Here is how my wife & I got 62 calls & qualified 11 new cash buyers this past week - took 1 day to post signs & 6 hours of calling people back.
On Jan 16th, 2012, my Jennifer & I visited a new city in MN that we have never been before, near the Mayo clinic.
Followed Dean & Matt's tips on Bandit signs:
We went to Dollar Tree, got signs that were 24" by 24". We then bought magnum Sharpies at Walmart. Next went to a coffee shop and wrote them out in about an hour.
Signs said:
3 bed/2 bath, Mold in basement, 39K cash only & then our phone number.
Duplex, must sell, $61K cash only & then our phone number
4Plex, must sell, 82K cash only & then our phone number.
We asked our new Realtor in the area to run a search for homes advertised for sale cash only - they gave us a list of all the distressed homes in the area - we knew that those were the ones other cash buyers would be touring so we planted our signs at or near these homes strategically.
62 calls in the first 3 days. We have been qualifying buyers for a week straight and now have 11 cash buyers - - - we still have more call backs to make!
My wife & I had not done bandit signs together so it was a fun trip. We got to see all the distressed homes in the area, market to buyers, and spend the whole day together.
We look forward to the new business that will come thanks to that day.
Any questions please feel free to reach out.
Nate Armstrong
this shows that if you follow DG's strategy, you do get results! bandit signs are key!
Looking forward to reading about your deals coming soon!!!
“And will you succeed? Yes indeed, yes indeed! Ninety-eight and three-quarters percent guaranteed!” ― Dr. Seuss
"I believe in angels, the kind that heaven sends; I am surrounded by angels, but I call them friends" - Unknown
My journal:
Nicely done!!! Great job!
You just proved the system works when we do!
God bless,
Good Job. the work really pays off in the end! Keep it up! Look forward to hearing you close a DEAL
Thanks so much for shareing. Looking up the cash only in the MLS and then putting up signs by those listings is BRILLANT! I will be sure to use your helpful information!
with gratitude,
When you say thank you, you are telling the world that you want more. Say thank you every day! It will bring joy, and it will bring so much more.
Good job on that! Myself, I put out twenty signs for three days and got about twenty-five calls.
"Remember, success is a journey, not a destination.
Have faith in your ability."
Bruce Lee
What a great story! You gave me some ideas to work with. Can't wait to hear when you make some deals!
Since I haven't met you yet here in the Twin Cities at least I can meet you online at! If you are part of calhounteam then I have seen your signs out and about town. In fact I have a few photos. I know that sounds weird. The bandit signs worked 20 times better than a craigslist ad. I only put them up on the weekends in the fall but the results were great and I got some great buyer contacts and also sold a mobile home this way for $13,500 more than I had into it.
URL for Journal :
All things are possible to him who believes! ----- Mark 9:23
In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity ------ Albert Einstein
Great job with great results for you and your wife. I keep seeing how bandit signs really work.
I'm all over that, already sent request to realtor to send the list of cash porperties in my area, You can never have to many cash buyer's in your pocket, I use bandit signs all the time for sellers, they get the phone ringing....John H
"Action and Mistakes" always-outweigh "Analysis Paralysis"
...Just do It"
Love the way you found the best places to plant your signs!
Keep up the good work!
"You're never too old to be what you were meant to be!"
"Shining Like a Star & Dancing on Sunshine"
"Shoot for the moon! Even if you fall short, you'll still land among the stars!"
thats awesome. Great job
Bless and be blessed!
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Hi Roger,
I would love to hear more about what you are doing in the MN market. Great job selling the MH.
If you have any good deals to sell or good buyers & are in need of properties, please keep in touch.
Nate Armstrong
Love it, sounds like it's working!
Challenges are only challenges if you view them that way. Try looking at them as OPPORTUNITIES instead and success will follow!!! "ME"
Awesome! So, how did you respond when you didn't have these properties under contract? You said you went to dollar tree... what color and type of signs did you get? Did you cut down to 18 x 24? If you put them at or near the properties, where they at an intersection or ?
Did you have your realtor pull cash solds, or were they listings that wanted cash only? I'm intrigued by your experiment.
On Jan 16th, 2012, my Jennifer & I visited a new city in MN that we have never been before, near the Mayo clinic.
Followed Dean & Matt's tips on Bandit signs:
We went to Dollar Tree, got signs that were 24" by 24". We then bought magnum Sharpies at Walmart. Next went to a coffee shop and wrote them out in about an hour.
Signs said:
3 bed/2 bath, Mold in basement, 39K cash only & then our phone number.
Duplex, must sell, $61K cash only & then our phone number
4Plex, must sell, 82K cash only & then our phone number.
We asked our new Realtor in the area to run a search for homes advertised for sale cash only - they gave us a list of all the distressed homes in the area - we knew that those were the ones other cash buyers would be touring so we planted our signs at or near these homes strategically.
62 calls in the first 3 days. We have been qualifying buyers for a week straight and now have 11 cash buyers - - - we still have more call backs to make!
My wife & I had not done bandit signs together so it was a fun trip. We got to see all the distressed homes in the area, market to buyers, and spend the whole day together.
We look forward to the new business that will come thanks to that day.
Any questions please feel free to reach out.
Did you place your bandit signs on stakes in the ground or did you place them on telephone poles? I hear that in some towns the bandit sign police will fine you if the signs are placed on poles. How many signs did you put up? Why did you choose the area you did?
Also, what did you say to the people who called you about the properties that you have listed on your signs? Did they say it is a scam because you are saying they are no longer available? Also, since you put us signs listing different properties in the same area did you use different phone numbers for each one or the same number?
Thanks for helping clarify some of these for me! Much appreciated!
Hi Amy,
I prefer stakes so I can take the signs up when I'm ready to.
I put out 50 signs.
The signs I advertise with are the most typical properties that I get accepted. When buyers call I tell them that all homes I had in the past are sold. However, I get these deals a lot so I am looking for more cash buyers to take the properties when I get them. A true home buyer does not care where the deal comes from - - - wholesale, auction, RE Agent, etc - - -true investors simply want a good deal.
All have the same phone #.
Best of luck,
Nate Armstrong
Nate - I love what you did and how you did it and most importantly that you shared your success with everyone. This is a great example of how effective bandit signs are! Hopefully your success will inspire others who are unsure to take that step and do it.
Great job!
"If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you'll find an excuse."
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