There's something fishy going on here!
How do you feel about fish?
Have you ever been told a fish tale, a story of the "big one" that got away?
Chances are you've heard a tale or two, (maybe even told one). Usually these stories are funny and many times even believable.
Well you’re about to hear a fish tale of a different kind.
This week, Dean does some story telling centering around some real life fishing, and fishing as a concept too.
He turns a recent experience of fishing in the Snake River into a practical example to illustrate an important principle.
He also reaches into a fish bowl, and "fishes" out a winner to his contest from last week.
But then he winds up bringing in more than one "fish."
I think the best way to "catch" the meaning here is to just watch the video and see. As the Labor Day weekend winds down, this video will surely get you wound up in a good way.
Wow...before I "fish" around and come up with another bad pun, maybe you better roll that video...enjoy!
I am glad to hear you were able to take a week vacation and had some fun fishing and relaxing. It is always nice to get away a few days and clear your mind. I often find that I can get some of my best and creative ideas when I am relaxed and out of town.
I can relate and I had to laugh that it took you a few days to unwind, because I am the exact same way. Stacey even says that when we are on vacation we should not deal with our cell phones or lap tops, therefore, late at night or early in the morning I check my email and favorite sites.
Thanks again for sharing part of your week with us. Once again the weekly blog was very informative and exciting to watch. Thank you for the tips.
The lesson that you taught us today is so true that whether you are riding a bike or fly fishing, sometimes it takes practice, practice can lead to perfection and perfection can lead to confidence. Just because you perfected one area of your life doesn't mean you can't perfect another. Therefore, fear should never be an issue, because when you practice something you want to master, success will become second nature.
Good luck on all of your Real Estate deals. Hope you have a great Labor Day Holiday! Believe and Achieve!
- Joe
Great blog, not that I expected anything less. I am so excited for the three winners- I hope they realize what an amazing opportunity it is to get these wonderful gifts.
To the person that gets to spend time with you. I know you will answer all of their questions and share your wisdom, insight and knowledge about real estate. To the winners of the Edge home kit, may they learn more then what they thought they even considered was possible.
Good luck to everyone and as always you rock!
Happy Labor Day!... "Let's get this party started.....IN HERE"
Carpe Diem :0) Stacey
To those of you that won CONGRATULATIONS
I wish I could get the chance to meet dean
But I guess someday I will...
Anyway God Bless you all...
And Good Luck
Fingers Crossed!
Hey Dean...
Well, unfortunately, I did not get picked, but I wish Timothy the very best and congratulate him for winning. I wonder if he understands that he just one the lottery!!
Let us know how it all goes Tim and especially how you are feeling right now!! lol
Anyway, great blog today and I appreciate the opportunity to participate in this contest. I too completely understand where Dean is coming from and it has been some time since I have been able to take a "true" vacation with my family and unwind!! I glad you were able to finally get away and take a well deserved break!
Other than that, I share basically the same sentiments as Joe so I'll let him do the talking for me!
Thanks Joe for always having great comments and wise words. I agree with you wholeheartedly therefore no need to take up extra space and repeat it.
Thanks again Dean for giving me the opportunity to possibly meet with you and I hope this won't be the last time!
How many other REI "gurus" out there put this much work into there students... Aaaaahhhh NONE!
Thanks for making a difierence!
Can't wait for Blog #42! lol
Hopes are still high.
As much as I was hoping for this amazing opportunity, I am very happy it went to someone else.
You see I just joined the website only two days ago and how fair would it have been if a "newbie" got picked? Especially since I still havent really done anything but read the book and save up a few bucks.
So with that said, Congratulations Jason and Devon! I wish you the best of success with the E.D.G.E. kit.
And a huge Congratulations for Timothy! Wow, what an opportunity! One on one with Dean Graziosi himself. I dont even know where I would begin if I was given that chance. I suppose its all the better that you won.
Best of Luck to everyone and God Bless.
Thank you Thank you Thank you Dean I am floored, I am excited beyond belief!!! So I didn't get picked to come meet you and pick your brain but I just have to say that I am so grateful for winning an EDGE kit. I set the intention a few weeks ago to get one but WOW, I had no idea I was going to win one. I am in a temporary situation right now to where I am very restricted financially. I so wanted to come to the EDGE event, but I couldn't make it. I wasn't able to buy the kit as I had to provide for my family first. Thank you again Dean. When I am sitting at my little beach house in St. Thomas someday in the near future, I will be remembering that it was that EDGE kit with so much value packed in it that rocketed me into the life I only dreamed of.
I am never going to forget this day and I can't wait to pay it forward as soon as I can.
Thanks again,
Jason King
Roanoke, VA
"Nothing splendid has ever been achieved except by those who dared believe that something inside them was superior to circumstance."
Bruce Barton
Timothy, Jason, and Devon - CONGRATS!!!!
Dean, thank you again for your inspiring blog! I look forward to seeing it each week, and to hearing more about the "digging deep" into the lives of your successful students on many levels....what a great idea! How much we can learn from everyone! Enjoyed the fly fishing story too.
Timothy ----I feel like you just won on the Price is Right
except when you "come on down" you'll be getting the opportunity of a lifetime to create your own wealth by learning from the best, rather than just the luck of spinning the wheel for the "Showcase Showdown" CONGRATS TO YOU!! I am thrilled for you, and hope you've started your list of questions 
Jason ---So great to hear from sounds like The Edge went to a guy who has his priorities right, and who set the "intention" out there. How wonderful it is that you have won this incredible gift!
Devon ---CONGRATS TO YOU TOO!!! It's even more exciting to me that you and Timothy may not have even seen this blog yet, and you are about to experience some serious joy!!
Congrats again to the three of you and I wish on you much success!
Congratulations guys, I hope you know how very
lucky you all are. Good luck and much success to
you all. Count your blessings, for they are many
and very valuable.
Dean, my husband ties some very unique fishing
flies and jigs, he would like very much to send
you some for your future fishing trips, and would like to offer you a standing invitation to come here to go fishing for steelhead.
Thanks for a great blog, and all the wonderful
encouragement you give your students and guests.
Myra & Brad
Have faith in God and He will have faith in you!
Congratulations to the winners of the E.D.G.E. kits. Timothy, wow, I know you will take full advantage of this great opportunity. Enjoy
Timothy, get ready for what could be some of the most important hours of your lifetime! I like Lousia's analogy to the famous game show. YOU get to come on stage and never have to sit back down, and NEVER STOP WINNING!!! Just think how your life will change after this meeting. And Dean is just as down-to-earth as he appears in his blogs, so listening to and learning from him comes so naturally. (Bring a long list of questions! Nothing is too big or small.
Thanks Dean for being SO open to sharing! I am excited for your meeting with Timothy! I know that you guys will pack as much learning/teaching as humanly possible into 2 hours. Have fun!!!!
Congratulations to Jason & Devon too! Awesome tool!!
P.S. Sounds like you had an awesome fishing trip! You certainly deserve to relax a little bit. Love the picture, too!!
Yeah, I'm the winner
Of course not from this contest that Dean just did, but you know, not only do I consider myself a winner but you guys are also winners because of what you do everyday in REI, reaching the next level of success. Yes, it will be an important day in our life for when we get to spend time with Dean in person & press his buttons since he's been pressing ours all this time, so Timothy, your time is now to make this opportunity with Dean the best ever, and share with us after all the details. Jason & Devon, put the EDGE to good use because it will help you to excel even higher on your goals in REI, everyone that has it can agree with me on this.
Thanks Dean for everything & look forward to what more you have in store for us students in the near future. You got me tuning in....I hope you got to eat at least one of the fishes you caught, now that's a treat
Everyone Can Make A Difference!
John A.
You Get What You Wish For
Dean, there is a saying, "it is in giving that you receive," hence the reason for all your successes. We are indeed thankful for your contribution to our success in real estate, by first making this website available to us and for the support and encouragement on a continuous basis. I am glad you were able to spend some leisure time, fishing. Regarding your fishing prize, you have already fished your way to success. To the winners, I convey sincere congratulations and I know you will put all the information provided to good use (you get what you wish for). Dean, to be honest I feel that the time on the Blog seem to fly. I begin listening and still focusing on the timer hoping that it will not move so fast in it's countdown. To me it seems that we could never get enough. Monday to me is like a kid in an ice cream parlor (sorry candy lovers, LOL). We just look forward to hearing something new from you each week. God Bless.
Congrats to the winners
To the winners hang on tight your in for the ride of your life. Dean I am so happy you got to spend time in my fabulous state next time let me know and I'll take you on a tour of our Coal Mines we are only 7 hours away from JacksonHole.
Glad u had a good time but you should have ate those fish they are yummy good for u.
Take care
Donna Quenzer
Thanks SO much!!!
This is amazing! I want to thank you all for the well wishes! I didn't even realize I won. I was talking with my younger brother when I heard my wife, Patrice, call me from the other room. "DEVIN DEVIN YOU WON!!! YOU WON!!!" I was like, Dean's flying us out!? She was like, uh no, BUT, he did a second and third drawing and you won the EDGE package! The fact that Dean did two more drawings after Timothy's name got drawn really shows me how great of a guy he is. This is an awesome opportunity that me and my wife will not take for granted. Timothy, enjoy every minute talking with Dean. That in and of itself is priceless. Congrats to you too, Jason! I know this package is right on time for you too.
Oh yeah!
By the way, Dean, you said my last name right!
Hi DG family. Congratulatios to Timothy and the ones who will be getting the EDGE. Timothy let us all know how everything went.
Dean if you ever want to go bass fishing give me a PM.
Steve and Veronica
Hello Dean and congratulations to Timothy, Jason, and Devin!
Loved your chat about fly fishing. My dad was a fly fisherman and tried hard to make me one. I just loved being with Dad so I practiced over and over to make sure he would take me with him often. I wasn't the best, but I did all right for a girl.
I intend to keep practicing this RE stuff and make it to the top bunch. I want to visit Dean's and also Jason's beach house in St. Thomas
Keep on trucking everyone . This was a blessed Labor Day!
We are excited!
This is such an exciting opportunity! When Dean called Devin's name, I kinda knew it was him because he was taking such a long time trying to pronounce the last name!! LOL! BUT he did say it right! Dean, your generosity is beyond words, thank you! I cannot not wait until we get this information, it is going to be life altering for us!
Again Dean, thanks!
Christmas in September!
Thanks Dean!
I do believe my Christmas was in late July, Your infomercial hit a chord in my brain. Without hesitation I took action. Receiving the knowledge from your books has already changed my views and activities in everyday living. I have planted my flag/stake and now will aquire all that I desire. Thanks again!
Congratulations to you Timothy. Wow! Christmas in September just think your going for a ride with Santa...I HOPE SLEIGH BELLS RING LOUD WHEN YOU GUYS MEET.
Congrats also to you Devon and you Jason. What a great present.
I hope Santa reads my letter and brings me one. (lol)
Andre S
To the winners
Timothy, Jason, and Devin,
I am excited for you all, and trust you will use these items to further advance your REI careers. As a newbie to the system I can see I'm finally on the right path to better myself and my situtations. Congrats.
Dean, I want to thankyou for opening my eyes and mind to a better life.
Ed B.
Fishing, I remember that
I have not been fishing in years, I am excited to think of having the time to fish again.
This is GREAT!!!
Dean, just wanted to say I have read the books. I am Excited and trying to take action. My only question is, what would be a sound way of overcomming the obsticle of not having really any investors in your area. I am in Alaska were the market is still not to bad, yet I have been searching like crazy for the last month or 2 and have yet to find any in this area. I have even found the investor club which used to meet here in Anchorage has disbanded. I only post this here to obtain maybe another angle I might approch which I did not see and gain the knowlage of a person who has maybe delt with the same issue. Again Great things here.
Gratz to all the winners and I think we will all get to were we truely want to be with a little bit of elbow grease.
Thank you for the encouragement
Thank you for encouraging us. I still have yet to cast my fly pole. Worried I will fall into the water without any experience. I appreciate all you do. Beverly
Improved Eyesight
In any book Dean writes, the education is to be digested like a great meal, enjoy the flavor and remember the fragrance.
It also accomplishes one other major factor, it improves your eyesight......
As you search for properties, the education Deans provides allows you to see the good and pass the non profitable.
There's no stone left unconvered, the first step is always and forever will be, the hardest but with all that Dean teaches us, you'll be surprised at what you know.
Have you ever visited other websites and compared them to Dean's; there isn't any comparison. Between all the "tools" he offers and numerous options, you're better prepared than the majority of folks out there.
One other "tool" that Dean has in his array of educational options, you learn how to sell your prospect which is an attribute the real estate agent was never taught...this is the way solid partnerships begin and fortunes are made.
So it boils down to one approach, follow Dean's suggestions.........take charge of your life. His education and focus will give you the success you've always dreamed of take the first step and enjoy the ride.
Great video blogs Dean, really, great!!
So I posted on this blog already but as I said I just became a member of the site only a few days ago. I actually ordered the book in the begining of august. I didnt have internet access so all I had was the book. I love the book!! But in it are all these website references. I felt like I had so much catching up to do. So I got the internet installed on Saturday and I have been reading like crazy on this site and trying to play catch up on your video blogs.
The thing is that every week you post such great insirational videos and I feel like I have missed out on so much already. So many opportunities I could have at least been a part of are gone. So if any other users read this post just know that Deans video blogs contain excellent material and are incredibly motivational.
I cant wait for your next video blog Dean. Im so deeply caught up in all you have to offer that I cant believe I havent heard about all of this from you sooner!
Take care and Thank You!! Thank you so much for being so kind and giving and understanding of the rest of the world. Thank you thank you thank you!!!
Tracy Lynn.
PS. Has Timothy been contacted?? What did he say? Im so excited for him!!
Hi Everyone!!!
Congratulations to the people whose names were picked. i hope it benefits you and helps you with your goals.
As for me, I am ready to take action and will keep on paying close attention to ALL the knowledge Dean is kind enough to share. As always, Dean, I am here to TAKE ACTION!!! ACTION, ACTION,ACTION!!!
Keep on Rockin'
Awsome inspiration
Thank you Dean for the inspiration and knowledge to change the circumstances of our lives for the better...
Wow Iam so excited for the winners ,i personally think we are all winners for being here at this site and thanks to Dean!! I love his excitment it gets me so motivated to be the best! MichelleNicole
I never could master fly fishing. But that doesn't mean I can't master real estate. Once I get all these programs lined out. Thanks for all the info and support. I'm really fired up about being accepted into the success academy!Keith McDonald