This week marks the beginning of our 3rd year of doing these video blogs. Wow how time flies!
In it, Dean offers some thoughts on giving thanks, as well as sharing what he appreciates about you!
There's a new challenge for you that requires saying something to 5 people.
What is it? Well, it's simple, but it might not be easy.
So, if you're curious about what it is, click, listen and go for it!
Have a great week!
Fake it til you Make it
Hi Dean
I really like the "Fake it until you Make it!" I have no problem doing that until I get to a step that I'm not sure about. For me, it's the purchase and sales agreements and all the other paper work required in the home buying process. I'm worried that I'll do something wrong or leave something out. That's when my shoulders start to hunch over again and the confidence disappears.
So my focus this week is to study and work with the success academy on any doubts that I have with this particular area.
Nothing is going to stand In My Way!!!
See you soon
Right on the money
You're right about one thing. Being timid is not going to get you anywhere in this life. I wonder how our lives would have been different if we would have had an assertive attitude in our early years. I know I didn't have the confidence until my late twenties and I can still remember the opportunities I felt that I missed.
Being shy
It is difficult for me to get past my shyness around people, but I asked myself if I really wanted this just like you did Dean and I asked myself whatever it takes for me to succeed in real estate I will do it. Getting uncomfortable is a great way to put your fear off.
Hi Dean
Enjoyed the blog as always,good practice ideal.
Nice shirt was that one of your birthday gifts?
A lot of activity on the site this week,everyone seems to be getting busy with their deals.
Thanks for your support as always
Jim Kendrick
Great Challenge
Hi Dean and the D.G. Family,
Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving. I have to say that it is hard at first to tell people what your goals are. When I booked a seat at the Gain the Edge conference 2010 I felt like i had to expalin why I spent so much money I didn't have. My family is still mad to the point of not speaking to me. That was hard. I wanted them to see that there is money in real estate especially now. I have been working deals and learning how the bidding process works since May. Our 1st bid has been excepted and we have 2 more that look like we will be able to close by January. WOW!!! I convinced my accountant that she should work with me and we have been going strong..
Thanks for all the encouraging words.
Were can I find out more about private lenders and more on how the closing process works as Im in uncharted waters now?
Thank you!
Thanks for doing another weekly video blog for all of us. The holiday weekend was packed with food, family, friends, fun and football. I also had a lot of time to catch up on DG posts and come up with a new strategy for finding motivated sellers.
The Chicago Bears just won a big game so now I am catching up with my real estate nightly activities. It is so important to have goals as you discussed. Everyone has a dream and achieving goals can make your dreams come true. Also, it is true that if you practice what makes you uncomfortable you can become better and more comfortable with practice. Its like being on an elevator and striking up a conversation with other strangers.
Practice helps you each and every day. You never know whom you might meet by just being friendly and out going. Thanks for the tips and strategies. We wish you continued success in all you do. Believe and Achieve!
- Joe
P.S. Happy Thanksgiving holiday weekend to all and may all your dreams come true this holiday season! And remember...... “A goal without a plan is just a wish.” - Larry Elder
hi dean
hope you and yours had a wonderful thanksgiving.
i understand fear, but i understand we have to put our fears aside and take action.
i have been visiting this site for about a year now and i've learned alot.
i started getting busy in my work about mid summer and slowly started spending less and less time here.
i know i was tired after working 15+ hour days and used that as my excuse for not spending time here. i've drifted away from alot of the people and encouragement that i'd recieve daily.
i must say however, i've never missed one of your weekly blogs. even when it seems that i'm becoming overwhelmed, your blog at least keeps being " the pleasant thorn in my side " to not let me forget about success.
i just wanted to say thank you for your time, this site and the wonderful group of people you've gathered here.
keep moving forward, rob
The holidays are such as wonderful time of year and what better way then to spend that time with family and friends. It is a time to give thanks for all things that we hold special in our lives. It is also great to spend time with the DG family this holiday weekend. The economy may be challenging and some have more challenges than others, but each week your video blog gives us support, direction, strategies and insight to continue forward on this journey. Thank you for all you do and being there each and every week. Good luck on all your future deals. Carpe Diem! :0) - Stacey
thank you
Dean you have a knack for pointing out what is right in front of us but we just don't see. God Bless You
Thanks for another powerful video , my Thanksgiving wasn't the same, but what i do know is that was happy with family and have food in the table and on other hand moving up in real estate so far so good Dean! god bless
Being Uncomfortable...
Hey Dean,
I just wanted to touch very briefly on what you said in the blog about being uncomfortable. I found that in my life personally, that being in that state, a uncomfortable state, is where the most grow occurs. Think about it, if you ever work out, it is the moments when you are uncomfortable is where you start to see results over time. You start to feel stronger, but at first it is very awkward. Same thing with real estate, asking a seller to finance your real estate purchase may feel a little uncomfortable, but I urge people to do it. I never knew myself, just how many people will say yes, if you just ask. Does it happen every time, of course not. But will it happen more than once if you are using the proper techniques, I can all but guarantee it.
Thanks for another motivating message!
I feel as though I am in the same boat as drplunk05. My focus (besides building my buyers list) this week will also, be to concentrate on my Success Academy studies.
Your challenge is accepted and will be a done deal by week's end! I like your point about letting someone know your "new" and soon to be the "best" RE investor around. That's a very doable approach to use for some of us novices.
Thanks again for your time and efforts in keeping us on track.
That was
one of the things I had to overcoming when it came time to making calls. I'm so bad with small talk and talking to unfamiliar people! But, it is so true what you say Dean! Where would anyone be if they didn't get over the intimidation and fear of talking with other people? I know it was a HUGE hurdle for me to overcome, and a GREAT accomplishment for me was actually calling back one of my CL ad responders! I made excuses for the first 10 or so of why I can't call them because I'd say the wrong thing, the kids are always noisy and its so unprofessional (which is true), I felt bad because it was a ghost ad and I didn't really have a property (I use different approaches in my advertising because of that), ad naseum. I gave up so many leads early in the training! I was INTIMIDATED!
It is GREAT to hear I wasn't the ONLY one who took acting lessons to get over some of that slump in the early years! Some of the first classes I took right out of hs in college were acting classes as well! I should go take another class because that was )# years ago and I could use that experience again.
(Darn, those # keys seem to lock up on me occassionally *cough* *cough* don't know WHY that is!)
My favorite playwright is Neil Simon. I remember in one of my acts I did I got to smash dishes. It was actually very fun to do and a great release!
Thinking back at that, hmm.... I should go out and buy some cheap dishes after this very bad bait and switch experience with this HML!!!

Dean's Blog # 105
Dean (& DG_family),
I've been away for a while, dealing with "distractions" however, I'm back. I intend to get thru the archived DG_Blogs I've missed and while I was listening to this one something you said Dean, about your "Acting Classes" triggered a thought and I wish to share it with all of you. I want to urge you to consider looking up the following Organization: "Toastmasters" at (for locations local to you) for beginners (shy/bashful) or those with experience in meeting people and can hone your skills (sharpen) your 1-minute elevator-pitch (about your REI business) and who knows, along the way, while you're "practicing" in front of your peer members you just might get a "deal" directly from one of them OR think about this....those folks will probably go out and tell others about you in their day-to-day travels (we love referrals!). Now go get 'em!
Tell 5 People
This blog is right on target. You see just yesterday I was in the office of a new homes sales person and we were talking about many things but the one thing I never brought out is my business as a real estate investor.
I thought she would think I didn't know what I was doing but what someone else thinks doesn't matter.
I accept your challenge and the new homes sales rep will be one of the five.
And yes, I am thankful for where I am now in my life (which will be disclosed soon) and where I'm going.
Thanks for all your support for those who are able to join the success academy and those who are not.
Michelle W
"I Can Do All Things Through Christ who strengthens me"
In the 2 1/2 years that I have been on this site I always come back to the weekly blogs to get a tune up, so to speak. If it wasn't for your great words of wisdom, I don't know where Jeremy and would be I would be right now. Always keep them coming...Jan
Yet another great video
Thansk Dean for the great video. To see how far you have come from being shy when you were younger to having a successful business and also a great family with lots fo followers in the DG family website make a person want to go for the goal line so much more.
Thank you for the motivation and looking forward in meeting you soon.
Take care and have a great day.
Fake it till you make it!
Thank you for all that you do to motivate us...yes it's not easy to do this but then if it was, everyone will be doing it.
I'm now back to this and have made myself a promise that I will do this once and for all.
This is what I want to do and no matter what, will get it done and be one of your sucess story.
Just watched the video about telling 5 people what I do and what my goal's are and will do that this week.
Thanks you so much, appreciate you and all that you do.
Happy Thanksgiving to you
Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family! On thing we're thankful for is that you're here to motivate and encourgage us. So, thank you!
I want this......
Hi Dean,
I'm the newbie on the block. I just ordered your newest book a few days ago and hope to recieve it soon. I'm jumping in with both feet. Scared as hell. I worked in a factory for 20 years, I gave that place every ounce of myself that I could give.I knew that place inside and out every part number, every product, and every single assembly procedure to packing and shipping. Then I hurt my back and when I could no longer do my job they threw me to the wolves so to speak. So now I can longer work like I did so I have had to rethink my lifes gameplan. I know nothing of realstate but my mind is like a sponge. I crave knowledge and so I want to learn all I can and I want to know realestate like I knew my job, inside and out. I want to be in financial control of my future. Right now I am on disability because of my back. I do not want to have to depend on that to pay my bills. At the present moment my quality of life sucks because I don't have money other than that. I can't do the things I want to do because of it. I saw your infomercial for your latest book and something clicked. I said to myself, "I can do that". So I placed my order. I have signed up for your website. I have been perusing the forum, and watching your video blogs. I'm taking baby steps but soon they will be huge strides if not leaps and bounds in the right direction. Thank you for sharing your knowledge so that people like me can learn from it and make their lives better!
Speaking to success
Thanks for the inspiring messages. So important to tell others where you are going, then roll up your sleeves and get there! This has been a hard year for so many of us, but a rewarding year as well as we have learned to pull from within what it takes to make it. God bless!
Giving thanks Dean
Thanks for the blessing of encouragement.We as a family have had a stress full time, surgery and father in-law hospitalized. I realize that we should be blessed for the small thing that we can control.My favorite saying is that it won't be like this someday.I know we all need to step up each day and be thank full for all we are given.
As the holidays are approaching, we need to take time to be thank full for one blessing at a time.
Me A Realestate Investor
Well I put myself out there. I started the Success Academy and told the people I am close to. That I was going into the realestate market as an investor. They asked who you working for. I said I was doing it for myself. Surprised as they were. They let me run with the conversation. Had some doubts of my process, but at the samr time I asked if they wanted part at the ground level. Well out of the five or six people I mentioned it to. I have one perrson that I will most likely be working with. One that was a realitor agent for a bit and im going to work with, and two maybe three people who want to see me make it for for myself frist. Who will come aboard with me. The potential is as far as one can take it. I have to say a 2400 sq. ft. entertainment room will take me a bit. The goal is there for that. But I know in a short time im going to have a better life for me and my family. I put myself on the spot with my family and let them know what I was doing as to put pressure on myself. I found in the past that I would do things more for my family and kids, than I would do for myself. I love them dearly. Well, to a better life. From Dean to us. Im a Realestate Investor Thank You Salvatore
Thank you Dean!
I have been a loyal participant for 2 years and you always seem to say the right things. My partner and I started our RE business with short sales. Helping homeowners out of a terrible time for them!
Working on a wholesale deal right now.
Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family, Dean.
Shortsale Sisters
Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!
Dean, you are always on the mark with your blogs. First of all, I hope everyone took the opportunity to be thankful for all the blessings in their lives, even if it seems like there is nothing to be thankful for. When times are tough it's easy to forget to be thankful, I find it helps to remember the story of the man who complained he had no shoes, until he saw a man who had no feet. No matter how small, a blessing is a wonderful thing and we should cherish them all, always. Everybody have a happy, wonderful and blessed week. Myra
To Dean
I always look forward to the blog.I'll still trying to get in the Success Academy,But i only get 735.00 from army to live on.So we no that not going to cut it.But its because of you that i saw the light now i work on learning everything i can until i get in the school.But still i keep going until i get my First Contact.God Bless you Sir.THANKS to the D.G Family see you down the Road...Like DEAN always says Keep going never Quit...
Speaking to DG Family
I have been following you Dean for some time now, I do not post to often maybe once or twice. You talked about shy, well that is me. So I decided to get out there and tell you and the DG family that I am an Real estate Investor and My goal for the year of 2011 is to do at least one deal by Jan 31,2011. I have not done one deal yet and this is my fault. No one to blame but me. No action on my part and yes, I have heard Dean say you have to take ACTION. So a new year, new beginnings and a great deal of confidence to find and use. I want to do Deans mentor program and after I get my first deal done I will do it with the money I make from the deal.
My goal for 2011 is a deal a month and to buy one rental every year for the next 10 years as
cashflow, I am 62 and getting a late start in doing what I really want to do, make money and help everyone I can along the way and we can all win.I help them and in return they help me as well.
So till next week. I will tell 5 people what I am doing and my goals. Hey I just told the whole family here.
Bye for now Diana and THANK YOU DEAN for all you have given me and you do not know me YET.
Yes, Dean
...and I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving with your family! Also, I hope you had an awesome birthday, 42, eh? I remember 42... lol. I'm ten years older than you
Well, Dean. I haven't done much in the way of RE these last few weeks. My daughter has been here visiting a LOT and I guess I got overwhelmed with all of the things I need to learn and get in a row to make REI work. But, I did purchase my business cards last night and should be getting them soon. I will continue to work on my buyers list as well. I will also take you up on your challenge to tell five people (that I haven't already told) about myself as a REI. I don't usually have much trouble striking up conversations with strangers, and I've actually told quite a few of them that I was getting into REI already. It sounded foreign at first, but it's gotten more and more familiar the more I do it. Anyway, that's all I wanted to say at this time. I look forward to next week's blog! Have a great week!
My Combo Information For Making Deals
Hello Dean,
I am a very busy person considering I work 12 hour night shifts and being away from home 14 hour days when I am scheduled to work.A few months ago, I purchased a manual on how to be a mortgage note investor broker, i studied the manual did about 200 mail outs and had only one response, but unfortunately that deal did not work out, due that my client's tenant has lost his job and was unable to pay on his mortgage note and then my client was motivated to sell. The later on I had purchased another manual on how to wholesale houses for fast cash, read in there where this guy goes and gets information from to find absentee owners of houses. Now I have a list of absentee owners, but I did not due dillengence of when they bought their properties,but my idea is this to contact these people by either a postcard or letter, and let them know, I will either can by there house and of course if they would agree is to put it under contract, so that I could wholesale to another investor or buyer. Or if they are already have a tenant in place paying mortgage to the private owner, then see if they would like to sell their mortgage note, even partial payments, because if they do I already have investors lined up to buy these notes. All I have to do is ask a few questions then submit the information to my buyers list. They give me a quote and then I subtract my commission, and then quote back to my client. If my client agrees to this price, then all the paperwork is done by a title company, my client gets paid, then I get paid and this take anywhere 3-4 weeks.
If you think I have a good idea, I like to here back from you Dean.