WANTED ALIVE: Dean Graziosi

WANTED ALIVE: Dean Graziosi

You may know me as: E, -e, just plain-e, just plan-e, or Erik. I am m-e. I've been on this site pretty consistently for almost 3 years. I've done many things in life to make money: Busboy, waiter, cashier, traffic flagger, doorman, bartender, landscaper, sandwich artist, sculptor, blacklite artist, plumber, builder, unlicensed contractor, day laborer, painter of houses and art, book keeper,classic VW mechanic, homeless street artist, homeowner, collector of cans, furniture mover, cabinetmaker, driver, newspaper bundler, forklift driver,mover and shaker..and mostly carpenter.

I'm 42 years old and I've never had more than $2800 to my name. I've done alot of things to "Make A Living" most of the time I have not had "A Life". I'm a little skinny, have my Head And Shoulders and a full head of 98% Not Grey Hair. I'm a good-lookin' straight-up dude. Check me on FB. My name is Erik Overn. I think I have 98 friends.

I bought the PFRERN book when it first came out. It wasn't the first RE book I ever read by far. I bought my first (only home I ever bought) home when I was 22 years old. About 6 months later I saw your "Make Money Posting Classified Ads" infomercial. I almost paid the $19.95 too. But I didn't. Then, 19 years later, I saw your PFRERN ad and I bought the book. There were plenty of book-selling-get-rich-by-doing-what-I-do books.

I bought yours because it had a website where I could go for FR-ee and talk to real people that were helping each other. I got the book. I read it twice in 4 days and went to the library to log in and learn. I rode my my bicycle uphill both ways in the snow. < That's true, I really did that > ,and I joined "The Academy" too. I paid $$'s upfront and I got to talk to a great salesperson that told me a short story about 2 crabs in a bucket. A week later I got a bill from some collection agency. I paid check by phone upfront and agreed to pay monthly for 2 years. Every time I called the Helpline I was treated like a retarded kindergartener and told to read page# such-and-so from your book. I only joined the Academy for the Helpline mentoring, not to learn how to read. It was almost 2 years later that another DG.com student told me that the Helpline mentors offer help comparable to the level of the online teaching classes that I have completed. None of your coaches told me this. I didn't do any of the online classes. I didn't need to. I read your book.

I got a call from a different collection agency about a month ago asking for $$$$. I refused to pay because I never got what I agreed to pay for. A week later my DG account was cancelled. just plan-e is completely erased from DG.com. Everything I ever posted is... just plain-e GONE. All posts from anyone responding to me are still there....and they seem insane. All discussions that I have been part of, included in or started are torn apart, incoherent and GONE.

I guess I'm kicked out of the "DG Family". I guess it's your website so you can do that. I guess I didn't get what I paid for but you're in charge of this particular web page so you get to delete me and take all my points (whatever those are for). But you ain't takin' my halo or my wings. I made my Special Contributions. I was helpful, friendly, and funny.

You can't steal what's being given away.

Sorry that you lost control of your own good name,

ps- The whole time it took me to type this the #1 Active Forum Topic has been "Europe Watches Acknowledge
That There Are Unhealthy And Those They Lust Right Immediately Soon Just Once"

pretty sad Dean...pretty sad



New top topic

Louis luggage!!! Really?? and you deleted ME??

Insane or Asinine? ...the latter.

-entonces accion wrote:
"I joined "The Academy" too. I paid $$'s upfront. I didn't do any of the online classes. I didn't need to. I read your book."

Then why did you pay for the Academy? The definition that applies to "Academy" is "Higher Education". You can learn from Dean's books, but they obviously expressed to you that the Success Academy gives you a better edge and knowledge about what to do. I joined the academy, and it's like taking a college course. There is so much more information available to me than what the books hold, and there's absolutely no possible way to fit all of this information into a book...or even a series of books. The failure on your part was not following through with what you put your money toward. The books are guides on how to do these things, but they don't give you every detail. So there are things that may come into question on how to do something. You absolutely NEEDED to follow through and do your homework in the Academy material you were paying money for. Why not? You paid for it, right? It's like buying a car just so you never drive it. Makes sense? That is what would really be insane here, and that is what I see you just did by your words.

As for the deleting? Have no clue. But then again, nobody knows what's really going on in the background between you and Dean's people. So that should be left to no assumptions on our part, because there usually is more to a story than what's being said. Just my opinion, but usually is the truth.

This is all unfortunate, but I wish you well in whatever you do. Perhaps the only advice I'd give you is what I've already said. If you take initial action on something, follow through with it and not let it go to waste as you did. Nobody is going to do it for you.

Just try again.

Best Regards,



Jason Richardson
Bremen, IN

"Every morning in Africa, a gazelle wakes up. It knows it must run faster than the fastest lion or it will be killed...every morning a lion wakes up. It knows it must outrun the slowest gazelle or it will starve to death. It doesn't matter whether you are a lion or a gazelle...when the sun comes up, you'd better be running." ~ The Essence of Survival

"If you would attain to what you are not yet, you must always be displeased by what you are. For where you are pleased with yourself, there you have remained. Keep adding, keep walking, keep advancing." ~ St. Augustine, Bishop of Hippo in North Africa, 4th Century

"And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose." ~ Romans 8:28 (NIV)

Two Sides To Every Story

Poor Erik,
it would be interesting to hear the other side of the story. The fact that you didn't need the lessons already tells me a lot about you.
I'm sure if there was anything done wrong from Deans side it could have been resolved if you'd approached in in a decent fashion.
Just keep blaming other people for you misfortune and you can add a few more jobs to your resume.
My advise to you; Take control over your life and quit ****ing!


Thats to bad, I am new to this but I will say I have learned so much, it's easy to say something didn't work but I must say for myself I have to follow the blueprint. A lot of times we say, oh this doesn't work or like in your case you were not helped the way you think you should have been on the phone calls, but did you or I do exactly the way Dean lays it out. on your phone calls think back and see what could have been done different if anything.But I bet when you just give it some time, there's always something we see differently.
Now I don't feel you or anyone should should be deleted because you have a disagreement if you lay it out professionally.Everyone should be able to agree or disagree maybe seeing others post would help you or anyone to see if you are right or maybe your wrong, alot of times it helps to talk to others and we are all in this together, this is a family everyone is so helpfull. Don't give up and keep trying, good luck.


I am surprised at what has happened to you. I am also surprised that you joined the academy and did not do the lessons. I read Dean's books before I joined the academy myself, but for me doing the lessons and then actually taking the ACTION steps at the end of each lesson got me where I am today. Along with some common sense and the ability to interact in a professional manner with the true movers and shakers in the local REI community. The coaches were a big help when I was actually working my first deals. I did not call them with theory questions that were answered in Dean's books or the academy lessons. (That could have been your problem)

I think knowing everything but not actually taking ALL the action required and adopting to the RE business world may have been your downfall.

I took the same course and had totally different results. Did my 5 deals and got a full refund. If I had not it would have been no ones fault but my own! I would have paid my obligation in full.

Now I am making well into 6 digit yearly income. After only 3 years from the day I first read one of Dean's books. I only had one career in my life before quitting cold turkey (business owner for 15 of those years)and diving into Real estate head first. I knew nothing about REI except from the purchases of my own houses. This of course had nothing to do with REI!

Don't give up on REI. However, a change of strategy and operational mode obviously needs to take place. How many offers did you make in the last 12 months? Dean can't make you make offers. No offers = ZERO chance of making money.

Good luck what ever you do,

Michael Mangham
Mentoring/Team Building Nationwide
MD Home Acquisitions LLC


Knowledge is power, but execution trumps knowledge. Tony Robbins

http://www.mdhomeacquisitions.com Seller site
http://www.mdhomeacquisitionsbargainhouses.com Buyer site
http://www.mdhomeacquisitionshousehunter.com Bird Dog Site
http://www.mdlodeals.com Tenant/Buyer site

I am sorry

Eric, I agree that I am sorry you were kicked off. It has happened to others, but they have been allowed back on. I think you will have to make an adjustment of attitude though. You also have to read what you paid for, or it is a waste of your money. I have never done the success academy so I can't really comment on that, except to say that I know I have heard people say it is good, but only if you involve yourself. I also wish you the best, and hope if you want you can get back on this site to network, but do try to make ammends and pay for what you said you would pay for. REally wishing you the best!


www.tw4homes.com website
https://tvallc.isrefer.com/go/RehabLite/reigirl/ FREE SOFTWARE FOR WHOLESALERS, REHABBERS AND AGENTS! Present professional looking deals to buyers and lenders as well as run your numbers and get the ROI.


What is the PHFERN book you are speaking of. I also find it ironic that I have never seen one of Dean Graziosi's infomercials even now that I know about him. Guess it is very late night???


www.tw4homes.com website
https://tvallc.isrefer.com/go/RehabLite/reigirl/ FREE SOFTWARE FOR WHOLESALERS, REHABBERS AND AGENTS! Present professional looking deals to buyers and lenders as well as run your numbers and get the ROI.

This IS the other side of the story

To be clear: I did read thru most of the lessons. There was nothing in any of them that I hadn't already learned from Dean's books or from this website. If I had been told that I needed to do each test in order to get the quality coaching program I paid for? I would have done all the lessons in a day.

javadragon- Thanks alot, namecalling helps in every situation =/ ...moving right along...

No Michael, I wasn't calling with theory questions. I called with specific questions about specific properties that I was TAKING ACTION on...and I got first grade English class. Maybe I was in "Dean's other academy". There are 2.

Tammy- Yes, it has happened to others. Quite a few that I know of personally have been treated poorly by Dean's organization in many ways. Not by Dean personally, but by DG LLC and it's affiliates, then swept under the carpet in order to keep the "Good Ship Lollipop" look of the website.
PRFREN= Profit From Real Estate Right Now. I'm pretty sure you have a copy. If you don't, I have 2. I lent one copy to a friend who is done reading it, I'd be happy to send it to you.

I'm not here to whine about how I was treated by The Academy or blame anybody else because I'm not the newest RE millionaire. I'm not asking for my money back. I joined The Academy over 2 years ago. I paid a good size chunk of money upfront for coaching that I never got and was never told how to get. I've never mentioned this on DG.com and I was never going to mention it. For 2 years I've kept my mouth shut and my Smiling on. I think "my attitude" has been nothing but good. But to delete my account and every single message I ever posted? Anybody that wants to see what I'm talking about...go to the "30 Days To Quick Cash" thread posted by michellecaseyks. I posted alot of good helpful things in that thread. It's all been deleted and the many "thank you's" and questions from other people responding are left looking like incoherent SPAM.

Why punish the whole class because one student threw a paper airplane??

Rant Mode >Off<

No It Is Not

It is still the same side of the story!

Oh okay, Yes

I do have that book. Thank you for the offer. Hope everything goes well for you.


www.tw4homes.com website
https://tvallc.isrefer.com/go/RehabLite/reigirl/ FREE SOFTWARE FOR WHOLESALERS, REHABBERS AND AGENTS! Present professional looking deals to buyers and lenders as well as run your numbers and get the ROI.

Just like in a divorce,

Just like in a divorce, there are three sides to every story...his side, her side, and what actually happened. There is Eric's side, Dean's side, and what actually happened.

This ain't "He Said/She Said" guys

My account was deleted. The time to delete my account was 2 years ago! Me and DG Corp. could have gone our separate ways long ago. I didn't start this topic to b!7@# and moan about details. I'm not starting a new DG Scam.com page here or anywhere else.This is happening to other people too. Why? I just don't see how this benefits ANYONE.

With all the win/win/win talk on this site, howcome The DG Powers That Be are making a lose/lose/lose deal 2 years after the fact? Butchering random topics for no reason except that I was part of those topics takes something away from:
3)Everyone else that was a part of those topics on DG.com and anyone that reads those topics in the future

It's just plain-e character assassination. Makes no sense to me at all.

Well e

I got wacked off the site and it took jeremy three weeks to finally get it fixed. The same thing all my post were gone and it looked crazy. It was the software to block spam that killed nine accounts (some new so old timers) on the site. Send Jeremy an email and just ask him straight up...If it you he will tell you.I hope you can get back on and do a deal because as I told you in the past it works...period..NOW GO GET SOME

late night

ha thats right they are late nights, i bought deans books after watching his infomercial too and am still working on my 1st deal but will have it soon. disapointing plain e but dont give up, never give up never surrender in the immortal words of captain Nesbit from galaxy quest if yoiu havent seen that movie rent it plain e & everyone else and laugh and dont take things so seriouisly.

we have to take action but dont give up plain E I almost gave up well and did for a few months but I am back at it and eveeryone is right we have to take action every day would a hotel be successful if it was only open 2 days a week,so cmon pick it up and go forward or you will be in the same place you were last year ok.


Quitting is forever pain is temporary

Thanks keb

keb64 wrote:
I got wacked off the site and it took jeremy three weeks to finally get it fixed. The same thing all my post were gone and it looked crazy. It was the software to block spam that killed nine accounts (some new so old timers) on the site. Send Jeremy an email and just ask him straight up...If it you he will tell you.I hope you can get back on and do a deal because as I told you in the past it works...period..NOW GO GET SOME

This is the attitude I'm looking for. I'm in good company.

I guess I'll have to be the second person to say this:

"I'll be the first person to say this: I love this site!" - Elixbrown

Hey Erik!!!

I was wondering where you were! Smiling

I too think that your posts were deleted due to the spam that they've been trying to get rid of!
Don't be all upset... you are a fun spirited guy, and your posts have been helpful to many as well!

You are a smart person; I know you can succeed in rei; don't waste your time thinking and trying to prove that there was a conspiracy against you and your posts... pick up where you left of, and keep moving forward... let me know if I can be of any help...

Looking forward to reading your posts....again!



“And will you succeed? Yes indeed, yes indeed! Ninety-eight and three-quarters percent guaranteed!” ― Dr. Seuss

"I believe in angels, the kind that heaven sends; I am surrounded by angels, but I call them friends" - Unknown

My journal: http://www.deangraziosi.com/real-estate-forums/investing-journals/59110/...


Thank you so much. So very much <3. This is just part of the "before". Theres a couple pages missing from this success story right now. Thanks again.

just plan-e entonces accion.

looking forward to posting.

caught in the web

Hey Erik,

Yes, you've always been a value add to DG since you've been here. I truly believe you were caught in the web (spam) and it was in no way a personal attack directed towards you. I'd strongly encourage you to shoot Jeremy a note and try to resolve the situation. Then every one can file this under the $h#% happens file. Smiling

You know what....today is a new day! It makes no difference what has or has not been done up to this point. The only thing that WILL matter is what you decide to do today and what you are going to do tomorrow.
WE are the only ones that can change our circumstances. Through a quality decision, deliberate action and unwavering belief and perseverance. Your 'actual' situation/circumstances does NOT have to be your destiny. YOU DECIDE IT!
Take this energy, take these emotions.....use it, but channel it to kicking the world a$$! You have greater impacts to make. You have lives to change.
Unleash your greatness!!
God bless,

Yes, check with Jeremy

I forgot that there has been a spam problem too. Hope to see you back.


www.tw4homes.com website
https://tvallc.isrefer.com/go/RehabLite/reigirl/ FREE SOFTWARE FOR WHOLESALERS, REHABBERS AND AGENTS! Present professional looking deals to buyers and lenders as well as run your numbers and get the ROI.


At least you are back! The love continues!!! Eye-wink

Sometimes things happen and can be so frustrating. Whether it happened on purpose, or whether it was an accident, just make up your mind to "choose" how you will let it effect you.

You can choose the "They did it to get even" route but what does that get you? Only makes you feel crummy and sending out negative vibrations. Negative attracts negative-Law of Attraction.

But I suggest you should choose the "Man, this was such a freak accident! Sure glad I'm back with this wonderful family who has missed me and is welcoming me back with open arms" route. Much better... Positive attracts positive-again the Law of Attraction is a proven fact!

Happy to see you. The tough keep fighting. I suggest you go buy some magnetic car signs. Eye-wink



"You're never too old to be what you were meant to be!"


"Shining Like a Star & Dancing on Sunshine"

"Shoot for the moon! Even if you fall short, you'll still land among the stars!"

Hey Eric

I apologize for what happened, I looked at your account and it seems this was the same issue I was having with Keith Boley's account. Let me explain.. The spam system our IT guys created 4 months ago is still in the learning process. At first, the system had no recognition of what was legit content and what was spam. We pretty much had to teach the system what was what.. Now, 4 months later, the system is running by itself but occasionally we do experience some problems. Long story short, our system had blocked you from our site, thinking you were spam for whatever reason but I have fixed it and everything seems to be working properly. This was nothing that you had done, it was completely our fault. I have brought this issue up to IT and we will be looking into what needs to be done so this does not happen to anyone else.

Please remember, DG.com is the core of our website and we are constantly trying to make it better and improve our user experience. If you ever experience any problems with the site, you can email me at jeremy@deangraziosi.com and I will do my best to resolve any issues Smiling We want to keep this the best real estate social community site out there so we appreciate any feedback and participation from the DG family.

As for the PMI issue you brought up, please email me at the email address above and I will see what I can do to get you the required training you were originally looking for.

Thank you and again, I apologize for the inconvenience!



Jeremy you have just done in five minutes what 99% of companies can not do...Admit when they have made an error... For me that is off the chart!!!!!!!!!!You are a credit to this company and it was my honor to have meet you at the edge...Hats off.....

oh that is good news

Glad that you are back Eric!!! Stay positive! Just hope I am not the next to get the boot, or I too will be wondering what I did. LOL!!


www.tw4homes.com website
https://tvallc.isrefer.com/go/RehabLite/reigirl/ FREE SOFTWARE FOR WHOLESALERS, REHABBERS AND AGENTS! Present professional looking deals to buyers and lenders as well as run your numbers and get the ROI.

Very cool Jeremy!

that is really nice that you read and take care of issues on this site; Erik is an asset to this site; his posts over the last couple of years have been very informative and always with a hint of wit, which makes reading them a lot of fun!

Needless to say, there are so many great people on this site, and Erik is definitely one of the coolest ones!

Glad to hear that all his posts have been restored, and that you will help him out-just awesome!



“And will you succeed? Yes indeed, yes indeed! Ninety-eight and three-quarters percent guaranteed!” ― Dr. Seuss

"I believe in angels, the kind that heaven sends; I am surrounded by angels, but I call them friends" - Unknown

My journal: http://www.deangraziosi.com/real-estate-forums/investing-journals/59110/...


I don't know what to say except "thank you" guys! Especially Jeremy, thank you so much.

DG FOUND...Alive And Well!

Point Erik in the Right Direction


On behalf of all the coaches, get focused, call in and get to work. You will succeed.


Roy Voeks
Official RE Coach

woo hoo!

Great news and cheering you on Eric!!!


www.tw4homes.com website
https://tvallc.isrefer.com/go/RehabLite/reigirl/ FREE SOFTWARE FOR WHOLESALERS, REHABBERS AND AGENTS! Present professional looking deals to buyers and lenders as well as run your numbers and get the ROI.


This also happened to Keith, it is the spam filter causing this. Sad I know how this sucks, I've had many posts deleted, but not my whole account. Hang in there, they'll get your account back...

I added you on FB.


My experiences


I am sorry to hear about some of your experiences, but I have to speak up for Dean (not that he NEEDS me to speak up for him). My experience has been vastly different.

I bought a complete package from DG's organization in 2009 just before getting laid-off from AIG. Paid a pretty penny for it too. The package included EDGE 2009, the Success Academy, and some other items including the Prop Trend software and some sort of Tax Consultant software deal (or something) which included a 'free' 30 minute consultation.

Having read his books (up to that point), some of his courses that I had also purchased, and after attending the EDGE 2009 event I was quite enthused about getting my RE Investing career going. Returned home from EDGE 2009 and jumped right in to the Success Academy and the online course work & calling the Success Academy with some regularity.

Well I won't go into it all here and now, but I got knocked off of my game and did not finish the online coursework. Never installed the Prop Trend software, and my RE Investing career came to a screeching halt. Let's just say this, I am now back in the game and moving forward. But here is the best part; I still have FULL access to Prop Trend, the Success Academy, and the online coursework!!! Dean is the exception and he really wants each of us to be successful; he doesn't want the money you and I spend for his courses; THAT is chump change to him.

How do I know this? Because I have also looked into other so-called guru's who have a nice package of courses to sell to us. The only drawback is after buying their courses, you only have say six (6) months to [maybe if you are lucky 1 year] complete the coursework. After that......so sad, too bad; you are on your own.

So in my opinion, for what that is worth, Dean is completely different. He is the real deal; he is sincere in that he does want us to be active and to actually invest in RE to whatever comfort level each of us have. The others; the other guru's just want our money and to sell us a course. Just my opinion; like elbows and @$$%*!)# everyone has one!!

Good luck to you Enrico; and to everyone else in the DG family.



To Jeremy for giving E back to us!! And Kudos to you to Erik for being very diplomatic (and funny) all the while thinking you were booted off. I'm glad it worked out like it should have!



Everything works out in the end. If it hasn't worked out, it's not the end.

You have not lived a perfect day, unless you have done something for someone who will never be able to repay you. Ruth Smeltzer

It is what it is 'til you change it.