Dean Graziosi Weekly Video Blog #105 - Reflections On Thanksgiving?

Dean Graziosi Weekly Video Blog

This week marks the beginning of our 3rd year of doing these video blogs. Wow how time flies!

In it, Dean offers some thoughts on giving thanks, as well as sharing what he appreciates about you!

There's a new challenge for you that requires saying something to 5 people.

What is it? Well, it's simple, but it might not be easy.

So, if you're curious about what it is, click, listen and go for it!

Have a great week!

step out of your comfort zone

Hi Dean. Thanks for the thanksgiving wishes. I hope you and yours also had a great holiday. I'm focusing on making progress this week. I have not made my first deal yet, but I'm working on it. I'm going to take your challenge this week and I really appreciate the mentoring. Thanks and I'll keep you posted on my path to success.


Hi Dean, I'm guilty of forgeting too but thanks for being thoughtful when I had a stroke in 2005 besides loseing my memory I lost my confidence getting back in the R/E buiness was the hardest thing I've ever had to do. As a war Veteran I never thought I would be chalenged again. Getting back in the saddle and trying to learn the R/E business all over again was partially do to a spark that I got listening to you and the Succes team. THANKS EDGAR

Hi Dean

fnyzep4749's picture

In a word...Thanks!!!!

THE EDGE 2010 DVDs have helped me the MOST !!!

Hi, Dean and DG Family. I have not closed one deal yet. BUT I KNOW I WILL ... because I'm working toward it every day. When I tell my closest friends and relatives that I will be a real estate millionaire, the conversation gets very quiet. I mean SILENCE. They don't know what to say. I stay quiet after dropping my bombshell just to see or hear them squirm.

Where I lose my confidence is after speaking with cash buyers. I wonder where the motivated seller deals are going to come from. What will I tell these buyers and when? I'm still studying that part.

THE EDGE 2010 DVDs have helped me the MOST when it comes to confidence and what to say. Five AWESOME DVDs. I just write everything down in the workbooks. I mean everything. I rewind a lot. I take shorthand ... so it's not so bad. Dean, Matt, Rina, Greg, Carol, and that fast talking real estate guy ... are just AWESOME.

I'm a student at the success academy too. I'm coming right along. I cannot wait to do my first deal. I'm lucky to live in the same state as Carol Stinson. I love her too.

Sharon from Trenton, New Jersey

Thank you

Rolston Morrison's picture

Thank you Dean for all your time and your support with us .Thank you DG family


I have to say this about your recommendation to tell people about your (our)goals. I was in court recently as my ex is suing me for even more child support. She seems to think I've made leaps and bounds financially. Realistically, My presence, and posture has changed, not my finances yet. While in front of the judge, I simply told him of my goals and what I choose to create and accomplish for our community, and our world. The judges response; " stop trying to be clever!" I know I'm on the right track. He also suggested I create a job for myself instead of helping others. All the more reason to do the opposite from what the average thinker will do. Thanks DEAN! I've never had support, and have always been the "lone wolf" so to speak. I see the problems in the masses, and I do know how to solve the issues. When I do talk about the solutions everyone that I share with agrees, as they follow with "good luck getting people to adapt." Everyone would have to be on the same page for it all to work. I think it'
s more sensible, and necessary than clever. Thank you for having the courage to go against the grain. Your courage strengthens my strength. I must not be doing something right though, for I'm no longer in position to make a difference. REI I pray, and the DG support will help me get into position.

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This week marks the beginning of our 3rd year of doing these video blogs. Wow how time flies!

In it, Dean offers some thoughts on giving thanks, as well as sharing what he appreciates about you!

There's a new challenge for you that requires saying something to 5 people.

What is it? Well, it's simple, but it might not be easy.

So, if you're curious about what it is, click, listen and go for it!

Have a great week!

I didn't think I could do it

I didn't think I could do it until I forced myself to make that first phone call. I posted a ghost ad and I received 4 phone calls on that ad. I was scared when I got the phone calls because I did not have the property. I hung up the phone so fast I forgot to tell them what I needed. I was building my buyers list and I did not get any information. So I found an ad in the newspaper and made that call. It sound strange because I am shy but I did it. That challenge for this week, it's on. Thanks Dean for the motivational speeches and challenges. I am still working on my buyers list but I am having fun doing it. Hope everyone in the DG family had a wonderful Thanksgiving. Thanks again Dean.


Timid and shy

Dean thank you so much for this weeks blog.

I look forward to them each week. I have trouble getting up in front of people and talking. I have always been that way.

I have to give a presentation to a group of Realtors 9th of Decembee. I am afraid I will just stand there and can't say a word. But listening to you in this weeks blog will help.

I am determined to make my life change. This is one of those baby steps. I know a couple of the Realtors personally.

My plan is to focus on those individuals. Hopefully it will help me get thru the presentation. Thanks again for the confidence builder.

Thanks Dean

steve and veronica's picture

For another great blog. We hope you and your family had a great thanksgiving. Thank you Dean for giving to us all the great information we needed to get our REI up and going.

Steve and Veronica.

It only gets EASIER

Hi Dean and DG Family,
I've been telling other's what I'm doing. I've got an add in Craigslist for buyers.. and have some nibbles...and I've got business cards and I've been passing them out... Hey, this is got to be Fake it Till you Make it. But It FEELS GOOD... it feels right. I already know in my mind that I'm already a success... I've just got to get the properties and money in the bank to prove it. But once your mind is convinced, I believe it's only a matter of time. I've even gone back and watched THE EDGE '10 DVD's for more information and encouragement. And some great tips I missed the times I watched it before.

Thanks for all the encouraging remarks and this blog. Keep them coming!

Remember, the sky's the limit,

Being thankful and grateful

Hi, Dean and the Dg family. this will be my first post. but would like everyone to Know how thankful and grateful I am to be a part of this site and a part of the DG family.I've not done my first deal yet, but get excited and happy when I hear of someone else success. I know that my first deal will be coming up soon. but I just get so much encouragement from all of you guys.reading the comments looking at the blogs that Dean post keeps me going.Am very thankful and grateful.

Happy Post Thanksgiving!

WealthyBlessings's picture

Thanks Dean for another great Monday morn' blog.

Peace and Blessings,

Short Sales & Private Money

Hi Dean: 11-29-10

You had mentioned before you were looking into the Short Sale Kid to see if you could make some type of deal with him. Whatever happened?

Second you mentioned a few weeks ago that you are working on a program to possibly provide us with private money. I was wondering how that is coming along as well? I have no relatives or friends with money and in this economy it is hard to find private money unless you go through a hard money lender and you still have to come up with about 35% to 40% of your own money. So would like an update if you are going to have a program for private money to lend to us and how soon?


Hey Dean

ddebrobander's picture

Thanks for the blog. I got my first deal under contract and in process of negotiating. $5,000 wholesale fee. Yeah!!!!! I tell you it is about time ( crossing my fingers, dont want to count it before it get it ) I have been hard at this biz for about 8 months and am looking into other areas such as lease options and what not. Gonna re- read your Right Now book after I blog. I got lots of people calling me everyday and are having trouble converting over to deals. I guess the main key I am finding out is that having a genuine "motivated seller" is the most helpful tip I can share. Have a great week!!!


Happy Thankingiving to everyone

Hi Dean,
I had a good and quiet Thanksgiving with my always thank you for your encouragement.I Look forward the video blogs every week.

Tell Five Week

Hi everyone. I have a non-real estate meeting tonight with two people and they will be my first two of the seven people I will tell this week. thanks for the motivation. Again.

Thanks Dean.

Thank you for creating this system of showing me how to educate myself on real estate. I was considering going to real estate school to become an agent, however, by that time, I would have missed out. This makes me move with confidence. I saw your infomercial once and I could tell that you have the real deal. Thank you laying down the ground work. It looks like everything is addressed concerning the real estate field.

Yours Truly,
The Gambler

weekly blogs the Best Dean

Don't know why but I posted my comment in your Guest Book...anyway I know "fake it till we make
it" is harder said then done...maybe we can douse
ourselves with raw confidence so we won't come off sounding like someone we're only shoveling BS at a prospect about our intentions and resolve
take it to the next level. Nothing happens until
we close that all important first deal !! Thanks
for your willing heart and a helping hand too !
Phil Lully

Happy Holidays!

Hi Dean, first time posting on the site.I just recently got caught up on all of the video blogs and am re-excited about real estate.I joined last June and was very good about working on the training material for about 2 months. I was unemployed at the time and decided to start my own handyman business.In doing so I've been busy with that and also have taken and completed a couple of classes pertaining to my business.Now that I'm done with those and have a handle on scheduling work, I plan to get back into the real estate training and hope to do my first deal in 2011.Thanks for always keeping my interest high and looking forward to a great 2011.

Been There Done That.

Dean, in response to your challenge, I have been doing that all along. I can tell you the exact count, but, I have been telling people about what I want to do and now this is one the vehicles that will help me do it. Thanks again.

The Gambler

Time to make it happen!

Homevestor's picture

Loved your blog this week! Sometimes after you have had a few failures or things that didn't work out right, you start questioning if you can really make it in the real estate investment business. I would urge all at this point not to give up before you have started to achieve your goals! After not being able to "seal the deal" on a couple of repo houses we looked at, you have to just start getting mad (in a positive way!)and start looking harder at your market and find a niches or techniques that will work for your market. We looked at 6 houses in the past two weeks, found 2 deals we think may work. Also met a sensational carpet and vinyl guy who helped us "dial in" our rehab flooring costs and also found a very good HVAC contractor who inspected one of our deals to check the furnace for free and works with other investors.
As long as you are making progress in incremental steps you are moving forward to become a smart and saavy Real Estate Investor.
We are making progress and know we will get our first deal soon!
Thanks, Dean, for feeding us a constant stream of encouragement, hope, and kickin' our butts to "get er done"!!!


Hello Dean & family
Well u know the year is almost coming to an end when thanks giving is here. Soon I'll be Christmas then a new year well come with gods blessing. Not to far away from us now. But with no more further saying just wanted to say to all Happy Happy THANKS GIVING to all on the Dean post & I wish all the best in the new to come.
ONE 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111

Another Great Video Dean!

cbrindamour's picture

Thanks Dean, one of the things I am thankful for is you Dean! You have changed and will continue to change my life.

Every year, my wife and I go away to celebrate our wedding anniversary. It is hard to do with our busy schedules and the kids, but it is very important! Last year while away we saw your infomercial on TV and ordered your book.

This year we talked about our goals. While there are a lot of this that we want to accomplish, the one that will have the biggest change in my life it to retire early, my goal is by 50. If you asked me that question 1 1/2 years ago, I would have said no way. Now I know it is very possible, as a matter of fact if I follow in some of your students footprints I could do it in less time!

That is my primary goal, I am putting together a plan that will obtain that goal. Once I achieve that, then anything is possible from there!

Thanks again to share that with more people!

Great Blog!

Thanks again Dean for all of your support and always telling us something we need to hear.

You took action by taking acting classes. Well I joined Toastmasters; a great organization to learn communication and leadership skills and known around the world.

I like the action plan for this week. "I am a wealthy and highly successful real estate investor!"

We all can do this!

Cathy L

Practice speaking in front of others, Toastmasters

Dean and other investors,

Thank you again for your inspiring message.
More than 10 years ago, the company I worked for had a Toastmaster group that I actively participated with during lunchtime. Your blog had me thinking and reminded me about the benefits that I obtained when I was participated in that club. I started me thinking that I should take action and find a local club to participate in that club again as it was very helpful in getting me out of my comfort zone and challenge me with speaking skills.

Find a club near you or start your own, check out:

One thing I struggle with is explaining to people so that it doesn't appear that me or any real estate investors are taking advantage of someone else's misfortune resulting in going upside down and losing their home. I don't want to feel like I am profiting from someone elses pain. How do you explain it to others so that they understand, I didn't get them in their predicament, however I can help them get out of it. Its especially hard when I hear of banks that have taken peoples homes when they shouldn't have done so without giving them the ability to resolve their issue. Please blog about this as it is very important to help us all deal with the motivated sellers losing their homes due to divorce, job loss or bad mortgage loan with a balloon coming due. I am divorced and although I understand their predicament, it could've easily been me, thank God it hasn't.

Thanks for all you do.

The Ball Is Rolling

Shawn SD's picture

Hey Dean,

I just wanted to say thanks for another great dose of motivation. I have been devouring your books and DVD's from the EDGE 2010 event. It has been very exciting and overwhelming at times. I have been through a whirlwind of emotions while absorbing all of this information. Your weekly blogs have helped keep me centered and on track. I am now applying action to all of the knowledge I have gained from you and all the wonderful members of the DG family. The momentum is building. My first deal is just around the corner. Thanks for everything.


Told 3

RightChoiceToday's picture

I have told three people and have 2 more to go this week. Smiling
From Chandler, AZ

looking for my first deal

Hello dean, its been almost a year reading your books and enrolling with real estate company to get training, its been difficult trying to find assignment deals because many homeowners are backing out because not motivated enough,i'm working with partner to coach and mentor me,i'm going to take your challenge this week to tell people why i chose to invest in real estate and make my life better thank you for encouraging words, when life is not where it needs to be but you make it possible thank you!!!!

Another Happy Blog Day!

aerospaceman's picture

Dean, taking drama in high school and public speaking in college can be lethal! To who? the very people you want to help. What and When? Whenever the opportunity presents itself and the what being any situation, that's right - ANY situation! The rest is not important because once you gain the skills to push out your chest and ruffle your feathers everyone will pay attention because you'll know how to command an audience. Making eye contact, and focusing on your topic only comes through experience. I recommend taking some time to get critiqued so you find the chinks in your Armour. This my be a daunting task but it is doable and will make you an invincible force. I use it everyday in my volunteer position as a visitor guide providing customer service.

Bill G.

P.S. Hope you-all had a great Thanksgiving and find your first gold at the end of the real estate investors rainbow! Or you continue to create your own rainbows! Best Wishes and Happy Holidays!

Thank you

Angiec's picture

Hey Dean,

Happy Thanksgiving to you too! You and this site are two things that I am definitely thankful for!!
Have a great week!

Warm regards