So, did you take Dean up on his "news" diet
challenge from last week? If so, how'd you do?
Was it tough for you or no big deal?
We want to hear from you, so post your experiences
below. But before you do, watch this week's video
to see what causes Dean to get all "goosebumpy"
after he reveals part two of the challenge.
I think you're gonna like it.
No Neg Challenge (Part 2)
Well, I made it past no news for a second week. Avoiding negative news was the easier part of the challenge. Avoiding negative conversation was a bit more challenging. So I rediscovered the library as a great get-away from conversation and a great place to get away and read my Real Estate Profit book. Dean, thank you for all of your positive reinforcements. It's much appreciated.
Positivity Filter
I missed this week's challenge but I will make sure to try it from now on--put in place that positivity filter.
No News Challenge one and two
No News Challenge
Both of the No News Challenges were a welcomed challenge. Just like many of the other members I had to remind myself here and there to stay clear of both listening to and reading any news. It's like you have mentioned time and again Dean negative news sells, it is every where. I believe I can easily make the No News Challenge a part of my every day life. I have felt less stressed and uneasy about the world around me sense not reading and listening to the news. Positive news is welcomed any day. Hey its going to be a Sunny Day out tomarrow and I for sure know the birds will be chirping as well. LOL
Mark B
Weekly Video Blog # 98
Great video again, I do pretty good at this already, but must admit negative things sometimes sneak there way in.
I will try harder to turn away, or try to convert the conversation to a posative one.
you are right!
Eliminating the negative has to be a daily thing. I focus on positive things all day and when someone comes to me with something negative to say i make it a goal to turn the conversation around and have fun doing it. when i display positivity, people around me give that positivity back. thanks for listening and live with passion
Negative Influences
Thank you for the Blog/Thoughts. It came at the right time. Your Tech Group was also correct. I've been away a week and am behind in checking the blogs. Spent the week visiting my 74 year old mother and younger sister, in Odenton, Maryland. Enjoyed seeing sites at Annopolis, MD.
Dean your correct, sometimes the most negative influences can come from family. Sometimes its a challenge to be a respectable son, and rewrite those childhood programming. Glad to be home in Georgia, and am catching up on the blogs. Keep up to good work.
Brant McKeown
Video Blog
Hi Dean,
My apologies for my unexplained absence. I woke up one morning a couple of weeks ago and when I stood up, my right leg just folded like a cheap suit. It hasn’t worked since. Well I’m partially back until next week when I go back into the hospital for more tests to find out what is wrong. I have been hauled around for the past couple of weeks to one doctor after another to try to find out what is wrong. The possibilities worry me, since this involves my entire skeleton to varying degrees. I am a positive person and whatever it turns out to be and whatever repairs have to be made, I’ll be thankful for the other parts that still work including my ability to see and hear Dean’s instructions and motivational videos, along with my DG brothers and sisters as they post the records of their individual journeys. I’ve been unable to walk until somebody brought me a walker yesterday. Now I can move from one room to another to get to the computer. It’s not what I would prefer but I am so very thankful that with the help of the device I am able to get around, slowly and I must be very careful so I don’t fall. I have fallen a number of times and when I do, I can’t get up. I don’t have a laptop yet so I have to be in front of the desktop computer to read messages or to leave messages.
Thanks for the weekly blogs of the past two weeks. They were clearly something really special. I’m working on my comments for the 2-part challenge. More later…
Terry Smith
Weekly Video Blog
Hi Dean,
PART ONE: Part one was easy enough since I almost never watch the daily, predictably biased broadcast news. My wife, Susan, stopped watching years ago because it had gotten to where it was nothing but negativity, shocking images and tragic stories. Around the same time we took this action, we decided to exclude movies that depicted violence for the sake of violence and language that (in our opinions) was unsuitable for children (and unnecessary for adults). Our grandchildren visit us frequently and we are very careful about what is on TV, in terms of images and language. Now, there is another reason to cut out news. That is because Dean has challenged us to go on a news diet. IF DEAN WANTS US TO CUT OUT THE NEWS, THEN THE NEWS CAN “TAKE A HIKE!” I figure until I see the news scrolling across the home page of, then the news is no longer news, it’s History!
PART TWO: This one is particularly insightful since it forces us to focus on ourselves and police our own behavior instead of allowing or relying upon outside influences to determine how we are going to feel from day to day. That’s what I believe that it boils down to. We are relinquishing our power to other people, some of whom we don’t even know. Why would we knowingly let them ruin a perfectly good mood? Perhaps the day had started as an especially good day because of a deal that was going to be closing or maybe we have a meeting with a very successful REI who has expressed a desire to work with us on some deals. We stop at a coffee shop or café for a morning cup of the magic elixir and, all of a sudden we feel like we just got run down by a train. All because someone who was at your table, or who joined in when they heard the topic of discussion, and then for reasons that don’t even matter, dumped a truckload of “that won’t work” or a boxcar full of “you must be crazy” on your happy, excited, positive self and reduced you, full of enthusiasm, to a shallow breathing, negative, defeated, shell of what you had been minutes earlier. When we allow negative people to have a negative impact on us, we have no one to blame but ourselves. There is no one, absolutely no human who is powerful enough to alter the way we feel unless we allow it. We are the only people alive with the power to change how we feel. We, and only we, decide to be happy or sad, to smile or frown, to be enthusiastic or indifferent, excited or dispassionate. Thanks to you, Dean, for the suggestions on how to extract ourselves from a negative situation or how to get away from a negative person, this should not only be easy, it should be fun to take back control of our lives and our feelings.
Thanks again, Dean, for the work you do to always have a weekly video blog ready for us at the start of each week. We are truly blessed.
Terry and Susan
Dean's Diet
I have been practicing your negativity diet now for 1 full week and wow what a difference in my life already. Even my folks at work are seeing the difference and it is contagious.
The first few days were difficult to ensure that even my thoughts were positive, and we have stopped watching the 5 o'clock news and began listening to music or just talking to eachother during dinner.
Thanks for your great leadership and guidance.
Hi Dean
Hello all you positive people on Dean's real estate program. My name is Shannon. it's great to be in a positive atmosphere. I know from my own personal life that negativity can lay a heavy un-wanted burdon on ones shoulders. Negativity is nothing but a distraction and a way to blame, just to make one self to feel good. When all you have to do is surround yourself with positive people and change the way you think. I appreciate all the blogs I've read on here since I started deans program. It has helped me realize that I was in a relationship for 11 years and not getting anywhere with my life. Now it's time to take the bull by the horns. thank you Dean
Negative energy
Thanks for the video Dean: I loved it. That is how I am trying to live my life. Stay away from the negativity. For example me and my other 3 siblings have decided to cut out our sister-in-law. Sounds harsh but she is just the most negative devilish woman I know. She is just out to hurt everyone and talk bad about everyone. So no more!
No Negative People, News...
My husband and I have been on this diet ever since...This little change has made a huge difference!! We don't miss it!!
It is now January 19th and I don't see us going back to news reels and negative talks! Gratitude!!
Since this change we have welcomed a third grand-baby and life continues to blossom. THANKYOU!!!
Miss Tish
Linda Ann
New's Diet
I took it on as a choice. It worked, I was focused and found myself thinking of goals I could set for my self.
Thank's Dean and the D G family.