Dean Graziosi Weekly Video Blog #105 - Reflections On Thanksgiving?

Dean Graziosi Weekly Video Blog

This week marks the beginning of our 3rd year of doing these video blogs. Wow how time flies!

In it, Dean offers some thoughts on giving thanks, as well as sharing what he appreciates about you!

There's a new challenge for you that requires saying something to 5 people.

What is it? Well, it's simple, but it might not be easy.

So, if you're curious about what it is, click, listen and go for it!

Have a great week!

My business partner and I plus the good, the bad and the ugly.


I have some good news along with bad news and ugly new. Well the good news first is that I was searching for a partner to do this because I think when you’re getting started it’s better to have someone else on your side. Now the search is over and I have found one. Dean, she's someone I met at one of you competitor's real estate seminars that was free where they feed us and taught us about many of the things I already knew about RE because of your books and also by doing with my own research. My business partner is really smart and only a few of college classes away from getting her doctorate degree. I have some college but no degree. So that part is good if not great.

The bad part is that I'm certified as disabled by Social Security and it doesn’t pay much when I make a little over $600/mo and she's now out of work. She's a real hard worker but the jobs here are very far an few in between and like me she would like to get into real estate and start making some big money. That's the bad.

Now the ugly. Dean, how do you make money in real estate which is probably the most costly investment anybody will ever make, when between the two of us we don't have two nickels to rub together? Like with everything in life doesn't it take money to make money in this? Please let us know how with only 16 cents to my name (no kidding) and where she has even less, how we can be super successful too?

What we need Dean is start up cash. I thought you were going to get started on something like this? How about offering up the money for the first few deals for people that have the drive, the passion and the ambition but not the bucks needed to get started. We would be willing to do almost anything to make this happen.

Here’s how I think it should work: My partner and I would find the properties—there are so many tons of distressed properties here in the Twin Cities metro. You Dean would put up the all money to acquire the first property, as well as all the money to clean and rehab it and then we all sell it together where Dean you’d get 50% of the profit off the top and recoupe your investment money while my partner and I split the other 50% or 25% for each of us. This continues on for another 3 - 4 deals or until her and I are up on our feet financially and Dean you’ve made some good money along the way. This would be HUGE a WIN WIN WIN situation for all 3 of us, don’t’ you think?!

Doug and Swan

P.S. FYI, I checked to see what my City had to say about Bandit Signs and they said signs like that for any business are illegal and you can be prosecuted for putting them up in the city of Bloomington MN and pretty much throughout rest of the Twin Cities metro area. For political campaigns it's fine but not so for businesses or even garage sales; it’s illegal Same goes with posting paper signs on telephone or electric poles. The grocery stores aren't allowed to have bulletin boards with paper ads anymore because all that paper looks messy and violates fire codes.

I've looked at and and there's many 100s of ads already on there for R.E.

Any other great ways except these to find buyers and sellers for homes in my area would also be highly appreciated!

Actually, I'm up to

Actually, I'm up to something very big and I don't just wish it will happen, I devote to my wish, I'll make it happen. Thank you your advices are inspiration

Amen so true!!!

No Boundaries's picture

Thank you for all the encouring words every week. i totally agree with u sometimes uncomfortable siturations is is the best way to prove to ur self that u can do it because you will be surprize the lesson you"ll learn just by throwing your self in an uncomfortable situration ..

Another Great Vlog!

MWhite2's picture

The topic of being shy really hits with me. I have a real hard time with being open. Especially when it comes to talking about my beginning real estate business. I'm going to work on this challenge and try to "get uncomfortable". Thanks again Dean.

Happy Belated Birthday and Happy Thanksgiving

Joe's blog alerted me to the fact that you just had a birthday...hmmmm you don't look a day older. I've been faithfully watching your Monday Blogs and want to thank you for being our coach and constantly supporting are the one person I can count onto be there with a word of encouragement and a challenge that will help me move forward on my journey to being a successful REI I am rereading your books and making sure I completed the Action Steps you proposed. What a great idea..a step by step process to success. God Bless you and your family and you can bet on it that you are one of the things I am thankful for this year. Tomorrow is December 1st so.... I'll be wishing you and your family a Very Merry Christmas. Semper Fi D-LO

5 people challenge

Summerset's picture

This will be a challenge for me as I am shy, but also dont like to tell people what my big goals are in case i fail. doesnt help my confidence either if they give me THE LOOK. you know the one that says " yeah, sure, This I gotta see"

I better go practice in front of the mirror. You gotta do what you gotta do.

thanks again Dean for a blog that always pushes us to be all we can be and more.

fake it til you make it

this frace is excelend. i've been thinking this way already despite the fact that i just stared reading your book "your town" and i'm way ahead of you i told all my friend from facebook and a group in my town that i'm a real estate investor, an i already have a businnes partner a realtor from my old office.i'm on my way to buy my house and i have the money for your success academy everything thanks to you and your wonderfull blogs. i'm humble and open for new tecniques please teach me. i beleive i'm there thans to you.

I told 3 people before I listened to your video this week...

steinway024's picture

and here's what I told them. I'm going to Las Vegas to learn new techniques from experts. I will get rich doing this. AND I AM GOING TO MEET MY HERO DEAN GRAZIOSI. Dean, I hope you read this before the Buying Summit and know how excited I am to shake your hand!

Whats Up Dean!!

shanegore08's picture

"What I Want" "What Im Doing" and "Where Do I Want to Go"

I must admit Dean that I must stay closer to these blogs that you provide for us on a weekly basis. Lately I feel more and more like you are talking to me and I hear you loud and clear. "OK everybody Im not crazy or anything" lol A great communicator like Dean has that effect if you know what I mean.
Well Im still here and Im almost ashamed to give you my track record on the deals I have successfully closed but never the less I am in my "Fight for the First"
When I first embarked upon REI there was a certain flame or intensity that was there that I know has diminished. I appreciate you giving me this consistent, and continuous pep talk in an effort to make me a successful REI. I got to kick myself in the A** especially if it seems like you want success for me, more than I want it for myself. I guess my main problem has been my consistency. I will get hot and then fall off by not sticking to plans and staying focused on a day to day basis. Its like Im falling into a rut where Im too concerned with my track record and not the simple principles of success, like being consistent. I use to think this blog was only for the new people to the site but boy was I wrong. I know if I just achieve the mini goals like the one you set before us this week, collectively these mini-steps paint a picture of the lifestyle I yearn to live

Thanks for being that steady and solid rock, in which Im able to climb to higher heights.

See you on the next one...!

Best Regards,

Out In The Open

Success32's picture

Hey Dean,
I know it's hard for people to get out there and tell the world what we're doing as RE Investors, but what I think is harder is saying it over and over and still not having anything to show for it. I told the people I work with and some friends that I'm starting my own Investing business and they were pretty supportive in the beginning but now it's been almost 3 months and I haven't doen a deal yet and they're all asking me "Well are you doing this business thing or what? Why is it taking so long?" It's hard to have to explain myself now and I feel the pressure. I'm trying to use it to my advantage to make myself work harder and get going to that first deal. I just joined the Success Academy 2 weeks ago and it's hard to find the time to do everything! But I will do it! I just need to stay focused!

Thank you for your continued encouragement. I couldn't continue on without everyone here, but especially you. You are so positive and sincere, I'm very thankful for you taking an active interest in your students.


missgee64's picture

hi Dean...thank you for the Thanksgiving greetings and don't worry about the lateness. After all don't they say "better late than never"? well anyway today starts my "relaunch"...i lost my job back in June due to getting caught up in a situation that was beyond my control that started a very nasty chain reaction of issues and challenges for me. I decided that December 1st would be the starting point for me "relaunching" my life and forcing myself to go beyond myself and doing more for me since (as we all know) no one else will do it for me.

I will be very honest, I have not done anything with REI since I bought the book a while back and I realize that it is a combination of fear and intimidation that has caused me to freeze up in one spot but I guess that is a result of events in my childhood that have spiraled out of control.

My boyfriend is EXTREMELY negative about anything that I have attempted to do and my children all live in a different part of the country and want me to move closer to them but I need to make this work where I am because I do not want a repeat of things now to reoccur if I am living somewhere else. As far as the concept of "fake it til I make it"--i don't know...seems more like you're lying to yourself to me! Or maybe i am wrong! i don't know!!

i want things to work out for me SO VERY BAD--every thing I touch seems to turn to rust instead of gold...part of me wants things to go well but part of me is afraid of another failure!! where do I go and what do I do 1st?? So many questions and so very few places to find true answers!! Or maybe I am just overly paranoid!! HELP!!!

Post Thanksgiving Blog

My Thanksgiving was quite, but I started the morning running septic lines on a rehab project, trying to get some outside things done before it turns cold here in eastern NC.
I am talking to people letting them know my intentions for being a REI, have started a seller/buyer list and am within days of being able to contact those on my list with confindence.
I am also attending your pre-auction conference here in Jacksonville, NC on 12/07/10, my son is attending with me, he owns a flooring business and will be a large part in my investing projects (we are each a "jack of all trades").
Ruth Adams

Cherish and Thank you!

Wening C.'s picture

Hello Dean,

Thank you for your thank you words.

Cherish what you have and know that life is one. live it to its fullest and be thankfull for what you have and share it with others.
Smiling I got your message. Smiling

Kind Regards,


100% Right

Hi Dean
Thank you for your insight and message. I believe you are 100% right. The more you do the things that make you uncomfortable and face your fears the easier it becomes to do so each time a situation arises. You are an inspiration to me. Thank you and Happy Belated Thanksgiving to you and your family. I also would like to share this video clip from youtube with everyone in case someone out there needs more inspiration and motivation to be successful.



go get uncomfortable...

dgskysthelimit's picture

Get uncomfortable... How crazy does that sound? for someone to come straight out and say, go get uncomfortable... WOW! thats just the kind of encouragement I need. its kind of crazy but it makes great sense... Thanks Dean and I hope you had a great thanks giving. Even though we go through hardships n rough times, we still have so much to be thankful n greatful for Eye-wink Again, thank you for those very inspiring words.

Hi Dean

I must first thank you for what you are sharing each and every day with people like me i want better for my life,and i know you are real just by look at you . i am reading one of your books rite now and i cant wait to be able to afford your coaching programm i live in canada but i would like to invest in the usa also but i need to get started first i am with out money right now but i am working on it. i love real estate and i want to help people and i want to make lots of money rite now i am at zero but not for long .

I Did It!!!!


Thank you so much for all of your support. I purchased Gain the Edge on September 7th and by the end of the month I was ready to go to closing on a Foreclosure. Unfortunately the deal got caught up with the banks checking all of the Foreclosure deals, but I finally closed yesterday. I AM SO EXCITED!!! I have already started looking at my next deal, a pre-foreclosure and hope things work as well as this one. My first deal was cash, but this second one will require financing.

Thanks again.


D-HI's picture

so when's the big day that you open the 'Bank of Dean' for all of us?

Runs deeper then you think.

I know there's something deep in my subconscious that's telling me I can't do it. I also know what it is. It all stems form my mother who never wanted to have me in the first place. She hated me to the extent that she tried to have a miscarriage buy jumping off the hood of a car, and landing on her stomach on the pavement. I know she felt ill toward me, and spoke ill toward me during that time. I can imagine her saying things like, I hate you, your so stupid, your no good, nobody wants, I wish you didn't exist, , and so on. My subconscious picking up on the bad vibration, emotions, and toxic chemicals that were being produced by her because of her unhappiness with me. I don't know why, but when I was about 24 she decided to tell me about it. I'm glad she did, because it explains a lot of things about my personality, and how I feel about myself, and my learning abilities. It's all too much to go into here, but I believe that my subconscious is holding on to all of that negativity. It's hard to have confidence when you were bombarded with words, and emotions of hatred, and lived in such a hostile environment for nine months before your were ever even born. I also think that she may have caused me some brain damage when she hit the pavement, as I'm kind of slow, and I have a hard time retaining what I have learned. I can guarantee you that you were never as shy, self-conscious, backward's, and scared as I have been all of my life, and I'm 60 now. It's just something that I have to work through. Though I don't know how, God grant me the courage. I'm carrying a lot of baggage around with me, but I really want to do this, I'm just scared to death to talk to any one. I'm not kidding's awful. When I try to talk to people they become magnified, and they seem larger them life to me, then I become a shrinking violet. Like I said, it's just awful, but I can't give up. I'm just telling you this because sometimes the lack of confidence runs deeper then you may think. Sometimes it's more than a simple case of shyness, though I hear what your saying, I thank you for your encouragement, but I also want you to understand what some of us are up against.
I hope you, your family, and everyone who has read this had a very Happy Thanksgiving....I know I did.
I hope this wasn't too much of a drag. I meant it to be more of an eye open, and I'm sure I'm not alone.

Blue Skies
Sandra Kline

making first deal

i can,t seem to get off my butt and i don,t why

No sorries ever!

Hello my friend!

No sorries ever needed between us Dean...
Besides, I did get your email expressing your Thanksgiving greeting, and as always, it was sent at the crack of dawn while most would have sited that day, if any, for sleeping see those hours as an opportunity to reach out and connect. God Bless you for your clear and righteous vision. Having been a member of this wonderful DG family for a while now one begins to recognize that like the rest of us, Realestate was not your first calling, just a vehicle to get you there, because it's becoming more and more appearent that your first calling was to help people... to bring about hope in seemingly hopeless times. Keep it coming from the heart Dean and this movement will never end ... it can only continue to grow. I'm in for the Long Run and beyond, like Matt and everybody else who have chosen stay apart of this movement long after they've achieved their phenom' success and help people. What fantastic examples of human beings can be found right here on, where I will be found long after my success.Thanks and keep up Gods work my friend,



blackboard's picture

Another great blog dean,I have to be one the shiest person I know,but with a mentor like you,I know I will break out of my shell,HAPPY THANKS GIVING TO YOU AND YOR FAMILY!

That's my Problem!

Dean that is the problem I have. No one home during the day and only my sister & her husband and they say "ya right". I have to get myself out and about meeting new people. I going to make this effert. Thanks Dean,


Determined to make a change

Hey Dean,

Great advise!! I may be unemployed and have little money, but I am determined to become a successful real estate investor. My goal within 5 years is to own at least apartment complexes and be financially free.


I'm not shy, I'm tired...

Valuni's picture

so I keep watching your blogs to help me stay motivated and find the energy to keep going. It is a challenge when you're taking care of the foundation of your RE business and you spend time and money on it, and can't really see anything happening yet... but I know that a good foundation will provide strength for whatever is built upon it.
I'm thankful for everyone's encouragement and words of wisdom on this site.
Happy Thanksgiving!

I'm not shy, I'm tired...

Valuni's picture

so I keep watching your blogs to help me stay motivated and find the energy to keep going. It is a challenge when you're taking care of the foundation of your RE business and you spend time and money on it, and can't really see anything happening yet... but I know that a good foundation will provide strength for whatever is built upon it.
I'm thankful for everyone's encouragement and words of wisdom on this site.
Happy Thanksgiving!

Thankful for the message Dean

I will work on telling 5 people that I'm a real estate investor, etc. I need this jump start again because I feel I had fizzled out. Thanks again Dean.

I am a Real Estate Investor, new to the business

LDCOOK55's picture

Hello Dean,

I am proud to say that I am a Real Estate Investor and I am new to the business. I can say however that with the tools you have given me I know I will be debt free in one year, yes, ONE YEAR!
I am losing my job and have very little in my checking account, but I have the tools to make my business work with NONE of my own money.

Thank you for the opportunity with the "Set For Life" program to make this a reality.

Thank you Dean,

Lisa Cook Eye-wink
Caribbean Blue, Inc.

Great blog!

Rick888's picture

This was great timing again Dean. As I have just finished completing my website and recorded all of my COA voicemail messages for my 1-800 number, I have already started coming out of my shell about what I've been spending so much time on in the last year and a half. I'm now ready to start my marketing phase and I feel like it's all coming together now. I have been telling everybody to check out my site and to give me some feedback. So far, I've had some positive comments and that has really boosted my confidence.
I have no problem telling people what I am - A Real Estate Investor and I plan to be one of your most successful students in the end (even though I'll be doing it by taking the long way around approach)
Best wishes to all and much success!


Frustrated investor

Hi Dean, I hope you and your family had a great Thanksgiving. I want to thank you for your blogs, your information gives me and others inspiration to succeed. I live in Connecticut and been trying to get a deal to happen for over 7 months but no luck. I too was very shy and intimidated to talk to people but I have been moving past the shyness. I tell my self I have to make this work. I have met with one of your students in my area and he too is having difficulty in landing a deal. We are trying to work together to find some deals. We both agree that the biggest problem is that the area we live in is so flooded with other wholesalers it is tough to grab the deals. My wife wants me to stop with this investing because it is not working or bringing in any money, but I don't want to give up. I am flat broke and have no other way to succeed but to pursue real estate.
We have tried the signs, flyers, people just take them down, we place ads but no sucess. I send out letters for expired listings but people do not want to budge on their price, I even got a list of lis pending for pre-foreclosures, no response. I even locate sellers with ugly or vacant house's, nobody calls. This is a tough area for wholesaling. If you have any suggestions it would be helpful.
Thank you Dean

Ron Kaman