garage a little. we moved 1 1/2 years ago and still have tons of stuff out there. the neighborhood has a garage sale in 2 weeks so we are getting ready for that. another garage sale....
anyway, the most important thing i accomplished was listening to a webinar with a lady in real estate that i highly respect. she gives tons of free information in her calls and i needed reminded of alot of things. i listen to her as often as i can, even if her calls are long. you have to write fast to get everything down. today i won't have much time to spend on real estate because of other things going on, and i like to try and use Sundays to rest. we have been looking into the mobile home park the commercial broker told us about and asking questions. if it's not up to code on the sewer, etc., it would cost too much to get involved with. they are offering seller financing with 10% down and the park only owns one home, which is a good thing. i have alot of other properties to go through as well. still not where i want to be with a buyers list. i had hoped to have that nailed down this week. i emailed the company that runs our MLS and the answer they gave me had nothing to do with what i asked. i didn't think it was that hard!
so i emailed them back. we'll see what i hear tomorrow. i contested the invoice i got from my CPA in Ohio and the tax attorney who owns the company and is a supposed real estate guru got really nasty with me. he was extremely rude and they still have my 2008 returns so i told them i would pay when i get that back. we'll see what he says tomorrow. i would never recommend this guy for anything! they didn't do what they said they would, but because they did some extra research they sent me a bill $40 higher than i had agreed to pay. that wasn't the agreement, it wasn't mentioned, i just got the bill and they had my stuff until tax day. i received it just in time to mail it off. i have a problem with that. then i was told that i have no more unemployment this week. still had to fill out a claim today and i think i messed that up. brother!!!
so, i hope this coming week goes alot better.
i hope you all are doing well!
Linda, Army EOD Mom
you can follow my journal at http://www.deangraziosi.com/real-estate-forums/investing-journals/45351/...
Fear equals:
Here's to brighter days soon for you. Every so often we all run into people that run their businesses like that at I just wonder how they stay around.
Good idea aobut putting in a 10K offer on the bank owned propety. I've read that others on this website have had great success with that. Indiana Joe is one of them I believe.
I tried PMing you but wasn't able to, wanted to give you some Alz toll free no.'s. If you are interested in them PM me and I'll PM you back.
Best to you on the garage sale, REI and ALL that you do.
SPR Property Solutions, LLC
Lea, i did PM you and hope you receive it.
it is beautiful after all that rain. hope it stays that way. i have had a busy morning. i made an appointment for Wednesday morning to meet with the Acquisitions Manager of a company i consider a wholesale buyer. we've been trying to get together for about 2 weeks. i copied Dean's letter to mortgage brokers (changed it a little) and then faxed it to the A+ mortgage brokerages in town. we'll see if i get any response. since the tax credit has expired, i hope i will get at least a few. i listened to one of Dean's old calls yesterday and one today. still trying to figure out the best ads to run to find serious buyers. i got my website fixed and i feel better about sending buyers/sellers there to fill out my forms. i'm really slow when it comes to my website, but i got it done.
also had to work on acquiring new health insurance because my COBRA expires June 30th. i am getting new health/vision insurance through my realty company, just working the kinks out. if you are a realtor and want to know how you can earn residual income, PM me and i will fill you in. i have a retail buyer that is handicapped, makes $1200/month, has 2 kids and wants her own home really bad. any suggestions on how i could possibly handle this one? i don't see how her income can cover a house payment. i also have a seller that bought his house for $17,000 and has put $30,000 into it. i looked at the pictures and i'm not sure how i could get him what he's got into it and get someone to finish it. looks like a big mess to me. i will ask my coach about both of these tomorrow, but if anyone has any input, let me know. i'm open to suggestions.
i am finding that our recorder's office is not posting things online in a timely manner. in fact, years can pass and they are not putting it online in the tax records, etc. pretty frustrated with that. even using the MLS, i go into the property information and nothing is up to date. no way to find out who the new buyer is or what bank foreclosed. any suggestions on that? thanks! 
Linda, Army EOD Mom
you can follow my journal at http://www.deangraziosi.com/real-estate-forums/investing-journals/45351/...
Fear equals:
Got it and PM'd you back.
SPR Property Solutions, LLC
i did get it. thanks a bunch.
Linda, Army EOD Mom
you can follow my journal at http://www.deangraziosi.com/real-estate-forums/investing-journals/45351/...
Fear equals:
Sorry I have been so busy I haven't made it to the website, but you are keeping busy and motivated. I see there is nice company with you while I missed out.
Hope everything works out for you and you feel well. Tammy
Love and Laughter make the world a better place.
thanks, Tammy. today it feels great to be an RE investor! hee-hee!
Linda, Army EOD Mom
you can follow my journal at http://www.deangraziosi.com/real-estate-forums/investing-journals/45351/...
Fear equals:
wow, this has actually turned out to be a good day. one reason is i always feel better after talking to my coach, even if i haven't accomplished everything she wants me to. she is always encouraging and so helpful to me; just what i need each time. we hadn't talked in 2 weeks so i had a list of questions for her and she was very helpful. we just went right down the list and got moving. i will be working on lease/options as well as assignments. that makes me very happy. she has worked with Greg Murphy a couple times and speaks very highly of him; he is my example to follow. i need to come up with a flyer and get it out there. in talking to my sales manager from the realty company i am signed up with, i have to go to the court house to get updates weekly on information i should be able to get online. our county recorder's office is months to years behind on updating the tax/property records. how can i help them get it done in a timely manner? i could offer my services, but would they even consider it? i posted a ghost ad for wholesale buyers, then my coach said ghost ads should be for retail buyers. oops! i got a quick reply from a realtor that has a client interested. talk about scaring the heck out of me!
so, i emailed my coach on how to handle it. scaredy cat!!!
she suggested i think about passing the mobile home park off to another investor and make money that way, rather than owning it right now. it's a thought. on the house that needs alot of work and the seller wants out of it, she told me to run comps and then see if i can market it as a handyman special, maybe for an end buyer. as for my disabled buyer, we worked on some tough stuff for her, but i emailed her right after the call. the house we have watched for years and is priced higher than ARV value and needs alot of rehab work - she encouraged me to make my lowball offer over and over with an offer package of pictures and rehab estimates. they have had no offers and we're the only ones who've ever looked at it. we were in agreement on this one. i firmed up my meeting with the mortgage broker for next wednesday. i did place 2 ghost ads today for wholesale buyers, one on www.craigslist.com and one on www.backpage.com. the reply came from craigslist. got my new insurance finalized and hotel booked for going to see my son at Fort Knox. it's going to be a quickie trip there and back this time. i hope to meet up with fellow DGers next time when i am not rushed and can take a little more time. i've been trying to listen to Dean's old calls each day if at all possible and listened to one with Dean and Anita while i cleaned up in the garage this morning. kept me going and i got alot done. now i'm ready for a nap!! 
Linda, Army EOD Mom
you can follow my journal at http://www.deangraziosi.com/real-estate-forums/investing-journals/45351/...
Fear equals:
this has been quite a day! i knew i wouldn't get a lot done here at home, but i still am on cloud 9.
first i went to get some blood drawn for my upcoming doctor's appointment. they always have to take 5 vials of blood. last time the girl took 3 and had to call me back. so today i asked the lady if she was sure she was only supposed to take 4 and she assured me that was correct. guess what? got a call and had to go back and get more blood drawn. they all got their heads together and found that my doctor is writing the order up wrong, so they are not taking enough blood. they are going to correct that with him TODAY.
can't blame them and they apologized to me over and over. i'm just thankful the hospital is 5 minutes away and i don't mind going there. they all do a great job. i ran that ghost ad for wholesale buyers yesterday and an investor friend from my REI club saw it and contacted me. i told him it was a ghost ad and he said it was a good ad because it got his attention.
he always tries to encourage me. i haven't heard back from the disabled lady i emailed yesterday. i told her i had to be honest and that paying 50% of her income for a house payment was not going to work. i asked if she had any other income. she also said she could put $700 down and i asked if she could borrow the money for a down payment of $3000-5000, per my coach. i got another L/O candidate this morning, sent my 3-page questionnaire to her and she answered me right back. again, her income doesn't allow a good debt/income ratio. i just emailed her and asked if that is just her income and if there is any other income? i don't see how people can make it on that, although i do confess to being high-maintenance. just ask Chuck!
i emailed my son to ask how to contact JAG in the event we find some properties down there. they help with the off-post housing for the military and you have to go through them. i won't have time to contact them this trip, but i hope to go down there mid-summer and maybe talk to them. i still might be able to call/email them before then. Angie recommended in someone else's journal to watch the videos on www.totalviewrealestate.com. i have been doing that and it's really helpful. i highly recommend doing that. okay, for the best news of the day......i met with a very successful real estate investor this morning. he is the acquisitions manager for the company and he and the main guy are like partners in this company. they've been investing for 11 years and right off the bat he tells me he only does honest and ethical deals. he explained one deal quickly to me and i had to ask Chuck how that worked because i couldn't grasp the figures and how this guy worked them. when Chuck explained it, i got it and liked it. anyway, we talked about 45 minutes and i felt he was honest and upfront, would be a very good influence on me. every deal has to be a win for everyone. he said he wouldn't ask to be exclusive with me, but he wants to see the deals first because they are buying like crazy. they are interested in almost anything as long as it works. i asked how long it would take to make a decision on his part and he said 2 days, so i could give him 2 days. then i would still have enough time to find another buyer if he doesn't want it. at the end of the conversation he asked if i would be interested in helping his sellers find a new home to live in. he has other real estate agents he works with, but he said he would not have them work with his sellers, who are mostly seniors. i told him that would be a perfect situation for me. he told me he just doesn't want me going behind his back and listing the property for sale. i would never have even thought of that if he hadn't brought it up, but i told him that if i do that, then he ruins my reputation and i'm out of fort wayne investing. not only that, but it comes back around when you are out to cheat someone. so, he seemed happy with me and me with him. i did tell him that i'm slow right now and hope to get up to speed soon. so, i guess i better get to looking for properties for this guy. he understood that it would take a few times to get to where we can work smoothly together and i appreciated that understanding. i was pretty hyped up when Chuck came home for lunch. i told him that I AM GETTING A DEAL! he said he believes that. we also talked about the house we've been watching forever and we were talking about how to work a deal on it. everyone i've talked to agrees with my strategy on how to approach it and i will be using ideas from Joe and Stacy Jurek too. once we get back into town, i have a lot of work to do!. oh, boy! 
Linda, Army EOD Mom
you can follow my journal at http://www.deangraziosi.com/real-estate-forums/investing-journals/45351/...
Fear equals:
we are getting ready to go see my son, so RE will be a little slow for me until Monday. i did contact the county recorder's office and emailed the treasurer. the recorder's office is up to date on their information; now if i can just figure out how to read it. as for the treasurer, i emailed them making note of the problem and then asked how i could help. we'll see what kind of response i get. i have listened to all the recordings on www.totalviewrealestate.com, per Angie's suggestion; glad i did. i also listened to a past conference call this morning. i think i might get another one in while i pack. last night i was able to get on the call with Greg Murphy (Chuck fell asleep early) and we talked quite a bit. he gave me some really good information. he told me to do a search for FHA foreclosures and that the website ended in usa.gov. can't find it anywhere. does anyone know what he is talking about? they give a month's notice of properties that will be foreclosed on. could be very useful to me. we will be doing some scouting of the Fort Knox area while visiting my son. he told me i would have to get on the Fort's website and see if i can find a number to contact JAG. i can do that. i really need to find a way to schedule my time. my sales manager is telling me that i should schedule certain activities regularly into my schedule. the call i listened to with Dean and Rina this morning - Rina said she looks at her new listings her realtor sends her every morning. she does that every morning! i send myself new listings and need to make that a priority, plus searching craigslist, etc. because of my health issues, i don't always get up at the same time and don't always make it through a full day. i've been doing pretty well this week and hopefully that means i'm getting better. after all that blood they took yesterday i feel like a vampire!!!
i have lots of work to schedule for next week and get some REAL things done, not just listening and studying. easy to hide behind all that, but not the way to go. i am trying to set up a meeting with my principal broker (owner of realty company) so i can go over the fine points of working under him. one thing about being a realtor - it can really get in your way. whatever money i make on any deal, he gets a healthy portion of it. if i can just hang on until i can get my broker's license in less than a year. i need to focus on that most of all in this situation. chuck told me to go ahead and see if i can work out a deal on that property we want to make an offer on and get information on getting a loan. this should be interesting and fun. i won't be emotionally caught up in the offer process and all, but it will be fun just to be doing something!
i guess i will sign off for now. so many things to do and so many ideas to get moving out of my head and into action. 
Linda, Army EOD Mom
you can follow my journal at http://www.deangraziosi.com/real-estate-forums/investing-journals/45351/...
Fear equals:
Linda, this may be a silly question but,
How do you get connected with the calls? I thought I had signed up for them but I haven't gotten an email or any notification or anything about when they come up. I really would have liked to be on the one with Greg Murphy.
Have a great weekend!!
"Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not. Nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not. Unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not. The world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipitent." --Calvin Coolidge
My Journal: http://www.deangraziosi.com/real-estate-forums/investing-journals/45893/...
i love hearing from you. thanks, we will have a great time with my son. he's chomping at the bit for us to get there. he usually stays detached when he knows he's being deployed, but since he has about 8 months and we're so close distance-wise, he lets himself get a little more emotionally involved. remind me, are you in the Academy? these are student calls and they give us the number once we join. i haven't seen anything for a while on Dean's monthly calls. i'm wondering if they are way too busy getting ready for the Edge??? i would love to go, but it doesn't look like i'll be able to make it this year. i plan on making it next year. i'm checking your journal just about every day. how are things going?
Linda, Army EOD Mom
you can follow my journal at http://www.deangraziosi.com/real-estate-forums/investing-journals/45351/...
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off to see my son in a couple hours, yet i couldn't resist getting on here, posting and reading journals. at least i'm pretty well packed and ready to go. i hope everyone has a wonderful weekend; i know i will. take care.
Linda, Army EOD Mom
you can follow my journal at http://www.deangraziosi.com/real-estate-forums/investing-journals/45351/...
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Just wanted to pop in and say hi and WOW, you are getting things done! Even if you feel like you aren't, you are.
Hope you and your son had a wonderful time!
SPR Property Solutions, LLC
Lea - thanks. we did have a very nice time.
just got back last night from Fort Knox, KY. i'm always amazed how military posts are like a little city all to themselves. i love watching "Army Wives" because it gives me a taste of that life and that's about the only way i can know much about it. we did have a nice time with my son. he lives in a very nice house in a very nice neighborhood. it's a 3-story house with 4 bedrooms and 2 baths. they have a garage that houses their motorcycles. Jared has a Kawasaki Mean Street Limited Edition and 2 of his roommates just bought new bikes and are learning to ride. Jared has been licensed to ride motorcycles since he was 17 and he loves them. i couldn't believe how nice their house is. he lives in Elizabethtown, which everyone calls E'Town. we also visited the post and that was interesting. went to the PX to see how the military shop.
Saturday we made it to Churchill Downs. what a beautiful place. we bet on 3 races. Chuck's picks won every race and he made about $14.00 after all the money he spent. i was in the hole by about $7.70 but my picks were 2nd and 3rd places. so, we always won money.
we didn't see a lot of housing where we were. i picked up a house book to look through and see what kind of properties are available. it seems like a pretty nice area. yesterday we drove back and stopped in Indy. Chuck took me to PF Chang's for lunch; they have a very nice gluten-free menu. we went to Crate and Barrel and finally found a square tablecloth. we also went to Whole Foods and i was so excited. at first i didn't think it was much, but as i made my way through the the store, i liked it more and more. one of the ladies was very helpful with Chuck's skin issues and we bought a very nice lotion that was very well priced. i'm sure Chuck thought i would never leave! we got home at 7pm. we rested a little and did a few things, then bed early. we both are worn out. now it's back to real estate investing. i'm not too happy with the realtor part. i just paid $35.00 in March for a 2-year license. now i get a bill for another $35.00 for a 2-year license because April was the cut-off. i am not a happy camper about the misinformation i have had from the very beginning. it tells me that the real estate commission here is a mess and their teachers are not qualified. at least 50 new realtors have complained. i filed a complaint with the attorney general this morning. i usually don't do that, but becoming a realtor is so expensive as it is, then they can't even give you the right information and they are charging you for something every time you turn around. there are times i think about giving up my license. i just want to invest and enjoy it. if anyone has any thoughts about this, i would love to hear it. for myself, i would say do not get your real estate license. get a good realtor to work with and don't spend the thousands required to become an agent, get your business started and you haven't even made any money yet.
Linda, Army EOD Mom
you can follow my journal at http://www.deangraziosi.com/real-estate-forums/investing-journals/45351/...
Fear equals:
wait till you get your first check. You won't even remember the $35 issue
thanks. i did talk to my broker today and he's a nice guy. i felt much better after that. sometimes i just have to adjust my attitude. working on it every day.
Linda, Army EOD Mom
you can follow my journal at http://www.deangraziosi.com/real-estate-forums/investing-journals/45351/...
Fear equals:
Just a thought. How about talk to your broker and you guys have an 'Open House'....without the house.
Its his way of introducing you into his company. Invite all your friends and his friends and contacts, etc., get some finger food and drinks. Invite local businesses, police and firemen(the best clients you can have), local newspaper and such.
Great networking event and a way to get some pub for you and the company itself. Good luck otherwise and if you need help with the transition
okay, back to business for sure. i have faithfully been listening to Dean's old conference calls. have a few more to do. i keep wondering how everyone is getting all these medals, etc., under their pictures??? i post a lot yet nothing but a bronze medal.
i met with my broker, Tony, today and i do feel better about things. he's basically a nice guy and tries to do the right thing. now that i have that information from him, i can move forward. he's going to get me a lease form and an intent to lease form to look at. they are commercial forms, but i can change them to residential and we'll be doing commercial deals too. my sales manager wants to go with us to look at the house we want to make an offer on. i told him when he knows the price i'm offering he will laugh hysterically. he didn't get it.
i had to call a lady today about helping out with my real estate club. she wants to volunteer but hasn't joined yet or attended a meeting. i told her to join online and then Saturday i will put her to work. somehow i have fallen into coordinating the volunteers and i'm happy to do that. i enjoy all the networking and i run around before and after the meetings working with everyone. sometimes it's hard for me to even believe i do that now. i used to be too shy and scared to do things like that. i am definitely in my element when i'm at my meetings. i got a message from the president of my real estate club in Tulsa. they are doing a rehab/private lending bus tour this weekend. how i wish i was there! it would be a blast. i need to contact him and find out how he did it. i would love to do something like that here. i posted 2 ads today. would love to get some real responses. i got a response on a wholesale ad while i was out of town. it really threw me. i'm not exactly sure what the guy wanted, but i replied the best i could. we'll see if anything comes of it. we are getting ready for the neighborhood garage sale this weekend. Chuck is determined we are getting rid of (meaning selling) stuff we don't want/need. he has meetings the next 3 nights, so he is coming home tonight and working hard to get things ready. i have cleared out close to 10 boxes of stuff but i'm not getting rid of that much. most of my stuff is office supplies and tons of real estate courses/materials. doesn't matter to me how old they are, i won't get rid of them. i may have to pack them all up a little better because we sure don't have room for them in the house. there are a couple of them i need to find and bring in. i have to work on questions for my meeting tomorrow with the mortgage broker. i still only got one response from that letter. rather disappointing, but i guess if i can get one mortgage broker on my team, i'm doing well.
Linda, Army EOD Mom
you can follow my journal at http://www.deangraziosi.com/real-estate-forums/investing-journals/45351/...
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