Wow Dean Family I really just finished a BIG Debate about what to say to the Seller (FSBO).
Ok I was explaining my case on how I will call this owner with a great deal, however; my lady stop me and said "I am sorry baby, but that sounds like a Scam."
Uh!! this statement from her caught me by shock. She said "Bae telling the seller one thing and telling the buyers another thing is lieing like a Car Dealership" At this time i am thinking, if I am not saying the right things to the seller then where can I find it.
Therefore; I don't want to think my LADY is a Nay sayer lol hahaha, but I really need to get this boat moving off my lot. If anybody can help me with my DREAMS to make the first deal then please reply back...........
to the buyers and sellers?? And what strategy are you looking at?? I took a lesson from Lane and I tell my buyers that I'm finding great properties and looking for buyers for them. I ask them what their criteria is and if I can put them on my list.
"Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal; nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude."
Shaun Omar
DSD Investor Group Inc
I tell my seller up front that I am going to make money on their property. This is what I do for a living. Either I am going to fix/flip it myself or I am going to sell it to one of my buyers for more money than I paid. If they what more money than I offer they are free to sell it to some one else.
I tell my buyer that I am selling to them for more than I paid for it. This is how I make a living. If they do not want to pay me I will sell it to some one else. If I have a good deal for them they do not care what I make!
This is called full disclosure and there is nothing wrong with doing it this way. Every one knows whats going on. NO SCAM AT ALL!! The trick is making the seller happy, your buyer happy and make a profit!
Michael Mangham
MD Home Acquisitions LLC
Knowledge is power, but execution trumps knowledge. Tony Robbins Seller site Buyer site Bird Dog Site Tenant/Buyer site
Just be prudent about when how you say it!!! Timing. Up front at some point or you can lose them. You can lose them the other way too and never get them back. Been there done that. Wrong timing and wrong wording.
Michael Radtke
Slide Show:
Thanks michaelmangham this is real good information giving.
Michaels advice, he knows what he is talking about. Your reputation as a REI is at stake here and if you are not up front with either buyer or seller, you are dead in the water. Bad news travels fast my friend. Never lie or BS your way through it. Make sure you have studied enough to present the deal. If you have to go over your notes, then that is what you have to do.....Jan
Jan I thank you that, but me and my lady just want to know the right words to say. We will never lie to anyone.this is my first dealand need help on which forms to use between the buyer and I. Then between the investor and I?
Honesty IS The Best Policy..
DC Terry,Sr.
FULL DISCLOSURE! to both the seller and the buyer....however, if you negotiate the price down with the seller and negotiate the price up with the buyer you are doing nothing wrong. Every business in the country does this to make a profit. There is no reason why you cant. Just don't lie. OH, and if your are buying a house and trying to flip it to other investors....telling the seller that you need your partner's approval is not a lie. Its the truth. Be honest to both ends of the deal. I tell the seller and the buyer that I'm making money. To avoid admitting that would make me look like a scumbucket. Full Disclosure.
Favorite one liner I use on both ends: "You go to work everyday and expect a paycheck every Friday, right? (They answer "yes") Well I work everyday and I expect to get paid for my efforts as well, I think whats fair is fair. Now, .........(move on with your conversation.)
Hope that helps bud!
SKY Real Estate Services, Inc.
"Money Doesn't Grow On Trees, But It Does Fall From The SKY!"
Forms are avail on this website for printing. Check with local attorney to verify. What to use and when to use it is covered in every one of Dean's books. If you are wholesaling you will need a purchase agreement, and assignment contract. If you missed it, I would go back and re-read, most likely you missed other things you need to know about also.
SKY Real Estate Services, Inc.
"Money Doesn't Grow On Trees, But It Does Fall From The SKY!"
Great stuff but I tell stay truthful in business. There are many houses by owner I'm really ready to call today. However after telling them how I'm going to help them sale and make money off their home, then finding the investor is the hard part. Plus how would I list this property in a ad to make it sound good to investors?