Donna P. Simon

All About Donna P. Simon

Donna P. Simon

Topics I've Participated In

DG members by State they live reinvestor422268 years 28 weeks ago
Dean Graziosi Weekly Video Blog #138 - Watch this, win Dean's iPad dgadmin24018 years 40 weeks ago
30 Days Quick Cash Formula michellecaseyks18758 years 44 weeks ago
REI CLUB-MY SECOND BEST MOVE Jan Malek4210 years 46 weeks ago
Cash buyers list TeresaJo4912 years 28 weeks ago

Basic Info

No info provided.

Sites I Visit

Mainly Just This One


Preparing For My First Deal

I am a student of Deans Insiders Edge NY GROUP.I was priviledged to meet both Dean and Matt on different occasions and it was awesome.I still havent done my first deal as yet, but I know it is around the corner, because I do have some investors that have given me their critera, so it is up to me to find them what they would like to buy.I have come to realise what Dean kept saying.How uncomfortable it was to step out of the box, but when I did, it wasnt so hard.I do know that the hardest thing is to the first.Dean, God Bless Always.

Partner DEAL

HI GREG, tHis is a late reply, but if the offer is still open, I would appreciate any kind of mentoring you may be willing to share with me.Thank you in advance for your kind gesture.It was a DEVINE IDEA that DEAN had, when he created the DG web site.It was born out of a kind and caring heart.The good thing is that people are doing what DEAN HIMSELF IS DOING,which is helping each other. PEACE AND HARMONY TO YOU AND YOURS.


This is a question for any DG member oF NEW york.DO I need a LICENSE to do deals in NEW york city? I do need to know this for sure.I mean flipping, wholesaling, lease options everything.There is something else that I would like some information for. I have been unsuccessful in finding a REI GROUP that I can attend.The ones that I did try to contact, either never returned the call or the listed number was disconnected.Thank you in advance for your help. DONNA.