RoyVoeks's blog

Does It Really Work?

I am asked regularly if the program Dean has designed works. People want to know if they are really going to reap rewards if they put in the effort.

Everyday I see someone who is making money in this business. The common thread with successful students seems to be a willingness to work and a willingness to put the techniques to work. Successful students see the end and take the steps to get there. They are not looking for a way to fail, but anticipate rewards.

I often remind students that some of the biggest regrets in life that we have is not the fact that we tried and failed, but that we never gave it a shot. When we don't try we can feel the effects for a lifetime.

Know What You Want

Everyday I talk to individuals that tell me they want to do well in real estate. They tell me that they want to have all of their financial needs taken care of. They want to be free and secure.

I then ask them what that means. I usually get an answer that lacks very specific plans to meet their goals. They know what they want, but do not know how to get there.

One of the great things about this program, that Dean has developed, is that it is specific in what needs to be done. All can find success if they are willing to do the things they are taught in the program.

Goal Setting

Goal setting is on of the most important things we can do as we move on the path of success. If we are to find success and fulfillment we will need to set goals in order to get where we want to be.

Daily I see students that have goals move towards there destinations hppier and more confident. These are usually people that know what they want and go about getting it. They ask questions and take advantage of opportunities that are presented to them. They overcome propems and obstacles.

On the other hand, there are individuals who always have an excuse as to why something can't be done. They are too busy. They work too much. They have no money. They are not smart enough.


I have been thinking about work a great deal lately. In my lifetime it seems as if the word "work" has become something that should be avoided. A few years ago in France the government lead the charge to cut the average work week to thirty-five hours. We see parents everyday who do all that they can to see to it that their children do not have to work.

What a great disservice we are doing to our chidren.

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