Dean Graziosi Weekly Video Blog #138 - Watch this, win Dean's iPad

Dean Graziosi Weekly Video Blog
Wow! Loyal viewers can win Dean's personal iPad!

All you need to do is watch this video, answer the question he asks by just by leaving a comment below and you will be in the drawing to win.

It just doesn't get any easier then that! Good thing you've stay tuned to!


Thanks for asking Dean !! My Husband Bill and I are new-bies. We are learning to WHOLESALE! We have attended the investors edge 3day seminar (which we loved)and this thursday thru saturday we feel very grateful and honored to attend the boots on the ground training workshop. We listen, read, and watch you or your video's every single nite. We are in the process of reinventing our lives and thanks to you, we have the tools and HOPE that will change our lives and future. We are aproaching this as our chance to go to college, that we never had. Thanks you for being so honest and sharing your wealth of information and integrity with so many. Sincerely Diana

buy and hold

I want to buy cheap and hold & rent for the long term - cash flow is what interests me now.

Dean's I Pod!

We like the flips with the options of buy and hold as a backup strategy or for passive income.

wholesaling with lease option

successisme's picture

I would to focus on Greg Murphy's method. Making money in beginning, the middle and the end.


For now Wholesale but in the future I plan to buy and hold. And thank you for all the support and inspiration you've given me and thousands of people who wish to become financially free!

Hi Dean, I am most

Hi Dean,
I am most interested in wholesailing since I do not have any money for now.
Thnk you.

They all sound good!

My choice: Buy, Flip, Rent. REPEAT!

Wholesale All The Way!!

bversaci's picture

Why? Because CASH is KING! ( :

Wholesale All The Way!!

bversaci's picture

Why? Becaus CASH is KING!! ( :

Long time viewer/reader, first time poster!

BrentInBama's picture

Hey y'all, name's Brent from a small town just north of Birmingham, AL. As my title reads, I'm a first time poster but I have been on this site for close to a year now trying to read and take something away from everyone's posts. I'm a recent college graduate from THE University of Alabama and just starting out in my REI journey.

As far as this contest goes. I am currently trying to get my first deal done through Wholeselling. I am also reading up and studying Greg Murphy's Lease-Option strategies. I see myself as a long term investor and realize that in the long run, I can make a few more dollars by leasing properties before selling. In the future, (3-5 years) I have a goal to have at least bought and flipped one property.

I realize I have gone into a lot of detail for this one post but figured I would introduce myself to other fellow DGer's. Here's to everyone's success!


Fix & Flip

RazorRay's picture

I like to Fix & Flip

Fix & Flip

RazorRay's picture

I like to Fix & Flip

My preference

Well, since I lost my job and was forced to retire one year early, fast cash by wholesaling is what I need to do and am learning to do.

Later, I want to look into buying really cheap, do moderate fixing, and then sell fairly cheap.

At my age, Buy and Hold is not a good option for me. I don't want to be a landlord and I can't wait for 7-10 years to make a big profit.

My Favorite

At the moment i would say wholesailing until i have enough money to do the other two strategies.

Deans ipad

I am interested in wholesale at this time!

Thanks,Tommy Turner


I would definitely be interested in wholesaling! I am, as everyone, in need of quick cash.

Without a doubt .........

I would definitely say wholesaling. I don't have much time with all that I have going on in my life at the moment, so this for me is the most safe and attractive option and a good starting point to grow and learn from.


I am more interested in...

I am actually very interested in wholesaling to begin with, then I would LOVE to buy cheap, put together a little DIY/rehab, & rent out for a steady income each month.

Jump Start America

Would love to do wholesaling,Be a MATCH Maker! I have a nack of finding KILLER KILLER deals on the Oregon Coast, But would need the investors you talked about to make things happen. Cash flow would be a good thing at this time for me. Have bought, built and fix and flipped in years past. but that is a slow go and has had it's ups and downs. Whole seems as though it could be fast passed and fun. Smiling
Thank You for your time.
P.S. Will you do me a favor?
P.P.S That is all so a great site I like to share with people that want to start a day with a positive outlook.


I'm definitely more interested in wholesaling right now, possibly holding onto them for cash flow in the future.

Got my eye on a house I want...

Super interested in starting with the wholesaling aspect of REI. The more money I make, the more money I can invest as I grow. I picked out the house of my dreams and believe I will get it!
Saw the video of Dean and Mike Koenigs. Awesome stuff. Mike just kicks my boxes and he delivers some of the very best info online! If he promotes Dean, then it must be good!
Thanks for your energy. Smiling What people fail to understand, is that being positive is the only way out of the hole they created for themselves!


Hi,DEAN AND THE DG FAMILY,keep doing what you do best and that's helping others,me myself i like to wholesaleand buy and hold to keep some money coming in.THX have a wonderful day investing


wholesaling. If the deal is good I'll buy low, rehab and sell retail.

IPAD Drawing

I need fast cash so wholesaling is probably where I will start but hope to move into fixing and flipping as well.

My preference is to buy and

My preference is to buy and hold because it gives you short term and long term options. If you decide to do lease purchases or owner financing you get the opportunity to help someone else who is trying to improve their situation also. Would you agree Dean that although the deal needs to make sense financially, sometimes it's really about investing in people and not just properties ? That's what eventually really offers the best reward and satisfaction and seems to me why you do what you do!



right now there is no money therefore i must get the fast cash deals going.I'm hurting now because i can't purchase the edge.Nevertheless,thats not going to stop me.Something has to happen because i am not quiting.The best move for me to make right now is to get to some investor clubs and i am on my way to do just that.I also must do the fix and sell or rent because i remodel houses for a living and i am tired of doing it for others.With Dean's i pad i just got to believe i can make it happen sooner.

Tough Choice

Sharethejoy's picture

Oh man, buy and hold vs. wholesaling....each is enticing. Probably buy a few and hold, to bring in consistent income and then wholesale.

Super Duper Deal Time

Aloha Dean,

Lets hear about positive cash flow!

interested in wholesale have

interested in wholesale have to put together a buyers list for Mass. area

Pick Me <3

I would say wholesaling first.

Cash Flow Second.