No Customer Service or REI Talk! What To Put Here!

No Customer Service or REI Talk! What To Put Here!

This forum is for asking questions or providing feedback about aspects of the website itself only - not real estate investing (REI) or customer service/support (ordering, product support, etc).

Examples of what goes here:
"What are those badges/icons next to people's name?"
"How do I join a group on the site?"
"I think a great new forum topic could be XYZ!"
"Where can I get the investing sample forms and contracts?"

For customer service, questions/feedback about products and services, questions about your order... those need to handled by customer support - they cannot get addressed here. As such, they are not allowed to be posted here and will be deleted.

Customer support options can be found here:

For questions or to discuss real estate investing - use the main real estate investing forums.



Hi, I have an idea that will make this more interactive and that is to add a "watch" to the forum that a person posts on this would give us an option to have answers or the convesation notify us by personal email.


"Don't tell me I can't, Tell me how I can."

posts to forums

hi, I'm new to dg family and would like to participate more...but I've posted a few questions but where do I go to find the responces???? Thank you, Rick


I would like to suggest that the site include a tutorial section for how to navigate on this site and also a section where members can go find instructions to do things like creating a new group and how to monitor it, etc.

I also noticed that questions have been asked that people are not getting responses to (not referring to questions asked that should be posted to a more appropriate forum). If other members do not reply to the questions, is it the Site Administrator's function to answer those questions? It seems rude for people for posts the right kind of questions on this forum and not get any answers. I have been on many forums and people's questions get answered 99% of the time. It should be the same on this forum. Granted, this forum is probably not visited as often by most of the members, but since the forum was created it should be monitored by the creator and that person should be responsible for seeing that people's questions get answered.

Since I seem to be having trouble getting responses on this forum I guess it affects me more. I hope there is some improvement to this forum.



Always striving to move forward toward better times!

Verna (newage8767)

How Do I Start A Journal

How do I start A Journal? What do the badges signify? This is truly a great
insperational site, really its even much more then that. I instictively
know that I will be off to a slow start because of my current financial,
status. What I mean is that I have no car. Then Again I did not own a
lap top, or was on line 3 weeks ago.

However what I do have is my DG FAMILY, and all those postings, they
put up ,they are very encouraging to read. All that meanful information
on DEANS site that is simply GREAT STUFF. Yes I most assuredly would love
to Join the Acedemy,for fast tracking and accountability.Needless to say
I can take that slow time, and take advantage of the time to grow in
the superior knowledge of RE investments by , DG FAMILYS SUPREME COACH
POSTINGS, and other valueable active members who also take their time
to make this a realty and make this work.

ON the other hand that not having does not limit me, there is a fairly
good bus system here in, Austin Tx that I can jump on to go to the
County Court House to start compiling a Data Base for investors.
There will be plenty for me to do at that court house. I get excited
just thinking about. Arming my self with DEAN GRAZIOSI,s knowledge.
( It scares me. )So how about it? Can one of my active action filled
DG FAMILY member help me out, by letting me know how I can start my
journal, and what do those badges signify? HHmmmmmmph!



Create a new post in the Members Journal forum section. To add to your journal just add follow-up replies inside of that post you created so you have a single thread of entries in one post.

Start FAQs from current to last

It seems strange to have to scroll to the bottom of the page, go to last page to get current FAQs. Please post current comment first. People want to know what's going on today, not in 2008.

Sincerely, Debbie

Facts current to last

I agree with the current first. It takes a litte longer to go through to find what you are looking for.

I cant find any of the replys to my questions?

How do I find the replys?I feel kinda dumb asking but I cant seem to find my way back to my journal and I have 6 replys to my question in the forum.Can someone PM me?Thank you


Kimmie in Lake Tahoe

Video problems

Some of the "older" videos load properly (i.e. they will continue to load if I click "pause" so I can then watch it without it pausing while it loads) but I've noticed that - at least for me - the "newer" ones (like on the main page) won't do that and, because of that, I am unable to watch any of them with any "flow" at all.

Now, as far as sending this to customer service, I did so and have not even received any kind of a reply - even to acknowledge that they received my query.


"Make it an AWESOME day! (Who else is going to do it for you?)" - Mike Spillman

"As long as there is breath there is hope!" - Mike Spillman

thanks john..

where are u located???


Kimmie in Lake Tahoe

Responses to posts

I`ve put a couple of posts in the guest blog section, and haven`t
seen much in the way of response. Am I not looking in the right place?
Can someone give me some direction here. Sure would appreciate it.
Thanks DerrickW

Classified ads and private messages

I responded to a classified ad and went to follow up the next day only to not be about to find the ad or my post.

Is there a way to follow your own posts or a conversation when book marking is not an option?

I tried private messaging a few times as well but it wouldn't work.

Suggestions? Solutions?


Here's to a new life!


There is a way to subscribe to various threads. Unfortunately, you cannot pick and choose the threads you would like to but there is an option under the 'My Account' tab on the left hand side. Click my account and then scroll down to 'Subscription Settings.' It should look like this:

Checking this box allows you to be automatically subscribe to any thread you create or post a comment to. You will recieve an email with a title and link to the post.
Include teaser
Checking this box adds an excerpt of the post to the subscription email.

Click auto-subscribe and that will allow notifications to be sent to your account.

Let me know if you have any questions.


DG site Instructions

are here:

this will help you navigate the site and find your post/replies and more


Mike Free tools

Thanks for Being Here

Wow! There is a lot of information on the DG website. There is a lot of information in everything you guys are doing... thank you thank you thank you! You rock the rule of under promise and over deliver!... and you promise a lot!

I am sure I'll be back for help finding the best place to find specific information?



Debbie Fletcher
Certified NLP Master Practitioner
Professional Life Coach
(972) 816-0935

Good idea but...

This thread was probably a good idea when it was started, but i see a lot of questions and very few answers.

Did someone forget they opened this thread?



"You're never too old to be what you were meant to be!"

"Shining Like a Star & Dancing on Sunshine"

"Shoot for the moon! Even if you fall short, you'll still land among the stars!"


reinvestor42 wrote:
are here:

this will help you navigate the site and find your post/replies and more


Mike Free tools

"What are those badges/icons next to people's name?"

I'm trying to find answer to this question but i get lost following the thread...all i can find are people asking the same questions but no answers below it... sorry but i will ask the question again then: "What are those badges/icons next to people's name?" & how do i get one?

please advice... i feel like it's not may "unique ability" to just scroll around spending too much time looking for this answer =) to my new inner circle family this should be an inside joke =)



lilian if you use the search box and enter 'keywords' (badges points) and hit enter on your keyboard, this is one thread I found. Hope it helps


DG Moderator
Posts: 242
Joined: 2010-05-05
Points: 1081

Send PMBadges and Points
Points are obtained by posting on the site. You get a specific number of points for each post or forum that is published on the site.

Points can be used on special offers only.. Whenever points are available to use, there will be a notification stating you can use a specific number of points to receive a discount.

Badges are given throughout your time on Bronze, Silver, & Gold medals are given once you have passed a certain amount of posts.

Wings - Special Contribution
Pot of gold - Knowledge Discovery
Gold Ring - Super Contribution
Diamond - Deal Maker

Hope this helps!



Mike Free tools

Don't know if these people are still around

but to find answers to your post, just click on your name and then under track look for your post. If you did not post on a thread it will be much harder to find, however. You could try going to forums and looking through the topic you believe your question is under. Seems like this is a very old thread and I know I have never seen it before.

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30 days to RE cash

I did not see a section to discuss the book 30 Days to Real Estate cash...where should i go to discuss anything about this book or the homework on the book.

Video problem

Speaking of video, I am having difficulty finding a video mentioned at the end of phase1 of 30 Days To Real Estate cash on page 23 of the book. It is the blueprint page #1 video on the site with Matt Larson and Dean...I don't see a link about it.
Thanks for your help


the video you are looking for is right here in my signature see below also click on my picture and look at my profile page and you will see dominics guide for brand newbies and Jeff Jensens 80 ways to find cash buyers there. good luck and happy investing.



Thanks a lot for that...I will be sure to check those resources as well