
All About nette

Lynette Armstrong

Topics I've Participated In

Ask Dean's Coaches a Question nstreet3748 years 1 week ago
Wholesaling Basics 101 Elena M1809 years 26 weeks ago
FREE and Low Cost REAL ESTATE FORMS Anitarny211 years 14 weeks ago
assigning the deals Lilie3515 years 49 weeks ago
Financing Pre-foreclosures or Foreclosures with Poor Credit phoenx7772816 years 12 weeks ago

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No info provided.

Sites I Visit

Mainly Just This One



Hello everyone! I'm the new kid on the team, but I'm very excited and anxious to get started. I want to do the "Instant Equity Exchange", but what's holding me up is not having the contract to complete the deal. I also need the contract to do an Assign Contract(Wholesaling) deals. Can anyone help me with that. Where can I get one or can someone email me or mail me one. Thanks, Nette