Joined: 2010-06-16
Points: 79

Flingitnow aka Yvonne
Southeast Michigan
About Me:
Ok I am totally overwhelmed at this point. I live in Southeast Michigan and it is an economic mess here. NO ONE TRUSTS ANYONE. Fact is I need help. I have bad credit with a debt ratio that is too high and although I work, I have no money to work with. I was thinking assignments and/or finders fees to get off the ground. I have been thinking about doing this a long time now I have made the committment so I will take all the help I can get.
Welcome Yvonne
Hi Yvonne
Glad you are a member here. I know you will enjoy reading all the wonderful posts made by the members. Yes...if I were you I would start out doing wholesale deals. Build you a buyers list and then find some FSBO's that people desperately need to sale and get them under contract. Call your buyers and assign the contract to them for a price. It is easy once you do one or two and get a understanding of the paperwork involved. All my best to you!