
All About karrie63

Karrie Johnson
About Me: 

I am 47 year old female with Lupus. I am married to a wonderful man for almost 15 years his name is Robert. He lost his job going on almost 2 years now unemployment has ran out and there are no jobs here to be found. We live in a tiny room about the size of a very small bedroom.And struggle just to eat everyday.That is why I took my last $30 to buy his book instead of food.I have 2 grown kids that live in Oklahoma a daughter 30 with 4 grandsons and a wonderful son in law and a son 23 that is still single and working.

Making money,writing,drawing

Basic Info

unemployed/disabled but they won't let me qualify for benifits
Have Child(ren)
Completed High School

Sites I Visit

Mainly Just This One



Thanks Greg i am very interested in both.


JJD's picture


Welcome to the DG family.
May you have Great Success in your Journey!

Welcome Karrie

sistreat's picture

I wanted to stop by and welcome you to Deans board. We are all like one big family here on the board. We help each other and ask many questions.
If you will fill out your profile and let everyone know all about you and where you are from...chances are you will find someone living close to you that you can network with and give each other support and knowledge. That is what it is all about in this business.
Dean has provided a great tool here for each of us to become wealthy and several here on the board have became very wealthy...I have watched them go from nothing to where they are today. Personally I have wholesaled 21 cash deals since I started a couple years ago. Get in here and take advantage of all these great resources and new real estate friends and make a drastic change in your life too. I look forward to hearing about your first deal. You can do it! I am cheering for you!

Hey, I'm not sure if you still come on here...

NickandGen's picture

but I wanted to say hello!

I am sorry to read about your situation. But I urge you to connect with people on here who are willing to work with you and help you. If you want I am open to speaking with you. Maybe there is a way I can help you...I don't know...but it's worth a try.

With that said...I just wanted to say hello and that I pray you and your family stay blessed and take care!
