Dean Graziosi Weekly Video Blog #105 - Reflections On Thanksgiving?

Dean Graziosi Weekly Video Blog

This week marks the beginning of our 3rd year of doing these video blogs. Wow how time flies!

In it, Dean offers some thoughts on giving thanks, as well as sharing what he appreciates about you!

There's a new challenge for you that requires saying something to 5 people.

What is it? Well, it's simple, but it might not be easy.

So, if you're curious about what it is, click, listen and go for it!

Have a great week!


I will certainly take u up on that offer...Tell 5 people what ur goals are... and I will certainly do that this week. Thanks again for all that u do and for your generosity.


You are so right Dean!

Coming out of your shell can be one of the hardest things to do. It was only until I became a minister that I was able to do so. Still sometimes fear can come over you, but you just have to be brave and be bold. I messed up my first deal by not finding a way to finance the deal first and it kinda discouraged me but I am getting back on the band wagon and I am soon going to be saying, "I just succeeded in my firt deal", Yay!
I really want to be able to help people when the're in need.
Thanks for the encouragement Dean and all of DG family. God Bless

Billy James McCullough


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This week marks the beginning of our 3rd year of doing these video blogs. Wow how time flies!

In it, Dean offers some thoughts on giving thanks, as well as sharing what he appreciates about you!

There's a new challenge for you that requires saying something to 5 people.

What is it? Well, it's simple, but it might not be easy.

So, if you're curious about what it is, click, listen and go for it!

Have a great week!

First deal

Still have not found my first deal kind of hard to do when you are homeless. but i have not stopped trying.




Thanksgiving came with a cruise vacation to the Bahamas. We stopped in at real estate offices in ports, discussed real estate on the island, and left our business cards as investors. We did the same on board ship and found most people we met amazed and not yet familiar with investing vs agents. It is always fun educating someone whether they feel negative or positive about what we do. Thanks and give thanks,
ginni and darren

Understanding Your Intentional Goals.

ddcristle's picture

Dean, you are correct. I've always been around Real-Estate when I would go to visit my Grandparents from a kid thru to teenaged/adult years. My Granddad had properties rented out for as long as I can remember. I could tell that he loved it and so I did too. Both Grandparents passed on three years ago. I sure wish they could see where I'm going to take the techniques and teachings you offer. Thanks to you Dean, this is my reason for becoming a Real-Estate Investor. I will hold my head up high. I will learn everything that I can because it's fun. I've always been a people person. Never really had a problem speaking in public. Dean, thanks again for your/our focus. Dirk

Same To You and Your's Dean!

Anointed1's picture

Hey Dean! Little late here but I hope you and your family had an awesome Thanksgiving as I did with mind. My wife really put her best on the table as all way's. That inspires me to do my very best for her and our two children this upcoming year. I do have goals and I'm committed to letting the world know it. 2011 will be a breakout in my business.

Thanks for all you do!



Private Money Lending

Hey Dean,

Are you and your team still working on the private funding stuff. Over the past 18 months I've read a couple of your books, watched videos and dabbled in two of your programs. Unfortunately, every time I try to focus on moving forward I find myself highly distracted, primarily for financial reasons. Over the last 18 months I've been downsized or merged twice in corporate America and basically lost everything except my family and friends. As I look to rebound and stablize my employment situation, we are living on borrowed time in what we thought was our dream home. Anyway, I live in Southern Maine which seems to be an extremely difficult area to find great deals and penetrate this business-so your blog about helping students find deals in hot markets was intriguing to me. Looking forward to hearing more updates. Thanks for what you do!

Hope your Holidays are good to Dean

Nice blog yea its hard trying to tell your family that youyr gonna try and do the realestate thing they look at you like you have 4 heads but thats not gonna stop this guy. Look forward to your next blog.