This week marks the beginning of our 3rd year of doing these video blogs. Wow how time flies!
In it, Dean offers some thoughts on giving thanks, as well as sharing what he appreciates about you!
There's a new challenge for you that requires saying something to 5 people.
What is it? Well, it's simple, but it might not be easy.
So, if you're curious about what it is, click, listen and go for it!
Have a great week!
I hope you had a fulfilling Thanksgiving!!!
I appreciate the weekly blogs. They always are inspiring. Thank you for the weekly commitment to bring us the encouragement. I will meet your challenge to tell at least 5 people about my goals as suggested. Thank you again.
Blog #105
Good challenge this week. Hope you had a great weekend.
Thank you for the new challenge! It will be great fun to accomplish! But accomplish it I will! Every day is more exciting than the one before it! Real Estate is addictive, I find I've spent hours going through house after house without ever leaving the computer! With the technology at hand that we have today I cant imagine the struggle to do this before the internet! It opens up a whole new world of opportunities!
This Thanksgiving was different in so many ways. I was on unfamiliar ground several times and still held my head up and "faked it till I made it". I sat down at one point and made a list of things I had to be thankful for! You and your DG family were on that list!
This has been an amazing year and is ending on a high note! I am so excited to see where this will go! The possibilities are endless and I am excited to try each and every one of them!
Thank you again for your encouragement! You keep us on our toes and that is just what most of us need!
Lora Hippler
Integrity Texas Real Estate Investments
I dont think I can think you enough...its good just to have something positive in your day. I try and just load my day with positive thoughts quotes whatever I come across and your blogs have been a great addition to the new me
My mind set
Not too let,with your encouraging and inspiring words,I can do this and I don't know why I didn't. I was in Arizona for an all expenses conference with over 6000 nurses you would think I would have said it to at least 5 people,in fact even the taxi driver told me he was planning to live in Fl. should have handed him a business card.I have bought a few houses and kept them and few acquaintances bought and use the agent I used and bought exactly where I bought because they think I always make good purchases,recently another friend did exactly that with 2 cash purchase because she believes in me, ,I arranged everything but can't get the nerve to ask for small fee as she is a friend but I have to think business like from now on and tell her what I do,promise myself to utilize the Academy as I want my money back that should be a motivating factor as it is a challenge to everyone.Thank you so much for all you do.Your words keep us all motivated. Virginia from Florida
Hi Dean,
Belated Happy Thanksgiving to all and everyone on our beloved DG family. i had some responses from my CL ad and it made me busy over the weekend taking pictures of homes for sale, across the bay. I probably will be driving around in San francisco since I believe, if there are more houses for sale in an area, less people look at them or too far from their place of work, etc., and so today, I hope to talk to one of my buyers and see what impression he see's on my pictures taken. Happy greetings Dean and to all!
Tell five people my goals
You have wowed me AGAIN! I am one of those people that will stick with something for a while, when something doesn't happen I throw up my arms and I quit!!! Okay, so this website has changed all that(and also a book I read called The Procrastinators Handbook) As I stated last week, I have watched ever single blog posted. I have my own version of a yellow pad (it's a cute little journal type book that I can fit in my purse), that I have been using since May. I've only missed writing down what I want to accomplish a couple of days. I have not made a deal yet but this is the longest I have ever stuck with something! Telling others what my real estate goals are is an awesome idea. It will make me more accountable to myself like the yellow pad concept does. Also, maybe I can inspire someone else down the road as my goals progress and become visible to others. It is so cool that THE Dean Graziosi guy reads MY posts! I know that might sound silly to you because you seem like a humble guy but still, it's COOL! Thanks!
@"you get what you ask
@"you get what you ask for",
you have a mind of a bull. i really don't care if your 60 or 70 as long as you have the drive and determination, you'll get what you want.
remember the saying, " Thoughts can become Things " ! ! Thats so true.
Special Thoughts
Hi Dean,
Thank you for another video blog. You are always so encouraging. You always help us see things in a new light. I'm sure it does look so different from where you are. I will work on telling five people my goals. I was involved in plays, musicals, sang for weddings,church. It was great.
I don't think you forgot to wish us a Happy Thanksgiving. We have so much to be thankful for. We were able to go back to IA and spend 3 days with Rod's family and mine. Got to see both of my brothers, we drew names for Christmas.
Yup it's Monday morning. Thanks for all you do, and to the DG family, hope you had a blessed Thanksgiving.
Weekly blog w/ challenge
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This week marks the beginning of our 3rd year of doing these video blogs. Wow how time flies!
In it, Dean offers some thoughts on giving thanks, as well as sharing what he appreciates about you!
There's a new challenge for you that requires saying something to 5 people.
What is it? Well, it's simple, but it might not be easy.
So, if you're curious about what it is, click, listen and go for it!
Have a great week!
Dean, thanks for doing what you do! I've been poking around this site for a while and now ordered your books and I can definitely see that you care for your family and want desperately to help those help themselves. I borrowed your book, 'Profit from real estate right now!', and it was amazing--thanks so much for giving access to readers to many hints and facts that the average 'guru' doesn't publish or write about. I am setting my goal to have my first wholesale deal before Christmas, and am very excited. Just to show my family that more is possible and that the 'better life' we often talk about is coming--that is what is crazy!--I look forward to meeting you one day and thanking you in person. When I do a couple deals, I also want to look into your success academy. Thank you for gaining your success and turning around and blessing those who want desperately to succeed! Mark
Will take on your challenge!
Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving with loved ones. Anticipating what your blog is going to be this week, you are again right on time.
I will take on your challenge, though busy and overwhelm with tasks. Thanks for your support and for being there for us.
Dean, I appreciate the words
Dean, I appreciate the words of encouragement my problem is I'm not a good poker player. Though I am confident in my goals, I still struggle with the "fake it til you make it" because I am not a good bluffer an what's more is it makes me feel worse for someone to feel that I am not being truthful. So I find myself in this constant battle of trying to achieve my goal and maintain my morals. If there is any words of encouragement specific to this subject I would love to here them. Thanks again for the tools and looking forward to that 1st deal(still).
Congrats on 3 years blogging!
Dear Dean,
Thank you for sharing, touching, inspiring and motivating on-line like this for 3 years now!
Hey I've got to share real quickly, we closed our first deal last week. When my realtor called me about the HUD she was expecting to tell me how much we needed to bring to the closing table, instead she said sounding very puzzled over phone, "it looks like your getting cash back at closing" to which I replied; "Aren't investors supposed to?" My wife and I had a $1,000 earnest money investment and walked away from the table with a check for $12,078.44!!!
Thank God I wasn't working and practically broke when I saw you driving, talking into a camera; I probably wouldn't have stopped to listen otherwise.
Thank you for this community and all the great things being done in peoples lives!
See you a the top!
Bob Cmolik
Fake it til you Make it
I had the same concern until I realized that the Title Company will make sure that everything is correct. We will all make mistakes, but be confident that you will learn from any that you make. When I first started, I filled out a blank form and added notes in the column about each "variable" and what determines which "option" that you might choose. Take another baby step.
How True
I myself did the same thing; took acting lessons for the fun of it though I was scared silly to speak in front of people. I had to gain confidence in order to be able to speak to groups during presentations. Still hangng in there and glad you had a great Thanksgiving.
Fake it till you make it
Dean, thanks for another inspired message. I consider myself shy when talking in front of people on a topic I have yet to master. However, yesterday, while talking with a friend I had not spoken with for many years says the opposite about me. Again to me, it is all about the topic. Real Estate investing will be new to me until I have several deals under my belt.
I haven't done a deal yet due to heavy workload (60 hours a week). That is really no excuse from my perspective. Reflecting on the delay, it appears to be direction. I attended Greg Clement's VSSI webinar and thought that was impressive. What are your thoughts on VSSI? Is it worth the investment? I will be attending your Stay Motivated seminar this week. I look forward to obtaining many successful strategies.
I appreciate the time you take out of your busy schedule to give a positive message to your students weekly.
I hope you and your family had a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday. May you and the DG RE family have a blessed week!
Reflections On Thanksgiving
Thanks for all that you do for so many. Thanksgiving is a great time for us all to be grateful for all the blessings in our lives. I try to do that each and every day of the year.
This weeks message is another really good one. I can relate to how important it is to tell others about what you are doing and how you WILL BE SUCCESSFUL as a Real Estate Investor. As you repeat the "business plan" over and over, you will receive some very valuable feedback that can be incorporated into the plan. Also, it will help develop a great presentation to be presented to future bankers or financial partners. Most importantly, YOU have to believe! Napolean Hill captured it best in his book "Think and Grow Rich" by revealing that you are what you think. So, tell at least 5 people what you are thinking and how you are going to be successful. Good luck!
your a good man dean so keep on that mission you are seeking. you are someone im sure most of us gave thanks to not only last week, but everyday.
Giving Thanks to you and this website...
I have learned so much from reading everything on this site. It really has opened my eyes to many different techniques. Love learning from others stories. Without YOU none of this would be thank you again.
Fear if you break it down is just a perception in your mind...ever hear the saying Fear = False Evidence Appearing Real. It is absolutely true! Fake it till you make it... again is your perception. You are what you believe!
Well I pushed out of my comfort zone and the first deal I came across was a "killer deal." Duplexes for practically nothing 14 of them. I do have a real estate background from years ago so I plunged right in. So far I've made mistakes, got excited for something that turned out to be nothing but made a lot of valuable contacts and still have a couple of irons in the fire. I have a few more chapters left in Dean's book to read. I have also entertained the idea of picking up one of these duplexes myself but I'd have to borrow money for it (hard money) so we'll see. Going out to see a couple of contender duplexes for this idea. I might be too new for this we'll see. So now that I've birddogged, I want to get into a couple of the other investor ways of making deals and that will require finishing the book. lol Happy belated Thanks Giving and Thank you so very much!
Dean, Thank for your motivating message I told over 5 people about my dream my goals, one of them told me you are working hard but where the money? I told him I'm learning a lot. In my last note I was telling the DG Family about what is going on with the 24 properties deal and the commercial deals well the buyer are going to see the properties this week and I pick my offer in on a 3/1 SFH the owner think I know what I'm doing, I run home to get my Dean bible to read up on the next step once the owner agrees to my price. So Fake it and you will make it.
Once again, thanks for a great blog. We cannot thank you enough for inspiring us since we completed your books in May 2010 and joined the website. Everyday since then we have done something daily to move us toward our goals as real estate investors. WE have been attaining as much knowledge as possible on different strategies. Thanks to you...listening to your advice, we joined our local REIA (greatest networking), started our second LLC, we been going to seminars and boot camps on the east coast sucking up knowledge from all angles. We look at properties weekly with our RE agent and today we are putting our first offer in on an REO and doing it all without our own money and utilizing private lenders. We feel truly blessed thanks to you and your RE knowledge and expertise. We have an "ATTITUDE OF GRATITUDE" everyday of our lives all THANKS to you. Keep up the GREAT work. You are the BEST!!!! Forever THANKFUL,
Hi Dean
Belated happy thanksgiving to you too . Well to do some of these exercises you ask of us I'd have to find the means and the people to do them with . 8 years ago I buried myself in this pit 15 miles from people/town . If I leave here more than a few times a month that would be rare . Working on changing that . Your message content is very good and important for building self esteem and other public inter actions . I know exactly what you are talking about and the point you're driving at . I had to go through these exercises , and more , of your various programs at the university for my BAT-T and the Masters programs (didn't complete my masters degree though) . To all reading , this is a good thing to do along with his other previous outward interacting exercises especially if you do it with more than one person at a time .
Fake It is more
Morning from Dean in Alaska Dean. I get a real kick every time I hear your name not only because I share the same name but that my hope is recharged visualizing everything I have heard from you. By speaking "faking it til you make it" tells yourself and the universe where to focus energy. Keep up your good work. You use the "what goes around comes around" universal truth. Best wishes for you and your family.
love the idea
hi dean,
Keith from Brandon fl here. Ive always been the kinda person that believes in "what you think about you bring about". i get discourage a lot because everyone around doesn't share my dreams and expectations on life. i really appreciate theses blogs and even though I'm having a rough time getting a deal under my belt, i am also a student of your success academy and these blogs keep me motivated and I'm going to keep pushing until i find success.
The Greatest Thanksgiving
Thanks Dean, for sharing with us every week. This shows that you really care about us. I hope you had a great Thanksgiving. I spent Thanksgiving with my sister in Tampa. I shared with her what I was doing. She cares about me, so she called a friend in real estate and ask him about you. He said you were the best in the business. I know I won't always get that kind of encouragement, but I needed that kind of encouragement right now. I am taking one day at the time, but I am serious, because I know you are serious about wanting to see me succeed. I have never been more sure about anything in my life. This has come to me at the perfect time in my life. God is so good, and His timing is perfect.
giving thanks
Hi Dean,
This is my first time posting a message on your site, and I must say that everything you say makes sense. The positive reinforcement that you provide is priceless. I give thanks this year to finally buying your books (your town.. and real estate now). I already read one of them in 2 weeks and I'm half way on the other one.
I do believe though that the success academy is what is going to push me over the edge and get this whole thing going. I have faith in what you say and I am a risk taker.
So I hope to hear more from you and maybe meet you some day. Maybe on one of your success stories!!!
Thank you again,
keep them coming
As always, you're truly one of the best cheerleaders on the planet!
Thus, every week is Thanksgiving -- for all your pep talks.
A million thanks really for being there -- with all your pep talks.
You give me hope. I wish I have some of your confidence. I'm trying my best to get some of it.
Always here,
I have been coming to this website for a long time, and one of the things that always keeps me going is , the weekly blogs. On this site people have asked me how to keep themselves motivated, I always tell them to watch the blogs, especially from the beginning. In the grand scale of life, you seem to put things in perspective. You know-, one step at a time, not letting people or life get to you and so many other things that you include in these blogs. The best thing you could have done really, was to give your finger tips a break when you stopped writing the blog and turned on the video camera. Then we could see you in all your embarrassing moments (l.o.l.)with or without caps, with or without bags under your eyes, with or without jet lag. It's good to see a real person. You hide nothing. -You're just Dean. That's why people love you. We all care about you. I was able to join the Success Academy because of your generosity, I was able to make monthly payments in order to join and YOU made that possible. I thank You and My family thanks you. You're helping to keep my dream alive. My best to you and yours, you deserve every good thing.
From my heart.
Never say die!
Hi, Dean-o
Uplifting blog. No one would've guessed that you were a shy kid. I was frightfully shy as a child as well. No picnic, I know. People that were born bubbly just don't know what that's like. It's like you're trapped inside of yourself and can't find the way out.
I'm not really shy anymore. I'm also not ashamed of my brilliant idea to get into real estate investing.
(Thanks for empowering me with the knowledge you give.)
My issue right now is I don't want to tell my naysaying, doubting, friends and family just yet. I don't want to give anyone the opportunity to squash my dreams before I really get a chance to get started. If I tell 5 people about what I'm doing, I'll have to be really selective.