Making contacts...

Making contacts...

I'm in the Atlanta Metro area, and a newbie to the DG system. I'm looking to connect with some other DG students who may be in the area, so we can be a support system to each other.

Let me know if you're out there. 2011 is our year to soar!


Stephan Roberts
"In absence of clearly defined goals, we become strangely loyal to performing daily acts of trivia!"

Here is a FREE property analyzer I've found:

It's a great tool to use to help analyze your deals (and did I mention it's FREE)! But, you really should spend the $97 and get the full premium edition! IT'S AWESOME!!


Wecolme to the DG site, I'm sure you don't know this but we frown on the word NEWBIE.

We prefer to say new investor. That's because one week there was so many people coming on and saying I'm a newbie so tell me what to do next. We kept telling them to start by reading all the forum topics then come back and they would have a better understanding of what they were talking about. As soon as we got one to do it five more started the same thing all over.

So in short try to take that word out of your conversations, there are some people here that will not even respond to a post when that's how it starts.

I prefer the term

Real Estate Professional or Real Estate Wholesaler

If you have no idea on the terms of a traditional or hard money loan, or not been to a closing table for at least two hours yet, you're not an investor.

Welcome however.

What is your first plan of action???


Thank you to James and Elix for the advise. From this day forward, I will no longer be using the term "newbie". From now on I will be using the term "Real Estate Professional".

To Elix... I have already sent out some post cards to some potential cash buyers to try and build my buyers list. I have signed up to Dean's Set for Life program and the Success Academy. I am reading through the materials I've received. And, I've already met with a local real estate agent who has worked with investors, and has done some investing himself.

I was looking to see if there were any other DG students in the Atlanta area who have already put some of Dean's programs into practice, but if you have any suggestions on how to achieve building my buyers list in order to do my first assignment deal, any assistance is appreciated.



Stephan Roberts
"In absence of clearly defined goals, we become strangely loyal to performing daily acts of trivia!"

Here is a FREE property analyzer I've found:

It's a great tool to use to help analyze your deals (and did I mention it's FREE)! But, you really should spend the $97 and get the full premium edition! IT'S AWESOME!!


Welcome to DG! Great to have you, hit up Chase and send him a PM, he goes under the name TheYungGunz and is in the Macon area. He is very motivated and has a great grasp on how this all works and is looking to network out there...


Matt Behrens
FR Properties LLC
"Our Priority... You and Your Family!"


F.E.A.R- False. Evidence. Apprearing. Real.
Talk IS Cheap!

Chase's name

...has no "z" TheYungGun



"You're never too old to be what you were meant to be!"

"Shining Like a Star & Dancing on Sunshine"

"Shoot for the moon! Even if you fall short, you'll still land among the stars!"

Stephan If you have set up

Stephan If you have set up on SFL at the top where it says fiends,click that and go down to were it say advance search, then enter just the city and it will list everyone there. Then you can send a friend request and your message. Hope that helps


Thanks for the help everyone.

I'll PM Chase to touch base with him.

And, thanks for the advice James on the SFL site.

You guys (and gal [smile]) are awesome!


Stephan Roberts
"In absence of clearly defined goals, we become strangely loyal to performing daily acts of trivia!"

Here is a FREE property analyzer I've found:

It's a great tool to use to help analyze your deals (and did I mention it's FREE)! But, you really should spend the $97 and get the full premium edition! IT'S AWESOME!!

I say call yourself an investor

I say call yourself an investor. Why not? If you thats what you plan on being then start off by acknowledging yourself as that. Who cares where you are in terms of your goal or dream. Be what you want to be and say you are what you are aiming to be. Don't down play what you are because you lack experience or status, saying otherwise, you may sap your own confidence because you are saying other things other than what you desire to be. Then you will start believing I am not investor because I have not done this or that. Play the role and live it. Believe you are what you say you are even if it is not a reality yet, because you are getting their. If you believe everyone else will believe. Welcome to the site however. Read all the forums you will get a lot of answers to your questions their.


I got my mind made up..... (buyers site)

I absolutely agree!

You are an investor. Who cares about your experience or if you have made a deal. You decided to invest in real estate and are looking for deals activly. You are an investor so keep it up and have fun.


Matt Behrens
FR Properties LLC
"Our Priority... You and Your Family!"


F.E.A.R- False. Evidence. Apprearing. Real.
Talk IS Cheap!


Thanks Matt and Stephan I sent you a PM and hope to look forward discussing some great ideas and strategies with you in the near future!



You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience in which you stop and look fear in the face. Do things you think you cannot do. Tough times never last, but tough people do.

See Where The Journey Never Ends At:

Chase Brooks

ATL connect

saroberts69 wrote:
Thank you to James and Elix for the advise. From this day forward, I will no longer be using the term "newbie". From now on I will be using the term "Real Estate Professional".

To Elix... I have already sent out some post cards to some potential cash buyers to try and build my buyers list. I have signed up to Dean's Set for Life program and the Success Academy. I am reading through the materials I've received. And, I've already met with a local real estate agent who has worked with investors, and has done some investing himself.

I was looking to see if there were any other DG students in the Atlanta area who have already put some of Dean's programs into practice, but if you have any suggestions on how to achieve building my buyers list in order to do my first assignment deal, any assistance is appreciated.

PM me I have a dude in ATL that may work with you

I strongly advise you to pay attention and learn quick and on the fly; he's a shark, he's constantly busy, but you'll learn alot from him.


Welcome to the site.


To get something you've NEVER HAD
DO something you've NEVER DONE.

Stephan How are you making

Stephan How are you making out? I believe I have already added you as a friend on SFL if not do it from your end and I will respond. It's hard to keep up with them all last time I looked it was pushing 900 friends.


@Sac-TownsFinest... Thanks for the welcome. I wish you the best as well.

@James... I'm doing great! I've joined with some partners here in the Atlanta area where we're able to provide 100% investor financing as long as the investor meets the certain criteria. It's great to help people, AND get paid at the same time. Thanks again for your input when I began this thread. I'll be sure to add you as a friend on SFL.


Stephan Roberts
"In absence of clearly defined goals, we become strangely loyal to performing daily acts of trivia!"

Here is a FREE property analyzer I've found:

It's a great tool to use to help analyze your deals (and did I mention it's FREE)! But, you really should spend the $97 and get the full premium edition! IT'S AWESOME!!

In the Atlanta Area

Greetings I'm in the Atlanta area give me a PM Private message.

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