
San Diego Commercial FSBO

Got several properties I'm considering. So busy, I can't blog much, and I'm confused by blog vs. journal.

Prop #1: Two buildings 3,000+ sqft, 12 parking spaces, light industrial/gen. contractors, $315k first note variable signed 2004, offer came down $100k+ from $550k+ in a year. $410 is now mentioned by agent. Area is in well-established heart of local community. Revitalization project of several blocks beginning fall 2011 immediately adjacent to this parcel. Established tenants affected are being relocated by city funds. Headed there now to chat with them and see if they need a new "home."

A new thing?

Is it my imagination or is this a new category on Could I really have missed it all this time? Wow, learn something every day! Its like the time I first looked at the Top users and I was already on the page. Bwwahahahahaaha! Some things I guess I'm just not paying attention to!

I didn't even know where the LOGOUT button was until just right now looking down the list. *DOH* Anyways, Happy Investing!


How do I do this??

Hi! I am in Washington state and am brand new at this and wondering how to go about this. Maybe someone can help. Hope so!

Delinquencies remain ex-traordinarily high FYI From Real Property 4 you

Delinquencies remain ex-traordinarily high
Delinquencies remain near all-time highs. How high are we talking? According to Lender Processing Services, there were 7.4 million delinquent loans (60 days or greater) at the end of March. The number of loans moving from seriously delinquent to foreclosure in-creased in March. They won’t, but if all of these loans de-faulted and the underlying properties were sold in a dis-tressed sale (foreclosure or short sale), that alone would represent two full years of an-nual sales volume.
This is how we get our Properties.
go to

Foreclosure Alert - Foreclosure and Preforeclosure Listing Software

Does anyone know if the Foreclosure Alert - Foreclosure and Preforeclosure Listing Software
works i need to get a feedback on it please.


according to dean besides a real estate agent you need a real estate attorney,mortgage broker and lender,title company,accountant,an established credit repair company,escrow company,construction contractor,contacts at the county courthouse(to assist in gathering and recording information),repair and remodel contractor,property manager or management company,bird dogs that can find potential deals and inform you about them. now i am sure none of these people are going to help you from the goodness of their heart, so you know they are going to be cutting a lot of fat from your potential profits. so how do you go about greasing the palm of their greedy hands and how much of a percentage should you pay them each on every deal

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