Dean Graziosi Weekly Video Blog #138 - Watch this, win Dean's iPad

Dean Graziosi Weekly Video Blog
Wow! Loyal viewers can win Dean's personal iPad!

All you need to do is watch this video, answer the question he asks by just by leaving a comment below and you will be in the drawing to win.

It just doesn't get any easier then that! Good thing you've stay tuned to!


Dean, Since I have some rentals for positive cash flow, and I realize that the market will take a while to turn around for increase in values, I am interested in learning and doing more wholesaling at this time to creaste more liquid cash. Every activity takes a certain amount of time spent, and helping others to find good deals is fun, exciting and profitable for me!

really struggling

I would say that I am more interested in wholesaling due to lack of cash. Eventually I want to invest in rental properties.

I am more interested in

I am more interested in wholesaling. I do not have alot of money to spend but would love to make extra cash

free IPAD

I am interested in wholesaling. Seems tricky to me and I would like to have the right "formula" to be successful every time.


Video blog #138 (Ipad)

Interested in buying and renting....

IPAD answer

I would have to go with wholesaling (using OPM) but any way you go would be successful I think, as long as the committment is there. Thank you for all your wonderful info !!!


Looking into wholesaling for cash flow


ipad drawing

I am interested in wholesaling to make quick cash.


Liz Scearce


Wholesale, all the way.....

Ipad drawing

More interested in wholesale right now.

Ipad offer

I am hugry and cash for now; so I'm interested in wholesaling for quick cash!!!

Flip, Hold or Wholesale? Talk is cheap, just do it!

SRES's picture

I like what Jen Gray said in her post up above!
Currently for me, wholesaling would be the answer.

IPad Drawing Repsonse

wholesaling: not handy with hammer, no green to hold

Answer to your reqeuest for email

I am actually more interested in a fourth thing. I am becoming a private lender. since I am now 75 years old and have had many years of business experience, I feel the need to slow down a bit and am looking for a more passive income. Private lending fits the bill perfectly.


Cameron Harman

Make Money Fast

I,m interested in making money fast,so wholsale's my way to go.

ipad request

I want to buy cheap, rent, sell!

ipad request

I want to buy cheap, rent, sell!

free ipad

great commentary but more important free ipad when times are tough getting something for nothing can inspire you to chase your dream run it down make it come true believeing in one self knowing one can not lie for one self will know the truth i plan to build my dream to find and keep the love of achieveing to never waiver even in times of dispair

New at this's picture

Following Dean's instructions I have purchased and rented 4 properties over the last 2 years. One of these properties I have on craigslist anticipating finding a renter. At this point I want to learn how to do the wholesaling "thing". I'm very excited about this adventure.

I am more interested in wholesaleing, because I have no cash.

I would love to have your IPad with the information that you have on it. I just need some encouragement at this time. Can't seem to move forward in real estate. Can't afford to have coaching, which I really need. Just stuck!


Feedback - Investment Strategy

Most of your students appear to be most interested in Wholesale as the main focus at this point. Looking forward to learning more about the new system your working on.

IPAD drawing

Hi Dean,

Fix, flip, and sell or rent. May be interested in wholesale, but need to know more about how it would work.

IPad Drawing

jakeangel1's picture

Need quick cash so wholesaling would be the one for me

Deans ipad

At the moment i've only been buying and holding, waiting for a turn around in the market to realize profits. Also just starting to buy, fix up and flip or rent for positive cash flow. Wholesaling appeals to me, however, i'm not well informed in that area and would have to learn much more. Hope to win your ipad and some of YOUR secrets!!!!

I would like to learn how to

kchernecky's picture

I would like to learn how to wholesale right now because I have no money but eventually I would like to buy and flip, and buy and hold. Smiling I look forward to learning more about how to do wholesale deals and how to build those lists!!! Thanks, Dean!

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Wow! Loyal viewers can win Dean's personal iPad!

All you need to do is watch this video, answer the question he asks by just by leaving a comment below and you will be in the drawing to win.

It just doesn't get any easier then that! Good thing you've stay tuned to!

Wholesaling is my preference

Wholesaling is my preference at this point in time.

Win an ipad!

Wholesaling is priority right now, and later plan the other two. I'm a widow and need to get out of debt. Wholesaling is the best option for this. Retiring on rentals is the main goal in the end.


More interested in wholesaling, but all three interest me.

ipad contest

I am interested in your wholesale method for quick cash.