I put bandit signs out targeting foreclosures got 1 lead so far. However for some reason when I called the person she was more focused on holding on to her property and filing chapter 13 bankruptcy rather then selling the home.
The lead I received before that was a couple trying to sell a mobile home for 5,000. They refused to drop the price. When I talked the price down the buyer that I inquired about the property changed their minds at the last minute.
This is the second lead I have gotten that has been a waste of my time. Why are people calling me if they don't want to drop their price or sell their property??? it makes no since to me.
What am I doing wrong here? Is there something I'm missing?
I can understand your frustration, in Connecticut R.E agents will not talk to you unless you have a POF from a repable company locally and be able to show pre approval letter - with the POF letter they want to see a statement from your bank or financial instution - I do not know anyway around this - when I submit my offers there is always this road block.
So I will have to bird dog the deals becuase I too am FRUSTRATED!
Good Luck!
I'm probably not the one to answer you, since we joined early this year and haven't done anything yet.. but I'm thinking about the other side of your story... these people drive by and see your sign, and they don't know what you offer or even what they really want themselves, they're just "checking their options". Many people take a loooong time to face the ugly truth, and most try everything they can think of before they are ready to give up on their house. Give them time, if you're patient they may come around and give you a call. Stay in touch with them every couple of weeks, remind them you're there if their other plan falls through. Let them know that you care about their situation regardless of what they decide. Chapt 13 can be a long drawn out process, and people sometimes enter ch 13, only to end up in ch 7 down the road, and needing to "get rid of" their house quickly later on. You know by now that we are a fickle breed, lol, people change their minds. They can always change them back. Don't close these doors permanently, but don't sit around lamenting either... move on to your next 20 deals...it's a numbers game, remember? You'll get your deal, and you'll likely realize later on that these 2 deals that didn't happen were stepping stones in some way. Keep the faith, and don't stop!
Your right Firewife, I didn't think of it like that. Guess I'm just ready to quit my job and become more like dean's others students that pulled off 10,000 dollars off their first deal. So your right its a stepping stone, I should keep marketing and working hard to make a deal happen. Thanks I feel a little better now.
Also at dgord1950 I would be frustrated too if I had that type of road block. But in any case your not alone. The last agent I talked to was at the real estate meeting I attend every month. We spent the entire time talking about assignment of contracts. Yet when me and the agent got together to see if we could do some deals together he flat out told me he doesn't do assignment of contracts and that I will have to find another agent.
You have to understand that it is an emotional time for some of these people, they may be loosing their home of many years and are scared and dont know where to turn for help. Put yourself in their shoe's, so yes they sometimes go back and forth with their decisions,keep an open mind and talk to them and find out what happened that they are trying to sell or are looking for help. If they dont want to walk away now it doesn't mean they wont call you later. let them know you are there if they change their minds. I had a lady that called me and wanted to save her home also. I asked her why and she told me that I cant understand what she went through to keep it after her ex left and tried to get it from her. So I gave her a bunch a phone numbers to try and help her keep her home, and I told her In the worst case scenerio call me if she has no choice but to sell it before she looses it and I will help her relocate and start over.
good luck and never ever give up!
And hsng in their and keep moving foward.
I 3rd what Richie said. It's a numbers game too.
Dear Friend,
YOU ARE GETTING CALLED. THIS IS A NUMBERS GAME. YOU NEED TO REMEMBER THE LAW OF AVERAGE. IF YOU MAKE 10CALLS AND GET 9 NOS AND 1 YES which brings in $5,000.00, how much each NO made you? $5,000/10 calls= $500.00.
Now how many NOs are you willing to get before getting some cash? if for 10 NOs you get paid $5,000.00; for 20 NOS you will get paid $10,000; for 30 NOS you get $15,000.
Welcome your NOS. NO can stand for Nearing my Objective. There is no failure, there are bouts of discouragement like the one I went through a few weeks ago and for which I thank those compassionate ones in the DG family. I am up and running.
When the going gets tough, the tough gets going.
Very nice and true comment you made there. I've never heard of 'NO can stand for Nearing my Objective,' I love it. Great advice !
-Gabriel Do Carmo
"You deserve to be successful"
Gabriel Do Carmo
You have an option, it's called Buyers Broker. This is a realtor who works on your behalf. They probably can't do much for the fsbo's but on listed properties they can help.
Read my thread about transactional funding. Most POF letters do not say the magic words, which are " Please feel free to contact me to verify this Proof of funds letter".
You won't see that in most POF letters from my experience. This is the price you pay for using just any website.
Realtors need to be able to verify things. Also, did you say something like, I'm going to assign this contract? Also, is this a HUD property?
No realtor can legally refuse to accept an offer even if what they want is what they tell you they want.
You need to get stern and threaten a complaint to the State Board of Realtors. Just for your benefit, call the Connecticut Board of Realtors and inquire if what they are telling you is a state law or not. If it is not, then ask for a letter on their letterhead faxed or emailed to you and use that as leverage.
Desperation will cause frustration, but remember "Rome Was Not Built In A Day." things take time. The important lessons learned here are that many took action, and that is the beginning step. A sprinter does not win the race by falling and staying down. It is all about crossing the finish line. We all have been there at one time or another. Now shake of that dust and let's go. The race is for those that can endure. God Bless.
"You can never get to the top, if you are not willing to climb. Do not look at the difficulty of the climb, only anticipate the view from the top."
"Can't even walk without you holding my hand." (Song)
"Is anything too hard for the Lord ..." Genesis 19:14
"In all things, wait on the Lord."
"Think not of your own deliverance, but trust in God who will give in abundance."
"When you are down to nothing, God is up to something." Unknown
"Our lives begin to end, the day we become silent about those things that really matters." Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
I'm proud of you. At least you started but I'm still stone still. Be happy. You're good. Take enough nutrition and keep healthy so you can do your job. God bless you.
great job in taking some action!! keep the wheels turning and you have to move forward !! as stated above dont stop now keep finding prospects,they are many...you just have to have that nonstop mental mindset.keep looking for those fsbo and keep putting those signs out everywhere.go at it like there is nothing else in this world that is going to stop you from make that first deal.good luck
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LOVE THAT!! Great way to turn a normally obvious negative into a positive!
Kevin A Goldman
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Why do I deserve this? Because everyone should be able to enjoy their life, not struggle through an existence.
SWSWSWSW..........some will, some won't, so what, someone's waiting.