Assigned deal #4 $4,750! 25-1 KC MO

Assigned deal #4 $4,750! 25-1 KC MO

Got this prop off the MLS & originally had it for 80k but I asked for a price reduction of 30k since it needed significantly more wrk, foundation wrk & sellers agreed. I co-wholesaled it & the #'s are, got it for $51,500 after sellers agreed to a price reduction, rehab 45k ARV $140k my fee $4,750 at closing 3/14 & partner same $4,750.

Awesome! So happy, our buyer put down the emd $500 & it immediately went hard(or is non refundable)since it is past the inspection period. I was going to let this one go at first because I realized it was on a busy st(I didn't notice it the first time) but gave it a shot & 2 buyers were fighting over it, KC is a sellers market now.

I have another deal an off market deal of 29 turn key hm's in the works now set to close April 1st & my fee should be about 25k! I am gaining momentum now! This does work if you work it! I am about to get an agent in San Diego & take Ca by storm too, I can do this here too!

Tammy I want to do my next deal in Ca!!!!!! You inspire me! thank you all for all your help, Dean thanks so much, see you at the Edge!



Go faster do more! GFDM!

Nice job Tony

I really admire your positive attitude and I'm happy for you:) Keep up your great work. You will succeed for sure.

Goodluck in REI

My favorite qoute for today "Who you were yesterday and who you are today doesn't restrict who you can be tomorrow. Decide who you need to be and make the change!"-Kim Kiyosaki


Miami Florida

"If you are not doing something that help the universe or God or your family, or YOU, is that something you should still be doing?"-Dean Graziosi

"Each day do one thing to get you closer to your dreams because if you do today what others are not willing to do, then tomorrow you can do those things that others are only dreaming about doing!"- Joe Jurek

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Thanks TC

I am loving it! Dean's & Matt's & the other's teachings are true! Thank you again all for guiding me & teaching me & being patient with me I soooo appreciate it, it is really coming together now, like Dean says confidence comes with taking action & doing deals & now it is building & taking off. I have confidence for So Cal now whereas before I did not, so away we go!

Going to be putting out 25 bandit signs next weekend, & getting an agent for san diego & calling clist ads & 4 rent ads. Smiling



Go faster do more! GFDM!

Congratulations Tony

I would like to pick your brain on investing outside your area. You are getting it done! Tammy

__________________ website FREE SOFTWARE FOR WHOLESALERS, REHABBERS AND AGENTS! Present professional looking deals to buyers and lenders as well as run your numbers and get the ROI.


AWESOME BROTHER! Sooo happy for you man! Your hard work and dedication is paying off, congratulations!!


I am a Professional Real Estate Investor! And I see a whole army of my countrymen, here in defiance of the J.O.B. You've come to fight as free men/women... and free men/women you are! What will you do for that freedom?? Will you fight?!! Lets fight for it together!!!!

good job

Hi Tony way to go and like that 50/50 split to make it happen, wonderful, much success, Jim



Sure Tammy

I would be more than happy to share man I have had ups n downs & Im glad that I stuck with it! Lets chat



Go faster do more! GFDM!


Your awesome Thom my brother! My fellow San Diegan, I miss you man & Lisa! You have your tix for the Edge & airfare & all? We have to still attack it man, I'm thinking what if I bought car magnets & put them on your car took the calls & qualified them, you go see them & we split the profits? Love that idea, unless you already have magnets Smiling LMK & see you Tue right at SDCIA? Love our REIA it's the best in the country.



Go faster do more! GFDM!


Thx so much yea I did have one of my buyers as well that wanted it & I would have $250 more but I wanted to get it assigned & my buyer took too long. My friend Guy has a dear friend who's last name is Bishoff, you don't know him do you? Anyway it is about to explode for more deals I am making at least 25 offers a week now & want to increase it to 35. Here we go!

PS And will be getting deals in Ca too soon, making clist offers today for fsbo's in San Diego.



Go faster do more! GFDM!

Pretty Cool

Not bad for a co-wholesale. Keep working hard and everything will all come together. San Diego is tough, but you can do it! Eye-wink


To get something you've NEVER HAD
DO something you've NEVER DONE.


thanks for your advice i appreciate it.......i love your energy your so positive that is great. i will be crushing it in a few weeks. i know 2014 is going to be real good to me....!!!!!!!!!!

So happy for you!!

Hermano Tonio! felicidades!!!

you are rocking the house! just awesome, and very inspiring to everyone here!!

wishing you continued success,
tu hermana Valeria



“And will you succeed? Yes indeed, yes indeed! Ninety-eight and three-quarters percent guaranteed!” ― Dr. Seuss

"I believe in angels, the kind that heaven sends; I am surrounded by angels, but I call them friends" - Unknown

My journal:

Thx folks

Valeria, Walt & Sac's town, appreciate the kind words it motivates me too to hear that, working towards my 5th deal & it feels soooo goood. I will get deals here in Ca making moves already here, have a line on a prop here in San Diego so I will update you folks.

Walt-wow man so much warmth in your words thx bud & yes this is your year partner! We can do this! Will be in touch, be well all.



Go faster do more! GFDM!

Nice Job Tony!!

Nice Job Tony, My Calif Brother !! You are Starting to rock it,
Way to Stay with it Smiling Looking forward to hearing about your San Diego Deals!
See you soon at the Edge
To Our Success,

Keep it up!

Congrats on your deal. You are very inspiring.

Great Job!

Hey Tony great job with your deals! I wanna be just like you! I will be soon. Let's chat!!

Very inspiring

Nice job on the deal


Reynold Orozco