
Excited to get started!

Hello! I just finished PFRERN and I'm excited and a little nervous to get the ball rolling! I've been investing in tax liens and looking into deeds for the past year now and have been successful at purchasing them. Now I'm looking into different strategies to further my knowledge about being a wholesaler and buying and holding investment property for cash flow! Just had a baby girl and I'm excited to one day become a full -time real estate investor!

The journey to the first deal..

So DG family, I have began my journey wardthe first deal, and have ran into some negative feedback, as I am sure each of you have.
As with most new things that are misunderstood, or seem risky due to lack of knowledge, I have encountered some push back about how "crazy" I am for thinking I can make real estate purchases without a load of cash.
I feel very confident that after I have a few successful deals under my belt, the negative feedback will disappear, and the want to step into the investing game will happen.
My issue is only the lack of cash. I have a load of free time, over 6 years of real estate experience, have purchased 3 homes in 4 years, and a major amount of motivation to pursue and complete some additional real estate deals.

day 31

So my 30 days to a sale is shot for good but I am not deterred.
Today I answered my PMs and emails (there were a lot of PMs. I guess I am making a name for myself Smiling )
I spent my RE time today looking for agents by going through the RBBP websites for Ghost Ads and looking for sales in my town and the agents who are listing them. I got 4 names who I will contact tomorrow.

Other than that, I connected with a fellow DGer in Orlando that hopefully will become a good working relationship.

I've finished my day reading journals here on, answering more PMs and entering my dailies.

Till tomorrow....


iam new to the DGfamily and i need assistance with my first deal.i have not find an agent to work with me yet. i want to invest out of state and within my state which is NewYork city. i have done search on the properties am interested in but i don't have a buyers list or seller list. How do i create a buyer?

Just Finished The Edge DVD's

This is my first blog post here on DG.

I just finished the edge dvds. Wow how cool was that. My wife thinks i went m.i.a for the last few days.

I was glued to my ipad every moment I could be. I even would watch and multitask on the tread mill at the gym. lol

I see the possibilities with all the stories and the real people.

24/7 Messaging System

Good Day DG Family,

I a looking for assistance on what to say for Assignmetn of Contract deals. Puzzled

I am looking for something short and sweet.

I will also be using this system for the below:

Buyers and Sellers
Real Estate Agents and Brokers

Short sweet yet to the point or maybe any other great ideals.

Please note I am working Dean's program for a deployed location when advising.

Love everyone much!

Thanks again DG family!


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