Dean Graziosi Weekly Video Blog #102 -

Dean Graziosi Weekly Video Blog

This week you're going to see something completely NEW from Dean.

Now, you're probably thinking, 'yeah sure you tell us that all the time.' well, yes I do, but have I ever lied?

No, and I ain't starting now. So if you want to get really excited about your future, then watch this. And LEAVE YOUR COMMENTS SO DEAN knows his effort is worth it. Eye-wink

Great Oppotunity

acabrera57's picture

Sounds great, please keep me in mind when you finalize the plan. I love to make passive income from rents and have a lot of equity to boot.

Thanks again



Hi Dean, as always the weekly blog was exciting and interesting. Thanks I am re-inspired, Had some medical issues the last few weeks and have fallen behind a little bit, but am ready to jump back in and get caught up with my SA training. My coach has been very understanding, supportive and patient. I have gotten the first stage of my business plan completed . I am excited, nervous and looking forward to my first deal. Thanks for the confidence you show in us all and the inspiration is really a boost.
Dion Trahan, Phoenix

Thanks Dean

I can't wait to receive some more info on this new idea you and your advance students are coming up with, and I hope I can get involved.

Thanks again,

Steven Robinson

Sounds good ,count me in

virginiathenurse's picture

I have been doing real estate investing and have used up most of our cash since all I have been finding are REO's and they are usually cash purchases,would really appreciate help from you.

Wow this is Awsome!!

Looking forward to learning all I can from this process. Thanks Dream Team for all the help and knowledge you all provide.

Thank you sooo much!!!


Way to Go

Dean, I think this is a great idea. I cannot wait to hear the details and make this happen. Thanks again.



2Travel2's picture

That would be extremely helpful for me if you can help me find a great deal in my area, which is NORFOLK, VIRGINIA. I have been looking for over a year and never seem to find one like I read on these blogs. So YES Dean I need help, please. I don't want to go into the woe is me thing but help would be truly incredible at this point.

Thank you much,


Hi Dean...i am a vulnerable newbie ready to be exploited by the karma of can count me in mi amigo..."honest hearts produce honest actions..." be continued...

Wow, Very exciting stuff

Great work team. Cant wait to see the results this. Thank you.

Ca. seems unapproachable.

Charisse Rudolph's picture

Sounds great, Not to be a wet blanket, but we have been having a tuff time finding deals like you talk about in Ca. I have pretty much thrown in the towel. Its been a year since we bought your first book and signed with the academy. Any extra support from you and Matt would be great!!! I mentioned to my husband last night, maybe we should look in other states. But, its a big world out there.

Sounds Great

That sounds interested, I can't wait to see and learn more. Dean you are the best!

Sounds so good

I live at the lake in IN there are alot of luxury homes her million plus in short sale or foreclosure that they are giving away at 25-35 cents on the dollar and that is what they are listed for before negotiations who knows what they would let them go for if I had cash available fast. cha ching if I had private funding I could stop these contract flips and make some real money. I can be reached at salsashimmy at yahoo. I am doing well at contract flips but would love to move up. look forward to hearing more about private money. ya Donna



Of course I'm in. I am a new member of your academy. I am maxed out on my personal ELOC so I am interested in private money. My bank had me jumping through hoops in getting lines of credit on my recent investments.

Dennis Young

Sounds Good


thanks for the good video, it all sounds promising. I would love to be a part of it. I'm still trying to get that first deal. I followed the guidelines in your book, nothing has come through yet for me, it's very hard when you don't have any money. I also would love to be a student, but don't have the money to invest right now. After paying for set for life which was truly a sacrifice, I don't have any more money. I need all the help I can get. I watch the weekly motivation and hope that real soon I get that first deal.

keep the motivation coming.


brainstorming-private money

Of course I'm in. I am a new member our your academy. My bank had me jumping through hoops in getting ELOC's on my existing investments. I am maxed out on my person ELOC so I am interested in private money.

Dennis Young

Weekly Video Blog 102-Private Funding & Help Locating Deals

This is really exciting news and can make a world of difference. We could really use help with locating deals in San Diego County since propety here range from $200K to $400K which is expensive compared to other states even in todays market.

Also funding is badly needed because the HML here will only lend 65% of FMV so we must provide the rest of the cash (35%) which is $70K to $140K and is money we don't have available to us.

All we need is a little help getting started so any assistance that will help us get on the road to success would be great! We can't wait to hear more......

Richard & Pam


Hello Dean, I am looking forward to this to help me to brainstorming and you can buy properties use your moneys and my credit is suck and my moneys is really suck too! LOL
I want to be a successful investor.
Keep in Touch Dean.
Thanks! David,

This I is absolutely great

Dean you and your team have hit the nail on the head. I want to be a part of this venture. Gsn hardly wait.

This Is Impressive!

I am your student and really want to come closer and get one deal done, then after, I can be more confident to do it by myself. I really need this and NOW! You are really taking it to another level. What would a 2 days brainstorming cost one who is your student already. I am from Maryland.
Will Ugwu

Please count me in


It's an aweson idea. I hope this will help or even team up experienced members with newbies and create win-win situation to all. I'm in San Jose/San Francisco area.

Looking forward to hear more detail info from you.

best regards,


I'm excited to learn more what you have to offer to us.

Weekly Video Blog #102

Hello Dean Graziosi my name is Ricky Jones I'm a student of your realestate accademy and would like to partake in that offer you and your team have come up with. I have set up a Business license, Dunns number, tax Identification number, and LLC status. I did purchase the set for life package but return it due to a lack of funds but which is a great system and I'll continue to work at my dreams as a realestate investor and the freedom that it has to offer. You are truely a rare inspirational individual person who hasn't forgotten where he came form.

Hi Dean, Sounds Exciting As Usual...

SuperBee's picture

You're always coming up with new ideas to keep us all motivated and give us a little more hope. Private money and you working with (even more) of your students to find deals sounds great. Thanks for saying it may not be for everyone, it's really thoughtful of you to do that. (I'm not currently on the verge of homelessness, like some of your other students, but I've been in that place before.)

Of course I know who Matt is! You've helped him to become an RE legend in his own right. I'm currently reading my way through PFRERN. (I almost finished YTYREP before I received the hard copy in the mail! Thanks for the ebooks. Eye-wink Now if I could get my hands on an audio version of BAREM and get The EDGE '10 DVD's, I'll be all set. Smiling) Matt's experiences and those of your other students in the book are really helpful and inspiring. Loved all the tips he gave on the recent call.

Saw one of Greg Murphy's videos on YouTube that really hit home with me and helped me narrow my focus. Gotta love him too.

You're right, learning stuff IS really cool. Eye-wink Hopefully I'll be able to use your techniques to start making money really soon! (I'm sure I will.)

Thanks a lot Dean! Laughing out loud


yournextplace's picture

Can't wait to see what you have instore for us! I'm sure as always it will be great!

Great Deals for Students! I Love It!

debmon's picture

As always Dean, I get really excited when I see that you have entered a new post. You and the DG team are awesome guys and I appreciate all your help and support, however, How are you going to help me all the way down here,"IN CANADA"???
I am a struggling DG student in Nova Scotia Canada. The economy here, is not in the same downward spin as is in the US. Deals are harder to find, and the Real Estate Agents here are not interested in being a part of my future success, or theirs for that matter! Any suggestions or help offered at this point would be most appreciated. Look forward to you reply. Thanks in advance and Cheers to all my Brother Investors!
DIVA Real Estate Investors

I'm Beside Myself

darylmau's picture

I am not the type of person who asks for help. However, I know that No Man Is an Island. We all need to learn and share our experiences to grow.
My Father has just been hospitalized and the costs are sky rocketing. I have been trying to find a way to move around the real estate agencies in order to speak directly with the Bankers regarding REO's. I had found one for $800,000 FMV is 1.5 Mil. Gated community in Wailea Maui. Home of the Womens PGA and the Senior Skins. But Century 21 has it locked up. In this case any help or advice from the DG family would be appreciated. As always,
Your Friend and Student.
Warmest Regards to You and Yours,
Daryl Mau

You are always striving to improve your program

jurgens1's picture

I've got to say the most impressive thing about you and your team is you never quit trying to make your program better. I would love to hear more about what you've got in the works.

So Excited!

GR Investor's picture


I am always amazed at what you do on a daily basis. I know your mission is to change the lifes of millions and you are so successful at it that it blows my mind.

First Set For Life, and now this! I am so excited. Please don't ever stop doing what you are do and being who you are. You have not only changed my life forever, but you affect so many others in the same way.

Your disciple for life,

Greg Rowe
Elk Grove, CA

Can't wait for more Info

Ray177's picture

Would absolutely love to partake with the great brainstrom you guys are about to reveal to us.
I have been struggling trying to find a good deal to start with. I have skills and know I can flip a house but the area I live in is very expensive.
I can only hope but I know there are others on here that are more deserving of your help then I. By all means please help them first.


I can't wait to learn more details about this. I look forward to next week's blog!
