The conference call was so awesome but it was so funny when every one was like talking over each other lol....anyway what did you guys think! (I didn't get my q answered but oh well Ill learn it soon enough!
Posted on: Fri, 06/19/2009 - 02:46
Awesome call, lots of great info!
This train, Dreams will not be thwarted
This train, Faith will be rewarded
Big wheel roll through fields where sunlight streams
Meet me in the Land Of Hope And Dreams
Bruce Springsteen
yes very informative !! always great information to soak up from dean and his team!! just like buying a car you must have the financing or cash to purchase before you can drive it home the cart before the horse walk before you run ... GET THOSE BUYERS ... THE DEALS WILL COME !!!
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need to sell ?
Need me to FINANCE a home ?
Missed the call; glad they made it available on the web page for listening to after the fact.
Up until a few days ago, I started getting desperate and it's great that we are surrounded by such a big help. I have had a buyers list for months, but didn't think that having them was like "shopping with money in my pocket"I will now focus on getting those properties since I am confident that I can find buyers.. Just recently I found a great agent and I added 3 more to my team. NOW TIME TO MAKE MONEY!
>>>>NEVER give up, and know that the SKY is the LIMIT. We are OURSELVES worst enemy<<<
Sweet call tonight! Great job Jeff! I learned some really great ideas and got some much needed direction. I have been debating over which came first, the chicken or the egg?... Attain buyers or seek out deals first? The thing I took away tonight is that I think it can be either, depending on which you get first; the crazy deal which will attract lots of buyers, or it could be finding buyers first, which gives you specific criteria of what kind of properties to go after. I do love shopping with some dough in my pocket though....makes a guy feel good about himself you know?! haha. Either one, I know I just have to try it out. If Dean and Jeff say it works, I'm sure it works. Man, when I hear you say you could spread the knowledge for hours, I wish we had a 2-3 hour call!
I never had ANY class in school that went by as fast as these lessons! Thanks again fellas for the support!
Everything comes to him who hustles while he waits.
Thomas A. Edison
Be not the slave of your own past. Plunge into the sublime seas, dive deep and swim far, so you shall come back with self-respect, with new power, with an advanced experience that shall explain and overlook the old.
Ralph Waldo Emerson
It is great to hear Dean live and all the great information that can be provided on the live conference calls. I hope the future calls will last more than 1 hour because that hour sure goes by fast. I really enjoy hearing Dean live and he always provides so much good material and inspiration to take action. Jeff also provided some great tips and provided motivation to get people in gear to start making money this week! Good luck to all DG members on your REI. Believe and Achieve!
- Joe
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Joe Jurek CPA
Yeah it was awesomeand went by fast! Who said a kid couldn't love Real Estate?! lol
~ Grace (If Donald Trump can do it YOU BETTER BELIEVE I CAN!!) btw I drew my display pic