I am a registered nurse, BSN, who is turning my real estate hobby into my new full time career. Yes, I am hanging up my stethoscope...as I have morphed into a total "rehab addict" as my real estate investing has progressed through the years. Passive income through rentals is so much easier...lol. I am ready to take it to a new level with the DG system and network. As a nurse, I have helped many people and saved many lives...and I could write a book on all my experiences as a critical care RN. I have enjoyed my years in nursing practice and have mentored others into that line of work. I have decided that it is time for me to turn my hobby into my full time job...and retire from nursing practice. I have found that real estate is both fun, lucrative and so much better on the back and knees. I have such a passion for real estate that it is only natural for me to work it full time. I love turning ugly houses into beautiful homes...I enjoy the buying and selling and renting...it is all good. I love seeing the "before" and "after" of rehabbing a house. And I love making money...who doesn't?! The last couple houses I have done has pushed me over the edge to go faster! Going "full time" with real estate has just evolved over time and looking back...I wish I would have made the switch sooner.
My husband, David is a mechanical engineer. BSME, MBA. He is super smart, loves his work...has a passion for mechanical engineering... and has launched many new products through his 20 years as an engineer. Real estate is NOT his hobby...he doesn't search for deals...but he has has always super supportive of all our real estate investments and has seen that it can be very profitable and a key to our early retirement. His knowledge and ability on home repairs is also amazing and I have learned a lot from him in regards to this through the years. He is supportive and helps with our real estate investing...but mainly supports my work with real estate as he is very busy as an engineer. I am the deal finder...he is the "go to guy" for any rehab advice I may need. He manages our local rentals and will hop on a plane with me for other out of the area real estate investments. But I have to say that I think every house we have ever bought has come about as a result of my initiation and search. I love finding a great deal! Once I find a deal he is 100% on board though. I signed him up to attend this years Edge event with me. It will be an interesting weekend for both of us....looking forward to it. The event is being held at what looks to be a beautiful location...so I can thank my real estate hobby again for another nice weekend get away for us to enjoy.
Looking forward to meeting some of you at the 2015 Edge in Scottsdale!
welcome aboard
Well Judy
You now have an edge under your belt and if you liked that you will love RE. I will watch for your post here. Reach out if we can help.. Keith