Deal number 18 for 2010!!

Deal number 18 for 2010!!

This one I have less than 30 minutes into. It was just a marketing fee deal that I supplied one of my buyers to one of my wholesaling associates. I did two like this last week! Anyway, I made $1500 quick and easy. I spent more time driving to the Keller/Williams office to get the check from my seller than it did to do the deal!
Here is what is great about this business and actually networking face to face! I was checking on one of my rehabs when I got the call from my seller to meet him at this Keller/Williams office, they were having a Christmas get together with some "munchies" and drinks.
He would give me my check there, so I went and met a couple of people and the REO listing agent for several K/W offices.(Boom, nice connection) Great time, had a nice shrimp cocktail and some prime rib. My seller introduced me to an investor friend of his that wants one of my properties!! We should close on this one the end of next week or early the following week!!
Deal number 19!! My rehabs won't be done in 2010, but they will start off 2011 with a bang!!
I will be working and networking hard the remainder of December, really want to hit 20 for 2010!
I continue to make 2 REO offers a day, both my Re habs were REO purchases.
Will do 40 transactions in 2011 or more!! Going nationwide!

Anyone have any wholesale properties in the Denver area? I have buyers!!

One other thing I almost forgot. THANK YOU DEAN and the Academy!!!!

Michael Mangham
MD Home Acquisitions LLC Seller site Seller site Seller site Buyers site Bird dog, Door knocker site Transactional funds, POF site. Get those REOs under contract!!


Knowledge is power, but execution trumps knowledge. Tony Robbins Seller site Buyer site Bird Dog Site Tenant/Buyer site

Congrats Mike

lend me $2

Thanks Elix

I will lend you $3.00!! OR I have this great hard, simi soft, commercial, private money lender I can hook you up with for a small fee!


Knowledge is power, but execution trumps knowledge. Tony Robbins Seller site Buyer site Bird Dog Site Tenant/Buyer site

Great choices

Just buy me a Burger King chicken sandwich and small fries and ill be ok




Tomorrow is what you BELIEVE and DO today!

What are you doing??

Are most of your deals wholesale deals? Thats what I do, mine are pretty much expired listings and probate deals I wholesale out. I am only averaging about 4 deals a year.

Whats your secret? REO,s, probates, expired listings, or just motivated sellers off the MLS.

I would love to average 2 deals per month. What tips or advice do you have for this since you seem to be rocking it where you live.

I think others would like to know as well and you might be able to help them out.

All the best,

Jason B


You Can Have and Be Anything you Want!!
Jason Bly (The RE_Situation)

Visit Me at
Push Button Yellow Letter Software-
My how to take Discount Vacations Blog-

Jason B

I pursue every avenue that you listed to find the deals. That is the hard part!
To your list I would add pre foreclosure, FSBOs, Tired landlords, absentee owners, with REOs and pre foreclosure people being my best sources.
I spend most of my time making offers! I have a team of doorknockers that I have trained that pursue pre foreclosure people, if we can't find their phone numbers and they don't respond to our mailers, they door knock! I pay them 25% of net profit at closing if we close.
I have real, cash buyers waiting for deals, I know what they want and where they want it.
I did Deans academy, read his books and studied hard so that when I talked to people I did not sound like a rookie! I knew how to do assignments, double closings, the contracts needed, how hard money actually works etc. etc. It took me 6 months before I got my first deal working 24/7, 12 hours a day. I am a slow learner I guess! Got my 5 deal refund!

The number one thing that allows me to do what I do now is NETWORKING!!!!!
FACE TO FACE where ever I can! I could not do what I do sitting behind my computer being shy! I am a shy person and had to overcome that. You cannot build relationships by emailing and having cool websites, you might get a deal or two but in my opinion you can not build a business with consistent results sitting at home of relying on "virtual investing". Something I have noticed is that high dollar, successful investors do not get their deals online!!

Hope this helps!!


Knowledge is power, but execution trumps knowledge. Tony Robbins Seller site Buyer site Bird Dog Site Tenant/Buyer site


michaelmangham wrote:
I pursue every avenue

The number one thing that allows me to do what I do now is NETWORKING!!!!!

FACE TO FACE where ever I can! I could not do what I do sitting behind my computer being shy!

You cannot build relationships by emailing and having cool websites, you might get a deal or two but in my opinion you can not build a business with consistent results sitting at home

high dollar, successful investors do not get their deals online!!


You are SO going to have #20 before the end of the year!!!



"You're never too old to be what you were meant to be!"

"Shining Like a Star & Dancing on Sunshine"

"Shoot for the moon! Even if you fall short, you'll still land among the stars!"


Michael thanks for your reply back, never really thought about hitting up preforeclosures. Figured they would be a pain.

Its actually odd because just a few hours ago a partner of mine called me up with a preforeclosure in an area known for many cash transactions. If we can get it under contract for the right price it should be a quick wholesale deal.

The catch is we gotta move quick because it goes to sheriffs sale January 15th. It will be nice to gain some experience with preforeclosures and close one of these deals.

Anyways thanks again for your tips and advice!!

Jason B


You Can Have and Be Anything you Want!!
Jason Bly (The RE_Situation)

Visit Me at
Push Button Yellow Letter Software-
My how to take Discount Vacations Blog-


What's your secret??

This is great!!!


... Verses: 35 "but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; They will run and not grow weary, They will walk and not be faint." Isaiah 40:31 ...

Michael Face to face no cool


Face to face no cool websites, we talked about putting one at the bottom of your post, you got SIX. I think you can rent out that little strip at the bottom. I heard that jimmypaulmartymikeBOB is looking for space.

Hey James Chris and Jason

James, Yep, I have several other websites not even on here! They are great tools but will never replace face to face networking. I enter my buyers info that I get networking into my buyers websites myself! They are far more productive buyers than the ones that come through my squeeze page websites. I have never put a house under contract that has come through my seller squeeze page ads but I enter the properties that I get under contract into my websites and email them out to my buyers if I need to. Usually the 70% of ARV after repair deals go with a couple of phone calls. I could do business without my websites but not without networking face to face!

I would let let those guys (guy) use my space but they would most likely charge some one else a referral fee for it!

Chris, Whats my secret? Learning and using what Dean's books and the academy taught me!! I make lots of offers on properties that make sense. Not trying to put a round peg in a square hole to get a deal. Moving on to the next deal. I specialize in wholesaling and doing fix/flips myself. I will eventually move into multi family units. What am I doing to get ready to make this move? Networking face to face!! That is what has built my SFH business and that is how I will move into commercial. I think I will always wholesale SFHs while doing commercial. It is easy, risk free $$$$

Jason B, Pre foreclosures are a pain and you will talk to a lot of people to get one. You will see its worth the effort. Lots of short sale opportunities
out there too!

Good Luck!
Michael Mangham
MD Home Acquisitions LLC


Knowledge is power, but execution trumps knowledge. Tony Robbins Seller site Buyer site Bird Dog Site Tenant/Buyer site

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