The last time Dean aired a new show and we didn't post it here right away you let us know we should have!
It would be much appreciated if you leave your comments about the show. Don't pull any punches, if there is something you don't like or have a hard time relating to, let us know. Likewise, if there is something you really like or hits home with you, let us know about that also!
Update: Due to popular demand Dean will send the report via email as part of the Blitz going on right now. Look for the email to show up over the next couple weeks. If you are not on the list or not sure, sign up here:
Update 2: We no longer offer the Interactive DVD anymore. You can however still purchase the book.
PS: In this show Dean talks about how he does deals on "regular" houses, which he does. Checkout the Deal of the Month series to see some of deals Dean has done if you missed those videos we posted a while back.
Great Show
I have my name in the email list. I hope to see the Funding report soon.
Getting Started
I am ordering my book tonight !!!!!!!!!
Your enthusiasm is
Your enthusiasm is contagious!!! Thanks again for your books, your commercial and your has truly changed our lives!!!
New Show
It makes me want to get going and take advantage of this down maket. There are no excuses! We have everything we need from Dean to make it become a reality. Thanks
New Show
Dean I've just came aboard about 5 months ago, I bought my first house and chose to keep it and live in it with my wife. Working on my next one know keep up the good work,great show.
Complete Recipe
Don't you think?
Most people will be very happy to know that there is a guide for them to seek funding for their first, second, third, fourth and so on.
Great Show
Dean is always so motivating and I'm glad I bought the book. I can't wait to get the report!
options to start in the real esate field
I know this is a questiion that has been asked several time before last year i i read dean's book " become a real esate millionaire ",but several personal things started to arise in my life and i let them take up my time and i drifited away frome starting in the business so after (one) year i'm finally readly fears and all to start this .So in a nut shell i'm asking how to start with or give me a tip haow to start with credit in the ( 500's ) and no cash how is ithe best way to get started on your first property.
Big Daddy
finding funding Right Now
how do we get this publication
Always motivating
Hey Dean,
As always your enthusiasm is contagious! Really like the new show and look forward to your new BOOK too!
New Commercial
One thing I will say about your video's is that, no matter how you're sitting or what you'er wearing,I always see that you love what you do and your deliverence is always genuine through your eyes. I'm already sold on buying your new book with the Special Report and give the "Real Estate Oppurtunity" a real shot.
Thanks for being my Inspiration.
Great New Show!!!
You just keep on doing what you do Dean!Your new show is outstanding.You have been so gracious with all the information you make available to us and I just say thank you Dean.You see I grew up in DC many years ago and my story is somewhat like yours.My mother couldn't afford to buy me the name brand clothes that the other kids were wearing so I wore clothes from the good-will.That's what it was called back then.When I become successful in real estate investing I'LL be able to tell my whole story.You have given me so much hope words can not explain it. Thank you from the bottom of my heart
William O. Scott
Find Funding Now
Hi Dean,
I am very excited to join your student body as well as your online community. I just ordered the books and am anxiously awaiting their arrival. To the best of my knowledge the Find Funding Now report was not offered to me as part of the package. I read your response dated 7/2/2009 to students who previously asked the same question. Will that report be made available to new students via an e-mail as well?
djmad44 in New Hampshire
Change of address and e-mail...
I already have the 2 books on how to become a real eastate millionair. I'm planning to register for the mentoring program in 2010. Please keep me posted on latest news. Thanx and Happy New Year to you and all the crew.
latest video
Wow!Thats all I can say is wow! The video was amazing, I'm new to this great community and I'm so excited. Your video is inspiring and makes you want to go out and and persue your dreams I cant wait! Thanks Dean!!!!
Great Show!!!!!
The Show is FANTASTIC! I have read the books, BARM and PFRERN, and Have been blown away. Please add me to the request line on getting the Find Funding Right Now Report. That would be a great asset to go along with the two books and this website. Thank You DEAN!!!!!
New Show
As as student of the Success Academy another excllent motivational show by Dean.Dean has the ability to not only talk the talk but also walk the walk with both his personal success but also the success of his students.The real power of this show are the testimonials by the students who have become successful. It gives us all hope we can do this too.Thanks for not only the valuable information you have shared but also the ongoing support on the web and all the resources you give us to be successful.
Steve Kovacs
Thank You Dean This is a
Thank You Dean This is a Great Resource!!
Super New Show!
Congratulations DG!
A super show from a super-man.
Thanks for all you do
Great show,
Great new show! The information is presented by Dean in a clear comfortable way. It almost feels like he is right there in your living room. I believe the "Your Town Your Real Estate Profits!" book is awesome! I know many people will benefit from all the information, tips and strategies in this book! Thank you for continuing to provide such great relevant information for today's market! Believe and Achieve!
- Joe
new at this
hi dean,new at this,trying to get started here.Just got off thephone to order your dvd and your book in your town,the lady i was talking to did not have that package,she said i would have to call customer service,she also tried to sell me other packages.dont get me wrong,this looks exciting and would love to try it out,I need some help here,always wanted to try to do realstate but dont have the know how,any advise?
I am just getting started with the program. I am very excited. I can't wait to make my first deal. Dean is very encouraging.
Any other tips will be greatly appreciated.
Today 5-4-10
Today is a great day to start. The CD will help when I am driving in the car. And thanks for the inspiration!
Fantastic Video
Hello Dean
I just want to tell you that your video was just awesome. You deliver your passion for real estate very clearly. It made me call right away for the dvd and audio of the book. Its wonderful to hear the lives that are being transformed financially by the use of these materials Bravo Dean.
Thank You
Francisco Hernandez Jr
Deos de benedicce
I really liked this one, also saw the recent night show with one of the writers of Chicken Soup for the Soul. Information is where its at today and I just started reading the Your Town book and I finished reading the Profit from Real Estate Right Now, so if I ordered the disk could I get the Be A Real Estate Millionaire book? I can't afford the disk right now but I'll work on it and in the mean time I'll keep reading and print out some flyers; I have my business cards - Alright!
Bill G.
Dean's New TV Show ...
WOW! Dean - that was really great! Thanks for the great visuals ... I feel that the videos and also the whiteboard diagrams were really helpful to understand the bigger picture by showing the step by step process.
Will this CD or MP3 be available only through the TV show ... Would you consider also making it available to your current registered investors and us newbies someplace on this website?
I bought your books in December and have read (hi-lighted, tabbed and bookmarked) them both, but I do wish that I had had a CD or the MP3 to listen to in my car while driving to and from work ... that would have helped me faster to leverage my small amount of available learning time ... plus it would keep one more focused on Real Estate in a positive manner.
Great Job - As Always!
Thanks for your continuous inspiration.
i love your enthusiasm, I wish you could bottle it up so I can get some. It was great to see real people doing simple deals with no money and bad credit. I guess there is hope. Buffalo, NY is a city with alot of trashed properties, foreclosures are in the thousands-people can't afford to buy and fix up but everyones' gotta live somewhere! I have the book and it has every scenario that there is...the audio cd would be a priceless posession. I just wish I didn't have to pay another 19.95 to get's definitely worth it!
Way To Go Dean!!!!
Sandra M Jones
Does Dean Graziosi's Real Estate Program Work?
What Is Special About Deans Graziosi's Program Compared To Other Real Estate Guru's?
How Can I Make Money Without The Proper Real Estate Investing Formula?
I've Bought John Becks Free & Clear Program, Carleton Sheets No Money Down Program, Larry Goins The Ultimate Buying And Selling Machine,
And James Smith Real Estate Wealth System And
Nothing Seems To Work?
How Will This Work For Me, My Job Dead End Job Won't Pay My Bills Or Buy Real Estate.
I also would like to know how to get the free report. I have both books and the other special report.