Joined: 2009-05-26
Points: 48

Ray Sheibley
Greensboro, North Carolina
About Me:
I'm 60 Years Old, a little College, a Yearning an Need to Make LARGE AMOUNTS OF MONEY, 4 Yr Military ( Air Force, Vietnam & Thailand )
I was in Southern California writing 10 to 16% Home Loans( 2nds) ..... Moved to North Carolina for a J O B have worked in the Commercial Aircraft Repair Industry for 10 Years MUST BE A BETTER WAY ???
I love Music, In particular Guitar ( Rock n Roll ) LaRGE CD collection, History Books ( life of John Paul Jones ) Local High School Football
HR Bill 1728 They're trying to take away Your rights ! ! !
Hello ! I'm a North Carolina Resident and from My Local ( NC Carolina Coastal Real Estate Investors Association ) head office comes the following notification of Proposed Legislation from the Federal Government ....I'm not exactly sure how to post the original e-mail as it was sent to Me so I'll try to give you the High lights But here goes ..... This Bill has already passed the House of Representatives and is to go before the Senate
It is HR 1728 and it has to deal with the use of Creative Financing and Private Property Rights and the sale of Private Property ...... The Bill goes into Mortgage Rules innocently enough and then gets into ( depending on how it's interpreted ) the use of Lease Options , Owner financing and the Frequency of such Sales among other things ..... We are NOT the Problem but the solution to this HUGE problem this country is currently embroiled in ..... everybody needs to write to their Senator and tell them to VOTE NO on HR 1728 NOW ! ! if you need further information .... I will be glad to forward the e-mail I have from CCREIA to further explain this Bill and there are sample letters you can use
Thanks !
Ray Sheibley