I am a mature professional who has decided that the conventional and traditional ways of securing my future are not reality. I am married to a very hard working man. I have an insurance license and until recently worked with seniors and the medicare health plans. I have 3 children and 8 grandchildren. I volunteer with 2 organizations that help, the homeless and low income families and veterans.
My goal is to succeed at REI so that I can leave a legacy for my children and grandchildren. Be in a position to do more good through the organizations I am volunteering, and take my husband to Europe on a real honeymoon! ( Can't say second as we never had the first)
The timing will never be perfect for you to pursue your dream, so you might as well start now.”
~ John C. Maxwell
Ginger,Sorry for the delay
Sorry for the delay in signing your guestbook. Thank you for reading my blog. Perhaps after I become a hugh succss I can visit Washington. An interest I have.
Happy investpmg.
Rick Cooper Investments